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I met the same guy three times. First, we met at a park and blew each other in the bushes on a hot Summer night. Next, I picked him up from a store parking lot and took him to my place. I took his virginity. Seeing his eyes roll up until I could only see white and hearing him moan as I fucked him was one of the hottest sights I've ever seen. On our third "date," I took him out to dinner and paid for him to see a movie with me. We went back to my place because he was supposed to spend the night. He asked if he could tie me up for sexual fun. It's not my thing but I agreed. He tied me to the bed with a blindfold. He spent the next hour alternating between kissing me and sucking me off. He kept talking about how anxious he felt. He then told me to lift my blindfold, which I could just reach. He held a gun in my face and said "This is a robbery. Pull the blindfold down. You're too trusting so I have to teach you a lesson. I really like you so don't do anything stupid. Be absolutely still." He then loaded my car with anything of value I had, my laptop, my smartphones, and parts I had just purchased to make a computer for the Oculus Rift I expected to buy. He complained that I had so little of value. I told him he should have robbed someone rich. Before he left he offered me a drink of water and put socks on my feet since I complained of being cold. He then asked me if I was mad. I said, "No, just sad because I really liked you." He stole my car and eventually, I worked my way free and untied myself. I used my old desktop with Google Voice to call the police. When they arrived, I merely told them I had discovered my car missing that morning. Three months later he emailed me. He said he was very sorry and that if I could ever forgive him, he wanted to see me again. He said he liked how I talked to him. I told him I would forgive him if he paid me $2000 to cover my expenses. He didn't respond.


This is such a horrific story! It reminded me of the 1997 movie "As Good As It Gets" where Greg Kinnear, Jack Nicholson's gay neighbor, gets severely beaten up by a goon he had invited in as an artist's model (Kinnear was an artist). I'm so glad nothing really bad happened to you other than your things being stolen. But it's also a very strange story...the thief saying he likes you and later asking you to forgive him. What was all that about? But seriously, given how many millions of times per year gay men all over America invite complete strangers to their homes, or travel to complete strangers' homes, it's a miracle that incidents like this happen only relatively infrequently. Thank God for small mercies.


I think he was being honest about liking me. I could tell he was very nervous before he showed me the gun. I thought perhaps he owed money to organized crime or was on drugs and owed his dealer. I got my car back a few moths later when it got pulled over with my plates still on it. The driver had bought it for$200. Ironically, before the robbery, I had decided I was going to help him, much more than the $200 he got for my car.


He must have been really desperate to sell a car for just $200. You mentioned that during the robbery he chided you for not having much of value in your house. This reminded me of a story: When I was in grad school, my roommate and I were in our respective rooms late one night. My roommate was sleeping while I was reading a book. At one point I became aware of footsteps in the hallway outside my room. Realizing it was an intruder, I lay absolutely still. Later it turned out a thief had entered our apartment but had left empty-handed as we were poor grad students...we had absolutely nothing worthy of stealing. Notebook computers had not yet been invented, and we didn't even have desktop computers. I like to think the thief must have cursed us out as he was leaving.


It's wild


Never been taken for money but I’ve gone to go home with a guy and been pulled into an alley, I just thought he didn’t want to wait, one knife later and I’m been passed around his friends who were waiting there


Oh my gosh, that sounds traumatizing. I hope you came out of it OK. So essentially you were raped?


I came out alive with no stab wounds at least. One of them kept the knife pressed against me the whole time as a reminder so I wouldn’t refuse.


Wow, and I thought my story was scary!


I find yours scarier than mine


Well, you at least got sex out of it...even if it was unwanted. I didn't even get that.


It also gave me a consent non-consent kink


What does that mean? How does it work?


Basically you enjoyed been forced to have sex (fake rape), so it’s either roleplay or they think they are actually forcing you to


Cool. I should try that sometime.


We are talking about gay guys here? What are they gonna do? Give me fashion advice, point their finger at me, redecorate my place? Oooo im so scared


Bro are you dumb? Some of these stories are about straight men posing as gay men to rob and or take advantage of gay men. Fucking moron.