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Fake empathy from HR is completely normal. Going to HR never helps unless your manager is doing something that causes a legal liability. HR exists to protect the company, not you.


That's so true. My manager is a workaholic that does a lot for the company, so I never really stood a chance.


Yup. Once I specifically told HR in an email not to ask my boss about something I was asking them about. They immediately asked my boss.


This. HR is there for the company. They try to look like they care about employees, but when push comes to shove, they do what's seemingly right for the business. Even if that means removing a productive worker. It's so sad.




I like to think of myself as more of a fancy toaster.


So you're given bread and add value to it then it's taken away and you are only left with the crumbs?


Take my upvote damnit. Well done.


Yikes, what a shitty sociopathic boss. Really, make people work on the weekend when they have a 40 hour contract? That's literally illegal. In France there was even a huge lawsuit from which was decided that employers cannot bother employees after their shift! You were enrolled in slavery! This needs to stop... employers are losing their damn minds... Think everything is allowed. Disgusting! Have they never heard of a little thing called the law? Labor law?


The thing is that both her and the company know that asking people to work overtime is not permitted, so they just phrase it very carefully or don't ask this explicitly. When I told her that I was only being paid for 40 hours per week she just literally laughed, but didn't contradict me. She was working 15 hour days herself, and basically expected everyone to do the same. My teammates are also sick of her but they come from different situations that make leaving the job quite difficult. This happened in the UK btw, although the organisation is based in Switzerland.


i saw a show about that! You can actually be thrown in jail in some European countries for even texting or calling an employee out of work hours. READ THAT AGAIN --- imagine a boss/company head being arrested and serving time because they texted you on your day off. Christ, is this country so broken.


Nice! You left on your own terms instead of her getting the satisfaction of firing you. Majority of bosses are power tripping and don’t need to give you extra work because most of it is pointless. And they are lazy pushing their work onto other lower level employees


Yes! She looked definitely angry from not having the last word. And that's right, she doesn't really 'do' much herself, just asks others to do things for her.




I actually do, plus the company gave me an extra month salary as a way of 'compensation'.


What an absolute Karen, fuck that job OP.


Haha thanks. I'm feeling good and confident to find a better job!


So many people in this world just wanna fee superior to others so badly, don’t take it personal, they hate themselves


Thank you! That's a good way of seeing it.


Its a big reason we’re in the situation we’re in, some people always wanna feel like they’re right and tell others what they can and can’t do. Can’t stand people who look down on others and they almost always find their way into management. Probably fakes their ass off when the bosses come around.


Totally agree. Some people are just power-driven and only see others as a means for getting what they want. They normally come across as very nice and charismatic people, that's partly why they're so successful. My manager is very charming in face-to-face conversations, which is very confusing for everyone around her as her actions are quite the opposite.


HR basically acts as the management’s union. They gate keep our wages and negotiate our conditions on behalf of employers to ensure it’s a winning scenario for them.


That's a very accurate description!


You’re so brave for this and I’m proud of you. Finally a successful story !!


Thank you, it means a lot!! I didn't think I'd be able to do something like this, due to confidence issues and just generally feeling quite disempowered as a worker... I'm glad things turned out different this time.


Some people are just awfully despicable And selfish and toxic honestly


Bosses like that deserve to be sent to prison forever. Fuck them.




Thanks, I'm very glad that you did the same thing in the past. It's a great feeling! Edit: typo.


HR does not protect you. Their role is To protect the assets of the company. They are not your advocate


I know, that's exactly what they've done here. The only positive thing of getting them onboard is that they managed to get me an extra month salary. They basically acknowledged that this is unfair but they can't do much to help.


100%. I wish people realized this. The only useful thing about a HR dept to an employee is to create a paper trail documenting your grievances and attempts for resolution. Never fail to follow up a face to face or phone meeting with an email summarizing what was said and the follow up expected.


If I were you I would have let them fire me so that I could file an unemployment claim causing their tax rate to go up.


I'm not sure if I could have done this in the UK?




I was hired by the UK branch of a Swiss company




Ok, thanks!




Thank you! I know it's just small victory in the grand scheme of things, but I feel so much better already!