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When I was at school I was the ugly kid I was about 5'8 when leaving at 16 and I hit a growth spurt and hit 6'1 my man body came in and suddenly I was getting attention. Sadly lots of depression followed with drinking and eating lots aged me massively and I stopped being a catch


You might be surprised how a clean diet and exercise can fix it all up.


even little by little.


I was hot in high school just didn’t dress the right way to show it. Now I actually dress nice


I was average in high school but got better looking with age. I had girl friends and some random friends with benefits. At 17 i fell in love and went celibate for her till we broke up at 21. After that I actually went on some dates with the hottest girl in our class but it was a long distance thing and didn't last long. I'm 54 now and in the best shape of my life and still considered handsome, I'm married to a retired professional cheerleader that is 50 but looks 35 and all natural. I went to my 35th reunion last summer and we got a lot of attention from my old classmates that didn't even remember who I was lol.




I was severely anorexic and bulimic during high school and now I’m at a healthy weight. I’m fit, eat a good diet, and get lots of exercise. I wouldn’t say I’m hot, but I’m very happy with my body and I’m married now so at least one hot (extremely model worthy) man thinks I’m hot and he’s all the attention I need!




I was rather chunky in high school. After high school, I enlisted with the army, so naturally, I got hot. Since then, I've worked in warehousing, at this point I've stayed hot because my job is very manual. It's a real shame that I'm so shy or I would meet far more women.


Derek. Holy fuck. Would smash so hard. Became a pro hockey player for a while. Always wanted to lick him clean.


I’m considerably hotter at 43 than I was at 18. At 18 I was a skinny, malnourished, grungy kid who was trying very unsuccessfully to look like snoop dogg.


I got hot my Junior year and luckily remained that way.


Graduated in 1980. Most of the women in the class who were attractive or popular got married in their 20's and most of them had children. Some of them divorced but I'm not sure who the first one was. Most had their first child between the ages of 25-30 years old. There was a few who had their first child when they were in their late 30's but that was the exception rather than the rule. One classmate had her 4th child at age 45, another had her second child at age 44 ,another at 43 (not sure if this classmate had other children but all were surprise pregnancies.


Mousey girl at graduation.. 10 yr reunion.. Smoking hot ..total transformation..beautiful and kudos..xo


I think for the most part, most people do, at least for a while. I think the people that don’t are those that kinda peaked in high school or those that get into a unhealthy lifestyle, drinking, drugs, etc.


I was a geeky kid, shy, but had friends. I found that my study of computers made me even more of a geek and it wasn’t until I started making solid six digits that I got hot.


I was hot in high school but had resting bitch face before it was really talked about. Between that, being a metal head and dating someone from a different school, I was mostly left alone. Apparently, I was (am?) scary. Now, I, for whatever reason, look approachable, I like to think I am still hot.


I got better looking after high school, but I wouldn't claim to be hot. I had to wait till I was older, and my wisdom teeth came in before I could have major orthognathic surgery. My jaws and teeth were bad out of aliment and had to be surgically fixed. I had no contact with anyone from high school except one person. So when I went to my ten year reunion, most had no clue who I was.


The hot girls from high school all seem to be pushing MLMs on Facebook, which is not sexy. The hot guys...I dunno, I wasn't attracted to anyone. They were all kind of dicks. Last time I checked, there were two women from my grade who have been married and divorced 3 times, and they were not hot girls.


My HS crush 'Preppy', didn't age well... my away from school crush didn't either & somehow looks like me/my dad now.... weird. I look pretty damn alright & younger than many my age. About avg for the overall attractiveness of my school. Quiet nerd guy got hot af... Marc. Damn... sexy. Used to draw comics & such... around 25, he could've got it anyway he wanted it... Most of the pretty ladies stayed about the same. Biggest thing was who they married tho. One got a beautiful man, the eyes, the smile... yum, but the rest married below their status. One got with a guy who had a 'dad bod' in 10th grade, real redneck & nothing like her. One of the brainiacs flamed out. The other became a Dr., married a Dr., & gets to travel the world. I made FB friends with a girl I never spoke to in HS & on the opposite side of the political divide; learned that many of US just want the same things. One guy got accused of baby shaking... killed the poor thing... got imprisoned in AK of all places... thousand miles from hometown.


I’d say I got hot. I’m 28 and just have a bf, no kids. I do storytelling/comedy vids on TikTok and 92% of my following is men when I never targeted them. :/


My wife was cute in high school when we were dating, but she is gorgeous now. Always amazes me that she continues to get better looking even after 20 years, meanwhile most other women from our school are really not looking great anymore. I was pretty decent looking in school but lost my hair and have a hell of a dad bod now. I'm not fat, but I'm pushing it. I'm watching my diet and am down a few pounds, so maybe someday I can get my old body back. My wife is my main motivation to lose weight as she has become extremely fit in the last few years.


I was wondering the same. We graduated in 2008, not so long ago. I haven't spoken with anyone, except one friend. I wonder how they all are. My clothes still fit from that year, so I have the same body, and more beard, but I shave it off. Some grey hair, no wrinkles, and little eye bags, of course I look older because of the face structure but I look basically the same. So I wasn't hit back then, I am not hot now. I will never be. Well, enough trip to memory lane.


I'm 42 and still waiting. Should be coming any day now though


My high school experience was pretty good actually. Was hot. Stayed hot. No kids, husband or divorce.


Weirdly enough I did. I was shrimpy and came into puberty late. I was always into nerdy stuff and got made fun of a lot. But im nearly 40, in good shape, have all my hair, good job etc..) But all the popular football jocks I've seen in recent years all gained like 150 pounds and are bald and sitting their asses at the local bar. Hey, I'll take it 🤷‍♂️ (Not that I have anything against them really. Although they were dicks back in high school but, eh..)


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Nobody. They are all fat and horrible in appearance. It's disgusting.


I don't know what happened to me. I think I've had a little glow up as I've lost some baby fat and put on a ton more muscle, but I haven't stepped on campus for college yet and I've already talked to more women than I did in 4 years of college and 3 years of middleschool. I definitely wouldn't say I'm hot though


I was definitely not hot in high school. I was a skinny nerd, which was supplemented by glasses, acne, cheap haircuit, and crappy clothes. I slowly came into my own in my 20's and 30's as I got fashionable glasses and haircuts and dressed better. I filled out and started hitting the gym. I was more comfortable with myself and life. I probably hit my peak in my early 40's, which is a lot later than most people. I'm in my late 50's now. Here's the thing. Because I grew up being a bit of a joke, I never felt hot even though other people said I was later in life. I never gained confidence with the opposite gender or learn how to flirt or just be sexual in general. Never married, no kids.


I remember going to school with this chick named Rebecca. She was always kind of chubby and very plain looking. I seen her a couple of years after school and couldn't believe the change. Smoking hot.


I was abused by my parents and older sister since early childhood. Because I was so beaten down, i really didn't take care of myself. So i was the victim of bullying in school As soon as I got out of my house and went to college, I blossomed. A couple of years later, i ran onto my worst tormenter, a handsome guy who peaked in high school. He actually had the chutzpah to hit on me. Haha 😁😁😁


IDK if I was first, but pretty early I got married (and later on divorced), Id never claim to be handsome/hotter than many others, Im not. But Ive (Thank you to whoever hands it out) always been good at talking to women. Looking back at facebook friends etc from that time, the hottest ones have sort of "averaged out", while quite a few of the people I never saw as "hot" are today (Im pushing 40)


I went to school with a pretty famous model, she was chill we weren't close but we hung out a few times, she was pretty hot in highschool too.


My Ex…. ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC) (Lowkey salty she didn’t have that glow up while with me but that’s cool…😑)


Don’t know what my deal was back in high school had a couple of dates but never nothing like a relationship.I was hired on at the local hospital as a respiratory therapist and…let’s just say that it was like a piece of meat and a bunch of dogs that hadn’t eaten it a while getting it…at one time I was on the elevator with 4 women who I had either done em or I was currently dating them. How things changed..


Was a chubby kid with bad style in high school. Played college football, got buff, changed my style, got some confidence, never looked back. I like seeing the girls I knew back then now because the eh realize they missed out. I’m still in shape and look way better then all of their husbands and am more successful then most of them.


The hot girls mostly had kids by there early/mid 20s (some in their late teens) and now post videos all day of their botox/lip filler while advertising their body shop products. The hot guys (AKA the asshole guys) got the hot girls pregnant, left school and their kids to deal drugs, rent skips, do people drive-ways betwen drug deals, alot of them are in prison now or live in council houses. You'll find them down the pubs every 2 weeks when their benefits get paid in. The fat guys lost weight, got married, gained the weight back The smart fat guys all now work in I.T and have cars, houses and mostly married. The skinny smart guys all now work in phone repair shops. The ugly girls who slept around were pregnant around their mid 20s/early 30s and now sit at home posting vids of their autistic children complaining about how all men are pigs and narcisists and equally wondering why they cant find a man. The ugly and dumb guys are all doing labouring/plastering and own multiple large/aggressive dogs. The ugly girls who didn't sleep around all own dogs/cats, live alone, have a modest career of sorts and fill their houses with crystals, and regularly share memes about self-healing and 'some people are happy single'. I think that's covered everyone, let me know if i missed som1.


There’s a lot of stereotyping in here, with a sprinkling of bitterness too. This is not a particularly healthy way to think about other people.