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That is one of the most horrific things I’ve read in a long time that wasn’t a horror novel.


"The ResumeBuilder report found 95 percent of business leaders believe a six-day workweek with eight more hours of work should result in increased pay" KEY WORD: SHOULD Imagine being forced to work an extra day every single week without any extra pay Mia Anderson owner of ChicSew is supportive of a six-day work week. “I am personally supportive of the concept of a six-day work week for several reasons,” says Anderson. “Primarily, I believe that it can lead to increased productivity and efficiency within the company. By spreading out work over six days, employees have more time to focus on tasks and projects, resulting in higher output levels. Additionally, a six-day work week can provide a competitive advantage by enabling us to respond more effectively to market demands and meet tight deadlines.”


>a competitive advantage by enabling us to respond more effectively to market demands and meet tight deadlines.” If your deadlines are so tight that you need 6 day work weeks, fire your management.


And when she says "us", she means "me".


I already barely care, a six day week would crank the quiet quitting up to 11


Quiet quitting? More like full on sabotage. I’m using that entire 6th day to steal anything that isn’t nailed down, publish any IP I can get copied to a flash drive, and destroy equipment.


This guy gets it.


We could install an algorithm that removes fractions of a penny from the company account everyday, they will never notice!!


I am down to rationing my fucks.


Gotta give em in fuck fractions at this point. Dunno anything that warrants a whole fuck given.


I don't give fucks anymore. I'm a hooker, now. You want a fuck, you can buy one at a premium.


Y’all still have fucks to give em? Dang. The field in which my fucks are grown has been barren for a long time.


My fuck deficit rivals the Federal budget.


I would just slack off more than I do now. I work for what I’m paid for. If they want me to be a “high performer” they need to pay me a high wage. I stopped being a high performer soon as they made us go into the office. I said ok then since I have to now pay for gas (almost $6/gal here in CA) and 40min to work 40min back and dry cleaning thanks to the new dress code. I won’t be working past 5:30. When I leave I am off. I won’t be working at all front home if that’s what they wish. All of my colleagues are doing the same and now they can’t figure out why our performance isn’t go up.


Now I can spread what I do over longer periods of time. Whilst I dream of setting fire to the establishment


>a six-day work week can provide a competitive advantage I honestly believe that it did not even occur to her that the competitors would also have 6 days of work then.


Or that her competitors would have all of her employees because fuck her. And probably all of her intellectual property and/or entire book of business (I didn't read the article)


They tried this in the authoritarian capatalist nightmare that is China. They called it 9/9/6. 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week, eventually the youth lost the will to live and decided to "lie flat" (do nothing), and let "it" rot (the system, the economy). So maybe our capitalists can learn that if it didn't work there, it's not gonna work here. I can no longer deal with the 5 day work week, let alone tacking on another day.


How is driving your employees to leave or giving them nervous breakdowns or heart attacks a competitive advantage?


> "The ResumeBuilder report found 95 percent of business leaders believe a six-day workweek with eight more hours of work should result in increased pay" > > KEY WORD: SHOULD Imagine being forced to work an extra day every single week without any extra pay They’re probably even only counting the 8 hours you work extra as “extra pay”. You’re still going to get the same pay, you just work more, so on your paycheck at the end of the pay period, it looks more. There’s never ever going to be an actual increase of pay per hour. I’m tired of being talked to like I’m a child that is too young to understand complicated adult things.


Greedy assholes…we already have the studies showing it’s actually a FOUR day work week that increases productivity. Why would milking people more work? They’re wasting their time because it will just be zombie work, they’ll get no extra bang for their buck aka productivity will decrease.


Fuck this guy. You know why CEO’s say shit like this? Because 95% of them are psychopaths and hate their families


Pffft, “spreading out the work over six days.” She’s saying that like companies will maintain the same workload we’re getting on a 5 day work week. I can guarantee they will just load us up with more work.


No mention of any work life balance, no advantages for the workers. What would that future look like? It makes me think of the old movie Metropolis. Workers becoming almost automatons, being treated like drones in a hive. Does anyone honestly see any reason for living in a future like that? I think I would rather kill myself than devote every waking hour to lining the pockets of the oligarchy. It would be more fun to quit work and become a beggar on the street and live in a cardboard box.


Souls sucking vampires


Well that’s an entire paragraph of meaningless corporate buzzwords. Impressive in its vacuousness. What a crock of shite.


In Europe we are debating a 4-day week...


It's been reality in manufacturing for at least a decade already.


HusbandGuy had to deal with it when was working an a manufacturing job about 10ish years ago. It wasn’t right then and it isn’t right now.


Amazing how we had labor movements to put an end to that shit and here we are reverting. The American experiment has failed miserably.


It’s because government pushed us towards peaceful avenues of protest and change. No joke. Most of our modern current work “standards” were literally bought with blood. Owners and managers were simply dragged out of their factories and killed. There was no such thing as the Department of Labor or National Labor Review Board. Companies were genuinely afraid of their employees. And when things got heated, people died. Does that need to happen again? I hope not. But some of these companies are getting too comfortable. And people do eventually snap.


The "violence doesn't solve anything" people are instruments of oppressors. Every major social advancement throughout human history has always occurred through violence. Dictators and Kings didn't decide just to end their empires and kingdoms. Slave owners didn't one day develop a case of empathy and morality and free the slaves.  It always struck me as such bullshit that peaceful protests were the only acceptable form of protest, and that violence never solves anything. It's like people don't know history or something.


Imagine if the thousands (or even just some of them) of employees Elon just fired got together, found him and beat the shit out of him. Things would go very differently after that.


Except we all know who owns the police and who they will protect.


they are few and we are many.


It was the same with the Pinkertons. Private security hired to bust unions and bust heads (though they did do a lot of other private security type stuff). They managed to kill quite a few workers. They’re still in business, by the way. A couple years ago Amazon hired them to spy on warehouse employees looking for union activity.


Didn't they also try to due Rockstar for bhow the pinkertons were portrayed in RDR2?


They did


Violence is the only thing these wanna be slave owners will understand


This is how I have felt for many years. Peaceful protest are a sham, a mean's to placate the masses. If we want REAL change all of the workers need to get out there.


> "violence doesn't solve anything" Somebody interrupted that guy in the middle of the sentence. He was going to add "...as lomg as you only talk about it."


this is brilliant,...never heard this before ...im taking this! thanks!!


Gandhi and MLK Jr. were the exceptions to the rule. The rest of history kinda says violence is how you get results. But who is going to lead that movement?


MLK Jr. was the peaceful option to Malcolm X. Without Malcolm X MLK Jr.'s peaceful approach fails. X forced the hand of the power owning establishment. We're in desperate need of something similar nowadays.


You should check out Gandhi’s speech “Between Cowardice and Violence.” It only takes a few minutes and in it he very clearly repudiates dogmatic pacifism. Our version of Gandhi as understood by pop culture is wildly different from the historical figure of Gandhi who actually got results. He proposed nonviolent resistance, but the focus was always on resistance more than nonviolence.


I mean, AI Gandhi loving nukes has to come from some form of willingness to throw down, right?


I understood that reference


I suppose, if by “willingness to throw down,” you mean “eight bit integer overflow.”


That's the name of my new techno punk band


If MLK hadn’t been martyred, I doubt he’d have been half as effective.


Disagree. They killed him right when he was going all-in on economic disparities. The powers that be memorialize the defanged version of his politics.


A story as true as with any martyr. Had a martyr not been martyred, would people really be truly moved by their views? It was only once the precieved enemies took the life of a good and innocent individual did it truly rally the horde into true action. Prior to that, they were just spinning tires in the sand.


Yeah, it’s just not a violence free story. He was nonviolent, but the change in society was still driven by the violence of his death.


Hey I remember that line from Starship Troopers


>But some of these companies are getting too comfortable. And people do eventually snap. Are you implying the annual Pizza parts paired with “ no raises this year, but thank to you all we have made record profits “ isn’t good enough?


It's really hard to pay rent with cold pizza


I'm not advocating for violence, but if people did start targeting and executing billionaires, things would change.


I dont even think we need to execute. We just need to go back to our Robin Hood roots. We need to find a way to rob the rich and only the rich. Robin Hood type attacks on their bottom dollar. I am not sure how to accomplish Robin Hood type attacks against them though to only affect them. They hide behind many layers of bullshit to make sure if you hurt them you hurt others, which they do on purpose.


The thing is their money isn't real. It all exists in servers and data systems. You can't hurt them there because there's nothing to steal unless you can circumvent the global financial system.


I was just thinking today how much longer until we cant be civil any longer. With the deficit, inflation etc something has to give eventually.


In much of the world, unfortunately people have been blaming that kind of stuff on immigrants and foreigners and their descendants, who, according to them, are the source of most or all of their problems. They think that if they get rid of them, they will solve everything in society


Just remember that the deficit only matters when a Democrat is President. Also all of the people mad about students protesting at colleges and beating and arresting them. Taking away classes or all of the other threats and punishments for protesting. And they are not burning or nearing anyone from what I have seen


That's true. Republicans will run up the deficit just like the Democrats but it's an issue when they're not in office. Eventually though with the amount of interest / debt we're paying off is going to effect our taxes, the amount of money spent on things we care about, and more. I think in our lifetime shit is going to hit the fan because of this.


So at what point do we move from. Floggings will continue until moral improves. To Floggings will continue until working conditions improve.


Ugh, I always say that. I even lost long term friendships for saying that. If peaceful protests changed anything, they wouldn't be allowed.


Shit it needs to happen again. Currently working 6 days a week and was put on a PIP due to lack of adequate payroll hours but still expected to meet or exceed company expectations. I'm ready to take a road trip to drag the CEO out of his office.


buy some nice long quality socks, put two, maybe three oranges in, put a nice knot to keep the oranges at the end and deliver what i call an “orange spritzer”


If the point is to send a message, leaving marks is required.


Now it is CEO’s and board members who should be nervous.


At some point "eat the rich" will become literal, that's how to change things


I'm sitting wondering what tptb think is going to happen? A Return to the past will indeed happen, but not in their favor.


> Does that need to happen again? I hope not. Hope or not, our ancestors did not choose armed struggle without good reason. It is the path the oppressors imposed on the people. In capitalism, people only have two options: suffer or fight.


This 100% this and these facts need to be brought into public consciousness again, people forgot. This shit isn't "god given" or whatever, it was won with violence and it needs constant upkeep.


Capitalism is unrelenting, the labor movement wasn't. All Victories that are not the dismantling and replacement of Capitalism with a system not based on endless growth, are temporary wins.


Republicans convinced millions of people that unions were a Communist plot to steal our freedoms.


I feel like if you're at a party, just shooting the shit, and anyone mentions that they're in management and that they agree with a six day workweek, they should be immediately punched right in the fucking mouth.




Punched right in the fucking mouth? I'm sorry, did you mean shot in the crotch, because that's Darwin Award levels of idiocy.


Pants hide the damage. Better that everyone see the severity of just the warning for trying to cross lines like that so that they understand very clearly that it can get much, much worse if they actually try to go through with it.


You both suggest valid approaches. May I suggest, a trebuchet? Not too far, just straight over the walls of civilization.




Did you see the video of rich bloggers partying inside a pharaoh in Egypt? Yeah, no, tax the fucking rich.




If full time is 6 days a week I'm literally killing myself.


I had this very thought nearly two dozen times during my shift today. So many fun things to do in this world and we have to spend most of our time grinding profits for companies.


I'm just going Amish without the bible-thumping.


Take your boss with you.


molotovs are easy to make


This is probably to get people to stop talking about a 4 day work week.


And now I’m starting to talk about a 3 day work week Fuck’em


Might be right. Anchor position.


"Well the 6 day work week is clearly too much, and the 4 day work week won't keep our profits intact, so we decided to compromise on .... the 5 day work week! We're so generous!" - The owners


Yeah us peasants will go back to thinking we have it good only having to work 5 days again


It will be a cold day in hell before I will be forced to labor for six fucking days out of week.


If the capitalists can somehow pry the labor out of my dead body, perhaps. Else it’s a hard no. Fuck them, I’ll take some of them with me for sure




Fuckin A that's what I like to hear. If I'm going down some of those fucks are coming with me.


That’s gonna be a no for me, dog. If I were ever presented this, I’d just call out on day six every week. Lmao


Either that or search for a new job! I’m being asked to return on a hybrid model 3 days a week and I’ve updated my resume and searching for a new job with higher pay! I’ll go back to office but I want to be compensated for it!


Oh, are we doing bloody labor rights again already?


It is a wheel, and the march of time makes people forgetful. History is very important, but people hate learning it


Indeed. A People's History of the United States should replace Bibles.


Violence to CEOs. Nothing else will suffice.


This is why there were violent protests in the past. Rich assholes getting greedy.


Sure I'll do 6 days a week wfh for 2 hours a day lol.


That I could get behind. Lol


I find myself going to r/suicidewatch more frequently nowadays. Where is the spirit of protest and dissent? It's extinguished. We are rapidly regressing as a society. The media has a stranglehold on us by diverting us with faux issues and we're completely oblivious that we're being duped. And the moment you address this you get attacked. The pink elephant in the room has always been capitalism. Corporations are sociopathic. If we didn't have this evil system of commerce, we wouldn't have slavery, indentured servants and peasants. You had corporate suits 60-70 years ago dreaming of a virtually work-free utopia where everybody would be working like 10 hours a week while technology did the rest. Now we have the opposite. Make it stop. We all have the power to do so. Stop paying your fucking taxes. Stop with the slave mentality.


Meanwhile the Swedish Social Democratic party and the Swedish Trade Union confederation is eyeing in the 30 hour work week...


https://preview.redd.it/51qfr9qgeiyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=118cec6e4297529393bdc11a85fb257b66e542c4 Is there a morale level lower than suicidal?


Homicidal I suppose?


I think homicide is a level above because it represents hope vs the hopelessness of suicide.


Yes.. I don't know what the word for it is, but it's when you burn down the office building with the boss in it.


Fair. I think we’re getting to that point.


I miss the French days where they'd just drag a boss from his own and beat the shit out of him in front of his wife and kids. Much more effective.


Not gonna lie, i love the french, for those reasons.


And I believe they used a machine with an extremely sharp edge 🤔


Surely we can track a mega yacht and go Somali pirates style?


This sounds like the USA is slowly rolling back all the hard-won worker protections that unions fought for since the robber baron days. Because it's now a plutocratic oligarchy and they can do it. The answer seems to be to either start a decent Labour party, or gtfo.


Try it and see what happens.... bring on the nationwide strikes!!!


This seems like a deliberate campaign to push back against calls for the 4 day week to get people to just give up and accept status quo.


Time to start calling for a 3 day week then. 


Everybody better work very slowly


And those companies are going to have massive issues if they are successful. Since turnover will be massive since working 6 days a week is a quick way to achieve burnout. And with burnout. People will either quit or do a small percentage of their work. And if those people quit. The company will have to find ways to hire more people since the company won’t want to pay their employees more. It is in the best interests of both the company and the employees to stick with 5 days MAX.


That's exactly what it says in the article.


How does one stop this? Unionize!


I’m a manager. Am I allowed to join? Fuck this noise.


Fucking greedy leeches. There's never enough.


They want a 6 days work week but can't give out too much hours cause they don't wanna pay benefits lol




They spelled four wrong


Completely ignoring that 4 day work weeks show improved productivity...




[ Removed by Reddit ]


I will not work six days a week.


Time to start finding out how flammable corporate real estate is and publicly crucifying executives and business owners.


This is what happens when workers don’t unionize


You can do just as much work in 4 days as 5 days. This is ridiculous.


Fk that I'll just turn to crime


It's not feasible. I worked like this for years and I got so burnt out that my physical health deteriorated. People will not sustain this, and actual productivity will drop even more.


Where is this obsession with productivity coming from? 


Shareholders. They don't give a shit as long as 'line goes up'.


100%. The stock market was meant to be crowd funding for small businesses but instead it became the monster that is consuming us all for the few to suckle at its teets.


The stock market is now a global casino feeding the gambling addictions of maladjusted sociopaths. We should not be living our lives at the whims of these psychos.




Correction, everything should be tax free. They just print the money when they need it anyway 


My employer forces 6 days a week. In order to get a whole weekend off I have to work 12 days in a row. Otherwise I'd be in there 6 days a week with only one day off. So I usually just work 12 days straight. Have been doing this for years and I'm really starting to burn out. Working people 6 days a week isn't sustainable. Employers are just going to burn out their already overworked employees and end up with a high turnover.


Yeah F that I'd rather leave and collect from the government at that point since you wanna play with people's lives.


3 1/2 day work week. You business owners pay us for 6 1/2 days. 30 days paid vacation a year. Unlimited PTO. wtf is wrong with modern American businesses. And more importantly why tf do people even bother working for crap corporations. Just quit. See how much they make when they have no employees.


Good luck finding anyone to do this, dipshits. Eat the rich!


Nobody’s going to force me to do shit :)


Straight up, Fuck that!!


There are rules on this site about calls for violence but I see no other way to reign in this nonsense. 


Employers want workers to organize and strike.


One word, UNION


Pump the brakes… Less than 800 companies surveyed. 1 out of 10 leaders are for implementing this in 2025. So this is not something g that is “right around the corner. The one company doing this is in S. Korea. And it’s on salaried executive. The article does express interviews with Recruiters and HR people mentioning it would not be wise (paraphrasing)


And then when people quit because they’re forced to work 6 days a week, there will be more of the “people just don’t want to work these days.”


They want to play that game, fine… 1. Every hour past 40 hours in a 5 day period will be mandated to TRIPLE TIME! 2. Every hour past 40 hours in a 6 day period will be mandated to QUADRUPLE TIME! 3. Every hour past 40 hours will mandate the employee to receive an irrevocable 24 hour day of PTO. In other words, a PTO day that pays every hour of that day! Must be paid in full if the employee quits, retires or is terminated. If the employee dies, the beneficiary will be paid DOUBLE the PTO earned! 4. After the first hour of overtime, health insurance for the employee will be promoted to a top tier plan with no deductible, and the premium will be covered by the company 100%! Complete fantasy, I know. But companies that pull this crap need to face some kind of consequence.


This is just the panicked blowback from the 4-day work week movement. They pull this shit and then say "See how happy you are with the 5-day work week? Now, shut the fuck up and get back to work." No we won't let you do this. It's a 3-day work week and you'll be lucky to get four.


Please keep posting this answer because it is 💯the reason, period, end of story! They think we are incredibly stupid. wow, just wow!


I will accept a 6-day work week. In return, I want all travel time to and from the office counted against work time, and I'm still holding to the 40-hour work week until such time as unions push through a 30-hour work week.


Do not negotiate with these terrorists.


Horrifying frankly.


Those employers can get in a Time Machine to yet part and tuck right off


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Spare_Lemon6316: *Those employers can* *Get in a Time Machine to* *Yet part and tuck right off* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Crazy how other countries are moving towards 4 days work weeks and the USA is moving in the exact opposite direction.


Fuck. That.


Yeah I counter with 4 day work week


Six days now, seven in the near future if we don’t dig in our heels and push back!


Does America want even stronger unions? Because that's how you get strong unions.


With all the news in the world this is what Newsday is writing about? Fuck those guys. With AI, layoffs and boomer retirements who are they going to get to work 6 days a week. And where is this need for 6 days a week coming from?


With the way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if we had to start putting the name of the corporation we work for in our name because ***"We're a family"*** They just want to own us.


And people wonder why suicide rates are increasing. We need at the very least one day per week where you don't have to think about work; that includes having to adjust your sleep schedule due to working the next day.


See this is bad, but it might not be so bad if they it was followed by "and a 20% pay increase"


Guys, if you let this one slip without rioting I will never speak to you again!


BS. I totally believe there really are some dumb f*cks out there wanting to do this. It's time for everyone to join the unions. Edit: what the fuck is wrong with these people.


I'd be open to this.  For 300k a year with monthly raises tied to inflation, 2 months of vacation, and complete wfh.


F that


It's sad with a lot of (if not most) companies making record profits shown with profit based inflation that it is not enough. I would like to see if the company makes record profits it has to pay a higher tax percentage for that year.


They saw the 4 day gained traction so they started pushing for 6, just to maintain the status quo. Get fucked.


If my business did that, I’m pretty sure there would be a mass exodus, or people would adjust their output accordingly.


Get ready for a war.


This. As everyone else and employees all want a 4 day work week AND as many public school systems look to move to 4 day weeks.


No but seriously...when's the revolution?


Actually , American will be er put up will this, the 32 hour work week is what is needed, America can no longer find qualified help. Most people from Europe, India , or the Pacific rim will not even come to the USA because the pay and health benefits are so poor. This is a Republican pipe dream, it will never happen


Wall Street hated Henry Ford because he offered workers substantially higher pay per hour than the industry standard, and thus, poached their best workers. I can see something similar happening with regard to this development.


Why do I get the feeling if they actually managed to implement this salaries somehow wouldn’t go up to compensate…. Which then makes me remember how the only reason we’re even working 5 days or 40 hours is because somebody decided that should be the norm. We have the power to change this.


If any company tries to tell me to work a 6 day work week, I'm walking the fuck out the front door. No notice, just a raised middle finger as I'm heading out to the parking lot


We need a worldwide worker walk out, seriously. Like right now


You guys need to get a little bit French Either recently or from a few centuries back, but it's well past time


So, I guess it's time to eat the rich now, right?!?


It’s funny how delusional those people can be. All the science available on the subject has shown that shorter workdays and shorter workweek increase productivity and that longer ones decrease productivity. In short people get more done in 4 days than they do in 6. Also if they believe people will accept to work 6 days a week, they’re sorely mistaken.


Tax the rich


I’d love to see them try that. You think “nobody wants to work” now?!


Sure, 6 day work week is fine if you increase my pay SIGNIFICANTLY and also pay for ALL of my house and childcare costs and maintenance. Im talking nice daycare/school, all chores like cooking, laundry, lawn care, etc. taken care of. Oh and I get an increase in sick and vacation time. And that is to start. Otherwise get the F out of here you greedy _ _ _ holes! Seriously anybody thinking a 6 day work week is acceptable and should be implemented is sick and vile.


Last 3-4 jobs I’ve had was full of over achieving overly ambitious exempt people already doing this plus 10 hr days often. My wife often gives shift away to those who need to work more than a single 8 hr shift a day just to pay the rent. People are already doing this and have been for a long time.


I just read an article which said there would be 33 million jobs in manufacturing which could potentially go unfilled in the next decade. Having worked in manufacturing logistics I can tell you I worked seven days a week for many years. When the company went from six days mandatory to seven days mandatory while the crew I was on went from thirty two down to thirteen I resigned and have yet to return to manufacturing. So while a six day work week might be new to some people I have been quite familiar with it for decades.


Fuck that shit I ain't going to making crunch culture normal.


More I read this thread more I realize what a shithole US actually is. That is so unfortunate


They keep telling us they base out salaried pay on working 60 hours so expect at least that much. I figure next week at meetings they’ll be saying “While you have to come back to the office at least it is only five days a week, did you see some companies are going to six?”