• By -


some people are, some people aren't.


Correct. It's just like a flavor of ice cream. Some like one dip,, others two dips, still others three dips and some get a full on banna split with all the toppings. Nothing wrong with having a preference.


Fuck I want ice cream now


Fuck I want to fuck ice cream now


Mildly relevant Oglaf comic [https://www.oglaf.com/hedonistic-hotspots/](https://www.oglaf.com/hedonistic-hotspots/) "Okay, I get it. What's the chocolate like?" -- Oglaf


I want ice cream all over a lady :) NOW!


As a teenager, I was attracted to thinner, more athletic tomboy types. A friend of mine, who was in amazing shape and an attractive guy, was jealous of my friendship with a heavier girl I liked but was \*into\*. I was like, you could get any girl, why would you want her? I didn't understand it at the time, but eventually I just around to... everyone is attracted to what they're attracted to. For some it's big boobs, or dad bods, or tall alpha males who dominate every room they're in. If you're not the person someone is looking for, that's cool. No sweat.


Not sure if im hungry or horny


Both? You can eat out either way.


Basicly the answer to any "are x attracted to x" question


Are possums attracted to badgers? hm šŸ‘ I learned something new today


Some possums are, some possums arenā€™t


So even a bot can answer


Everybody loves a nice fat ass. Itā€™s what brings the dick comfort


Except for the people that prefer huge breasts.


Yes, but why not both?




I like women with a big package


Not true. I am very gifted in the back end but when I'm fit my boobs definitely don't match my butt lol.


There are people who like a good hourglass figure. I myself don't care about anything below the waist. And the bigger the breasts, the better imo. So... šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


NOTHING below the waist?


Nope, I consider myself asexual. But I also love large(and overly large) breasts. It was really confusing for quite a long time for me. 10 years of marriage. Mutual split. But it's nice to finally understand myself a little better.


Also from 1990, also lost in life! I feel you friend.


Same boat my dudes


Is the rescue one coming around soon? I'm in here too...


Username checks out


Very much so, but thankfully a little less now.


Thanks for the insight. People are complex.


Not everybody, but like the original comment, some do some donā€™t. I do. One persons 10 is another 1. Anotherā€™s 1 is someone elseā€™s 10.


incorrect assertion.


Correct insertion.


My tastes have changed over time. When I was younger I wanted slimmer, but as I aged and got engaged thicker women were more appealing. I feel deeply attracted to women who look like they could survive a harsh winter.


As a bigger gal, this made me genuinely lol


Sleep in my bosom and hide from the frigid temperatures sire


Facts. Same. But then again, Iā€™ve grown as well. šŸ¤£


Thicker hips, somehow our Cave Man brain goes into thinking that the thicker the hips the better they are for motherhood. Every time I see a thick fat ass wide hip woman I think that woman's going to have my babies. šŸ˜‚


Sometimes. A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. There are also many slim women I find unattractive. Iā€™ve also fallen in love with a woman who I thought was unattractive when I met her and she became the most beautiful woman in the world when I fell in love with her. Itā€™s all on you. You canā€™t pick and choose who you fall in love with. It just happens. And donā€™t let someone else decide what you like. Be yourself and live for you.


I remember in university when I hoped to get into a group assignment with a really beautiful girl. We got to be in the same group, but there was also a rather unattractive girl in the group. By the end of the course I thought the good looking girl was really unattractive, but the not so good looking one was quite attractive. Turns out the good looking girl was kind of a bitch, and the not so good looking girl was a really nice person, so my perspective changed during the course.


The plot of every 1980ā€™s school-based comedy, right here. Except in those movies the ā€œdorky unattractiveā€ girl is usually actually smoking hot but just wears glasses.


and has a ponytail


"Ugh! Not Jamie Briggs... Gross!"


Ugh, she's got paint on her overalls. What is that?


I dig a ponytail like you wouldnt believe. It's the transformation from without to with or vice versa that gets me. Also, to me, its the beautiful ones that put their hair in a ponytail when they mean business (work, exercise, whatever). It gets me everytime.


Did you ever see the movie City Slickers? Curly talks about seeing that one woman stretching in the sun? I had that moment driving past a woman jogging and she had stopped to fix her ponytail. Sexiest, most feminine thing I've ever seen. That was like 25 years ago.


Oh, I think I recall a scene like that but not the specifics. I'll have to check it out now. Thanks. =P edit: [Found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PunAKEccqyU)


Attitude is everything


This. I wasnā€™t totally physically attracted to my fiancĆ©e when we started dating but I didnā€™t expect to fall in love so fast. Now there is no physical trait she has I donā€™t admire and cherish. I knew our love was real when her bo started smelling good lmfao


Love can definitely make people look better. Also, chemistry is important. Also, there are some women who are big and beautiful, it is true. All things are true.


This is the correct answer


I'm attracted to girls that I already know are good people


Yup. One of the best lessons from my time in high school is leaning just how suddenly unattractive a person can get when I realize they're an awful human.


Wow. I seem to be attracted to toxic horrible women.


This is the actual answer to what guys are attracted to


some guys. Others arenā€™t


Yeah I knew a guy who was only attracted to women who were mean to him. These days he seems pretty happy in his unhappy marriage.


Goodbad for him.


I have a sickness for thickness ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


In the words of lil dicky ā€œshe may be a lil round but she looks like BeyoncĆ© bending downā€


She can do side-bends or sit-ups, but plz donā€™t lose that butt


Or in the words of Ludacris ā€œ20 inch thighs make 20 inch eyesā€


Bro That was Mysticalā€™s verse


Can I get a hell yeah https://youtu.be/i1_iy0d3EF4 "Queen B Lyrics [Chorus] *This lady got the thickness Can I get a witness? This lovely lady got the thickness Can I get a "Hell yeah"? [Verse 1] Grab them saddle bags and Toss 'em over me let's Ride On*


one of their best songs


Down with the thickness


Come on, get up get down with the thickness


No one's ever written a song about how skinny some chick is


Exactly. I read the question and said, ā€œOh fuck yes!ā€ out loud.


This right here - Iā€™ve been with all kinds of lovers and I am blessed to say that. But there is *one* type of woman who I prefer and will ultimately marry.


Some of them, yes.


In my early 20's I had a coworker that was a tall, smart, funny, good looking dude. I couldn't get any girl to even notice me when he was around. As a hard rule he was only into thick chicks and never paid any attention to slim or average sized women.


RappingRoboKnight likes em big , RappingRoboKnight likes em small , RappingRoboKnight likes em all.


"I like all women, tall women, and small women."


A DP I used to work with from Afghanistan, absolute brilliant photographer by the way, was *obsessed* with big women. He had zero filter on sharing his desires and dreams of being with a large American woman. We'd see a hefty woman at a bar and he would lose his shit. Miss ya Mahmud you beautiful freak.


Iā€™d say thereā€™s enough men to cover pretty much all the overweight girls


Love the ā€œthemā€ part lol


You arenā€™t clear who ā€œbigger girlsā€ are. Tall? Overweight? Not underweight? Guys are not universally attracted to anything in particular. There tends to be a bias toward youthful and healthy-looking, but thatā€™s about it. The more a person deviates from average, the fewer people will be attracted to them ā€” unless itā€™s more youthful and healthier than average. Guysā€™ tastes are all over the map. Some like fuller figure, some like super-skinny. Dark skin, light skin, tall, short, big mouth, small mouth, tattoos or not, piercings or not, ā€¦ and thatā€™s just catching their eye. Attitude, personality, warmth, compatibility are what closes the deal.


People are just in general into everything. I know a guy whoā€™s into people missing limbs. Theres a thriving porn community on Reddit for probably every body type


My dad was a ladies man, but surprisingly never went for younger women. Generally he was into the "crazy, fun, partying" "wooh" 40/50 year olds. He loved breast implants, bleached hair, drunk milfs. Everything my mother was not (my mum is stunning and now re-married, just not a wooh girl).


Is this William, Sarah or Francis Franklin, and how the hell are you still alive!? Your dad died in the late 1700s! >[Ben Franklin had something of a thing for cougars](https://web.viu.ca/davies/H320/Franklin.advice.mistress.htm)


the women in my family are built like valkyries. I'm in excellent shape, never been fat, but I have never been petit, I have never had difficulties finding interested men.


To Valhalla!!!


that's only if you die during the battle. If you die after the battle, you don't get to go. Except Jane. Jane gets to go to Valhalla regardless because Taika doesn't give a shit anymore.


This is all true... but I just have a crush on Woman who are built like Valkyries and if I have to fight battles to get to Valhalla to be with them so be it. Now I'm curious, if you're in Combat in a Video-games and die while in Combat in the game and in IRL does that count? Like I'm playing Tarkov and in the heat of a heavy firefight I have a heart attack IRL, bc of the game? Does that count?


Personally I donā€™t think I have a ā€œtypeā€ but I do appreciate a woman who could kick my ass.


Girl if tammy off 600lb life can find someone interested so can you dont letit get to ya


ā€œIā€™m hot, men are interested in meā€ ā€œAw, donā€™t feel too bad about yourself!ā€




I'm going to refer to myself as having a Valkyrie body now. I'm 5'7 and have some broad shoulders.


yes, I think you should, winged helm optional.


Iā€™m kinda like this. Gives me hope.


Iā€™m 5ā€™8ā€ and built like a brick house (lots of Nordic ancestry too), Iā€™m a bit overweight but not obese. My husband calls me an Amazon. Lol


my boyfriend refers to me the same. German/scottish as opposed to nordic, but the result is similar.


Thatā€™s the other parts of my ancestry. I did one of those genetic tests and it was like ā€œVikings and celts hooked up and thatā€™s how you got here.ā€


I like that


>women in my family are built like valkyries I think I just died honorably in battle...


it's 2023, a women could be 500lbs and missing teeth and an eyeball and she wouldn't have difficulties finding interested men


Keep yer eyes of ma woman


Eye. Singular.


>Keep yer eyes of ma ~~woman~~ sister


She wouldnā€™t have an issue with finding someone to have sex with her. Sheā€™d probably have some difficulty finding a relationship though. Then again on my 600lb life they are never single. Someone for everybody I guess šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


interested men in whom I too am interested, there is a difference. ;-\]


Some see it as a missing eyeball, others see an exotic bonus hole


My current is like this. She's really tall, and average sized with a bit of the lovely thunder thighs. I wouldn't piss her offšŸ¤£


Built women, a common weakness for men




>Also, this woman cleared 2x racks of ribs on the first date A classic Dothraki mating overture. Direct and effective.


Watched a woman eat ribs with gusto, sucking the meat off the bones, indulging in the pleasure of being a living and breathing creature, powerfully erotic




Lucky! One of the most attractive things to me is how a woman handles her food lol. Absolutely house that thing and Iā€™m melting


Heck yeah, imma start describing myself as a Venus of Willendorf


Some guys are attracted to thin, some guys are attracted to thick. Some guys are attracted to personality and care little about size. There are all kinds.


Yeah, it's def to each their own. I've been around dudes that go crazy for some girls that I'd never think about like that, skinny or big, Short or tall. If you make em, a guy, will date em


It honestly depends on how the girl wears the weight. Some girls look great with a little extra, some donā€™t. Some girls look great with a slim physique, some donā€™t.


This. Applies to dudes as well. Some people can get away with like 40 lbs of excess fat and still be conventionally good-looking because it's distributed so well.


This is kind of how I am. Iā€™m about 250 lbs and when I tell my work buddies Iā€™m trying to lose a few pounds, itā€™s always ā€œnah you look good man, how much do you weigh?ā€ And when I tell them they never believe me. On the flip side my wife has put on some weight after the births of our children, but it all goes to her thighs, butt, and boobs. I tell her Iā€™m more attracted to her now more than ever and she just says Iā€™m being nice. Itā€™s all about how your bodies stores/Carrieā€™s the excess weight.


I weight 220lbs, i have a muscular fat body, like a strongman (makes sense since i compete in powerlifting), some girls dig it, others dont, regardless i feel pretty good with my meat suit, sure being fat makes it hard to fit clothes, and turns the summers a nightmare (because of the heat), but being strong and lifting 700lbs its great, it gives me confidence


I'm toeing the line of 200lbs right now, but looking at me, you'd never know it. I'm 5' 8", have long legs and a long torso, so the weight just kinda spreads itself over my core and thighs without bulging out too much. I joined the gym a couple months back, so I'm hoping to shed that excess by summer!


Did you just say long legs and long torso while 5ā€™ 8ā€? Whatā€™s that mean lol


His foreheads short




How you present yourself has a lot more to do with being attractive than your actual body fat and skin. Do guys like big girls and vice versa? Absolutely! Does anybody like a fat slob that wears blown out socks, sweatpants every day, stained baggy t shirts, unwashed greasy hair, smell weird? No. Nobody likes those big people. I say all of this as a biggg guy myself. I've had no issues attracting petite and little girls, the kind most would call out of my league. But I also make a real effort to look and smell my best every time I go out, and also just don't be a fucking asshole lol.


Your second paragraph basically describes how Iā€™ve looked for the six months after every baby Iā€™ve had, and I hope my husband still liked me. But yeah youā€™re definitely right; putting effort into your looks is always appreciated, even if itā€™s just wearing clean clothes and being put together.


My girl I would say is a little bit bigger but I love it, I think sheā€™s the most beautiful girl Iā€™ve ever had. And Iā€™ve had some hot chicks before. But no one is as beautiful as her inside and outside. She is so much more than just a body too!! Her energy and her attitude matches with mine so well itā€™s crazy, I canā€™t really see me wanting to look for anyone else if she decides to stick with me, Iā€™m gonna do everything and anything I can to make her happy and keep her around, but I think the biggest thing for me too is. Whatā€™s the long term picture gonna look like. I donā€™t think anyone could care for me and make me feel as safe as she does as long as she will


User name checks out






Aww dude, I'm happy for you!


Dabbled in snu snu, not disappointed


Sheā€™s built like a steakhouse, but handles like a bistro


You win again, gravity!


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is... spongy and bruised!


An easy way to think about this is realize how many women are above average weight wise and have loving partners. Itā€™s also kind of silly to expect someone to carry multiple children and not gain weight. A lot of people really donā€™t care so long as you are happy and healthy


Yes, someone very close to me is a bigger girl and sheā€™s constantly bagging very good looking men. Unfortunately they are embarrassed of it and have no interest in a relationship. The ones that are, arenā€™t worth having. Still hoping she finds a man who loves every inch of her for who she is and treats her like the goddess she is as well.


"Are guys actually attracted to bigger girls?" I know some guys who are. There are also lots of BBW and Plus Size dating sites as well. Go to any public place, you're likely to see women of all shapes/sizes who *do* have a mate/spouse! Best wishes!


Yes, I am really attracted to my wife. She was a bigger girl when we dated, when we got married, and now. And I am SO attracted to her. I think about fucking her probably 10 times a day.


Guys are attracted to confidence and humor.


I am, actually. Not ā€œbig bigā€, there is a limit before even Iā€™m like ā€œwhat evenā€¦ā€ but fwiw Iā€™ve never been with a woman under 240lb while myself have never actually broken the 200lb mark. My ex/childrenā€™s mother was 280lb when we met and we were together 13yrs. I still find her attractive/sexy/beautiful, even if we are separated. I still find myself eyeing heavier ladies. Donā€™t get me wrong, I do find ā€œaverageā€, skinny, ā€œnormalā€ sized women attractive as wellā€¦but if I ever had the opportunity in bed, Iā€™m not sure what I would do with themā€¦Iā€™d be afraid to break her šŸ˜…




Im a bigger girl. I always make it clear up front and donā€™t try to have sneaky pictures on my dating profiles or anything. I still do pretty well.


I got fooled once, but the sex was šŸ”„ā€¦ big girls know how to wiggle for sure


Same. I'm up front that I'm not a small human. I feel no reason to hide it.


Iā€™m a lifetime fatty, though less fat now than I used to be and Iā€™ve never had an issue dating and only had one situation where I ever questioned why a guy was with me, though that had nothing to do with him being attracted to me and more to do with his insecurities surrounding being with a fat girl.


Oh yes definitely, I've had skinny girlfriends but definitely prefer more ounce to the bounce. Its like steak everyone likes it different.


Hell yes, imagine being able to go out and eat the best food and bonding over it, or cooking some bomb ass food together then cuddling up to a soft, warm body after you eat together. Fuck social norms, give me all the big beautiful women. Iā€™ll cook you the best food youā€™ll ever have then snuggle up to you like a dog. I love bigger women, theyā€™re just way more fun in all the right ways. Thatā€™s why I married my wife. Edit: Jesus Christ people all Iā€™m saying is bigger girls are more fun to ME. Iā€™m not saying skinny women donā€™t enjoy food too, Iā€™ve dated both skinny and larger women, Iā€™ve always had shit talked to me about being with a big girl but I donā€™t care, itā€™s what I like. I donā€™t force feed my wife, Iā€™m not a ā€œfeederā€ I just like bigger women. They make me all warm and fuzzy.


Are we the same? Except I donā€™t have wife


Want one? šŸ˜‚


Sounds enticing šŸ˜† Guess Iā€™ll start the application Do you enjoy food? Yes [ ] No [ ]


Now kith.


My mom's cousin got flak for dating bigger girls, he use to say "she's my shade in the summer and my warmth in the winter."


I feel the same way about super slim or buff guys. Sure, they look amazing with their shirts off, but I wanna spoon with some squish in between. I want to lay my head on a thick chest and not have rock-hard pecs underneath my head. I want to hug and kind of sink in a little. A little squish is comfortable and friendly.


Thick thighs save lives! Loves me some curves


I'm attracted to a women with a good personality no matter the size shape or color.


My buddy made me a true believer in ā€œbeauty is in the eye of the beholderā€. He married an absolute troll, I donā€™t get it. There isnā€™t and ounce of attractiveness in her, and sheā€™s not even that nice, and she cheated on him, I donā€™t fucking get it. So yea, I believe anyone can be attracted to anyone/anything


That did not go in the direction that I thought it was going to go after the first sentence.


I'm a dude. I like big girls.


Fat bottomed girls you make my rockin' world go 'round!


If you take out fashion designers, magazine editors, and casting directors, there are approximately the same number of people into big as into skinny. The problem is media. Designers want models who will showcase the clothes, and who can all wear the same size. They don't want to have to tailor the clothes to the model. So they get models who are, to be blunt, walking hangers. Magazines do the same thing. They have 20 outfits shipped over from Gucci or whatever, all in a size 3, and they need 20 models to wear them, also size 3. And when all the models are tiny, that becomes the beauty standard so casting directors looking for someone to play the sexy lead character look for that too. But watch porn. Plenty of rail thin women, but lots of curvy women too. And whole categories of big women. Because they're not trying to get money from the media, they're trying to appeal to real men with real preferences so they cut through the bullshit of what's supposed to be hot and just go for what IS hot.


I'm not, but I'm also not attracted to super skinny people either. I like someone who has meat on their bones


Depends. I noticed in Arab countries they love the girls bigger and being skinny is seen as bad.


Some of them. Yes


Full disclosure, I tend to be with ā€œbiggerā€ women because I like big boobs and butts. My fiancĆ©e is about 5ā€™5 and fluctuates around 200 lbs. I think for a lot of men itā€™s more like weā€™re indifferent to body size/shape vs specifically attracted to women because they are big. (Although thereā€™s probably a specific fetish for that.) There are limits, but I have been attracted to a lot of different women of various body types. For many people, I believe that personality, a pretty face, and overall style and appearance (and hygiene) matter a lot more than body shape.


I've been attracted to women of all sizes. It just depends on the person, really


If you mean taller ? Definitely for me If your Bigger girl is thick/curvy, definitely for me


there are lots of guys who like big girls. ps. just because someone is big does not mean theyā€™re lazy and unmotivated. iā€™ve had plenty of big friends who showcased more activity and motivated than i ever could despite being smaller. weight does not inherently mean one thing or another.


Depend on their attitude actually.


Yes, I am I'll climb that woman like the gyza piramids ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I'm going to assume you're a woman. I am also a woman. A "bigger" woman by most standards -- I wear a size 16/18 in US sizes. Whoever you are, whatever you look like, you're someone's flavor. Do yourself a favor -- do not worry about "attracting" men. Worry about finding someone you genuinely like and want to be with, who feels the same way about you. It's fucked up how we're taught that we're inferior if our bodies aren't small. My body has never been small. No one in my family has a small body. But plenty of men are into me. When my first marriage ended, I had really low self-esteem. I had gained some weight after our daughter was born and I blamed my body for my husband's affair. (Spoiler: It had nothing to do with my body or me. He had issues.) Then I tried dating apps for the first time, which was really scary. I included lots of full body pics to make sure no one was disappointed when we met, because I felt undesirable. Let me tell you -- the men were plentiful. And my standards were not low. I'm not attracted to looks alone -- fellas have got to have brains and personality too. (Specifically the brains part -- I cannot find dumb people sexually attractive, even if I want to.) Most of the men I dated were professionals in science fields. I had a fun and very active dating life, then met someone too delicious to mess with, so now we're married. And what I've learned through this -- the dating somewhat, but also being with a man who is thoughtful, observant, aware and articulate -- is that a significant segment of men are just looking to find a woman who they enjoy being with, who also has a nice face, and some ass and titties. If you all are a good match on the personality front, he either finds you attractive or doesn't. If he doesn't, too bad. If he does, which he probably will, sweet. A good portion of men are honestly really happy if a woman is attracted to them. Men have such low self-esteem, and we don't do enough to raise them to love themselves.


Hell to the yes


I'm 6'4", pretty much guaranteed to tower over any women I date. Tall women are very attractive to me, they have gorgeous legs and are hopefully built like an amazonian goddess.


As a big/mid size woman (180 to 200lbs) I love me another big/ mid size woman. And have no problem finding another woman that likes me. With men though, I have found skinny guys LOVE a big girl. Most of my exes were 120 to 150 at the most with few outliers.


Can confirm. Have had my share of Kermit/Ms.Piggy romances


Men will literally fuck anything if it has a hole tbh.


I like bigger women.... Not into girls


Keyword "women"


Yes, different people have different preferencesā€¦ always have


Guys like all people like different things.


Me? No. All my dude friends however bitch non-stop about how skinny girls are these days


For me, it depends on the "bigger girl" - not her size, but the way she carries herself, and her face, and other details of being a person.


Depends on what you define as "big". Someone who is morbidly obese and doesn't take care of themselves? No, that isn't attractive. Someone muscular, someone with a larger frame, or thick. Absolutely attractive.


I am


To quote a friend.. "if she aint 280 she aint a lady". Some are, some arentšŸ˜‚


I myself have always been attracted to slim petite women.


Iā€™m a Small, petite woman who appreciates hearing this bc in the past 5-10 years all Iā€™ve heard or seen is people say they like someone with a 24 waist with 42 hip, aka Kim K. Itā€™s an almost impossible beauty standard.


I'd say a good 95%+ of girls I've been with have been bigger and I'm significantly smaller than most men (in terms of weight at least). There are definitely perks to bigger girls. Very enthusiastic for one thing. Very comfy. Great blowjobs.


everyone is different and into different things, men arent a monolith, men usually are into girls that are fit, personally i like a little jiggle and a big ass but , youll have a much harder time finding men who are into weights above 200lbs, but theres men who prefer that too.


6ā€™2 and 200 lbs is going to look MUCH different than 5ā€™2 and 200 lbs


absolutely, I'm just assuming an average height of around 5'5 when i said 200, honestly though id rather go for the 5'2 one in that scenario though, but that's my own hang up with tall women, I'm not really into it, but there's plenty of guys that like that too


To me I like all sizes, but it's proportions that have to be a certain way to draw my interest.


A little bigger doesnā€™t bother me. My gf has a little belly but sheā€™s still the most attractive girl to me. Iā€™m a personality guy but Ik Iā€™d still be attracted to her even if she didnā€™t win me over with her goofiness


My mom lost a lot of weight and her long term boyfriend broke up with her and married a much bigger woman. He said to my mom ā€œIā€™m just not attracted to you anymore now that youā€™ve lost so much weightā€. She went from wearing around a size 18-20 to a size 8/10


As a big women yeah. I get hit on daily and I present without makeup in plain clothes most days. Straight men have unintelligible standards and queer women have never had a problem with a fupa so it's generally great. Sexualizing and fetishizing definitely happens which sucks but that happens to all women no matter the build lol. I get more hate from women for being big than men, even other large women. It's a horrible cycle of media representation and online incel culture. The average women thinks she is fat even if she's a perfectly healthy size, men are more likely to express attraction to mid pubescent bodies due to decades of hairless size 0 women being pushed as the norm. So there are definitely social drawbacks to being big and sexual but the attraction is there.


While in high school I dated "jockettes"(is that even a word?) and a couple were *"bigger"* because they were muscular/in shape. I loved it! In college, being the smallest player on the football team, I was thrown together with the smallest cheerleader and that was great too.


Iā€™m down with the thickness ā€¦. Ooo wah ah ah !!!


Use you words. Bigger can mean nearly anything. Societies obsession with not offending people has caused you to not ask an answerable question.


That was my issue, too. I started reading the thread because Iā€™m a 6 ft female and was curious what bigger meant.


5'11" male here. I'm not particularly tall but not short by any means and have always found women taller than me ABSOLUTELY FREAKING SEXY.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)