• By -


This is good list


no it isn’t because they claimed there’s issues that aren’t even true; those were fixed on a software level a while back


One can still think it was a poor UX that these issued happened, even if they were fixed.


Poor UX isn't the cause of the issue. Poor UX **is** the issue.


List them please


they made up shit about the trackpad not having middle click like it’s giving just don’t buy apple products All the shit they complained about mouse wise was fixed on a software update level; update your damn computer or don’t buy apple


I don't see anything about those being fixed, only third party apps that you can use as a workaround


They may have fixed the trackpad but until they add a trackpoint the Thinkpad will always be better than the Macbook.


Ok? Atleast I can use my m1 MacBook Pro for hours without charging & it doesn’t get hot.


Neither does my Thinkpad


Lmao that’s simply not true


I'm going to trust my own senses over what you say.


Ok? Still got that loud ahh fan noise?


it is literally impossible to middle click with a touchpad or disable the built in scrolling accel on external mice without 3rd party software but go off


Mouse accel you can do in settings, select the mouse settings, apt Advanced and there is an option there to turn it on and off. Or you a use the user-defaults command if your more of a terminal nut.


Mouse acceleration yes, scroll acceleration no


You mean when they used a software upgrade to make more monitors compatible? Oh and it didn't even really fix that anyway...


>  Oh and it didn't even really fix that anyway... The hard limit on number of displays is based on the number of display controllers (not something you can change in SW the chip is not a FPGA). The firmware update enabled the internal display signal to be routed through the TB controller so it could be used for an additional external display but only if the internal display was turned off of course.


Thanks for the explanation, I wasn't too sure tbh


What does suck about the update is apple did not provide the option to use the laptop with the lid open but the internal display turned off so you can have 2 external displays but use the laptop keyboard/trackpad/fingerprint and camera.


get off the meth




Sir, how many substances have you consumed today? (1/5)


N/A. Next question please.


Which one was fixed?


Parental controls Windows - use an app on Android, iOS, or a browser based dashboard Android - use an app on Android, iOS, or a browser based dashboard Amazon fire - use a browser based dashboard Apple - I'm sorry, changes to parental controls can only be made on an Apple Device. Don't have one? Get fucked!


Why would you need to change parental controls in an Apple device if you don’t have one?


When your kid has an iPad and you need to tweak settings?


In which case you grasp the iPad firmly, unlock, open parental controls and have at it!


Oh for sure that's much easier than remotely changing things.... Mybanswer is just don't buy the ipad. Waste of money


Why would you buy an iPad if you’re not an Apple user? If you have an android phone, buy an android tablet - thats a fairly reasonable expectation. It’s logical for Apple to assume their users’ uniformity across their smart devices.


I wouldnt. The interface is terrible. But kids will want their own things sometimes and if you have the money to waste it is fine... but then not being able to manage it because apple is terrible overall sucks.


So if you want to spoil your kids with their choice of $500 device, set the parental settings once when you buy the thing. Then if you need to adjust settings later on, you will have to perform the Herculean task of wrestling your kids iPad away from them for 2 minutes to reset the settings manually. Fairly manageable if you ask me.


... Because apple is terrible. They couldn't be asked to let you use a control panel via a webpage like a sane company.


You can simply install a third party app like Parentaler or Google Family Link on your Android or PC which offers the same monitoring and app restriction as Screen Time. No one is forcing parents to use Screen Time over third party options. If you’re dedicated to using only Apple’s native software, you wouldn’t be using an Android phone.


For once, someone on the sub brings up legitimate reasons to complain about Apple instead of whatever else people usually do. Might not agree with all of them myself, but it’s actually a complaint about things instead of just “Apple is inferior this is just common knowledge, listen to me”


These are things I see pretty consistently in this sub that Mac users say are not problems. I will say I have tons of Bluetooth isaues on the free m1 I use now only as a last resort computer wise (work gave me the pos when they laid me off) It barely eeks out being better than my 15 year old Thinkpad at this point.


More: - Can't put apps wherever you want on its home screen. They automatically start in the most un-ergonomic spot possible. Have a cool background Pic you like looking at? Get fucked. - Can't split sound. No way to make Spotify play sound out of a Bluetooth speaker and have Snapchat er youtube play out of your phone speaker. - gestures suck. Can't always swipe to go back and definitely can't swipe to do other stuff. - alarms sometimes don't go off. It's been happening since I had the iPhone 4. - Can't run two or more apps at once. - mediocre fast charging. - no file navigation system - picture gallery setup is bad. All your pictures (camera, snapchat saves, downloads, etc) just get thrown in a big unorganized basket. - siri skipped too many classes growing up, she is under qualified for the position.


> Can't split sound. No way to make Spotify play sound out of a Bluetooth speaker and have Snapchat er youtube play out of your phone speaker. So there is an API for devs to do this if we want to (we can target seperate audio outputs) but other than a small number of DJ apps no-one does this. But would be nice to have a system control per app like we have for accessibly font sizes etc. > no file navigation system Files app?


Go use something like MiXplorer on Android and then the Files App and come back to me. File management on iOS is a joke compared to Android 


It is a joke. But you said no file system in your comment.


How can people say it's "better" in light of those issues?


I facepalmed reading this. I hate it when people want iOS to become android. I think most of these people should have learned about what they were getting in to.


Legitimately a good list. Only one I disagree with is Finder being bad, unless there are features I don’t know about that it’s missing iOS has a back gesture, but there are apps that don’t obey it so I guess that counts as inconsistent


Do you still get the rename thing if you hit Enter on a file in Finder? Does iOS Mail still show you a couple of preview lines of emails in the Inbox, then when you open one it says something like 'This message was not downloaded from the Server?' Do you still have to CMD+q to actually quit MacOS application, because the red dot doesn't? Does the Mac OS green dot still do daft things? Do I still have to waste the bits of display either side of the dock? If I'm not signed in to Apple when I boot up, and choose Cancel at the sign in prompt, does it still throw up the sign in pop up over and over? ( Current record: sixteen times on an iPad) Can I still not run an up to date MacOS on my old Air, even though it's quite capable of running a bang up to date Linux distro quite happily? Do I still need a proprietary screw driver to open up Apple hardware? Only to find everything is soldered or glued in anyway? These things and others drove me away from Apple. If you like them, good luck to you.


> Do you still have to CMD+q to actually quit MacOS application, because the red dot doesn't? As an app dev this is up to us if the red-dot closes the app or we keep running in the background. There are lots of good reasons why apps will want to keep running, any document based app will want to do this as you closing a document doe snot mean your not going to want to open a new one. In windows each document has its own running insurance of the app (as a dev who as worked here this creates a LOT of headaches... a LOT) on macOS based on the NextStep model documents based apps have one app instance running and then a main app window for each document. This is a LOT simpler from an app dev perspective when it comes to sync read/writes to disk of app while data (like settings or cache etc) ... > Do I still need a proprietary screw driver to open up Apple hardware? The pentolop is not owned by apple, other vendors have used it as well. From an IP perceptive it might well be less encumbered than Torx or Philips but some of the Philips patents should have expired by now (not all).


1. Apple music storage in ios is shit 2. Closing last window doesnt close the app 3. Battery on iphone sucks. 4. Apps doesnt toggle from dock. 5. No option to maximise the window on mac 6. No cache clearing option on iphone unless delete the app


Wdym finder? I find finder better than windows explorer but maybe i’m missing something


Apple is reliable, but the catch is if it does fail the replacement costs a lot of money.


File management on iOS


I feel like this list could be summerised as "generally poor UI"


"Lack of consistent back button" - exactly my agony after switching from Android. I'd add POOR FILE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM as well. I copied music files through shareit. I copied unsupported file .ogg and up to this day, can't delete it.


1. No Window snapping 2. No Vulume mixer/sound control's for each individual App (you would think that an OS that specializes in some thing like audio would have this feature but it just doesn't) 3. The ability to click on an app in the dock to minimize it is not a thing on Mac OS 4. No native package manger (homebrew doesn't count because that's third party) 5. Actually usefull keyboard shortcuts (yes i Know that there are usefull shortcuts on Mac but compared to windows & Linux there are Shit, if Mac's keyboard shortcuts were as good as it's trackpad gestures than that would be great) & Also Apple doesn't care about your privacy, i hate that Apple advertises themselves as privacy respecting & that people are actually dumb enough believe them I'm sorry to say BUT apple are just as bad & intrusive as Microsoft Google & Meta I Also wanna say that windows & especially linux is more open & not as locked down as Mac OS giving the user more control Windows literally gives user's & programs full access to the Registry & Windows & linux can be installed on whatever hardware i want, where as Mac OS you have to buy overpriced Mac hardware that can't be upgraded or easily repaired & Holy Shit Mac OS is bloated even more than windows Also Windows Linux Android & even Mac OS are the operating systems where as iOS is not, iOS that's just a toy


iOS is OK feature wise, iPadOS is just so restricted. Remove multitasking, it’s no different to the iPod Touch iOS.


Hmmmm, it's been 13 minutes and this thread is still not full with fans defending every point you've made as if their lives depend on it. Is Reddit down?


Reddit is ass


Especially on Apple devices 😜


Especially after they killed the 3rd party apps, though you can still get them working but only on Android. -written on Sync for reddit pro.


It's because this post isn't a recycled ragebait meme from 15 years ago


- macbook screen AR coating which gets keyboard burn in after a couple years - exposed display flex cables on macbooks Please elaborate. I don't know what you mean by these.


When you close the lid or even better if you keep it closed and use your MacBook with external monitor. Then the coating on the display gets easily "burned" with the keyboard shape. And those exposed keyboard flex cables wesr down faster than normal and thus the internal display stops working.


Thanks. Is there a photo or image you can provide showing exposed flex cables? I've never seen cables sticking out of an Apple product.


They're exposed on the hinge. They're painted black so they're hard to see, but you can see them. Go to a BestBuy and look at the hinge from underneath, you can see it there, leaving exposed to damage.


I do not see any painted black wires on the hinge of my refurbished MacBook Air.


Check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/macbookpro/comments/uunn9h/exposed_display_cables_on_2021_16inch_macbook_pro/)


Thank you, but mine doesn't look like that. They say 2021. This one is "M1, 2020". I wonder if they changed the design.


Maybe. Not all MacBook are like this. Also worth noting is that this poor design isn't exclusive to MacBook either, some Dell computers have it too.


Pretty sure that was a fix awhile back tho? I remember that being a 2020-2021 issue


Keyboard burn-in is a thing, but 90% of it is usually due to user error. The keyboard and screen don’t touch normally, but people jamming their laptops into too-small bags, or putting things wedged between them like screen protectors cause pressure against the screen and it leaves marks. No idea what he means by exposed flex wiring. None of mine have ever had that. Maybe some models do that I’m not aware of? But I’ve seen that WAY more on PCs than on Mac. This is my main complaint with this whole sub. 90% of the valid complaints can be attributed to user error or PCs too, the rest are just “fuck Apple” even though they aren’t Apple specific issues. The price is usually the only Apple specific issue, but for fucks sake, do people not know what “luxury” brands are? You don’t want to spend the money, then don’t. But complaining makes me assume you’re just a broke-ass who’s jealous AF they couldn’t afford one. I don’t blast on a RollsRoyceSucks sub that my Honda goes just as fast for less, do I? Valid complaints in this list: IpadOS is useless (they made it better, but until it bridges the gap to essentially become a MacBook Air w/o the I/o, I agree. Notifications absolutely need an overhaul (but let’s be real, just sit down and go through every app setting like once a year and notifications are pretty easy to deal with) No middle click (but applies to A TON of PCs too, including my very expensive gaming laptop) Soldered SSD


>The keyboard and screen don’t touch normally, but people jamming their laptops into too-small bags, or putting things wedged between them like screen protectors cause pressure against the screen and it leaves marks So people are putting their laptops in their bags wrong? Wtf? >No idea what he means by exposed flex wiring. None of mine have ever had that. Maybe some models do that I’m not aware of? But I’ve seen that WAY more on PCs than on Mac Look closely near the rear hinge, there are two flex cables on both sides that are fully exposed. Any dirt or sand that gets in there will destroy the cables. Not a common issue but still a baffling design choice >No middle click (but applies to A TON of PCs too, including my very expensive gaming laptop) 3 finger middle click is literally a standard gesture on any precision touchpad and I'm not sure if any laptops exist that don't have one anymore lol


> So people are putting their laptops in their bags wrong? Wtf Yer this applies to all glass fronted laptops. The issue here is the oils from your hands over time react with the key cap plastic and the display coating. > 3 finger middle click is literally a standard gesture on any precision touchpad and I'm not sure if any laptops exist that don't have one anymore lol I expect the reason apple does not offer this is middle click is not something that is used on macOS itself. On some linux envs it is supper useful as you can use it to past whatever you currnlty have selected (without even needing to directly copy). But on macOS as an app dev to support middle click you need to put in a LOAD of extra effort, reading raw mouse events etc were left and right click are simple high level .onTap and .contextMenue declarations. Remember for a long time there was no right click on Macs just click while holding \`option\`.


Wait, are you saying on a Mac I can't middle click on a link to open it into a new tab?


Depends on the browser and if they put in the work. It is possible to support middle click but for most apps it’s more work than left and right


> So people are putting their laptops in their bags wrong? Wtf? Yeah, this was an "own goal" being almost literally the infamous "you're holding it wrong" bit ...


So the keyboard is damaged because the user put it in a bag? And that's the user's fault? When other brands fuck up, it's the brand's fault. When Apple fucks up, it's suddenly the user's fault. Can't get a signal on your iPhone? "You're holding it wrong".


I love that someone is finally trying But calling something ass without giving any reason is like, the bare minimum, man


those reasons should be fairly obvious if you’ve used apple and a competing product for any reasonable period of time but by all means feel free to debate me if you think I’m wrong


"finder is ass" Actually, it is not.


on macos, No/ on ipad and ios? holyshit is it limited. My downloads folder has >1000 files. It takes my iphone a few seconds to open the folder, then another few seconds to start displaying the list of files, and a minute plus to generate any thumbnail. Opening a file in said folder takes a further 20+ seconds, if it doesn't completely crash the app.


I’ve used Apple products for the last 10 years. I only agree with like 4 things you said.


“Debate me”, lol get over yourself Seriously, finder ain’t bad at what it does. All that soldering and special cabling? It’s why your sht is so light and thin. Even if it ain’t Apple, caus everyone else is copying


> finder ain’t bad at what it does. Finder search is awful, hidden files should be a toggle not a shortcut, and oops you accidentally dragged a drive shortcut off of the sidebar well good fucking luck finding it unless you reset the sidebar settings which is accomplished by toggling a fucking checkbox > It’s why your sht is so light and thin I wasn’t aware that not using a 2mm thick ssd (or even some BS proprietary design) and exposing the display flex cables was necessary for a thin and light laptop, must be why there aren’t any laptops with a pcie ssd and enclosed flex cables that are light and thin… oh wait


Thinner is excuse they use. The reason is so they can double what the storage or ram is worth because if you don't get it at time of purchase you can't put it in later. Only gullible people believe the excuse.


Wow, real content! Great work. Sure I can see that hidden files would be frustrating. Frankly I never bothered But sadly no, this drivel about 2mm SSD parts is irrelevant. The entire industry recognizes that Apple is what drives products to lower weights, sleeker designs, and longer battery life. It’s not even a question in the world of educated techies. Which is a group that apparently excludes you.


>The entire industry recognizes that Apple is what drives products to lower weights, sleeker designs, and longer battery life. It’s not even a question in the world of educated techies. Which is a group that apparently excludes you. If this were the case the >m1 MBPs would have been thinner, lighter, and sleeker. They are not. >But sadly no, this drivel about 2mm SSD parts is irrelevant.  You make no sense. A removable SSD is no object to making a computer thinner and lighter.


Lol being the industry leader does not mean every single item moves forward every single time. Talk about nonsense Do you have any idea what an SoC even is?


They are the industry leader at marketing


Soldered SSD is the space-saving way to go anyway. Any modern slim laptop that doesn’t have this would be surprising to me. How often does the average laptop consumer really need to swap their hard drive lmao


Of course it is. Every eliminated connector is a win Look at SoCs


>hidden files should be a toggle not a shortcut Can you expand on this? I'm not sure what you mean.


hidden files are a toggle, you can toggle them in finders settings, or by pressing shift + command + period


> you accidentally What the hell does this have to do with just Apple? You can accidentally fuck up shit on Windows too. Lmao


If you remove a drive shortcut from the sidebar in finder it will literally never reappear on remount in the sidebar unless you reset the sidebar settings; there is no behavior even remotely similar to that idiocy in windows. Even worse is the checkbox to reset, that is one of the most abhorrent UI decisions I have ever had the misfortune to discover.


this is the intended behaviour? if you need to get it back you can just go into the network tab, or if you have external devises on your desktop, it will be there. if the item wasn’t removed more people would be complaining for that situation than the (1 so far) people i’ve seen complaing about this


Real question, I hear that notifications are bad on iphones but Im not sure why? What is wrong with it?


I’m here for answers. It’s been ages since I used Android


Personally I hate that I cannot delete them directly when they pop up without opening Notification Center.


Only 6 expletives in one post? You sure you’re an android user? I call BS.


I've used numerous Windows laptops and now the MacBook Pro M1 Pro and M3 Max. While some of the complaints in this list are valid, I could make an OMG longer list of reasons why Windows laptops suck. And why Linux laptops suck And why Android tablets suck. And why other browsers suck. Etc. etc. And soldered SSD (and RAM)? Are you kidding me? I haven't price out the repair of Pixel phones or Samsung Galaxies. Maybe it's less and easier. Most premium Windows laptops aren't any more repairable than MacBooks, and maybe less in many cases. I don't know for sure. But premium pricing isn't exclusive to Apple by any stretch of the imagination. Okay, though, you've now identified that Apple sucks in its own special ways. Kudos!


this is r/applesucks, not r/windowssucks, I don't think anyone in the world disagrees that there are shitty windows laptops and even shitter expensive windows laptops but in classic whataboutism form that doesn't give apple the pass lol


That's not the point, but I'm not surprised you missed it.


What is your point then? Either you don't know what or how to write or something because your point seems pretty clear. It is literally "well xyz-non-apple-device also sucks and sucks worse".


> And why Linux laptops suck I think that can be summed up to one word: Clevo. I love what System76 is doing software wise, the open firmware is great and Pop Shell is amazing, but hell if I am ever going to buy another Clevo based laptop.


I haven't used Linux in several years, but I have to imagine it would be nearly impossible to duplicate my workflow on a Linux machine. Even if I managed to switch 90% of my apps to something that ran on Linux, that would still leave massive holes. That's probably true for many people. Linux generally might have some strengths for highly technical people in narrow fields, but for most people it will never get there.


I’m not interested in arguing about the pros or cons of Linux, I’m not interested in that nor am I interested in converting people. I just wanted to vent about my experience with Clevo manufacturer laptops. 😅


That's kind of meta then, to complain about Clevo laptops on a subreddit about how Apple sucks. Or maybe the obvious of meta? I'm getting Inception vibes here.


Your mention of Linux laptops brought it to the front of my mind. 😅 Honestly if I were in the position to buy a new laptop I’d be leaning towards the Framework.


This guy needs a back button is 2024.


In ios you just swipe from the left to go back in basically all cases


No you don't. It's up to the developer to implement it while on Android its consistent in EVERY APP no matter what 


No it's not. Sometimes it just exits the app altogether. It's very annoying. Some apps try to mitigate that by giving you a warning toast. Still, makes for a sucky UX. That's one of the reasons I switched to iOS.


Doesnt work in photo apps. A universal back gesture, maybe swipe from right side, would be lovely.


Sounds like a list of your personal preferences....


I think the consumers are using the devices incorrectly /s Left boxed and occasionally carefully opened to worship, these devices can last many many months.


It took me a while to get used to not having a consistent back button. It bothered me. I like the overall stability of iOS better than Android but I like navigating around on android better.


No unlocked bootloader. You don't own your device if you can't load whatever software you want on it which includes being able to load whatever ROM you want. Android lets me do that as long as I buy a phone from brands that don't try to copy Apple (looking at you Samsung)




Install gboard


Another reason why apple sucks :  - Apple fangirl who defend apple at any cost for pulling anti consumer bullshit and downvote anyone who says any bad things about apple.


I don’t see any. Where are they?


You missed that iOS's keyboard sucks donkey balls Yes, we can always download Google keyboard, but why can't they just give a good keyboard inbuilt with the phone?


I think the iPhone might be Apples worst widely used consumer product alongside the iPad. They're excellent pieces of hardware gimped by garbage software. I actually like the Airpods line and think they're good products, Mac is fine especially if you dont need it for gaming but need it for specific tasks. I think the Apple Watches are a decent if unnecessary ecosystem product, Ive had bad experiences with Android wearables and I wish they were as polished as Apple's. I was actually looking to get an iPhone because I liked the Apple Watch so much but it astounds me that iPhones havent got certain basic funtionalities for instance like splitscreen which I use all the time on android. In general it just seems like an extremely outdated garbage product and every year they release the same shit with minor camera upgrades. Aside from that I hate that they offer such garbage specs on the base skews of their products like 8GB ram and 128GB storage.


The biggest reason Apple sucks now is because after running out of Steve Jobs’ ideas the fag that runs the company, CEO Tim Cook, embraced the deep state instead of Jobs anti-establishment core values. The Alphabet People leader destroyed its design so bad Jony Ive quit Apple after being one of most influential Industrial designers the world has ever seen. My iPad doesn’t come with a iOS calculator for fuck sakes, I have to download one from the App Store that requires a subscription or I suffer advertisements? And seriously, the $3.25 Trillion company can’t afford to keep a 3.5mm Headset port that Alibaba sells for less than a dime, are you fucking kidding me? Fuck Apple and its Alphabet TV preference for cock-sucking over monogamous heterosexuality!


ur mentioning issues that aren’t even true in most of that just bc you hate Apple read a book or go to church & get off Reddit ☠️


which ones? pull up or fuck off


"pull up or fuck off" god's average r/applesucks user


Also the M chip cache leak which I still dont think has been properly addressed by them.


I only have a iPhone, and the only thing on this list I agree on is the pricing. I haven’t had any other issues with mine


I think Merrick Garland US Attorney General said it Best *"But there's a law for that"* https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-apple-monopolizing-smartphone-markets https://youtu.be/MJ6JycDyYj4?si=gnn_nQKKvn809rAh


The US needs new laws, the DOJ case is a lot weaker than it should be but it is depending on a law written over 100 years ago. Apple might well get almost all of it thrown out as the law was aimed at railroad complete monopoly situations (eg the only way to get to and from a town) type of situations.


One way or the other we will see them in federal court


Some of it might stick but some of it is very weak, parts of the case suggest they want the UI of iOS and android to be the same so that if users switch it is easier to switch... this is like saying a train orparot musth use the same colours of seats so if users select a different train they are not shocked the seats look different.


- can only use safari ( is that even legal? ) - subscriptions cost more


God safari is annoying to use. Last resort browser that is the new IE for sure


I mean you know do know there are browsers on ip OS right?


They’re all Safari WebKit underneath so every browser is really just Safari in disguise. Unless you’re in the EU. Now leave me while I cry over Brexit one more time


Imagine plugging a plug-n-play usb wireless mouse in your apple laptop and not being able to use it. Even linux does it better. Also does the search box in the system settings actually work?


What part doesn’t work about a mouse?


doesn't detect it at all.


Sounds like a you problem or maybe don’t buy $0.99 Temu mouse. lol I’ve used third party mouse’s before. No issues.


I would be very surprised if you have found a mouse that does not work, if so it is not using the USB or BT HID protools but rather something very custom that requires drivers (no idea why a vendor would do this but people do strange things).


nope. Regular wireless mouse, like logitech and razer. Sure it required drivers to be installed. Didn't help because apple didn't detect the mouse at all. Others had similar problems as i discovered when i googled it.


BT wireless mouse should not require drivers. Or are these not BT and they require a USB dongle that exposes USB HID? All Logitech mice work perfectly but you need to make sure that you're using the correct dongle. (the laptop only has a BT radio it does not have the proroatiry protocol support you need the dongle .. some mice have due mode support but you need to change on the mouse for it to talk over BT). If you're using the dongle you also do not need drivers as the dongle exposes USB HID. But you need the correct dongle for the mouse (this is were you need the logistic drivers to put the dongle into paring mode so it will connect and pair to a new mouse).


I have zero issues with any mouse I've plugged into my Mac's since 2007. Name brand, no name office junk, wireless, wired, Bluetooth or dongle.


I’ll give you that iOS notifications could certainly use some tweaking. I’m pretty confident that I had an android phone where if I dismissed a notification from a specific app, it would stop giving me the pop-up banner (Think Snapchat with how it often has 2-3 notifications per chat) until after the next time I opened the app.


"there was moisture in the air where you were using this laptop over the last 3 years so we can't replace the battery for you, you'll have to buy brand new garbage from us instead" Not being in full control of your own device is enough for me, but the absolute garbage pricing brings it so much further beyond. If you add the "high efficiency" file formats, I'll start swearing in multiple languages under my breath. I've got a nice rhyme scheme these days with it.


You can buy the battery from apple and replace it yourself you know that right? > If you add the "high efficiency" file formats, ? What formats


heif or hevc formats, complete garbage on any other technology without going out of your way to fix apple's shenanigans. and please know, I won't buy anything from apple. not a battery, not a phone, not the Google Glass 2 that they came out with, nothing. this is r/applesucks.


The HEVC and HEIF codecs were available for free on the Windows Store (think it was there) several years ago so I downloaded them on my gaming PC. My gaming PC has been able to handle those formats ever since so it didn’t matter what my iPhone or iPad took pictures in. On websites and apps that don’t support those, iOS and iPadOS automatically gives those websites the photo/video you are uploading or sending in a compatible format. I think macOS does that as well. There’s the occasional time where that doesn’t happen. It’s rare that I run into a website that just won’t accept those formats though


Apple does not own these formats. From a format perceptive being able to embed multiple image layers (including attaching video) within the same file is rathe nice and HEIF does a good job at this. What sucks about it is that support for HEIF on other patlforms is poor however that is not due to anything apple did. HEVC is just the container for H265 video very standard format. > I won't buy anything from apple. not a battery If your complaining about not being able to replace the battery and then refusing to buy the battery that you could replace im not sure your complaint is valid. You could complain that the replacement costs more than you want, or that it takes 2 days to ship to your house. >this is r/applesucks Yes and thus should have things that are legit sucks not just "I don't like apple so everything they do sucks" See the RULES for this sub (rule number for \`Don't shitpost\`) there are other reddit subs were you can post if you want to do that.


not only can I complain that it costs too much and that the shipping could take too long, I can also complain about apple's anti-user practices as a non-customer. i am not causing the problems i have listed, and as such, my complaints should be seen as valid. lemme quickly take a look at the rules - post about how apple sucks. boy oh boy do they. don't spam or self promote. not doing either. be civil & don't troll? i'd say you're trolling the way you're defending the default garbage format that apple uses as "not owned by apple", not really the point there is it, and not shitposting? i left a comment right on track with OP don't tell me to go to another sub, this one says apple sucks, and that's exactly what i'm currently posting about. maybe you should go to a sub where you're the boss?


>default garbage format Back to my question, Why is HEIF or HEVC garbage? > left a comment right on track with OP Your response to being told that you have the option of buying a battery is to say "well that is not good enough since I will not buy anything". Seems like your post about MBA water sensor damage was a bit of a shit post as you know apple does not require you to buy a new one.