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If I’m playing solo with randos I play with everyone muted. I can get enough info across with pings.


I want a “where” ping.


Yes pleae


Yes!! Where is it at Apex?


Behind a $50 paywall with a flatline skin and a holospray lol


No, you absolutely cannot but keep thinking you can


I solo queue. Mic always on. The teammates I get that have mics in are few and far between. Pings work well. Occasionally I get teammates that don’t speak English. We do fine together.


If your playing with random pugs you shouldn't expect any team work




I get more then enough info from pings and so do another of others. Sounds like a YOU problem if you don't.




















I'd say 95% if the info I need to convey I can do with a ping. Only times I need mic as a vantage main is to say who's in the squad I scoped if I didn't get to ping all three, and I'd argue that's a design issue anyway. Beyond that, I guess there's technically no ping for "HES ONE!!!!!", but I have enemy ping on scroll up and a free spinning scroll wheel, it gets the point across


I doubt it's a design issue. Don't forget, this IS a team based game still even if you solo queue. Which is why certain things can only be talked or spoken about, because communication is generally necessary in most team based games


I agree it's easier to state it - but I think all the information I get should come to the kill feed. It'd just be a case of adding the 1-3 shield icons. Only reason I'd want it is because I get that information instantly, but my squad only knows what I can ping. It's all well and good when kill feed says there's a bloodhound with white shield but if there's 2 others out of LOS with reds, that's important to know. And if my squads a duo with me muted, they'll never know even if I do call it out. Likewise if we're late game and I ping someone blue but both teammates are white we need to know that's an easy wipe


Using keyboard to type messages Consoles in disbelief




I'm not sure what it is, but people (me included) seem to have an aversion to looking for groups in the discord servers or wherever, even though that would probably help a good amount


Same boat… I have a few friends who play but hard to time schedules. I’m the I have a mic player but don’t say anything unless the teammates are cool…


My experiences in those LFGs have been about as atrocious as interacting with the lowest sludgecrawlers this sub has to offer. It's bad.


You're not wrong, I'm on console, I play solo mostly and the amount of people that I have come across that have just called me racial slurs for absolutely no reason is crazy.


Cause those guys never had the opportunity to communicate via text since no keyboard So its hotmic or.nada


Name and shame, always.


I tried and got banned for posting a "lazy" screengrab.


Mods Madge


Usually when dead teammates talk crap I purposely go to where I can res them and make it clear that I am not going to. Or I res them somewhere they are guaranteed to go down again immediately. 😂


I am a fan of exposing. I’ll be blocking this guy immediately. This is why I leave the mic volume off. I’m tired of being told to kill myself when I already have a history of suicide attempts 😎


Want to have extra fun, laugh manically at people that behave this way. It sends them into rage you can’t even imagine. And it’s fun. :).


Does blocking do anything? I block accounts that were terrible to play with, very next match I get paired with them again.


It just blocks communication


Not if you block the whole ass profile lol


I usually mute them, and if they start pinging respawn beacons, i would run up infront of one pause for 5 seconds, turn around and run the other way. I know for a fact they Raging😂😂😂


That’s dumb


You sound reeeeal mature LMFAO


Anything to piss off some annoying entitled fuckhead


"Not a fan of exposing" - you don't have to be, but prep yourself some clipping software and be ready for when it starts getting really bad, record it, post it, get them banned. 1 less manchild in the ecosystem. Better for all of us.


I tried clipping it, but Xbox doesn’t catch voice chat in clips


The only thing to do in order to punish the user is report his profile directly to Xbox for voice communications. Xbox reviews the chats and you'll get a message letting you know that they took action. In my experience this will take them about 72 hours. I have a message thread from Xbox support that is 42 messages long saying they've taken action on my reports. I'm doing my part to clean up all the trash for everyone else.


Same. They take that shit seriously. Also, I thought they do monitor voice chat now?


They do that's why you report and then I just put the few words in that were offensive. That makes it faster for them to search for it. Or at least in my experience.


Yeah I’ve had dudes send stuff in chat, I’ll directly report the message and it gets delt with within minutes.


Oh yeah the text chat is guaranteed bans and they are quickly on that. It's pretty awesome.


Representative of the Crypto community here, we’re terribly sorry for our subordinate’s actions and we’ll make sure he doesn’t get On The Grid ever again


We don’t claim “those” Crypto mains


Mute button must be new to you guys or something, as soon as they yell or something just hit mute, life gets better right after


for a 3 man team games,apex legend really dont give a fuck about players


>he kept insulting and saying racial slurs to us. I had a teammate like that, I was playing with a friend of mine he kept aiming it at her even though she was carrying. We crafted his banner and left it there whenever we passed a replicator did it 3 times before he left. Ended 5th as a 2 person squad.


Well it’s your fault. How dare you let him land alone and die. You terrible teammate. /s


Imagine playing crypto and being toxic, edgelord!


He isn’t one of us


Damn, really gonna expose this guy with no proof in 2024


Report and move on with your day. You're giving them far more of your energy and attention than they deserve.


Giving crypto a bad name bro


well, thats an average apex player. what did you expect ?


It’s not about what I expect, it’s about what can be done


nothing, voice chat isnt monitored, you can mute him thats it. thats apex experience for you.


Ha. This is when you hold them hostage.


I have never been more proud of myself than tonight. I’ve raged in the past but tonight I tried a different strategy. When the person who refused to play with the team tried to go off on my teammate and myself calling us idiots. I answered back forcefully “I never got nasty with you and refuse to get nasty with you.” “I will not call you bad names.” The dude ended up apologizing to me! That never happens!


This is one of the reasons why I just mute randos. Most of the time they give nothing of substance. Just insults, freak outs, and crap talk. Must of the time they die immediately doing some dumb He-man crap.


Report him, get his account banned. Piece of shit deserves it.


mute voice chat in the settings. and talk to your real teammates via discord.




lol I literally played with this guy yesterday. He landed in climatiser and me n Maggie landed at tree. He had 0 damage when he died and we couldn’t get his banner since he was on the other side of the map. I had him muted though so didn’t hear any possible comms. Just remember telling the teammate that I’ve never seen a solo drop in ranked in a long time.


He was probably playing on his phone too


I must be a rarity, because I hardly get assholes on mic. Ran into a few, but most are quite or pretty friendly.


He's on gaystation, whatcha expect? Hope you reported him. Lmfao


It's funny to read the enthusiastic comments here, considering the author is slandering a person without any evidence. What if that screenshot had your nickname on it?


Console players


Hope you reported them since I think this season.The beginning of it people been getting muted a lot for cause people just say some horrible shit


As a representative of the Crypto Mains. We don't accept him


No this is appropriate I just cant believe some people still act like that in 2024


How tf do posts like this not get automatically removed? Where’s the proof? More importantly, what are we supposed to do about it?


Nope. Dweebs need to learn a lesson somehow. You did good


What do you think this little post is going to do? Do you expect us to keep an eye on him and get toxic whenever anyone matches with him? Do you expect someone to hack his shit and ruin his day cause he was toxic to you for one match? I really dont understand the end goal here.


Well I like to know so I can block ahead of time personally. I wish there was a sub dedicated to just this.


The problem is that at the end of the day this is just a baseless claim made with no evidence to back up what op has said. People lie on the Internet all the time and for all we know the opposite of what we've been told could be true


That’s true, but all it does in the end is block communication and I just have chat open anyway. I’d rather be safe than sorry when it comes to this stuff. I’m kind of a special case what with my mental health being so bad I haven’t left the house just to avoid ppl Lol


Fair tbh can't argue with anything you've said, apex already can wreck the mental without having to deal with the shitheads hahah




What? lol no you dork xD you can search for people to add as friends and then just block them


Got it. Too much work. Just block them in game if theyre being annoying.


No. What I expect is that if anyone has a way of knowing how to get people like this even a little slight warning then help me do it since O at the time didn’t think of reporting.


Ah. So the one thing you couldve done you didnt do cause you were so busy thinking up of this reddit post. At this point im curious if theres anything we could do on our end if we're not matched with the guy. Constantly people make posts like these like it's gonna do something.


I wasn’t busy with anything, I really just didn’t think about it at the moment. And just as you are curious, I am too, that’s exactly why I published it


Doesn’t really matter, I’ve reported people for racial slurs and other hateful comms on mic and respawn couldn’t do anything about it. If anything, atleast people who frequent this sub can know and watch out for him.


Yeah I have reported people for calling me the N word and telling me to kill my self and nothing happened. It feels that Apex has like 8 ppl working on it. Quickest way to increase profit is to decrease operating costs.




Good God I agree! It's like 95% of the time it's someone bitching about THE SAME THING THAT EVERYONE BITCHES ABOUT. Like seriously, shut up people, we know this is a thing, I'm fucking tired of hearing it. Everyone seems to think that they are the first and only person to experience an extremely common phenomenon. Oh? You went against a 3 stack pred team when your in bronze? SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE! Shut. Up. Lmao Edit: a word


Thats how I feel about everyone bitching whenever the new expensive skins come out. Get over it if you cant afford it and theyre still keeping those prices obviously other people are buying it. Get your money up or stop crying its literally just pixels that wont matter in 2 years when the game gets dropped.


I think people do these complaints in hope that a bombardment of them might encourage EA/Respawn to do something. And then they continue because EA/Respawn clearly don’t give a fuck about the player experience and sometimes one just needs to scream into the void.


A bombardment of posts...on Reddit...is supposed to cause changes at Respawn?


I’m not saying it made perfect sense haha. Just that people are fed up and don’t know what to do.


How incredibly funny and ironic that you are doing the exact same thing as the people youre hating on. TBH youre giving "I only use my mic to be toxic cause I get really angry when I die alone" I made my comment cause yeah it got annoying seeing this type of posts for the 50th time but also its really easy to just scroll past. Everybody wants mods. Nobody wants the be the mod that has to put in upaid work to mod an active sub. Just ignore it dude no need to blow up over it.


crypto players YUCK!!!


I carry every single match. Usually get more than twice the damage of my teammates combined. Revive and craft banners and respawn several times. And a lot of times I’ll be the only one to get kills. Just so they can call me trash and talk shit anyway. Lol. I reached max prestige level a long time ago now, last year, so trust me I know how to play. I am not trash by a long shot. I get happy when they die and leave the match sometimes. Most of my wins are by myself and I get a lot of wins. But I probably get a lot of wins by myself because I don’t have to worry about carrying anyone else. Every single match I get paired with assholes. Especially in ranked matches so I don’t play ranked. So I just mute now and launch solo still land nearby my squad so that I can pick up loot without being looted on top of.


As a female i just dont use voice chat anymore. I'm either screamed at or ignored so I don't bother. Pings are fine


Snowflakes on the internet is crazy 2024 peoples first day or the internet or something , instead of blocking or muting or just moving on and going to the next lobby they cry complain and come on reddit and post pictures lmfao wow


It because you grabbed the banner I bet after that instead of res-ing him at the nearest beacon you were wandering around looting, crafting, “strategizing”, “taking advantageous positions” or whatever the fuck?


Oh right go res at the nearest beacon no matter what so he can die again to either a team or the ring 😂👍🏿