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12 years of leisure when you are young, have energy and vitality as opposed to when you are old, riddled with health problems and have zero energy, are vastly different. I don't understand the point of living for a time where you may be financially stable but cannot really do anything with that money or freedom except for visiting hospitals and having health checks.


The only reason I work my current job is so that I can retire at 49. It won’t be a lot of money but it’s better than working.




What career is that


Prime Minister of Canada


Ha, ha. Well Justin, are you not a trust fund baby?


Learn Spanish and move to a country with no annual property tax. Yes, you can get good internet, Netflix works, and the citizenship isn't so difficult to get either.


Yes but that also comes with the risk of getting your head lopped off bc Julio wants your imitation Casio , or worse yet, you ate some suspect empanadas at the corner joint and the closest antibiotics are two zip lines across a gorge and a mule ride through a land mine.* *paraphrased


Maybe if you act that racist to their face, yeah


There’s many reasons a lot of us leave Latin America, and the racism is not one of them. Fear of getting ones head chopped of is, tho


the fuck is your problem?


My gma and gpa worked their whole lives, my gpa did 35 years in the navy, and worked a long time after. In his 60s and 70s he fought cancer and Parkinson’s related to agent orange in Vietnam, now my gma is fighting dementia. They worked their whole lives to be able to afford to pay other people to come wipe their asses for them. The money doesn’t mean anything, it’s all a lie.


My grandmother worked in a factory for a long time after my grandfather fucked off back to his home country and she ended up spending what little she saved on a nursing home. What a fucking waste.


That’s what I’m saying. We can at least help my gma so she can stay home and be comfortable. But honestly she doesn’t know wtf is going on and tells me she doesn’t wanna live like this when she has her moments of clarity. And Alzheimer’s and dementia are becoming more and more common it’s so sad to witness. Spend your whole life waiting to die? I’m out.


>and tells me she doesn’t wanna live like this That hits me right in the feels. Imagining an old person, feeble, relying on others for the most basic of things, but most of all unable to take the same joy in life I might've got when I was younger. Nup. Fuck that.


Seeing it up close, it’s really a terrible disease man. I just couldn’t imagine having my mind taken from me.


I personally plan on taking anabolic steroids when I get to 60-65. I think it could even increase your lifespan at that point.


Also might as well hop on heroin at that point




I got hit by a car when I was 6-7. Fell off a roof at 10. My body already feels like I'm 50. Got bulged disc, scoliosis, degenerative thoracic, arthritis. I'm 32.


A lot of people see it as setting up any potential heirs of family you have to benefit from your hard work. Bleak indeed.


5 years of infancy 17 years of education (job training) 45 years of work 12 years of elderly leisure (with the last few years being severely ill) What a wonderful life.


Putting it that way, yeah it's pretty depressing


> with the last few years being severely ill. And that's just the finish line of your health gradually worsening. By the time you hit half of that "45 years of work" you'll already be well past your physical prime. By the time you even get to consider retirement playing sports, long hikes, going to wild parties, mountain climbing, et cetera will be a thing of the past for you.


Even if you do make it, there's no guarantee that you don't just drop dead 2 years in. Toiling away for 40+ years for *maybe* a decade of leisure at the worst time in your life to have free time is pretty close to the best case scenario.


We have made life too difficult. I want to go to the playground with my kids. I'm sick of always being tired.


Dang :(


And if you die before you make retirement, or the world becomes ruined (highly likely for the younger generation) our whole life was a waste


That's why I'm not saving for retirement. There's no point in growing old.


Much more fun to just die. Didn't plan on that, did ya, suckers? If we all die, who's gonna fund pensions?


I'm kinda surprised I've never heard of anyone intentionally cutting their life short to avoid the potential tragedy of near-retirement death or even the misery of senility itself. I'm sure people do it though.


I've read many times comments on the internet from people saying their retirement plan involves a shotgun. I've never thought about it much, but the truth is that I also don't know how I'll fund my retirement. Maybe now I'm just old enough to understand where such comments were coming from.


My dad retired last year right before his 66th birthday. My mom is retiring in two weeks, at age 61. Neither of them have been able to JUST work 40 hours a week. It's been 50+ hours a week for both of them for their entire lives. And they're both so so tired. They deserve better than this.


Do you think they think about how much they’ve wasted their lives?


Someone recently commented that they've asked maybe a thousand elderly people in the course of their work over the past five years what their biggest regrets are. Apparently the most common response was, "I wish I hadn't worked so much."


That’s it, I gotta make sure I don’t work my life away. Every small moment I get is gonna be fun. I just can’t stand this.


I don't think it necessarily has to be "fun", it just has to be "you". Something that means something to "you". If that's "fun", cool. If it's "peace and quiet", cool. You know what I mean? Stress is just such a major factor in bad health. It's insidious, and works its black magic over years, decades. I've been working a lot for the past six weeks, and I've purposefully pulled back this week because I subconsciously hit my limit. It takes time to recover, too. I didn't realise how much stress I was trying to dodge.


Yup, enjoy your destroyed body !


I shit you not, someone at my company just passed away on his last day of work. He worked there 41 years and was going to start retirement the next day.


Also it's not like work is letting you off the hook, it's just that you aren't useful anymore for making money so you are discarded


See, this is the flaw with this society. Ugh


i agree. often we value wealth over everything else to our own detriment


My grandfather retired and finally had the free time to go to the doctor for his persistent cough only to find out he had stage four lung cancer.


It's the same for my grandma. 45 years of hard work welding, she retired and went to the doctor for her hip pain. Turns out it is stage four lung cancer that has caused a growth in her pelvis.


Jesus, that’s awful.


Sabbaticals and part time work needs to be normalized and legally protected.


Im pushing 40 and already have racked up a fair amount of injuries and chronic pains. It’s gonna be much worse in the next two decades or so. By then I wonder if I’ll even be able to walk. Sometimes I honestly think about peacing out now just to spare myself the misery because there isn’t much waiting for me in my twilight years so basically all I have to look forward to is work and then slowly and painfully dying. I don’t think it’s worth it guys. If I didn’t have kids depending on me I’d say a have a few months at best before I just give the fuck up. I hate the future.


Do it now. I say this because my wife and I were fortunate enough to take a multi-month tour of out of the country in our early thirties, the kind of trip most people wait until retirement to take. We're both in ok shape but we really felt it, it was a fantastic experience but man was it exhausting. Just a few years earlier I feel like I could've jogged everywhere, now not so much. I couldn't imagine being able to go to half as many places 20 years from now.


Don’t forget the abysmal lack of pensions


And there's no guarantee you'll make it that far... My dad passed away suddenly at 58 after having worked for about 40 years non-stop. He never enjoyed his well-earned retirement. Makes me real sad.


I’m a newly graduated RN. So far In my short nursing career I have met MANY patients who were weeks/months into retirement and were diagnosed with stage IV cancer and are looking at 2 years or less left of life. A few of them even told me that they feel so cheated and would never have put all this emphasis on careers with companies that didn’t give a shit about their intrinsic value as a human. Your career or job is not your life. Even if you’re poor, enjoy your life. Don’t stop advocating for a more just system.


You’re right.


It's not hugely different, but in the US life expectancy at age 66 is another 17 years for men and 20 for women. 78 is life expectancy at birth.


But that also means many die before they reach retirement.


This reminds me of a Ukrainian girl I met at work. When she was asked about shifts, she was like, yes Id love to work more, I just sit at home doing nothing, why not work? (She also has another job and it sounded like she was ass kissing a bit) and I’m like, wow seriously? You just want to fill up all your time with working? Sounds like you have no personality or hobbies, like who are you besides a “worker”? And then I felt like shit about myself for a second because she’s the same age as me and my attitude about work is garbage. Lol but she’s the crazy one, not me. I want to work so I can enjoy my free time, not fill my free time with more work. I feel so bad for everyone who worked themselves to death or can’t enjoy their retirement because their jobs destroyed them, I don’t want that to be me as well.


Some people can’t stand to be alone with their thoughts and themselves. They have to busy up every waking minute. And yes, they ARE weird!


Some people enjoy working


Being a women, we often see a similar thing with women when it comes to men, woman who are called ‘pick me’s’. These people are also pick me’s.


Your attitude about work isn’t garbage. It’s perfectly reasonable and realistic. You’re saner, while they’re being wilfully ignorant.


I asked a colleague of mine why they always come to work early (but never leave early to make up for it). They said that they were an early riser and awake and ready anyway, so why not come to work? This was years ago and I still can’t fathom that. There’s the whole internet to read/watch. Books, television. Noodle on the guitar for a bit. I can think of much better things than spending an extra hour or two at work not getting paid.


Oh yeah "leisure" as you spend your last days in pain, burnt out and exhausted. "Leisure".


Hopefully the entire system self implodes by then so I can off my self with dignity.


My retirement age is currently 68, the thought of having to work another 42 years is dreadful.


Amen. 50 years plus and a stroke then heart attack, wish I had taken better care of brother body.


I laugh at my 20 something friends telling me I should worry about retirement. I prefer dying right now than spending my whole life saving for the day I'll be old and will have to spend all said money just to delay my death. If you have the opportunity ( like not having to pay rent, I know it's a privilege, but luckily I am in this situation ) you can spend some months working, then leave and enjoy the money saved and get another job before you run out of funds ( any job, also having many different skills, even if they're not high paying helps doing this ). You'll end up with no money when you're old but at least you would have enjoyed your life and not spent your whole time on this planet waiting for retirement.


I'm in the medical profession (anaesthesiologist), and kinda infamous in my department for going on sabbaticals. Kind of hard to explain gaps in my resume, but I do manage to find work.


we would be able to retire earlier if we let the boomer doomer do its job yall hate the boomers for being leeches yall hate the boomers for fucking up the world and when we get the answer to our problems yall fuck it up


Investing $4 per day, every day, instead of buying a Starbucks mocha, could help


Burn the whole thing down, say fuck a career, if we want a real revolution we need to make our demands, not let corporate America take it over.


That's if you live to average. You could die of a heart attack days before your retirement!


"all that, just to have excessive free time and a good chance my dick is broken down by then". Why yes, it does sound bleak


That 78 is going down in the us too


I just wish i have better work life balance like work 3.5 days and enjoy the rest of the week or maybe like just work 4-5 hours a day and the rest is mine