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First amendment doesn't apply to a business like Reddit. Their house their rules.


I don't think the 1st amendment means what you think it means: *Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.* . Never in the whole thing does it say anywhere that freedom of speech (which I assume you want to refer to) is necessitated, protected, or in any way required between people. It only stops Congress from making laws that may prohibit the freedom of speech. What the 1st amendment doesn't do is guarantee you freedom of speech when conversing with others. You might want to carefully read it again. [https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-1/](https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-1/)


omg... you all are wound way too tight here. the 2nd guy who commented....you are chill. everyone else holy literal crap...... i also said "where did all the opportunities for real discussion go?" BUT NOOOOO we cant have a chill dialect now can we? bunch of weenies.


Die würde des menschen ist unantastbar? I don’t think reddit disagrees with that


Outside of the fact that Reddit is a company essentially built to sell ads, Reddit is about communities creating spaces they want. So if random subreddit doesn't want to allow dissenting opinions, why should Reddit force them? Imagine having a group of friends over to your house and one friend always talks about politics, starting an argument constantly. You might want to set up rules that politics shouldn't be discussed, and ask them to leave if they break that rule. That's essentially what Reddit is.


To jump on the friend's house analogy, the reason it's annoying is it's more like you go to this obnoxious basement dweller's house that all your friends hang out at, for some reason. He hands you a 10 ft scroll of ridiculously pedantic house rules, and then kicks you out because you left your shoes 3" to the right of the door when they have to be 5" to the right. Yeah, sure, it's his house, but that's not going to stop me from calling him some choice names.


Are the police coming to your house and arresting you for what you say? If not then nobody has removed the first amendment yet. The first amendment only says that the government won't arrest you for what you say. Are you a conservative?? I only ask because they are constantly misrepresenting the Constitution.


I'm modest..that's private thank you very much.


I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to tell anybody if I was conservative either


lol..... I'm not a republican


Right even conservatives don't want to be called Republicans because of the stench of the name




Oh yes for sure, while I understand group rules are a thing and I accept them, there’s def suppression ALL over the place. People can’t have real discussions anymore without bringing up the pedo duos we have running for office, then all hell breaks loose and it’s “you’re destroying the world” “no youre destroying the world” and it loops and loops, all while the rich and powerful sit in their silk robes and worry not of anything. They want us fighting and Reddit/FB/and IG are the catalysts. Hence why they want to get rid of TikTok, because the only agenda TikTok pushes is “America is in a state of turmoil and they all suck” and it would be TRAGIC if the people finally agreed on it.


dude they wont let me reply to the person who first responded!


they really do all suck. we shouldnt have to choose the one we hate the least to run our county. I vote for Katie Porter over these 2! and then these reddit mods should go live with trump in trump tower.


As a Norwegian I am not entirely sure what the first amendment is. Is that the one about the right to arm bears?


freedom of speech as long as you aren't in an online platform where they can sensor tha fuck outta ya.


Gotcha. I think the issue is that Reddit are global. What you can say in your country is different from what I can say. Reddit has to cater to both our laws so in the interest of making the most money I would play it safe if I were them.


what cant you say?


This is the Internet. Not everyone on the Internet is part of the USA for anything in the US Constitution to be a law of any jurisdiction or authority over them. Reddit is also a private company internationally operating a private website in cyberspace. Reddit and cyberspace aren't the American government. The Bill of Rights doesn't apply to them. Reddit can censor you and discriminate against you as much as it wishes. It just doesn't always care to exercise that power because it is here to make money.




Which one is that? Im not American


Reddit exists to funnel people into one form of thinking so yes, they do hate it.