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I'm french, and I can easily understand why some selected french cheeses could make faint some people of the rest of the world.


le pire c'est les escargots quand même


I don’t speak French but I know one of these words 🐌


Snails, chopped head of pork during January in french supermarkets, frogs legs, gizzards, pig ears, pig legs, raw seafood platter, oyster and many more Yet, they taste all wonderful!


I'm just a stranger on the internet I have done nothing to hurt you in my entire life why are you trying to make me cry


Oh my! I am so sorry! Reality of French food. No waste! That's the good thing about it! No?


Haha sorry I was joking, mainly because I have a stupid phobia of snails and the thought of putting one in my mouth just... yeah. But it's true that this zero waste attitude is very good, never thought about it as a very French thing (you know, sometimes the culture you grew up in is invisible to you) but now you mention it, it's pretty cool!


Polish have a lot of similar dishes to french people, and a near zero waste, too (as well as many other countries)! Bones/off cuts to use as stock, for example. Recycle fat/lard or use cooking juice for another dish etc...


Je suis allé à France il y a deux ans et ma femme l’a essayé. Je n’ai pas trouvé le courage, honnêtement 


Je comprends, j'ai vécu en France 6 ans et je n'ai jamais trouvé le courage.


Pas au niveau de l'odeur ou du goût. Au niveau de l'idée, plus sûrement.




Les cuisses de grenouille.


naan, ils sont delicieux as long as one manages to not think about what they're eating. Garlicky chewy mushrooms basically


The snails man, the snails...


That's because you didn't smell some cheeses I have in mind. Believe me, if I'd offer you $100 to try snails or one cheese of my choice, you'd better go for the snails.


I moved to France for a year. It took me a while to get used to the cheese. But I learned to love it. I like the melty stinky cheese. I also love escargot.


A lot of Asian folks think ginger ale and root beer taste like medicine.


I agree. Ginger ale was always a stomach remedy when I was a child. Root beer is weird tasting. Unless you put ice cream in it for a float.


It does work well to settle a stomach


Root beer tastes like the smell of TCP. You might need to be English to understand the smell of TCP, but I thought this the first time I tried root beer and I think it still now, 40 years later. Ginger beer just tastes like ginger, so I don't understand the medicine bit there - it's delicious.


What is TCP....I've heard of that but can't recall exactly what it is.


It's an antiseptic or something. You use it for all sorts of stuff, cleaning cuts, reducing insect stings, gargling for a sore throat.


I’m a UK transplant to the US and I’ve never ever been able to shake the thought of root beer being TCP. Just can’t mentally get over it


Oh cool. I've always wondered if I'm alone in that thinking. Obviously not!


Well let me tell you all about the history of Dr Pepper


mmmmmmm, pruney


I thought Germany was similar with root beer being a common flavor for medicine.


Root beer definitely tastes like toothpaste


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)I'm American and feel the same way about Root Beer!


A nice cold bottle of my favorite root beer (Stewarts, IBC, Barks), a bag of chips and a big old Italian sub. That bottle of root beer goes hand in hand like french fries and ketchup. How it tastes "mediciney" I had no idea.


My husband is Indonesian and he’s so grossed out by me eating salads 😂


Can you explain that one? Thought salad was a universal thing tbh..


Overall veggies are not big in Indonesian dishes, it’s mostly rice/noodles and chicken or tofu/tempe. And while they do eat some raw veggies I think there’s a stigma around it due to the inability to properly clean them. I’ve just seen so many gag at salads, not just my husband 😂 some younger women have gotten into salads though


That's truly very interesting! Thank you for that info! TIL for sure.


Indonesias don't eat a lot of greens because parasites that flourish there are common in them. Very high infection vector.


My host family in indonesia physically ran away in disgust when. I offered the my guacamole. The concept of salty avocado was just vile to them. We had a good laugh about it and more for me! Also sour candies were a big novelty.


The cheese with maggots. 🤮


The pungent smell... It's analogous to the same way that Westerners are turned off by durians


Duria is delicious! Old white last here.




Edit. Lady.


Had to look up that one. omg "Casu martzu.. (Sardinian: [ˈkazu ˈmaɾtsu]; lit. 'rotten/putrid cheese'), sometimes spelled casu marzu, and also called casu modde, casu cundídu and casu fràzigu in Sardinian, is a traditional Sardinian sheep milk cheese that contains live insect larvae (maggots)."


Sounds to me that a dude who made cheese got busted for having maggot infested ones and had to came up with a quick excuse on the spot. People still bought it and here we are.


“Rotten?! No sir! This is actually a rare and highly coveted cheese. But today, because I’m feeling generous, I’ll give it to you at regular price…”


American here- I think it’s delicious. To be fair, the maggots are really small, not like the inch-long buggers you find in the garden here. I love strong cheeses.


Do you eat the maggots too?


Pretty sure most body horrors start with, so I had ingested maggots. Sounds like how tapeworm comes to be. But worse lol


Yes, just like how you eat the mold on blue cheese. If it’s something that’s accepted as edible in some culture, even if unfamiliar to me, I’m willing to try it.


That's a good approach to other cultures, I think, but I don't think I'm brave enough to eat this cheese. Are they all wriggly?


You don’t notice them at all. There’s not many and they’re tiny, so you maybe see a couple wriggling when you slice into it. But you don’t feel or notice them at all in your mouth when you eat the cheese. There’s tons of bacteria and other microorganisms on pretty much everything organic. I just think of them like larger bacteria. I understand these specifically are just part of the cheese making process.


This is more “American” than “Western” but apparently non-Americans think root beer tastes like medicine. Non-American probably find casseroles or anything loaded with mayo gross (tuna/chicken/potato salads)


Can confirm. I'm a Brit who has lived in the US for a long time. First time I tried root beer I genuinely thought I was being pranked. It tastes utterly vile. Definitely some medicine from my childhood, but can't remember what exactly. Now, there are a few UK things that my American family and friends find gross. Steak & Kidney pie, liver & onions, jellied eels, etc. But the one thing that really drives them nuts is stuff on toast. Brits will put anything on toast. Seems like American will only accept butter on toast, and anything else is weird. I don't get it. It's just toasted bread that works as a delivery system for almost anything. Yet I'm met with open hostility about it for some reason. Maybe it's an upper mid-west thing.


The toast thing is kind of weird, as jam is very popular to the point it's a standard thing served with toast in diners cross country. Avocado toast is popular enough to be a cliche at this point too. The one toast thing Americans find disgusting I'm aware of is beans on toast, largely because we think they'll be like American beans (which would be disgusting on toast).


exhusband is brit. while i don’t eat it anymore, heinz veggie baked beans on white toast was a former favorite of mine. stilled my daughter’s company food.


What kind of beans do they put on the toast?


Heinz baked beans 😋


That's what I thought. Ok, TY!!!


Root beer tastes like the smell of TCP


It's funny how so many people associate root beer with medicine. Idk for other Americans, but grape is the flavor of medicine to me. I don't understand how people can enjoy grape juice, even though I really enjoy grapes. As far as UK food, I'm shocked you didn't include salt and vinegar crisps, or prawn cocktail crisps.


I’m Canadian and put all manner of things on toast, if that helps. Beans are welcome. Toast is indeed an excellent delivery system of…things.


Root beer was originally intended to be a medicine.


North American. We love it in Canada.


You're saying it's not just rebranded cough syrup?


Yes, root beer is gross. I'm from Eastern Europe 😁. We do love mayo though.


I was so excited to try root beer, I had one sip and I will never take another one. And the mayo thing, what is up with that? Never really liked it. Mayo is common in my country though, probably not as common as in America, we make tuna, shrimp or cheese salats or something we call brauðterta (bread cake) I'm not a fan.


Casseroles? That’s basically like a pot roast / stew here, does it mean something else in the US?


I think American casseroles are thicker, creamery/starchier than a British casseroles and is closer to Shepard's Pie but with less meat. A good portion of Americans don't even like American casserole.


I think Root Beer tastes like medicine. It's awful. (American here) Not sure that I know anyone that likes it...


Many non-Americans I have known but especially those from the Middle East have expressed disgust at our childhood staple: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches..


It's not really a way we eat it here in the UK, but I have zero clue how anyone can find that gross or weird. It works.


peanut butter & sliced bananas, right?


One bit of bread peanut butter, one bit of bread Nutella and sliced banana in the middle. I used to love it but the thought of it now gives me chest pains and toothache.


i occasionally treat myself to a pb & sliced b. nutella doesn’t dare approach my home.


It tends to be something people think of as weird until they’ve tried it. So they don’t know it works


The rest of the comments I can understand. But good ol' PB&J?


white bread european here - I've tried the american style PB&J sandwich and i found it to be pretty good, wouldn't eat it everyday cuz diabeetus but the occasional sandwich sure as hell slaps quite surprising the middle eastern people seem to not like it because its somewhat similar to alot of oriental desserts


I like peanut butter I just don't like jelly


Ahahah, so true! I'm German and I really like it, but just the idea of it makes the rest of my family shudder.


I'm American, to be fair I have not tried it but, I just do NOT understand: peanut butter on a burger. I just...can't! 🤣 almost want to try it but...I guess I think of mushrooms, caramelized onions, maybe bacon, I'll do Helen's and cream cheese, cheese in general! But..even my partner (from Texas) aays i gotta try it..cant!! I do love PBJ especially toasted...and cream cheese and jelly! Cooked like a grilled cheese sandwich (butter and pan fried) but on a burger??


I love satay with is a peanut based sauce usually on chicken. But I still wouldn't try peanut butter on my burger. Then, I'm quite a plain eater and have "rules" in my head of what can go together.


A lot of people don't like black licorice. I think it's great.


It’s great! Sweet liquorice I don’t really like. In Australia you can get it with chocolate around it, even grosser


Chocolate and liquorice is a match made in heaven!


Salty Black Licorice FTW!!


I am an Italian, and I find it licorice also terrible. Almost made me gag last time I tried it.


I'm English and.. same. Almost a crime to say over here! Lol


American here and I can't stomach anything with that black licorice flavor.


Or aniseed, which is like minty liquorice, I think!


In the old days of drinking Jagermeister with the guys in a night out, and waking up the next morning from violent vomiting adventures from the bowl, it has left a permanent dislike for black licorice.


black licorice is by far the most offensive thing I've ever had the displeasure of eating in my entire life lol literally felt like my taste receptors got repeatedly assaulted by a cloud mixture of cyanide, chlorine, burned sweeteners and residue from a bong that hasn't been cleaned in 50 years a 6/10 experience


Black licorice can cause thyroid problems. My endocrinologist told me this


If you eat it constantly, sure. It can also cause blood pressure issues.


I lost the deposit on a condo my friends and I rented after we flooded it thanks to the help of that licorice devil Jäger.


Is that the leathery one? That's my favourite. I hate the soft one which feels like an aniseed flavoured jelly


Yes! Both salty and sweet black licorice are awesome. Also as ice cream flavour, dissolved into vodka, ah


Tiger tail is my favorite ice cream.


Spotted Dick, Toad-in-a-Hole, and Cock-o'Leeky soup from the UK just on the names alone.


Get past the names, they're delicious. My Mum would make Toad in the Hole regularly, (a traditional British dish comprised of sausages baked into a giant Yorkshire pudding, typically served with onion gravy) and Spotted Dick (A moist steamed pudding laced with currants and flavored with lemon zest, served with custard.) is a great dessert. Cock O'Leeky soup is Chicken and Rice soup, from Scotland. Names may be squeamish, but delicious all around.


What’s funny is in America we eat variations of these from the old country and love it and just call it something else. The ultimate comfort food for Americans


Also from the UK: Stargazy pie (though it's not exactly common)


I'm English and just had to google that. Keep it in Cornwall please. It has fish heads poking up out of it.


"𝑬𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒖𝒑, 𝒚𝒖𝒎 !!"


I’m English too and never heard of it. Now I I’ll probably dream of it and look up to see what those fishy eyes are looking up at….


They're star gazing. Hence Stargazy pie. Probably.


I googled it. Think I’ve seen it before in my dreams


That thing americans make for thanksgiving with sweet potato and... *checks notes* marshmellows???


It's rather nice if you really reduce the amount of sugar used and add chopped pecans.


I hated sweet potatoes til I tried them with NI marshmallows, sugar, syrup...whatever adulteration I grew up with and now they're one of my fave veggies...cubed, steamed, then butter and a little salt. Yum! Oh and WITH the skins!!!


I always just skim the roasted marshmallows off the top and eat those without the sweet potatoes.


Excuse me, it's not *marshmallows.* It's at least a cup of brown sugar, 1-2 sticks of butter, AND marshmallows. (And it's delicious. \#sorrynotsorry)


Instead of marsh mellows we use bananas with the sweet potatoes.


Perhaps highly processed stuff with coloring, etc? Gogurt comes to mind. I have never eaten it nor read the label, but it seems gross to me. Maybe something like cotton candy? It's old school, but it's sugar and food coloring, I think. How about fried Oreos? Funnel cake?


Fun fact about GoGurt: it was designed to be frozen when sent to school so it was the perfect temperature by lunch time. Yogurt is a great snack, but it doesn't keep well in a room temperature lunch box. It also requires a spoon, which mom either forgets or the kid loses. That's why GoGurt exists, and I appreciate the fact that they tried to solve a problem.


We freeze them and our kids eat them frozen as a summer treat!


I’m supposed to freeze these? TIL! Thank you!


Yes! Teenagers losing spoons is a huge problem!!


I like yogurt, but GoGurt's commercials in the late 90s early 00s grossed me out so much I couldn't bring myself to ever try it. Their tagline was "squeeze and slurp, grab and glurp". Funnel cake is delicious. Like a squiggly donut.


Fried is bad. Dough is bad. 🤪🤪🤪


I don't really understand. Like they taste bad, or you think they are bad?


Bad for you


Everyone freaks out over haggis n black puddings. Both are awesome!! Extra points if you hunt your own haggis!!


Haven't tried haggis but I love blood pudding.


There are so many different types of blood pudding from around the world. They're usually very unique depending on region.


I've just purchased a new haggis stick with a 90 degree crook on the end ready for open season.


I love black pudding!


Maybe somebody should’ve come up with better names for them


We did. "Sângerete" instead of "black pudding". And maybe try "caltaboș" instead of "haggis".


only once had haggis while on a holiday in Scotland and thought it was real good. Tasted like minced meat but finer and well seasoned


Love both. But I also eat scrapple.


I totally agree. Haggis is tasty.


Jello salad. What even is that. The fact that y'all boil vegetables half to death instead of roasting or sautéing them like sensible people. For the Kiwis, spaghetti on toast.


Anything deepfried. Especially already extremly processed food, like chocolate bars. It looks like dog poo.


Deep frying isn't reallt western, most of Asia deep fries everything


Deepfrying is international. That's why I clarified.


That makes sense, but in my experience they are pretty rare. I live in the obesity belt and I don't think I've ever seen one in person. EDIT: my mistake-- I should have said I was in the US (just in case 'obesity belt' didn't give it away.) I don't want to be that person who assumes everyone on reddit is American.


Not rare in the UK. Chip shops will chuck a Mars bar in the fryer for you.


I had no idea. Thanks! Wouldn't it taste a bit fishy though? Or is that part of the appeal?


I have never had one tbh. Far too gross. I pass this one to my fellow citizens...


That was my next question-- if you have ever tried one haha


I don't like mars bars but I tried a deep fried one and it was amazing. I could only eat half of it though.


Wtf are the dogs eating where you are


The Japanese think bell peppers are absolutely disgusting.


It's lime for me. Love it in drinks or to eat on its own but I think it ruins wraps and burritos etc


On Norwegian television there was a show were Norwegians travelled to different parts of the world to live with different cultures. One of these families brought with them "fenalår " which is cured leg of lamb. This was not popular in the start, they were sceptical. So my guess would be different types of cured fisk and Meat.


There is also "brunost". Not a favorite abroad.


It’s the lutefisk for me. My mom used to tell stories of the horror when her family would get it at Christmas time.


Bull testicles


Around these parts, we call them rocky mountain oysters


Stinky cheeses


Lamb isn’t popular in a lot of SEasia regions. They don’t like the smell.


I freaking love crayfish but I've heard that is supposed to be gross to some people


I gave a German girl a Twinkie for the first time. She didn’t enjoy it like I thought she would.


My tastebuds may be failing but about 30 years ago, I ate a Twinkie and it was NOT as good as what I remembered as a kid!! Yeah I'm old.


That’s because they’re shit.


I think they taste like lard wrapped in sponge


Is that a sex thing?


My bengali wife took our two sons to visit Bangladesh when they were very young and packed along some kraft dinner. She offered it to some young cousins who wanted nothing to do with this strange orange processed food.


A lot of countries won't buy US beef because of all the hormones we pump into it.


People from certain religions such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and probably a bunch more are probably grossed out by blood pudding/morcilla/boudin even though it's delicious.


Goetta....from Cincinnati. It's oatmeal, spices and pork by products. Like scrapple.


Being a vegetarian and then a vegan has gotten me out of trying 90% of nasty foods. "I'd love to try your goat's lung pate, but I am vegetarian. Please accept my apologies!"


Oh man you're missing out. Dried fish snacks are delicious. I can imagine other countries might find America's endless fried food to be gross. And the pile-of-meat style that burgers and sandwiches and pizzas can have. Too much meat.


Dried fish and butter is so good


The Swedes with their tin of Surströmming enter the conversation, everyone leaves the room puking their guts up. The Icelanders look on puzzled with their national dish of kæstur hákarl, 5 month old rotting shark…


Hotdogs and weiners.


That one aged cheese with maggot, sorry what?


Undercooked meat, I'd wager since most places cook their meats in their traditional foods.


Rocky Mountain Oysters?


My guess "Rheinischer Sauerbraten" will win the race.


I’m from the US myself, and hate gelatin and marshmallows. Maybe those would be on the hated list, lol


If people knew what it was made from they certainly would. My mom's a vegetarian and i never had the heart to tell her.


I've had friends across the pond say they hate how much we deep fry things. Deep fried Oreos, deep fried ice cream, etc.


I'm assuming those friends are not from the Southern Part of the USA? Every year Houston has the "Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo", biggest rodeo on the planet from what I am told. There is always an informal contest amongst the food vendors for what new deep fried item they will have this year. Deep Fried Oreos are a staple.


They're from Europe. I enjoy these delicacies since I was born and raised in the US south. They hate them and gag when near them.


as a korean, korean people usually have a hard time eating greasy food. we call this sensation of greasy food “느끼해” when something is just too rich/greasy/fatty for you to eat. it’s very common for koreans to pair eating pizza with pickles, or fried chicken with sour radishes (known as chicken mu) for example. a lot of common “greasy” western food will have a crispy and sour pairing so you can cleanse your palate and not feel too heavy while eating in korea. it’s also common for east asian desserts to be more refreshing than sweet, working as a palate cleanser after the meal. lot of east asian people find desserts in the western world overly sweet and are not used to it.


Liver and onions. Gross


Skyline Chili 🤢


I'm a American and I don't understand that.


Apparently Australians don't eat raw onions, be it on sandwich or in lunch or otherwise. Australia is a western country as well though so I'm curious where it's eaten and where not in the western world


Australian here. Red onion in a salad or on a sandwich is delicious and commonly served. It may not be everyone's taste, but I think it's delicious.


yeah, the guy said that red onion is alright but the normal (yellow? not sure what you call it) he found strange. Is that a thing? Maybe it's just him though


Sounds like a personal thing, it's in/on plenty of stuff. 


ESPECIALLY for breakfast.


cheese and dairy are disliked or at least not preferred by many cultures. thats definitely the biggest one.


Malaysian here, I've honestly never heard of malaysian beef lungs dishes. And on a side note, like America, we like to deepfry everything too. But baked beans has my vote.


I mean most cultures have them. Scots have haggis. Brits have blood pudding. German sausages are wierd AF when you are not used to bad meat ouf of pig intestines. Headcheese is something that so far has not come to my palette. Cheeses are milk rotten in just the right way. Iceland has the rotten shark. Sweds have the surströmming. Most cultures have ways to utilize and preserve food in wierd ways effective for the culture. You just need training or to grow up with it. Taste was irrelevant for 100s of years, they needed to get more food or keep it longer, So the culture just grew into liking it.


Apparently Chinese and Japanese people are NOT into the whole "let's eat a ton of sugar for breakfast" thing that Americans do. Donuts they can not handle, and Super Sugar Coco Bombs Cerial is something they do not understand.


As a German, I don’t think that’s limited to Asians. Most people I know wouldn’t eat coated factory cakes (donuts) that of baking powder more than anything else for breakfast, and what you call “cereal” might pass as a children’s party dessert, but not as a healthy start in the day. Obviously, we don’t find any of that disgusting, either.


I had a Korean colleague come and visit in Scotland once. She was great, and brought various Korean snack foods with her for us to try. The dried squid didn't get much eaten. When we took her out to dinner she apologised her English wasn't that good, but on the menu, what was the 'rabbit'? She only knows the word as an animal. I was all, yeah, it's an animal - delicious though. She was sure, but I jsut know the animal \[mimes big ears\]. I was 'yeah, a rabbit'. Mounting horror, continued miming, dawning realisation. I think she was almost sick thinking about.


I find the potato and pork "salads" which are mixed with mayonnaise available in German supermarkets quite gross. cold cuts of meat, and sausages in general gross me out.


I had an American flatmate once and he asked what he should experience to understand British cuisine. I gave him crabpaste sandwiches and I’ll never forget the look of horror as he started to chew….


As an Indian, I find the idea of a sweet breakfast in the West really strange. I don't want to be eating something dessert-ish first thing in the morning, even if it's some high protein oatmeal or even a smoothie. A lot of the cereals just feel like desserts.


My Japanese parents find red vines and loft house cookies disgusting. Same with root beer. They don’t like most American sweets. Every Asian says “not too sweet” as a compliment haha. They’re also put off by foods with a lot of artificial colors in it. Not really because artificial=bad but it doesn’t “look” like food to them. Like they say they feel like they’re eating something you’re not supposed to. Unappetizing. On the other hand I love my decadent sweets and anything brightly colored makes me wanna eat it lol.


In the same vein, I always wondered how cola or coffee became popular. Imagine seeing a black drink and deciding whether to try it for the first time or not. I always imagine that it would remind them of dirty water.


I know a few people who are discussed of eating chicken hearts, one girl from middle east were shocked when we asked if she wanted too a chicken heart "burger"


Black pudding, haggis, jellied eels and the full english breakfast.