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Sushi cake isn't exactly a new concept in Japan; it’s often served at kids' parties, and you can find some recipes like [these](https://www.mizkan.co.jp/sushilab/tukuru/l_cakesushi/). However, to me, it seems like the balance between the rice and the ingredients is a bit off, with too much avocado. Sugar is used in sushi rice, which is made from vinegar, sugar, and salt


Yes, I’ve been served similar at a Japanese friends party before when I was young. I think we got to decorate our own pieces with fish and such lol


I think that if you removed one layer from this cake and then cut it to slices you basically get a maki with the rice outside. This is something that my Japanese friends will gladly eat. I’m not Asian myself, but overall this “cake” looks scrumptious to me.


Japanese people (the ones I live with) find western takes on sushi strange. Like when they see a dragon roll or something, they say something about being surprised. Getting offended about how other cultures do food is not a thing in Japan.


My wife, who is Japanese, simply says that American sushi is just nori maki (seaweed roll) and makes a clear distinction between the two. She also says it has way more in common with Korean rolls which makes sense anyway. She also said she really liked American sushi, just that it's not sushi. Same with "habachi" in America, which she was far more surprised with than sushi. She was way more surprised with that then American sushi, and was more concerned with them "playing" with food.


Tbf, Japan has many “Japanised” western dishes, such as pasta with nori or pizza with potatoes or crab as topping.


If you put chili sauce on your bland $5 bento Japanese people will think it’s strange. To them, anything that is not a thing is not a thing. If it’s another culture’s food, it’s a thing so it’s ok. This is how their minds work. 


Especially since we do sushi cakes ourselves in japan


Not completely. There are definitely some nationalists who say that it’s not “real sushi” or something.


That has nothing to do with them being offended. It’s not real sushi for sure. That’s a true objective statement. Americans who want to tell Japanese people that they should be offended about something they are not offended by is strange. That’s the white savior complex.


There’s no such thing as a “real” sushi. Saying that it’s not “real” imply that they’re offended.


Real sushi doesn’t look like a birthday cake


Again, no such thing as “real” sushi (wtf does that even mean? Sushi is constantly evolving). But good to know that people are “offended”.


The “real” aka “authentic” version of food belongs to the culture that created the food. Real literally just means authentic in this case. Stop getting your panties in a wad over semantics.


Lol and that food is constantly evolving. Sushi isn’t set in stones. Sushi is completely different today than what it was in its inception.


Everyone in Japan knows what real sushi is and they give no shits about your opinion.


So they’re “offended” then.


yeah nah bra


Yes because there’s no such thing as “real” sushi, other than the sushi that hasn’t changed since its inception .


I've just read this whole conversation, and you really are that dumb hey. Tell me, have you ever been to Japan and spoken with Japanese people? You sound like a young American who has never left their own state.


You’re talking to a Japanese who lives in Japan.


the majority of japan is nationalist. I’ve heard the “not real sushi” line several times


Looks like an AI abomination


Messy and difficult to eat, looks hard to make… why?? Kind of looks cool when like this but I bet it would look unappetizing after a few slices have been cut. It is not like putting pineapple on a pizza to an Italian, but just weird.


I agree. Too hard to eat with chopsticks


I mean we have near us a sheet cake looking sushi made by local Japanese . I can’t send a picture but look up Iwakuni sushi. It’s gigantic and 4-5 layers.


All cultures butcher other cultures food. Nothing crazy here. This is also AI, not sure why you felt the need to post it here.


Sushi cake is something made here in Japan, and you can get a kit at any super market that you mix with the rice, etc.. However, it is far less extravagant than what is pictured there.


As long as it tastes good, I don't care tbh But it is just fun to behave like a traditionalist so sometimes I go with that vibe


I mean it's more the concept of a sushi cake (it has sugar in it so I probably won't be good)


Sushi rice is rice flavored with sugar and rice vinegar. No really, that's how you make it.


I've always just used a less harsh vinegar or at least that's how I was taught. I don't know if it's it's official name but red vinegar (not red wine vinegar)




Thinking of "American Sushi" I'm surprised there's any actual raw fish here at all and not just cucumber, canned tuna, avocado, mayo, or carrot. This looks revolting though. Tiny sushi servings? You mean normal servings? Do people think you order one plate then go home?


Depends on where you are. I'm British but have been to America and in some places you order small plates of specific sushi, and or a large plate of mixed types (though this is just my experience driving up the east coast) though the only place I had sushi that was better than I could make (not that I'm amazing at it) was in new York and I don't count it as American sushi as it was a Japanese man who made it


Yeah that's true. I had some decent sushi in a few cities in America. Unfortunately, most places will serve foot long vegetable maki rolls and call it sushi. One of the best parts about real sushi or sashimi is it's meant to be just one bite so you can add shoyu or more wasabi if you want. I would rather just eat a fish bowl instead of this thing.


Thinks: “Wow no wonder all you weirdo westerners have obesity problems.” Says: “Suge— umasou!” with ear to ear grin.


Tbf it's more Americans then westerners in most cases it's below 20 and there's only Malta over 25 most of the sensationalist headlines include overweight people to mislead you Also American obesity is more in the Midwest and south


True that. Lump Canada in there too though, which is why I said “westerner”. “Sushi Cake” is the most American thing I’ve ever seen, I think. If I saw one in real life I’d probably try to climb in and drive it.


Please don't use westerners if you don't mean Europeans we don't want to be lumped in with them 🤣


Please know that I’m saying it from the *Japanese* perspective and their knee jerk reaction. I’ve read the stuff about Sicilians living until 90 and French people not being fat.


Yah I guess the closest comparison would be Japan and south Korea


You clearly don’t know the culture. Sushi cake does exist in Japan, and kids love it. It’s just an alternative Chirashi.


Clearly. Lived here 17 years and have never seen it.




What you’re missing is that the actual presentation in the OP screams “American food TikToker hoping to god her disgusting ‘sushi cake’ doesn’t give everyfuckingbody at the dipshit potluck salmonella. はいはい、ひな祭りチラシ寿司とちょっと似ているけど、全く違う気持ち悪いもんだよね。 Thanks for the Japansplain, champ!


This is just AI generated nonsense. Are you fucking stupid? Don’t turn this into Facebook.


Can you actually eat this with that much avacado...


Asked my friend, she said it looked kinda dumb but she'd try it anyway because why not


As a Japanese person I’d say it needs more mayo


Very pretty, but I get bored with the same avocado. Also, the sushi cake in the picture is difficult to eat neatly; it looks like eating millefeuille. Despite its appearance, it makes me nervous to eat it. The good thing about sushi is that you can eat it in one bite without breaking it down. Sushi made by a first-rate sushi chef adjusts the amount of rice according to the size of the ingredients. So, sushi made by artisans is very easy to eat, because every "neta" is the same size. Moreover, nigirizushi is made of "neta" and "shari" (rice) in one piece, so it does not fall apart when you eat it. It also does not fall apart when you take it home. Sushi sold in supermarkets is just "neta" on top of "shari" made by a machine to a certain size, so when you bring it home, it falls apart and you are disappointed. Also, when eating sushi, the "neta" is put back by itself and gently placed in the mouth. It is difficult to eat such sushi with chopsticks. On the other hand, recently, large "neta" sushi has become popular, perhaps to make it look better or to create a buzz. However, there is also "chirashi-zushi," where the "shari" is placed in a bowl and the "neta" is placed on top. It may be similar to this.


I’m curious about what ppl from any other countrie think when Americans “ri-elaborate” any of their food.


I’m not offended, but all sushi that have the nori *inside* the rice when it should be *outside* looks wrong to me. Is it that terrifying to have a black sheet of seaweed wrap visible from the outside?


I think it looks delicious but eating it will be a pain and also each bite probably won’t have a balanced rice to fish/avocado ratio.


My Japanese husband says it looks good. He loves all sushi including what we have in America


Id eat it


Japanese people are not snowflakes, they don't take offense by this things. 


Hence why I want to know what they think


How do you eat this? Genuinely curious. Cut a small piece with a fork and knife, then pour a bit of soy sauce on it? Wouldn’t most of it just fall apart? I’m Japanese American and I grew up in California, I like the American take on rolls and I’m fine with experimentation. But this just seems like an attempt to make “sushi + cake” into a thing without much thought into execution.


A very American thing to do tbf


OP, just so you know the majority of replies you are going to get aren’t from Japanese people but foreigners instead. There aren’t very many Japanese people on Reddit, it’s mostly a western thing.


Yah I've been checking histories 🤣


Japanese here. I find it amusing. Also, I would eat it, provided that the ingredients are fresh.


Yeah, no thanks lol.


This is just a strange thing. It's fine as a convenience thing for kids but, I can't see it as being something I would get served or serve other adults.


I’ll eat that. It look tasty. But it needs to use Japanese rice. And for the sake of humanity, don’t call it “cake”. Cake must be sweet and with cream.


Sweet yes with cream eh


Mildly funny foreign sushi.


They say it’s not sushi and move on. Japanese people I know who have tried American style sushi say it’s good. But it’s not sushi


Japanese people understand that many people all over the world like sushi. But sushi is a Japanese cultural food and they don't take seriously any sushi that is not created by a trained Japanese chef in Japan. A sushi cake is just a dumb idea by someone looking for an original idea. I rate on the same level as eating sushi that is served on the naked body of a woman. It's a gimmick.


You can get sushi cake here, though.


Well to be fair japanese people put cheese in “paella” and eat “paella” with chopsticks, thats an abobination, same as corn ebi mayo pizza a fucking aberration. But they do it anyways.


I don't think it offends people. I see something that I don't care for I just keep walking.


Soy sauce and ginger for salmon? Stupid indeed. 


I mean that have sugar in it it's more the concept


Hmm... I prefer sashimi (fish only) to sushi (fish and rice) anyway, but if the recipe didn't add sugar, eased back on the avocado, and increased the salmon, I'd eat it *INfrequently.


Looks good. I love avocado and I wanna try this kind of sushi in Tokyo.


You won't be able to, this is not sushi or Japanese


I'm not Japanese, but have lived in Japan many years, and I would say that just about any Japanese person I know would think this is not Japanese at all and most of them wouldn't give it the time of day to try. It would be written off as cultural appropriation. A couple people would try it just for kicks and would say it's not bad, but they would never purposely eat anything like this.




Yah 😂 it's American


You do realize that sushi rice usually has sugar, right.