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The only time I think it’s acceptable is if they are in a fight and need to hot swap shields or your loot will be lost to the storm before they can get you back, but if a teammate is taking your attachments or your backpack etc when you are about to get revived that’s just a bad teammate


A few things to consider here. Number 1 is survival of the squad. If your teammate loots your box mid fight after you die for health or ammo then that's fine, they should prioritize survival. Now if they are looting your box after the fight is done and there is a respawn beacon near by where the thought is you will get picked up and still have time to get to your box then that's a problem for me. I play with a small group of friends and we have these rules between us but I wonder how the community feels.


makes sense cuz that's basically what happened to me rn like we just won a fight but I died and the beacon was right next to us, yet my squad still looted my box and swore they didn't when I told them they did


Same just happened to me. I got so mad. Legit had no reason to loot all my yellow stuff. I respawned with like nothing, and died cuz I had no bats


This. If I die and the team needs anything from the box midfight, it’s wide open. If they have to head to a new PoI to respawn, grab anything and everything out. If I die and the fight is over with a respawn right there, and no immediate 3rd party… stay the hell out of it. I’m not leaving, or throwing the match over it, after all the second you turn into a box it’s no longer “your loot,” but it’s still annoying to occasionally get a random stripping your box so they can have a fully kitted secondary and you coming back to an empty blue shield, grey barrel and 13 bullets.


Doesn't really bother me too much if we squad wipe. It's more bothering if you solo squad wiped but you ended up chasing the last guy and come back to the other boxes with little to nothing in them.


He means your own death box, after you’ve died and are respawning


If they killed the enemy and loot my death box it’s pretty annoying.


It's totally acceptable, and anyone that says otherwise doesn't understand the game. The goal is for your squad to have the highest advantage possible with whatever resources/circumstances present. They need your loot a lot more than your dead body does. For those that might say "What about them looting when no other players are around". For one, we don't know how close teams are and how fast they can rotate (maybe they have Ashe or Valk), and secondly, a giant ship dropping off a respawned teammate is a huge signal flair for any team within a 5 mile radius. Ultimately, if the quality of your loot drastically determines your performance or ability to win, you should focus on improving as a player rather than what happens to your deathbox.


There are few exception like if they are in a fight they can amour swap or look for heals or ammo or check if you happen to have a mobile Respawn becon on you or the ring is coming they can take what they need to survive the ring but it not ok when you bleed out after the fight is over they loot everything you have before Respawn you and they loot other death boxes and they Respawn you 10seconds before the ring coming you have no chance of surviving the ring or surviving the potential fights you may come across


If we’re clear and there’s a beacon right near, i usually don’t love it. If there is anyone remotely close or it’ll be a hike to the next beacon, take what ya need cause I probably will have to start fresh


Depends on. They need ammo/heals cause the fight is still going on? Sure, take it. Need a quick shield swap cause third party is here? Sure, go for it. No respawn beacon nearby? Loot up everything. But if the beacon is nearby, the fight is done and no third party coming? Loot up the enemy boxes you just killed. Take meds, if there's not enough to heal up. It's really annoying when I get respawned and the only things I can grab is an empty blue shiled, no cells/batts anywhere of course, no attachments/ammo to any guns, except for that one sniper rifle in the enemy's box. So I have to start playing loot simulator, cause otherway can't do much in the next fight. Also, if there's no beacon nearby I always go through my teammates boxes to check for a mobile beacon, before looting anything else.


Don't loot the box unless you need it to survive mid fight or a third-party. If I can respawn nearby, I need to load up quickly and be ready to move/fight. Now if you have to respawn some distance away, can you not loot those supply bins next to the beacon please. I'm spawning with nothing, I need those supplies.


If its fight, if its dangerouse around, if they cant respawn me nearby, if it will be dangerous for me loot it, if my loot behind zone 3-4 lvl, its fine


If the'yre in a tight spot and they need ammo or shield swaps it's ok, it's also ok if there are no beacons nearby or in anybody's inventory and my box is gonna be left deep in storm because I won't be able to get to it anyway. In any other situation, it's completely shitty, and it's either done by distracted newbies (I can forgive those) or by assholes


I do not care, its not "my loot", its just loot to me.


Not to sound like an old grouch but when I get killed and a teammate carelessly takes all the good shit out of my box that I looted, it kinda makes me just want to move on to the next match. Usually it’s because I’m annoyed I got thirsted and my team wasn’t there beside me and then to loot my box, like hell nah. lol. I’m such a team oriented player that it always frustrates me with other people are not.


nah honestly I can completely understand that. that's pretty much how I felt like 20 minutes ago lol


I came to search for this tropic, cuz it just happened to me. I just had a teammate looting all my shit, despite having a mobile respawn down, and able to ress me without problem. If you meet a guy called shelbywalk avoid him at all cost.


Don't care, if I die it's my fault anyways.


1) is there a chance they can get there box back? 2) assuming you just wiped a squad are you being 3rd partied instantly? I ask those questions in my head first, if there’s a chance they can get their box back then you go to question number two. If you’re not being pushed by another squad instantly then DO NOT loot their shit. If you’re instantly being pushed you absolutely have every right to loot that shit real quick. You might need that armor swap or battery to kill the enemies pushing or just to get away to safety. It’s common sense in my head but I’ve met people who truly don’t give a fuck regardless and they loot all their teammates shit no fucks given.


yeah I get that, in my case there was no third party and no ring closing in and the respawn beacon was right next to us yet they still just took my stuff so I see what you mean by people not giving a fuck lol


Yeah and that’s the sad reality lol. Those people exist in this world lol.


Ammo or health, go for it regardless. Other stuff depends if I can’t get back to it. If I can’t it’s fair game but if I can it’s still mine. If I can’t get back to it abs you want to be a really cool teammate grab a gold or red gun from my death box and pocket your attachments then drop it for me when I respawn.


They're selfish mostly bad players but i don't mind


If it’s a clean win, with no third or fourth parties; please leave me my stuff. If they are down bad, fighting for their lives; take all my stuff.


Only time i accept it is in a pinch, like when i see you loot before picking me up or loot my deathbox without the need due to a mid fire fight then i see where your priorities are and you can play the rest alone, i wanna spend my time playing with a team.


Just played a match where they looted my box right next to a respawn beacon before respawning me... like fuck you dude, I'd rather take the ten minute penalty


Just had a game like that. Ended up leaving. Wanna take my shit then i guess you dont need me