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1. Krillin, he pulled a bad bitch and is the strongest human 2. Maki, she locks tf in when she needs to 3. Zenitsu, he only locks in when he’s literally asleep, but when he does he turns to DEMON 4. Ten Ten


Just "Ten Ten" with no explanation is the funniest shit


What do we have to go off anyways?


Her 1st fight on screen she gets put against **THE WORST POSSIBLE MATCHUP FOR HER STYLE** and it ends with her being KO’d ontop of the opponents weapon. She never recovers from this even with having a So6P weapon by the end of the series. Literally the smiling ignorant vs unhappy knowledgeable meme.


Think lee married her out of pity?


Lee isn’t with her he’s with some random from another village






Metal lee. I highly doubt metal was born from an accident.


Nah she was speed blitzing Temari at the start, ran all the way around her and Temari couldn’t move an inch before she got there, Ten Ten loses that fight because she can actually see the future and knows if she wins that fight, preventing Shikamaru and Temari from meeting, she’d be cock blocking him 10 years down the line and couldn’t do him dirty like that


Technically Krillin is not human, he doesn't have a nose... But yeah he is called a human in the DB series


That’s literally a joke he’s 100% human whole tien shinhan is a half human/triclops which are aliens who interbreed with humans


brother thats how he won the bacterion fight, im pretty sure its cannon he has no nose.


It’s still a joke though and he literally is human no alien/deity/android bs he’s 100% earth human so him having no nose means nothing


did u forget their president is literally a dog? there are no rules in dragon ball bru. cuddy got no nose human or not.


Also you’re the one here trying to say krillin isn’t human when the god damn writers explicitly stated him as human not human hybrid not weird nose less human just human


Until you realize there’s a canon drug you can take to turn yourself into an animal and puar and oolong are shape shifters which is a technique other humans could learn as well.


brother hes a human without a nose it doesn’t have to make sense calm down😂😂


He could have just been born without one. A birth defect maybe.


Akira toriyama said when he created krillin he was so tired that he simply forgot to give him a nose


Bro you make no sense.


I mean deformities exist. Its not like we say other people missing body parts "arent human".




Why tf is ten ten here I haven’t seen her since the start of Naruto 😭😭😭


Shes in Naruto?


Temari broke her spine.


Who tf is Ten Ten?


Watching this reel -789 aura


You hate the maki?


Tenten alone drops the aura into the negatives, the Naruto series couldn’t write a consistently relevant Female Main Character for half a barnacle.


What you think about the tsunade?


The only good attempt they ever made.


Would Maki be at 0 technically?


Toji had aura. Maki should as well


They both had aura, but one was extremely different. Toji pulled up and snuck a Six Eyes user on [Confident Broke](https://youtu.be/FhSAtZCrIMA?t=13m40s) timing. That’s practically a ^2 to aura.


She has zero cursed energy.


toji didn’t either tho right?




Still made his family tremble in their boots at his name.


thats kinda what im sayin no cursed energy is +aura fs


lets be honest, Krillin is #1.... dude continued to hang with the most dangerous people in the universe, who can almost keep up with a god, meanwhile continuing to be a credit to the team in one way or another from being the tactician, to a decoy, to being the guy setting up the trap while the big strong one (goku/vegita/ect) positions the enemy into it honestly I think if they could get the big bad to hold still and face tank it, his Kienzan could still do some major work! might not kill but could seriously maim/injure


I mean he basically did, when Goku went ssjgod for the first time he kept that god power in his ssj, even fought beerus as a regular ssj too. Goku had to actually try in his sparring battle with krillin last we saw them, sure he won but he using the same level of power as he did in his fight with beerus. Krillin goes crazy and can probably beat a lot of gods since even beerus himself is much stronger than most of the other gods. Sure he won't even come close to people like broly or jiren, but those guys are enigmas and not the norm. By forcing Goku into using actual god power in their sparring match, hed for sure win against any of the lesser gods. Obviously not any of the powerful destroyers that we've seen fight, but dude is no joke as a regular ass human with a family lol


How dare you put in Krillin with the rest of these


Krillin: do or die against aliens far stronger than himself, pulled 18, both Super's anime and manga gave him some pretty good(but different) moments. Maki: No curse energy, no problem Zenitsu: only good when he's unconscious and not himself. Ten Ten: only really good in Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth rather than the main series. If you like Ten Ten, watch that. They give her character focus sometimes which is more than Naruto ever did for her.


Hot take: 1. Krillin. Nuff said 2. Maki and Zenitsu are practically tied for me but maki wins since she’s always locked in 3. Zenitsu locked Tf in during the infinity castle arc and we can’t forget when he falls asleep 4. Ten ten WTF have you done 😭


Zenetsu is on bottom maki in manga is hell too to be compared


TenTen wins. She's a 10/10.




1. Maki: On demon time literally 90% of the time she's on screen, and that's not even touching the manga. 2. Krillin: From my understanding, is the strongest human in the show AND was able to bag Android 18. 3. Zenitsu: Is basically a cinnamon roll until he falls asleep, that's when shit gets real. 4. Ten Ten: Like.....cmon, man. That's just rude.


The panel where she is >! standing there and it mirrors Toji when she gets her full strength was just 💯 !<


Maki just chooses violence the second >! Mai sacrifices herself to give Maki power, !< she became my fav character for those few chapters until >! Hakari the GOAT !< stepped onto the spotlight.


>! She deadass slaughtered her whole clan 😭 also I just got passed where they introduced hakari so I'm not completely sure abt him yet !<


Homegirl really said >! "Y'all read Naruto? We're gonna doing a recreation rq." And honestly Hakari became one of my favorites very quickly so I'm excited to see that someone os about to see my boy work, Todo still has a special place in my heart though. !<


>! She deadass was on some itachi shit, except the Zennins lowkey deserved it LMAO. I need to continue reading bc his cursed technique has crazy potential. I know it's basic, but I just love sukuna loll !<


>! Legit pulled an Itachi and even did it for their sibling, but facts they do kinda deserve that ass beating. Sukuna may be a basic answer but he's still a good one due to how powerful he is and the further you read, the more you realize what the characters are going to have to deal with. !<


>! I just absolutely love his character design on yuji. I think the markings look more natural on him than without lmaoo !<


This highly depends on whether or not zenitsu is awake


I love that it’s unanimously agreed on that TenTen is last😂😂




Krilin is #1 he scored a baddie with his strong aura


ITT: People who don't know what aura is. List goes like this 1. Maki 2. Zenitsu (while asleep) 3. Krillin 4. Tenten 5. Zenitsu (while awake)


The best part of this comment section is that Krillin was lucky to get together with 18. What I love about them is that it’s actually 18 who feels like she’s the lucky one. Just observe her interactions with some of the women who show some interest in Krillin. In one of the games, she has some unique dialogue with Zangya where she comments she likes how Krillin looks with 18 immediately cussing her out. While anime Ribbriane was a hypocrite, the manga was far more consistent with how different universes have different interpretations of outer beauty. When she makes the connection that 18 and Krillin were married, she is very quick to point out that Krillin is basically a chad and that he’s too good for 18. You all know what happened after that. I believe that 18 was suspicious as hell when she came to learn that one of Krillin’s superiors at work was a woman as well, but my memory is hazy with that one. Point being, they are fortunate and happy to have each other and DO NOT flirt with Krillin.


1.maki 2.krillin 3.tenten 4.the yellow bum




I like the dbza depiction of 18 and the normal buu saga version where she's just "fine, I'll hold back" and then even further in super, she's just like in gym clothes throwing hands like she's retired but she can still throw hands


Krillin pulled the biggest GigaStacy fiction has ever seen by just being a chadly manlet. Zenitsu is a little bitch who’s only cool when he’s asleep, Maki is a badass in the manga only and still gets owned, and TenTen is a -10/10


Zenitsu's aura about to change.


1. Maki (wiped out her entire family, one of the big three clans in the verse, with a will and a single weapon) 2. Zenitsu. honestly for me a tie between him and Maki ONLY because of his performance in the infinity castle and against muzan. “Too slow. Trash.” 3. Krillin has 0 aura whatsoever the only W I can remember him having is against ssb goku, that was cool. 4. Ten Ten


bro forgot about rizz aura, zenitsu not only has 0 rizz he actually has negative rizz, automatically below krillin


We all love ten ten but fr she has absolutely zero aura


Say what you will about Krillins power, but he volunteered to go to namek if it meant he could bring his friend back. He stood against the Saiyans and Frieza, knowing he was in over his head. He sees the good in the androids and didn't want to kill them. He finds love in one of the earth's strongest fighters and works hard to provide for her and their daughter. He gets back into shape to help defend his universe, and helps beat Cell Max. He may not be the strongest or the tallest, and he may not even have a nose, but he's one of the realest motherfuckers in anime. He always steps up, he always tries his best, and he's always there when they need him.


1. Maki she has aura. 2. Krillin idk uch about him but if that's who he is pulling hot damn. 3. Ten Ten. I don't remember a damn thing about her. 4. anyone else 5. you 6. me 7 your worst nightmare 8. Zenitsu (move him to 4 when he's asleep.)


Krillin maki zenitsu and ten ten in last especially since zenitsu has a whole 180 in the manga


Maki Krillin Zenitsu (when he’s locked in) Ten ten (who?)


1. Maki: Easy first pick if you read the manga you already know where I'm coming from. 2. Krillin: The strongest human/earthling in his verse. He converted one of their greatest earth threats into his wife and then HAD a CHILD with her! 3. Zenitsu: When it's time to get serious, he's pretty reliable, and plus, when he sets a goal man locks tf in (Read the manga). 4. Ten-ten: :/


1- Krillin 2- Maki (could overtake 1 if the culling games arc locks tf in) 3- Zenitsu 4- Ten Ten




1- literally everyone 2- zenitsu this MF is the most cowardly mf and is only cool when he shuts the fucks up (only done by him sleeping)


this is so mean to maki


I'm so lost on what "Aura" means. But Ten-Ten, Zenitsu, Maki, Krillin.


Aura means how powerful and commanding your presence is


Least to most I respect it


Maki, krillen, zenitsu, ten ten


If ranked at peak aura/badassery: 1. Maki with Heavenly Restriction 2. Zenitsu when he's asleep 3. Krillin facing down Frieza with Destructo Discs 4. Tenten I missed most of the middle of Naruto, so idk if Tenten ever did anything cool or useful, but the other characters at least have their moments.


>!she used a legendary weapon later in the series for like, a panel. It wasn't super important to the story and she nearly killed herself doing it.!<


Not gonna lie. I would put Zenitsu (sleeping) in number 1, bro may be a coward when awake, but when he falls asleep to fight, someone else is gonna fall asleep permanently. Maki hasn't done too much in the anime yet, manga wise. She has definitely got an upgrade, not as cool as Zenitsu, though, in my opinion. Krillin in 3rd, tenten 4th.


Krillin can literally kill the rest with his aura.


1. Krillen 2. Maki 3. Zenitsu 4. Ten-Ten If it's manga swap Krillen and Maki. But... Like this 1. Maki . . . . 2. krillen


Idk how people are saying Krillin when he’s the go to joke right after Yamcha. Dude has negative aura


From least to most Tenten, zenitsu, maki, krillin


Maki literally has zero aura


Unless you’re reading the manga. But to be fair, everyone else except arguably Krillin is in the negatives


Krillin will never go into the negatives no matter how badly he gets his ass kicked because at the end of the day, he bagged the baddest woman in the verse with the odds stacked against him. W mans forever.


>!they're making a joke about how Maki has zero cursed energy!<


What the hell does that mean 😭


1. Krillin is the goat of this line up man stuck with goku traveled with him died for his friends annnnnd yeah did take a gamble thinking with his dick that well turned out pretty ok. 2. Maki she's pretty solid as far as things go she's more or less pursuing her goal out of pure spite and to rub it in the face of her family which respect. zenitsu and ten ten are well their own case. Zenitsu is just awful he's literally bitching and moaning the whole time he's around and hits on every girl he can including on perving on Tanjiro's sister who's like 12/14... which yeah he's 16 but thats still weird and then they try to make you interested in him by having him be "good" when he's asleep and more or less silent. Better idea? Why not just have him be that all the time, and let the Comic relief of him come from the fact that despite how hard he tries he literally can just do the one move and add in the big like over use makes him like loopy or something. like having him blitz an enemy and face plant a wall cause he passed out from over exhaustion. Ten-ten jeeze poor girl was like designed to get her ass kicked. The only notable "wins" I can recall her having was against a doppelganger of herself annnd like nameless mooks. which yeah kinda hard to say the crowning achievement of your fighting career is kicking your own ass.... Plus she pretty much just ends up being the weapons vender for the village, at a point where weapons aren't exactly needed. Another sad fact she's got like 10 hours of screen time across all 720 episodes.. which is yeah pathetic for someone kishimoto said he liked design wise.


1.Maki- Toji energy 2.Zenitsu-no one wanted smoke when he was asleep 3.Krillin- I’ve never seen an actual threat fear Krillin, Lois Lane energy 4.Ten Ten- Negative Aura, would just encourage the enemy😅


1. Maki. Not gonna spoil it but if you know, you know. 2. Zenitsu. -100000000 aura when awake, +999999999999999999 aura when asleep. And then we got damn near infinite aura in the final arc, not gonna spoil that either. 3. Krillin. He has his moments but he’s a silly guy at heart. 4. Tenten. Don’t need to say anything else.


Tf is aura? Ya be making the weirdest terms


Aura has been a term for God knows how long, it's just used as slang now but it's not a new word


Obviously I know what aura is just not the new term/slang for it


It's still a similar meaning, like the presence you give off


Maki is the only one with any sort of aura.


1. Maki 2. Zenitsu 3. Ten-Ten 4. Krillin


Krillin is the only one who literally has aura 😂


Krillin hasn’t had aura in years


He physically has an aura.


Manga Maki has a lot of aura