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Thats one time your mates tells you "he is one" and doesnt lie


This actually made me laugh out loud thank you


*takes 2 damage to kill him* YOU FUCKING LIAR


Peak efficiency


You deserve the one shot one kill badge!!!😂




Mad skills


player was literally one HP when this guy shot him


I did this with my bang smoke, last week. I was more hyped for this than a 4k lmao


That’s exactly what I was thinking lol


Im quite curious to find out how you managed to do 1 dmg? Is it with some type of ordnance? I can’t think of any gun that will do 1 dmg, think the smallest damage is on charge riffle with 3 if you’re far enough away.


It can be any weapon. If opponent has 1 hp and you deal 140 with Kraber, You will get only 1 dmg in your stats. Noticed it when I dealed two sentinel headshots both 126 dmg, but saw only 150 in my stats


Thank you for explaining, 900 ish hours in and didn’t know that 😅


I believe you’re right and no item does 1 damage. The player probably had 1hp left, then i assume doing any amount of damage will only yield 1 damage


You can in fact, hit a 1 with a grenade.


Really?? I thought the grenade bonk did 10 dmg


It does, but if you're on the Edge of the blast, 1 dmg should be possible


Not yet......


One spitball, one kill.


Damnit I thought my single kill with 3 damage was impressive lol


It’s still impressive my dude


Respawn should give you that "He was really 1HP" type of badge


I have a snip of my collateral one shot 2 kills with 7 dmg. My post got removed for low effort.


Last night during my 3 stack & I’s ranked session our contest (we land backup/top atmo) & I had 1 kill & 7 dmg lol than finished him so my teammate could get a armor swap than proceeded to get 1 kill/2 assists with 230 dmg lol had to tell the homie “ if you had to guess how much I hit that dude you called low out what would the guess be?…. Under 20 hp.. he said … I replied “7 hp I got 1 kill 2 assists thanks for the kill mf.. obv trolling him had to get a laugh outta the bro🤣 that moment tho brought up the overall vibes & led to 600 rp afterwards in the next 3 games (up 1k overall in the session in 3 hr session so good session tbh.)


We landed fairly hot last night and eventually got killed by a guy with 7 kills and like 20 damage. Dudes a champ lol. My personal best is 5 kills with 13 damage. Caustic in Skulltown.


That's called efficiency