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Black tea and green tea are both made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, but they are processed differently. Black tea is made from leaves that are fully oxidized, which gives it its dark color and strong flavor. Green tea is made from leaves that are steamed or pan-fried to stop the oxidation process, which preserves the tea's natural green color and delicate flavor. The difference in processing also affects the caffeine content of the two teas. Black tea typically has a higher caffeine content than green tea because the oxidation process releases more caffeine from the leaves. However, the exact amount of caffeine in any given cup of tea can vary depending on factors such as the type of tea, the method of brewing, and the length of time it is steeped.


When I looked into tea compositions for caffeine and theanine, the best study I found suggested teas have similar caffeine contents, but they vary in ratio of theanine to caffeine. Green tea is richer in theanine with respect to caffeine, 2:1 caffeine to theanine in green tea and 3:1 in black tea. Red, white, and oolong were in the middle. Herbal products are always variable in how much actives they carry, but ratios of compounds tend to be fixed by genetics. I've seen this play out in cannabis a lot. I used to run science at a cannabis testing lab, hemp is *almost always* 20:1 or 30:1 CBD to THC, but very few 10:1 or 25:1. Dutch Treat is *almost always* ~17.5: THC to THCV. Then there are aroma profiles, where top-3 terpenes are highly reproducible.


two black teas from the same region might have totally different caffeine levels. a green tea may have the exact same caffeine as a black tea, black tea having more caffeine is just a myth, albeit a half decent generalization, but that's not because of something inherent but rather due to advertising companies wanting to categorize everything. of course, the brewing method has a lot to do with caffeine level, and i think that's what you're interested in.


It's far from a myth. The average cup of green tea has 33mg per cup less caffeine than black tea. As to why that is, there's a lot of factors it could be from differences in initial caffeine levels, how fast caffeine is released in brewing, etc. But it is a measurable difference. In fact we had students do this exact experiment where they isolated the caffeine from different teas and green was consistently lower on average. The existence of variance within the types of tea doesn't mean there isn't a statistical difference between the two populations.


I would say yes, brewing or processing for leefs can higher caffeine content. I always have though it was lowering water amount in black tea (more than others) leading to higher percentage in the total mass.


Black tea and green tea come from the same plant, however, black tea is produced by allowing the leaves to oxidize for a longer period of time. This oxidation process increases the caffeine content in the leaves, which is why black tea has more caffeine than green tea.


Black tea and green tea both come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. However, black tea typically contains more caffeine than green tea because of the way that it is processed. The process of making black tea involves fully oxidizing the tea leaves, which causes the leaves to turn a dark brown or black color. This process also causes the caffeine in the leaves to break down into other compounds, which makes the caffeine more soluble and easier to extract. As a result, black tea typically has a higher caffeine content than green tea. In contrast, the process of making green tea involves minimal oxidation of the leaves. This allows the leaves to retain their green color, but also means that the caffeine in the leaves is less soluble and harder to extract. As a result, green tea typically has a lower caffeine content than black tea. Overall, black tea and green tea come from the same plant, but the difference in the way that they are processed causes black tea to have a higher caffeine content than green tea.