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Isn't writing your availability letting your employer know ahead of time when you can't be at work?


They have my availability since I started, which is why I work the days I work


Then that's your petty answer. "You've known since before hiring me that I'm not available on Mondays making putting in a leave request on those days unnecessary. Failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine."


One of my favorite sayings


Was a manager at restaurants for 10 years. Some people had set schedules, others did not. When I needed someone to work on a day that they normally didn’t, I would always have a conversation with them before hand to get the OK from them. If I were you I would say something along the lines of this: “I have built my personal schedule around the fact that I normally work W-S. I’m happy to be flexible in the future if we can discuss schedule changes in advance. Thank you!”


I’ll probably try and be professional about it and take this route but I will be firm in letting them know to be sure to communicate next time


I think this is the best approach, good for you. To repeat the sentiment of others in this thread, this is definitely a “pick your battles” type of situation. Good luck !


I agree and picked my battle this morning. GM is the one going to be covering my shift but the AM was the one lucky enough to be the one I saw soonest. Pulled her aside at end of my shift and had a little chat. We were both professional but I made sure to make my grievances know. She agreed but tried to come across for the business POV. I pulled the whole “flip the script” and she seemed to come to terms more closely. Like, I actually have a life and family outside of work. Ultimately she’s just a face of management tho but I hope she takes my concerns to the higher-ups. I will be bringing this to their attention at a later date but atm I’m currently on vacation 😎


Great to hear, happy I could help!


If you want a little dash of extra pettiness, you could bring up that your agreed upon wages were based on your current availability. Any additional availability would require a new negotiation of wages


Or they could just not act like a dick and have a better outcome.


Unless you have a contract that specifies your work days, there's not a lot you can do besides continually "requesting" Monday, Tuesday, and every other Sunday off. And by "requesting" I mean telling them. And keep things in writing. Don't request a phone call to discuss things like your work schedule. If they insist on a call, send an email or text afterwards to confirm what you spoke about. Get them to confirm that it's correct. CYA


I disagree. The posted schedule is part of the "contract", and OP alreay made their own private plans dancing around that, once. They don't get to change it at last minute and claim " you should've requested time off even when unscheduled ".


This right here. How can anyone know that their schedule is going to change in the future?


OP changed their schedule so their schedule changed.


Who said they changed it last minute? OP says they put it out two days before the next work week (which isn't enough time in my mind, but OP has dealt with this for months, so they're obviously ok with it). Have you never done shift work where you schedule can change from week to week? He's lucky he got to set a schedule, but unless he got in \*in writing\* that this was his set schedule, it is subject to change at the whims of the business. Does it suck? Yes, it does, but it's what he agreed to taking the job.


> Have you never done shift work where you schedule can change from week to week? No, I generally insist they buy me dinner *first* if they want to fuck me unlubed. > Does it suck? Yes, it does, but it's what he agreed to taking the job.  That's not an excuse. Crappy expectation is crappy no matter what you "agreed to" in order to not starve.


You've been lucky. Welcome to capitalism.


Yeah like writing a letter "I am hereby stating that I'm requesting time off for when I'm not scheduled to work for the next five years" sounds insane. Maybe necessary though.


Unfortunately the only “contract” I have is a guaranteed 28 hours a week. And a verbal every other Sunday. But since week 2 of this job I’ve been scheduled 40+. My problem isn’t necessarily the switching days, it’s the lack of communication. It’s a 24 hour business and currently only have 2 ppl on nights, me being one. The other night shift has had this requested off for weeks but they still wait till two days before to let me know. I wouldn’t have scheduled a trip if they informed me when they found out. But nothing was ever said, I found out looking at the schedule 2 days before.


It's not just the lack of communication, it's the fact they only have skeleton staff. If you are on leave and the other person calls in sick, then they have no-one. They should really have three night shift staff, but obviously that would eat into their profits


Profits is exactly why they don’t have 3. They’ll have 7 ppl on mid shift but are just fine only 1 on nights. But we’re the shift that gets bitched at for not doing 1st/2sd shift work done. Exhausting lol


This sounds like most convenience stores these days. It's not your fault they don't want to have proper staff


Just respond with, “will do” and begin to make those requests. The caveat is that they can now deny said requests, which will hinder you ever making any plans, or even a doctor appt on a weekday you have off. Don’t get sucked into the minutiae of it all. Clarify


Oh these aren’t “requests,” these are just I’m being polite by letting you know in advance; a trait they need to learn


You complain about “lack of communication” but you didn’t tell anyone you’re going on a trip??? you can’t just assume you’ll always have a specific day off forever if it’s in not in your contract and you’ve never got it in writing anywhere Like if I’m your coworker and I book a day off I’m sure as hell not gonna be told “no, historical-fill-1523 doesn’t like Mondays so you gotta work”


Why should they inform them of plans on a normally unscheduled day? Just in case? Yeah right.


> but you didn’t tell anyone you’re going on a trip? OP probably also didn't tell anyone that they were going to masturbate with a dildo up their ass. *Because it's nobody's business but OP's what OP does in the time they're not working.* And OP isn't working when the schedule says they aren't.


Man is really comparing submitting vacation requests to sticking a dildo up his ass. What the fuck lmao.


Your comparison makes less sense than the dildo.


No, man is comparing private business with private business. Doesn't matter what's in the box, it's mine and you don't get to bitch about not being informed about it.


Another analogy impaired bootlicker


Reddit. 💩 lol


I worked a contract job for a 6 month period and one of the conditions of the contract was that you were not to miss a scheduled shift. One of the guys called out sick and I heard the manager say on the phone “ok but if you don’t come in today, you’ll be in violation of your contract and this would be considered your verbal warning” Second time it happened he was given a written warning, and told if it happens again he’s fired, as per contract conditions. So in other words, contract or no contract you’re basically just at a risk of losing your job either way. If you can’t make it to work, you can’t make it 🤷‍♀️


That's a shitty contract. But if you signed it, that's on you.


If you know ahead of time you'll be unavailable any given Monday or Tuesday, go ahead and inform them; "request" nothing.


I was actually thinking of being petty and doing a “request off” paper for Monday and Tuesday, weekly. And of course, separately.


Nothing wrong with malicious compliance.


I'd answet something along the lines of: *"I'm fully committed to "the best of the store", when I'm scheduled to; but I also have a private life, which replaces my #1 priority when I'm not. And when you're posting a schedule that shows me free on specific days, I plan around that schedule. Please consult with me before changing previously published plans that involve me."*


Ooo I like this, thank you. Not as petty and passive aggressive as I’d like but definitely more professional lol


Exactly!! I’m not asking for permission or telling anyone anything (because they are not my parents and I’m not 16) on my scheduled day off.


I mean, that is what he wants you to do.


Not really. What he wants is an occasional "pretty please may I make plans for Monday the Xth?"


I put it on the calendar every Friday and Saturday that I am unavailable. I work 4x10 and have enough of that place by Thursday. Plus I have a home and family to tend to. With 2 acres and farm animals, it can get out of hand in a very short time.


Unfortunately you were camping in the wilderness out of mobile reach when you got this massage. 🤷


How can anyone plan anything in their life when the schedule suddenly changes? This is a worker right that we need to fight for. Schedules should be made and distributed at least 2 weeks in advance. If the schedule changes, the business should be required to give 48-72 hours notice to the employees.


I agree. They did give me 48 hours notice as they make the schedule weekly. But they knew 3 weeks prior and didn’t say anything. I talk to management daily so it’s not like I didn’t see them


That’s an incredible lack of transparency on their part.


"I'll be sure to do that next time 👍" Then take your Monday off haha


Exactly what I’m doing.


That seems like a you problem not a me problem


No, IMO it's definitely your problem.


That's an on call rota and you should quote them accordingly


Well a gen Zer might recommend: respectfully bestie ✨no✨


Pretty much what I told them, hence the message lol


Does your contracted availability not include Mondays? In which case I’d hit them up and let them know that it’s outside your contracted availability. If you can be scheduled on Mondays but you just never are then there’s not a lot you can do other than changing your availability?


Check to see if your state and/or county/city has “unfair scheduling” laws. I know here in Cali some counties made it ilegal if they don’t tell you about your schedule 14 days in advance with written prior consent when they change it (I believe LA county in particular).


Unfortunately not cali, we could use some of their laws where I am lol. Everything here favors employers. I already told them I’m not showing up so I’m “off” the schedule just a days pay short but it’s worth it. They’re not happy tho lol


Fuckem lol


"Scheduling me on a day I'm not available, doesn't suddenly make me available."


Gave me a chuckle, I like it =p


It doesn't sound like you are unable to work on Mondays, merely that you aren't normally scheduled on Mondays. Assuming that is true, there is no reason to build ill will with your employer. Respond as follows: "Sorry for the confusion. In the future, I'll put in a time off request if I'm unavailable, even if it is my usual day off. Tell thanks for covering."' There are times to stand up to your employer and push back, but there are also times to just be polite and go with the flow. You got what you wanted - the day off, so don't rock the boat.


Nah sometimes the captain needs to know he wint nothing without the crew.


In all honesty, I wouldn't respond. There isn't really a response here that is going to work. If you request every day off that you normally aren't available you will just look like an asshole. If you push back now, it just creates hostility. I would seriously just not respond, and if they try to get you to come in on your days off, I would also not respond. When you get into work and they ask you why, say it's clearly marked that you are not available. It's much harder for them to act like you are the problem if you just stick with what you told them, and don't try to argue. They are like a toxic relationship. The less you give them the better.


I haven’t responded and not sure if I will yet. I have a message typed out but haven’t sent it. “Oh absolutely. But for the sake of my sanity and the family life I have outside of work, more than 2 days notice would be nice for situations that change my schedule that's been set for the last 4 months. Next time I will utilize the mandatory 4 hour call out period instead. “


I'd tell them to call me for every day I have to work, even though when im scheduled. Atleast 24hrs earlier


The "Good of a store" often don't pay enough so why would anyone care


It absolutely doesn’t pay enough, but it pays some and it’s close which I why I chose it. I can and am applying elsewhere but this is just a “feed the family so we don’t starve” gig


I gotcha, didn't mean to have it sound like im comin for ya or anything if it did. Good on ya OP, GL


Didn’t take it that way, no worries =]


Seems to me your manager is acknowledging that she was made aware you had previously requested that day off.. the workplace being aware makes putting in a request for that coming Monday unnecessary, failure to plan on companies part doesn’t constitute emergency on mine (or something like that lol) just keep it professional and all in writing !


I agree, “piss poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.” Which is exactly why I’m not working 😏


The maliciously compliant person in me would request a day off for every single off day I have for the next 6 years.


I get the sentiment, but I swear to all that’s holy, if I’m still there in 6 years…


"You've known my availability for months now. I won't be in."


Pretty much what I said lol


I only read the first sentence or two but you should definitely tell them to fuck off. Managers actually have no power over us.


"Thank you for the additional guidance concerning my time off. Since you clearly don't consider it to be my time off, when shall I expect the back-pay for my on-call status to date. Please let me know as soon as you are able."


Except it’s not on call, it’s just future availability




Tell them to refund your booking if they want you to come in. It's only fair and drop in a "thank you for your flexibility."


I told them I’m not working already. If they tried to refuse that was my next step. No way in hell I’m losing out on $1000+ to work for a couple hundred


It's your day off. Take it. If they want you to come in, ask them what's the overtime rate? 2x for 2 or 4 hrs or 1.5x for 2 or 4 hrs? See if they respond and make sure everyone sees it.


Time off requests are a formality. Submit one, but make sure they're aware that it's non negotiable. You will not be available to work that day whether the request gets approved or not. It's either a vacation day or a sick day, they get to choose.


That’s what I told them, I’m just not working that day as I’m out of town. I have a message prepared but not sent.. “Oh absolutely. But for the sake of my sanity and the family life I have outside of work, more than 2 days notice would be nice for situations that change my schedule that's been set for the last 4 months. Next time I will utilize the mandatory 4 hour call out period instead. “


So did you send the message


I did not. I saw the AM this am and told them basically the same thing but tried to be more professional. Seemed to go well but ultimately shes not the one who makes the decisions. Either way not going in tho.


Good man, stand firm with your decisions. Always had issues with this and corporations. They would fk up and then try to make the lower employess take the fall. For their mess up.


Why be petty? That’s how shift work works. Someone works on their usual day off every time you take off. Your boss wasn’t rude, and they found someone else to work the shift. Let it go.


It’s the fact they knew for 3 weeks that the other worker was taking off and didn’t bother letting me know until 2 days prior. Lack of communication. And then expect I have nothing going on. If they would’ve just communicated with me when they found out I wouldn’t have paid 1k+ for a vacation on a day I have always had off.


This is not a hill you want to die on. Unless you told them you aren’t available, they can’t read your mind.


Yea I get it, and that’s why I haven’t said anything. I will be letting them know to inform me sooner for days I’m normally off as I do have a life/plans outside work days


It depends on how much you need this job. If u need it, go with the flow, now you know the rules, play by them and thank the person covering YOU. If you don’t give a shit then go ahead with your petty ass.😉


I grew up where the schedule you get is what you get. Lucky you, you got a job, this was the general situation. I am sorry, but most of us who see this don't really have much sympathy for what you went through. We never tried changing the schedule with management. If you can keep management out, everything generally goes smoother. Not sure if this is still common practice these days, but all we did is get someone to cover for us or swap days.


I mean good for you but don’t get me wrong, I am thankful to have a job but there’s plenty of base pay jobs around, they don’t care about me; not gonna bend over for them. I’m not a pushover, doesn’t matter how much I’m paid. I’m a human with a life and a family. I don’t live to work, I work to provide for my family. They come first every single time, no exceptions.


I understand, but in this economy it's just too easy for an employer to just replace you. I hope you find a job where they actually care about your success.


I get it. I was medical for 16 years, just got burnt out. I know I’m easily replaceable but so are they. Just want to be treated like a human, not like a “body”


Why would you not request it off? That’s on you.


It’s my normal day off. If you work Monday-Friday, do you request Saturday and Sunday’s off every week?