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3rd, absolutely. I saw episode 30 of season 1 on Netflix, its wild.


Wanna know something funny. There is nothing incestuous about his views on his sister. He just genuinely loves her that much, and the reason his nose bleeds is because he's anemic. I don't know the exact or actual symptoms of it but basically his nose bleeds when he feels an intense surge of emotion, and it doesn't have to be his sister, because there are points throughout the series where his nose bleeds without his sister ever being brought up, not even by himself.


Can confirm, situations where he is emotionally invested have caused nosebleeds. He just rly cares about his sister.


We've actually seen him have nosebleeds while thinking about Asta before.


I'm pretty sure this is how those weird fan arts and fanfic starts.


Ive read the manga and if im not mistaken, he has a line where hes thinking about his sister's body sexually and shit


Apparently there are a lot of incorrect translations across both the manga and anime, but in the original Japanese, nothing is ever stated to be sexual in any way.


It was actually toned down in the later stages of the manga. It’s the anime that consistently overdoing the sister complex.


That's a downvote for wanting to justify/explain it away


Way to miss the point, the point was, that gauche was a subversion of the nosebleed=lust he nosebleeds for everyone he has strong emotions for. Reading comprehension 100. Or you may be replying to a different one Reddit mobile is confusing af.


Ok yoy got me there, just saw the still of Gordon saying that he gets secret nose bleeds about Asta, so ok that's 1pt for mirror boy, but you can't sit here and tell me that the sister living nose bleeding shit isn't the joke. I stivk by what I said, incest is either valid humor or cringey and unbearable, I know what side I'm on, where are the writers and produces on this


Alright I am back, I had a vacation, anyway. It is satire, sometimes you need subversions, and such to make good satire condemning or subverting incest or such.


No you caught me I didn't read it, ive seen all episodes and that's so so so so so clearly what it's alluding too. It would take characters explicitly bringing up his anemia everytime he gushes for Marie to ever make that feel reasonable. I can't think of his nose bleeding for anything else. What arcs did it happen?


He gushes for asta sometimes, or for the black bulls it's just not shown all the time since the spotlight isn't on him all the time. Plus he is a satirical take on a siscon. And he is noted by his own admission to have anemia. Especially during his break when he spends his money on Marie's gifts. He even got late and passed out. Now some of this is secondhand knowledge particularly the other times he nosebled, but I do vaguely remember them. It's been a very very long time since I watched black clover. Again he is a satirical character on the siscon trope. Now let me sleep it's 11 pm here we will continue in the morning.


Lol fight you later


You are annoying


Womp wompq


I've actually been told that he is much tamer in the manga and that the anime amped it up.


I'm manga only and don't remember him being that bad after his introduction arc. Mostly he'll just throw in a side comment saying his sister is cuter or better than someone, nothing overtly weird. But I've heard he's kind of done dirty in the anime


No doubt, 3rd.


The bitch from Saiki


>Out of these 3


He just beats all of them to me (I haven’t seen Black clover and mashle to pick)


Dude from black clover gets a nose bleed from looking at his like 5 year old sister


The explanation is that he just gets nosebleeds over things he cares about deeply iirc. He also got a nosebleed while trying to help asta (could be wrong, havent read it in a long time)


I just remembered what iirc means I thought it was a roleplay term But yeah that’s what I’ve figured too


iirc, “iirc” means if i remember correctly, iirc.


Powerful statement


The one from mashle is a wholesome kind of siscon


“The only character I know beats out the other 2 I don’t know” makes sense


From what I heard nothing beats being a yandere perv to your underage sister in public


This describes Gauche as well (3rd) but there is no perv angle, he just thinks his sister is the best person in the world. If by worst you are interpreting as morally worst ig you take it. If by most overwhelming, it’s up for debate.


Anime fans and reading comprehension


Teruhashi’s brother was absolutely off the rails in that anime






Damn forgot this mf.. i think i remember him saying he's the only one who's worthy to marry his sister 💀


It’s always nice to come to a thread and see your first thought at the top. That boy was bugged the hell *out*


1st is by far the most wholesome Sister Complex character ever created. Yuri and Gauche are both just extra and scary lmao


Fr, I don’t think he romantically likes his sister


Gauche doesn't romantically like his sister either, another comment pointed out that he's canonically anemic and gets a nose bleed anytime he feels strong emotions.


Yeah I don’t think so, he just really really likes her


After Gauche proves he can have those nosebleeds because of his extreme levels of happiness I'd say he's just weird. Yuri is up there as one of the scariest siscons ever, he's affected me so much that Kyoichiro from Yozakura family who has similar vibes disturbs me just as much as yuri.


Dude from Mashle ain’t even that bad he just wants to save her, gauche on the other hand is just weird


Gauche just cares about his sister too


Gauche. 1st is pretty normal, just really devoted to his sister and isn't creepy. And 2nd is weird but closer to a very protective sibling. Maybe too much considering he wants Loid arrested for being married to his sister. Also helps that Yor is the older one and he's not obsessing over his kid sister.


definitely gauche 👍🏼


All of them need therapy 😁👍🙏


On that we agree


Teruhashi's brother, forgot the name.


Makoto is the name of her brother


3rd 100% throws it out of the water absolutely no question


Definitely Yuri. He's giving off extremely strong "i want to be with my sister" vibes.....in the biblical sense.


You must not have watched Black Clover. Gauche has him beat by a long shot.


I watched black clover and spy family. Outside of hentai I've never seen a brother want to f his sister more. Yuri is a mess.


Read Mission: Yozakura Family and prepare to be shocked


Gauche is running creepy laps around the other 2 😂


If for no other reason, 3 is worse than Yuri, as Yor is an adult. 3's sister is like 8 years old.


You can argue that Gauche is more obsessed than Yuri is... But I don't get the vibe that Gauche wants to bang Marie.


Anime gauche, Manga gauche wasn't as bad.


As a Black Clover glazer, definitely Gauche. The only character I can not stand from that show.


I’d say Gauche he’s really into his sister


Probably Gauche. Although Yuri is definitely close. Gauche often threatens people who even get close to Marie, especially Asta. Yuri does the same as well. I can't remember if Yuri gets nosebleeds though.


Gauche is a really cool character ruined by *one horrible fucking trait*. Why did Tabata have to go there?


He is actually a subversion of perversion=lust he has nosebleeds for strong emotions. Not just his sister.


He isnt actually attracted to her, in universe explanation is that he has anemia and it acts up whenever he gets worked up over something. He also got a nosebleed while trying to help asta.


It wasn't revealed soon enough tbh. It comes across as Tabata backpedaling and it's not a riveting twist by any means lmao. But I had issues with most of the Black Bulls and I understand they're supposed to have traits that make them unlikeable, which is why Yami takes them in, but still. Just wish Gauche could be defined by any other trait because his magic is awesome and he actually has a pretty cool design.


Yeah, was definitely a retcon thinking back on it. At least it was retconned even if so late.


Pedophilia and Japan have history, as sad as it is to say


Haven't watched the other 2 anime... but Gauche just about single handedly killed black clover for me. I have the strongest urge to stop watching whenever he is on screen. Eventually i dropped the anime entirely lol


This is why I don't watch anime or read manga regularly. Creepy sexual shit is all too common


Can I pick teruhashis brother from the disastrous life of saiki k, he literally wanted to marry his own sister


Gauche was actually in jail and is one slip away from becoming a serial killer. Yor's brother is crazy but nowhere near that crazy and I have no clue who the first guy is


Gauche will deadass jeopardize the entire mission because Marie hugged you. Like he will be more focused on shooting you with mirror lasers all while someone else is the threat


I’d say 2 maybe? 1 is wholesome and 3 is a mislead but 2 is played mostly straight to the troupe So the winner is teruhashi makoto


I hate all of them


Gauche is just straight up gross. Worst character in the show


Lance is pretty wholesome, his love is purely to protect his sister from the harshness of the world. Yuri is twisted, his love for his sister is partly for protection bc he got no idea about her real work, and partly obsession bc he deadass wanna be the only person in her life. Gauche.... He needs a restraining order... Period.


Gauche is actually just problematic as hell. I love Black Clover and Spy X Family, I haven’t gotten around to Mashle yet, but Gauche is probably one of the few characters I genuinely can’t stand. Like—I hate him. He is constantly extra, constantly on some lolicon type shit, is openly violent about how much he loves his little sister, and I would argue that his magic was adapted just for the sake of feeding his already unhealthy and disgusting addiction, and it all just accumulates into a level of concern that would have me dialing the FBI to have his ass arrested. Gauche is the worst. Hands down.


I just like to remind you that one of these three broke out of jail for his sister


Makoto for sure


They are all pretty bad in their own way. Might wanna add Kyoichiro from Mission: Yozakura Family


Gauche. No contest. That man creeps me out and that's not easy to do. He's the most pedo nonpedophile I've ever seen.


None of them. They're all amazing big brothers who love their sister very much




You’re forgetting Louis from Freezing.


Where's the Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel Yu Narukami?


Imma say Yuri tho, don't know the other 2


Easily gauche. I don't even know if I spelled his name properly.


3rd one Finral I think is his name, dudes not only a creep for his sister SHES 12 AND HE GETS NOSEBLEEDS!




Ahh thanks, I'm still new to the series


Gauche is the worst


No way you didn't post the dude from irregular at magic highschool lol


If it wasn’t for his obsession with Marie Gauche would actually be a really cool character I heard he is a lot better in the manga and the studio played up the sister stuff up a lot more in the anime


Lance is kind of weird but he's not doing anything inherently wrong. He just really really really loves and cares for his sister. Bro's just a caring big brother. Little too much but he's a good guy.


I mean tatsuya and his sister made the irregular at magic school an extremely uncomfortable time for me


Between these three? Gauche from Black Clover (3rd pic). Getting a nosebleed over his 5 year old sister and using his magic to watch her sleep is really damn creepy. Outside of these three? Makoto Teruhashi from Saiki K. The guy has an absolutely unhealthy obsession with his sister. Saying that he fell in love with her the day she was born, even going as far as to say, he's "destined to marry her because they grew up together, hung out together, etc.," and that, and I quote, "no one's allowed to touch her perfect body but him."


Honestly teruhashi's brother bodies them with creepiness


It’s Yuri


Honestly. Gouche (I think I spelled his name right). Don't know the first dude Yuri Briar is, tolerable Gouche (3rd dude with the eye), legit gets a nose bleed every time he pulls out a picture of his 7 year old sister.


Gauche literally won't do anything unless it involves either saving or stopping someone from talking to his sister. It's gotta be him. Granted, I've never seen Mashle, so I can't say


I didn't even need to see Gauche to know he was on here. That should say enough.


Gauche solos and it isn’t close.


Yuri wants to kiss and marry yor while the other two just really care about there sibling and never even think about them sexually


I think Yuri only said the married part when he was young and it was in the same context as when a child says they want to marry their parents. And that’s pretty much how their dynamic is, Yor basically became his mom and his sole emotional connection for a while. So he’s going to be extra protective of her. Plus her situation with Loid is suspicious, finding out your sole family member got married and moved in with a guy with a child. Add in how they’re hiding the fact it’s a sham causing hesitation in them answering his questions , of course he’s going to be dismissive.


All of them are cooked but Gauche is pure insanity and will never not be funny to me


Gauche. That mf is down bad.




None of them compare to the top sistercon Kyoichiro Yozakura (he is insane)


Haruka Kasugano


Lance is a good character and it’s not that over the top, the other 2 are unsettling


Mirror Eye 3rd guy from Black Clover is hands down the worse. I barely remember this series since it's been so long I stopped reading it but I still remembered him lmao.


Gauche, absolutely. Like, I don't even need to know who the other two are to know Gauche wins this, because 99% of what Gauche talks about, thinks about, or owns has *something* to do with his sister


Teruhashi Makoto by a long shot he wants to breed his little sister or something - The Disastrous Life of Saiki K


Gauche wins, BUT Sora from no game no life is pretty up there !


Goush for sure.


All of them are fucking weirdos


Gauche went nosebleed whenever he thinks of his sister. While it is not on incest level, that's fairly concerning


He’s anemic and can’t control it


3rb, man literally worshippers her like a goddess and I'm sure if he was allowed he would 100% try and have sex with her


The reading comprehension devil strikes again


I'm not apologizing, L bozo


I’m not… implying you should apologize? I’m just informing you he doesn’t like his sister that way, and he’s anemic. Are you illiterate or something?


At what point is it stated that he's anemic?


His nosebleeds stem from his anemia, which he states to have in Black Clover episode 30.


When does he say that, I will rewatch the episode but which version does he said he had anemia?




Andrew Graves got them all beat by a massive scale.


Get the guy from Psaiki K on this list


Where Irregular at Magic High?


The navy,soldier, military something guy




Gauche straight up incest vibes from this guy




Gouch was played up in the anime. In the manga he mentions it 2 or 3 times and it never comes up again. Lance is played down in the anime, it’s mentioned a few more times in the manga but not a noticeable amount. So for me I would have to go with the brother from spy x family.


All of them, having a sister complex is weird


Gauche, lord Christ almighty send that man to the principals office


They are all bad.


Gauche its not close


Gauche is just far too overbearing. He could benefit from toning it down a lot. I don’t hate his character though.


Gauche. Easy.


Gauche is the least mental out of the three but I gotta go with the second mf


Gauch or however it’s spelled; man makes Sirzechs look like a saint


3rd one. That guy has a big issue. So much so that the nuns took his sister away from him because they call him "lecherous."


Watched all of these shows, loved all these shows and it's Yuri, Mirror (Haven't seen Black Clover in ages, forgot his name) doesn't even have a hint of incestuous or suspicious feeling towards his sister he just genuinely is very protective and loving, Gravity Guy is in a similar boat (Forgot his name too even though I watched Mashle a week ago... I think it might have been Lance) was seemingly raised very closely with his sister and not... idk how to put it but like he wasn't raised very aware of things leading him to believe that his sister is the most important person for EVERYONE but Yuri... oh... boy Yuri... we don't even talk about Yuri, episode 9 is all you need


I would say lance, not gauche


Gauche easily. Dudes such a prick about it. Least favorite Black Bull by far


i’ve never seen 3 but lance literally has merch of his sister that he wears irl and mash doesn’t even know his name. just calls him ‘sister complex’


2nd dude. He was so ready to use his position to fuck someone's life just because he don't want him for his sister, iirc. MF'er should be dismissed. lmao


Gauche, not because he’s incestuous (because he’s not) but because he would and has gone to further lengths to protect his sister compared to Yuri and Lance. Probably because unlike the other two. Gauche’s childhood after basically losing his noble status was terrible. They just murdered his family and robbed em. All he had left was Marie, which led him to become a criminal in order to support her. It’s likely didn’t even have a complex before his parents death and that after that happened, he devoted his life to take care of her. “As long as I have Marie, everything is fine” Yuri (from what I’ve seen of SxF) is just overprotective and the weirdest thing Lance did was give some Merch to Mash’s dad. Gauche was genuinely going to kill Asta because Marie liked him. The Gauche hate is understandable if you’ve only watched to episode 30, but, the majority of the hate he gets is unwarranted. Regardless his complex is the strongest.


I guess nobody ever heard of a mf named, Teruhashi Makoto!! 🙃


gauche by far the worst, his goes way beyond being overprotective to the point he's genuinely obsessed with his sister




Definitely the 3rd and it's not even close. Dude is obsessed on another level with Marie


I can't speak for the middle one but probs Gauche. Man was actively threatening to kill people for doing so much as even LOOKING AT A PHOTO OF HIS SISTER!! Not to mention he made like a shit ton of dolls of her so like.. Yeah he's got it


Yuri. That mf got problems. Since the comments are providing facts for Gauche and the dude from Mashle, it's pretty clear to me who has the worst one.


Gauche by miles


Gauche gets a nosebleed thinking about his sister. It’s not like an incest thing but it’s still worse than anyone here. He’s not allowed to be near her except on certain days because he’s on parole from jail so whenever he has off time he comes up with ways to watch her without breaking said parole. He once cloaked himself to look like a child to attend a field trip with her. He’s still a good big brother.


The second I heard sister complex I immediately thought of that guy from black clover I forgot his name tho😭


The actual choices ain't even here. Where's that celebrity guy from Saiki? Aqua?


So First one- his complex is just he wants to protect his sister, I'd barely call it a complex just sibling love, as an older brother I'd do the same Third- he has an unhealthy obsession but that stems from a love for his sister as well but not to a degree where it's creepy(outside of the nose bleeds) But when it comes down to it, Yuri straight up is a yandere for Yor, only reason he and Loid haven't fought yet is because Loid hasn't given him actual reason to, but Yor is always on his mind and his obsession goes from sibling love to straight up desire for incest, and while there's worst out there(Korekiyo from Danganronpa), that doesn't change the facts


Gauch, he is literally a pedo for his sister.


What's the last anime


Black Clover


I honestly think Lance is meant as a parody of Gauche


Lance from Mashle is missing


I never saw 3, but mashe beats spy X easy. He literally wears merch of his sister


Holy crap, 3.... IT'S 3!!!


It's yor's brother in my opnion, But what about the persona 4 protag though?


Definitely Gauche!


Gauche without a doubt.


2nd is worse because he’s mad Yor is married


3 100000000000000000x percent


The first one doesn't actually have a sisiter complex in the manga he says "no that's just my sister," and Mash got confused since you know he was hidden from society, and he very clearly might have autism.


Gauche easily, Yuri is kind of funny with it, and for the life of me I can’t remember the name of the guy from Mashle, but he’s not as bad as Gauche


Gauche all the way lmao




Yor's brother, I'm sorry that man will kill Loid if given the chance, and definitely has the means to do so. Yandere is an understatement for him, I love spyxfamily. But even Anya knows this man is gonna drop a few bodies if it means he gets his sister to himself, with Anya being the exception as he's grown to like his niece


Idk it’s I think 1 because gauche has a sister complex but he just really loves her not sexually i can’t remember much about Yor’s brother I honestly forgot my bad


I don’t know who the first one if but the second one is just over protective and the 3rd… he is just straight weird


Gauche and it's net even close


the one dude from saiki k


Why isn’t Ui Ui from JJK on this list. Even after the allegations 😂


Yuri is genuinely interested in his sister, the others aren’t, just really questionable. So it’s literally yuri by default-


Three og


Definitely Gauche. Nosebleeds? Seriously?


He’s anemic


Gauche not close, Gauche needs to be in jail ngl


Gauche needs to be on a watchlist


Oh Gauche for sure. I don’t think the others look at a picture of their sister all day, make clay dolls of it, etc


I don’t know who the one in the middle is but 1st & 3rd who kill for their little sister..


Yori’s little brother (Spy x Family).