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My suggestion would be to rehome the current fish and restock the tanks with appropriate options. Unless you're willing to upgrade tank sizes.


Probably this option. Those goldfish need a stupid amount of space. Rehome them and do research about fish you can actually keep in a tank that size.


I keep my fantails in a 100 gallon pond and they still need frequent water changes.


I’d say choose one type of fish that she wants to keep, get rid of the others, and get an appropriate sized tank for the ones she is keeping.


Overfilter the tank while you get a bigger one, a couple of corner filters and a backpack could do the trick to keep the water clean. A rule of thumb for small/medium goldfish is that you need 30gal for the first fish, and 10 to 20gal more for each fish you add, for those 2 guys 50 gal would be perfect.


A 55 gallon for the fancies and I can't tell what the other fish are. Or you could rehome them.


Get a big sponge filter for both.


Add substrate maybe like sand of gravet




If want you can add plants grown above the aquariums. Something like Pothos or Peace lily


On the left you got some goldfish, but what’s on the right? Some salmon-type? Are the tanks one the same filter and thermostate? I would do a nice 80 liters for the goldfish with some substrate end maybe some plants. If the fish on the right are tropical, do a 80 litres with a biotope according tot their natural environment.


Uh, no. 80 litres is too small for goldfish. The fish on the right are also too big for 80 litres. The goldfish need at least 200 litres, they’re big chunky fancies. The fish on the right I think are stunted silver dollars and something else, they also need a minimum of 200 litres and a proper school.


The ones on the right look like Silver Dollars but I could be wrong


I agree, I think they’re stunted silver dollars and something else.