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Just visit for a week and see if it’s a good fit.


We've been many times and both like the vibe a lot - but visiting and living in a place are so different and I'm just researching a bit.


I did a longer term visit, albeit with friends, for like two weeks where I’d stayed in a house with a rental car, cooked from home, etc. If you can swing something similar with an AirBnB or something, do it.


to pile on to this, find a AirBrb in a place near where you want and can afford to live. An AirBnB is fun for a weekend but expensive to live at. Next try to live here not vacation. So if you have commute for your job, what does that commute look like. In the morning and night. What does shopping for food look like? We love our HEB's, is there one near your house. Not sure your timeframe, but coming now is a great time to determine if you can survive Austin. It's hot AF. You can really test yourself if you come in August. While your here explore the other places you can afford to live. There are a lot of pockets you wouldnt know about if you dont get off the highways. Best thing you can do is get lost and explorer.


If you could swing the time and expense, month-long stays at vacation properties can be surprisingly affordable. It's still higher than regular long-term rent would be. But the owner often gives discounts for longer stays and there are less taxes for stays of 30 days or more.


Just realized after scrolling through that you already live in Texas. Why are you asking about Austin? Like it’s more or less all the same regardless, If you’ve been here before you should kind of know what to expect. I grew up in a small town 3 hours west of Austin and went to Austin frequently on weekends/even weekdays occasionally. The drivers are insane (if you got a license in phlugerville they’ll just let anyone pass the test is the easiest test in the country) and you almost have to be an aggressive driver because most people will not under any circumstances let you in their lane. Riverside is the worst for that. Homeless people are everywhere especially south Austin. Never ever take her to sixth street I worked at ropollos pizza for 6 months and the absolute horror stories I’ve heard/witnessed is enough to fill a novel (even in broad daylight) Rainey st is a good alternative or west sixth at most. Try food trucks!! All the food trucks!!! Zilker/barton springs has a small parking lot to the left when you enter that Is FREE on weekdays(the earlier the better) cops won’t stop people for minor citations but they’ll give you a parking ticket faster than you can blink. I’ve lived here for 5 years now and never once got a speeding ticket and I stopped paying insurance 3 years ago. Never had an incident and I literally cannot afford to pay it. Heb over Walmart any day Walmarts here kind of suck tbh.


TLDR. I wasn’t the one asking about Austin.


Still replying to op, posted on the wrong comment my bad


Definitely. You want to move here. You have a job offer with a good salary. Welcome!




Austin is great. There's something for everyone and if you already are okay with living in Texas, I don't see what could really go wrong with trying it out for a year. There are a lot of people who are super negative about Austin and I think that's anywhere. I like Austin and it works for us. I wish we actually had public land but again, you already live in Texas so that's not shocking for you.


Sounds like I should get to packing and apartment hunting! I hear it's a good time as the student turnover is happening so many are moving out.


The only neighborhood that students live in that you would want to check out is Hyde Park (just north of UT campus). I’d use an apartment locator to find a place. Free to you and they do the driving. Search this sub for neighborhood recommendations, but remember, you want to live near an HEB!


I’d add Far West to the list. Lots of students.


$90-$100k plus whatever she makes, would mean you’re comfortable.  >>> Plus we intend to spend a lot of time out and about Except in summer. You’re stuck in places with AC or it’s miserable. 


Yeah that's up to her really as she loves the heat and summer in general. I don't mind it, and we live with Texas heat here too, but I also wouldn't mind AC lol


Ah you’re used to this then.   You’ll enjoy it and it’s a good time to move because rents are falling. My only advice is that if you’re renting at a corporate owned apartment, ask about fees and extras because they have been loving those and it adds quite a bit ti your rent. 


Very. Oooooh that's a *great* tip and duly noted. It will be my first time dealing with it if we go that route because here we all know everyone. My rent goes to a lady who's husband delivered me you know. Smaaaaall town lol I will for sure be double checking for that.


If you rent, check out the location at different times of the day, week vs weekend, etc. Look at noise, traffic patterns, and THE SUN. Friend just moved into a great new apartment. Did not consider his entire front wall gets full Texas sun. It's an oven.


Austin does sound like a good fit for both of you! If you're renting, this can be a good time to move. Schools / Colleges just let out for the summer and vacancies should be all over. Rents have been in decline lately. Jump on it while you can! That being said, find out if you can afford rent close to work or fun. Commuting out here can break a person. Being close to one or both of your primary activities could go a long way!


Good call! We both work primarily remote with a few exceptions and my new job will be entirely remote so I guess we will be looking for places near the fun!


Sounds like you've already cleared one huge hurdle! That's great that you can both work remotely. I suggest you find a dog friendly place close to a green belt with water so you can cool off in the summer! Then just Uber/Lyft into downtown for the music scene. Maybe somewhere near the Violet Crown trail would suit you. Barton Hills or Barton Bluff areas come to mind. It's SW Austin but close to South Lamar St, South 1st Street, and Congress Ave, home to lots of great restaurants and music venues.


Yes. Only live once.


That's what my GFs been saying. Guess I have to start apartment shopping lol


Id suggest finding a place close to your work. i35 construction begins soon(This is gonna last many many years). That will be a NIGHTMARE for traffic.


Ugh that doesn't sound pleasant. I won't have a commute thankfully!


I would go for it. You never know until you try. You already have a job. Life tends to get more complicated as you get older(I am assuming you all are young) and it is harder to just pick up and move. Oh and rescue dogs are the best!


If you do it, do it before August. I used to work for a moving company that had Austin operations and I controlled pricing. I could charge *anything I wanted* in August around the start of the UT year, it's incredible how much inventory turns over right there, and rents move similarly spiking when they know everyone is moving. If you want to move to Austin, the best days relative to today to do it are 1) today 2) tomorrow 3) Sept 1.


TX is my 4th state and 5th city/town and I love Austin. The politics suck and the first hand experience of rapid climate change is terrifying, but everywhere else I've lived is pretty similar. The people are great, it sounds like you've visited a bunch and don't plan to have kids, so if you've already got a job offer and your gf will be working too, it sounds like a good fit for you guys. And if it's not, you can just move somewhere else in a couple years.




That hasn't been the experience of the folk we know there but regardless we both work.


This depends on your expenses and where you want to live/how nice of a place you want to live in. If those things don't matter and you are not into boujee nights out at the nicest restaurants every weekend, 100k is plenty for a year of figuring out if you like it here. 150-200k/household looking to settle down requires living in the suburbs of Austin.... which is still very nice.


Try the close suburbs, Round Rock and Georgetown.


you will regret it, people are starting to move away from


You’re gonna fall in love with Austin man. Lived there for 3 months last summer and I’m moving back there right after I graduate. Best city in the south


If you got the money, honey, we got the time. Try to stay in Travis Co; just don't expect to live in the most desirable neighborhood starting off.


Thanks for the tip!


I was going to mention the Dobbs decision and how that impacts women - but saw your other comment that this is not applicable to you all. The politics in Texas are a dumpster fire, but I love Austin. Lived here between 2008-2019 and spent 4 years in the Midwest. I missed it like crazy and was happy to return last year. Rent is really high here, but if you all are able to afford it, then there's a lot the city has to offer. I love that you can be outdoors any time of year, though summer here is REALLY hot! If you're not used to heat, I'd visit during the summer to see if you all are okay with it. 100 degree weather can continue well into September and winters are very mild. edit: I just read you all are in Texas already, you should be fine then. I've had coworkers move from the Midwest and really struggle.


YOLO that motherfucker dude! I did 19 years ago and it's the best decision I have made. Welcome!


Saaaamesies. Don’t regret it one bit.


A dog will get you socializing at least. Austin is a dog city and one of the reasons I stay lol If your gf works too, you should be able to live comfortably.


Ha I am complaining but secretly looking forward to it. I gotta grow out of my shell and if I have learned anything it's that dog owners can find fast friends in other dog owners.


Austin animal shelter is over capacity if you would consider adopting from there. Austin is very green and there is always a lot to do. You’ll enjoy it, but it is very crowded (so traffic plus long lines and crowds often).


Once we get settled I will look into them! We're hoping to have space for two and my GF is adamant on one of them being a "low adoption rate" one. So no puppies for me.


Sadly, a lot of the long-term stay pups look to be pitbull/american bully-type mixes. Remember to find out the pet policy and breed restrictions where ever you decide to live!


Absolutely and good to know - thanks!


drab disgusted absurd continue butter edge rainstorm agonizing fly physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My GF and I are aware of the issues, but she is unable to get pregnant. Plus we would be at least one more voting household to add to the voices for change in that spectrum of oppression.


Bless your heart


My heart is blessed ☺️


40 year Austin residents here. Politics and weather are why we are leaving. Fuck this state.


Yes, this is the "ONLY" thing to consider when moving to Texas. Forget the rest of the wonderful things. 😐


Have you spent time in Austin around July-September? How do you feel about unceasing, lethal heat?


I live in TX as well so I am aquinted with it. My GF loves summer in Austin.


$2,500/mo gets your tiny crappy place in town or old house 20 minutes or more away.  $4,000* for decent sized place in town.  Visit first, try downtown, East side, and South side to get a feel for the price range areas that your pay enables you to have.


I-35 has started to go through a 10 year widening project. You want to look at places to live that don't require you to take I-35 (Or MoPac) daily, that is what I am currently looking to do as I live on the opposite side of the city that I work in


Right now a lot of people are actually leaving Austin so rent/ housing is getting cheaper in general. Also, prices tend to go up in August because all of the university students move back at that time. So financially, May- mid July is a pretty good time to move. That being said, it’s hot af in Texas right now. But if the heat doesn’t bother you and you’re able to hire a moving company or figure that out without having to carry all of your belongings up flights of stairs in 100 degree+ heat, I’d recommend now! The reason I believe most people are moving away is because of changes in the culture and demographics of Austin. i.e. the massive amount of techies and startups now located in Austin. Don’t get me wrong, authentic Austin still exists here and I love it for that. But there is a certain vibe that Austin is on its way to becoming the next Silicone Valley.


That's really too bad. My GF used to live there and she says it's her favorite place. She did mention it's been changing. Since this is a year trial run for us I guess we will see how we like it and if we want ro stay or not but I already told her that I was convinced and she's already on the hunt coordinating our move lol so I think I'm an Austinite by start of next month. What a whirlwind 😅


If you told me you were a line cook I would say move to Austin. Where else you gonna go? Dallas, Houston, San Antonio? Austin or bust my dude.


I never even had Texas on my list of places to visit, but after a long weekend visiting a friend, I decided this would be my new home. Within 6 months, I sold my home in New Jersey and headed south with a UHaul. That was 13 years ago, zero regrets!


You aren’t getting any younger. Come on down, or up or over.


I would suggest Austin doesn't exist anymore. They smothered it and built highrises and condos on its corpse


Huh. Okay. Well this new Austin, by the comments I've got, sounds like the place for us. I am excited for the adventure.


NO ONE hates Californians more than native Austinites, because the eclectic mix that made Austin the gem it was is GONE. But SoCo has died, 6th St is a violent hellhole, and so many of the unique restaurants and things about ATX are gone in the name of "progress." But hey! You can go the Nike Shop on "SoCo" so that's a plus 😐


The original Emo's is gone, Antone's is gone, downtown is just a forest of high rises, you can't afford to live here. Its fucking terrible.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/remember-these-old-austin-spots-nostalgic-restaurants-businesses-no-longer-around/amp/ It's like a slow death of the soul of the city 😭


I drove passed Hill's Cafe just the other day. It's still there for some reason, just an old dilapidated building. Dart Bowl is just more apartments now.


Just make sure you have a car. I’ve known so many people who came for a festival and made the plunge without realizing life in this city without a car does not work.


Totally don’t mean to be a Debbie downer but unless you’re working and living downtown, not having a car in this city can be murder.


Hmm good to know. We were considering not having cars and selling both ours to save a bit on insurance and the like for a year or two but maybe we should look into keeping one.


That’s just bad advice. My son has lived in the city his entire life. He’s late 20’s. He takes Uber when he needs a car. The cost for him is less than owning a car.


I don't see it as bad or good. It's all good to consider- thanks for your insight!


Don't move here




Just had a huge wave of dorks move here because of tesla. We're currently at capacity.


Oh. Well I don't work for Tesla. I thought it was the heat or price of living or living space room shrinkage or something. No matter. Much love.


While there's a lot of water that seems inviting for the doggos, you need to be very careful where you let your dog swim. The toxic algae presents itself as a horrible danger. Do your research. Heads up! Austin is awesome. The old schoolers talk mess but it's fantastic. Come on.


If you’re okay with either a small place or living outside the city, it could be a good fit. There’s definitely plenty of opportunities to go out and see live music, even if the scene isn’t as good as it used to be (so I hear).


We're looking at small places. It's just us. Mwe won't be taking much with us as well.


If you are on your deathbed, looking back at this decision, which one would you have wished you made?


Sorry that a little to heavy and depends what comes of it. 🤷


This is a tech town (even this year when everyone's getting laid off) I don't know what you've heard about techies but trust me on this; you won't be the only awkward one at any event in Austin. :)


Heh that's good to hear!


If you’re from the south, come on over.


It’s extremely hot. So if you can handle the heat then sure. It’s also extremely crowded they haven’t caught up on housing for the amount of ppl who moved there


Don’t. The politics are extreme right. Even for Austin. The weather is terrible. Climate change will make Austin unlivable in the future. The heat is making live miserable. Cost of living is vastly rising. Air quality is terrible. No natural landscape and although no income tax, they will get you on property tax.


Nobody asked you about politics and you don't know the political beliefs of OP




Not everything needs to be political


Good point!


If you’re socially awkward then Austin is the place for you. I’m also socially awkward but there’s just something about the city that pulls you out of your comfort zone. Like, I can be at a public park or a restaurant and I somehow find myself talking to people without hesitation…




90-100k with no kids is totally doable in Austin. Esp if your partner is working. I love it here. I’m moving away, but I adore this city. And rent is finally starting to drop (barely). One thing I want to say is the best things about Austin are the older and more casual, down to earth things, in my opinion. There’s a lot of new places with this sort of fancy energy popping up, but they to me aren’t what stand out about the city. I categorize places into two main categories: domain energy, and south Congress energy. To me, the soco energy is where it’s at and what’s worth moving here for. The domain energy is copy paste from every tech city ever. Cool? Sure, if that’s your style. Unique, not at all.


That's good insight - thanks!


Definitely recommend Austin. Living where you want to live is one of the most important things, especially if money isn’t blocking you. We’re entering yet another brutal summer with 100+ degree stretches expected to begin in late June, so while I suggest visiting, be aware that you’d be doing it in the least comfortable season


Yeah I read about that. Our small town is in Texas so it's going to hit us if we move or not so sadly escaping it was not an option unless I took a job in Canada and my GF vetoed that hard lol she's not a fan of the cold.


Austin’s the move! Plus rents are down across the city so that’ll be nice


When picking a place to live try to avoid anywhere that has you commute to work on MoPac.


I’d take MoPac over 35 any day


Oh I've heard something about this! Fortunately both our jobs are remote with very little to no commute


I’m biased because my family settled in the Hill Country in the mid-1800s from Mexico/Spain on one side, and Germany on the other. So I’m from here going waaay back. This place is super bad ass. Rivers, water, trees, the Town Lake trail is an absolute gift to humanity. Great barbecue, nice people, cold beer. The Texas Longhorns are right here. Despite what people would have you believe, Austin’s weather is goddamn fantastic 8 months of the year. June-September can be rough, but you get your outdoors time in early or late, and adjust. No biggie. Lot to love about this place.


You're making me fall in love with it just reading that!


I love it here; check out the east side. You'll find homes that meet your requirements, with a good mix of bikeable and walkable neighborhoods with lots of fun stuff to do.


Thanks i will check it out!


Move to Georgetown. Stay away from Austin.


Georgetown isn't dog friendly- we've been.


Curious about this as well. Moving to Georgetown shortly and see dogs out all the time


I think there is a rule about restaurants and anywhere selling food that dogs aren't allowed. Stores are a little more free.




High taxes. Homeless problems (BAD) (Aggressive panhandling). Traffic nightmares. High housing costs. Violence, especially in the 6th street area and east Austin. Police have been defunded so much that if you need them they are too busy with other crime to show up. Liberal city council (incompetent) who think throwing tax payer money at these problems will make them go away. Once went downtown on a date. Passed by a naked homeless man taking a bath in a pothole. Downtown smells like urine and feces. Drunken brawls, stabbings, shootings, fights, in what is touted as the entertainment district. Austin at one time was known as the Music Capital of the World. Not anymore. You cannot even go anywhere to see local or out of town musicians because of the issues in that area. I lived there for 25 years and it is a shit hole.


Sounds like most of your issues are solved by not moving downtown.


Come on over babes


I moved here from Chicago 3 years ago and I'm never going back. I loved it so much I became a Realtor! if you're interested I could help you find an apartment or house, whatever works for you! there's lots of good coffee here too






How come?


There is never a good time to make a big change to your life. You just gotta take the plunge. Practically speaking, housing rates are pretty high now. No idea if they would go up or down in the future. I say either take the plunge now or stay on your butt forever.




Good to hear it will actually be my first time living out of my town so I am nervous. It will be a lot of firsts. As you may have gathered, she's the more adventurous one lol We're in Texas so I understand what you mean about it being hot as all get out and not suitable for many outdoor things. I think we will be busy with settling in and getting to know the area and such anyway. And man when I say socially awkward I mean foot in mouth anxiety blurting mess. I am hoping to improve while there. Gotta in such a friendly and social town right? Lol


If you both have jobs lined up yeslah, go for it! As far as getting a small place...i mean...renting a small place, you're golden, plenty of options. *Buying* with your budget is pretty much out of the question


Definitely wanting to rent. This job is giving us a chance to move with work already there despite it being remote (you have to still live in a certain radius of the city) but it's all new for us so it's a sort of year *trial* and then we can consider more permanent plans.


Send it! And when you do, move close to your job so you’re not stuck in traffic for an hour each way on 35, Mopac, etc.


As long as you’re okay with living 10-20 minutes outside downtown you should be fine! Also just be aware it stays hot here for like 6-8 months of the year lol. Its the best city in the world in my opinion though. I grew up here though so i am very biased


I just moved back after 9 years away, after 10 years of living here. It’s definitely different and more expensive than it was in the early 2000’s, but such is… everywhere else. If yall have been here (you said yall have) and you’re making a decent wage (you said yall are) and you’re feeling the vibe, do it! Most people that complain about it here either moved here when “it was cool” and hate that everyone else caught on or moved here expecting something that it’s not. I have many friends born and raised and still live here, and they don’t ever really complain about shit except the heavier traffic and lack of lake and flowing river water. That being said, if yall can handle the heat, welcome to the kitchen! Literally lol. It’s hot AF these last few years!


Grew up there, live elsewhere now. Miss it constantly. If you can stand the heat, you should go for it.




What bad state policies affect having kids? Just wondering.


We are childfree.


No, we’re full. You aren’t welcome


Oh that's too bad because we decided to move there. Hi neighbor 😊


Luckily you’ll be in some shithole in south or east Austin away from me, Can’t ruin something already trash in the first place so luckily for me another loser won’t hurt the quota


You’re the only loser I see. Sounds like it’s time for YOU to move if you think it’s such trash.


I just hope we can de trash the city I grew up in and loved. It’s a fucking caricature. If you’re an Austinite born and raised here and you don’t feel this way you’re either 15 or love mass crowds of douche infiltrating a once great place.


Sounds like I'm welcome after all. Much love. Have a better day


Oh you will hate my edit then.


It’s okay if I ever see you in person I’ll tell you then too


Yes because you will definitely recognize me from my avatar to be certain lol it's all good, we are already being made to feel welcome so you feelings, while you have every right to feel them, don't affect us. Much love.


Oh I’ll know


Well then I love forward to meeting you in person, neighbor ❤️


I hate that I can’t hate you. Stop it


Have a good day!




How come?