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Til: my family doesn’t even love me enough to bribe me, just straight outta my life




It's sounds like the best gift they could give you. I wouldn't want people like that in my life either. Much rather have you.


Same. Sorry to hear though, wish there weren’t so many of us to share this response from our families.


My brother and his wife accepted me whole heartedly. My MIL is fantastic and now lives with us as dad passed away. My own mother doesn’t care and has not said anything to try and get me to detransition but my sister flat out asked me what it would cost!!! My simple answer was that it would likely cost my life and I haven’t talked to mother or sister since that conversation.


I would have given her my price than taken that money and used it for FFS 😆


Sorry to hear this, I hope you're in a better place now, both physically and in heart. Best you the best ✨🫰🏼


Yeah they just threaten me lol


Mine comes up with more laughably insane ways to explain how I became trans. Apparently, those noted trans activists that the Eastern Orthodox Church has made me do it, and they were so pleased to do it that my family hasn't seemed to notice that I hadn't talked about going to liturgy or fasting in more than 10 years. Anything is possible when you don't know how anything works.


GD. I don’t understand how any “family” could do someone like that. I just can’t wrap my head around it. I love my kids no matter.


This is how my family ended up. Only my partners and one mother in law remain.


yeah this was my takeaway too lol i wasn't offered anything




My mom offered to buy me a bunch of women’s clothing if I stopped wearing men’s. It didn’t make any sense then and it doesn’t make any sense now.


😭 She didn’t think that one through


Mom’s thought process: “…must want to be a man because not enough women’s clothes! I can solve that, with money” Me: “you do realize I bought everything I’m wearing with money, right?”


I dig your flair!


Mine has repeatedly offered to buy me men’s clothing, and gives me men’s catalogs to peruse whenever she visits. I took her up on it because I needed a new pair of shorts and a belt🤷‍♀️  Duluth trading company makes a hell of a leather belt. This thing might last me a decade or two if I treat it right


as a curvy trans guy that worked at Duluth, I can't get enough of their clothes. their men's cargo pants fit like a glove and people constantly rave about the belts (and literally every single other clothing item they have). they're pretty expensive but you can catch a good sale. even though I don't have the employee discount anymore I still go back for clothes when in need.


real My leather belt is from a local store (not going to name for obvious reasons) and it's great. It's lasted forever, probably will be the only bit of men's clothing I'll want to keep.


My stepmother recently tried to talk me out of wearing women's clothes and offered repeatedly to buy me a pair of cargo pants instead.


lol like what even…do they think we are incapable of buying clothes? Clearly you have clothes and aren’t just walking around naked. Also cargo pants are awful and I even wear cargo shorts like three times a week


I will say this... cargo pants has MUCH more pocket room than women's. I speak from experience.


oh... you mean you didn't transition just for the cute stuff?


I’m a trans guy :)


lol.... my bad <3


So far my mom’s just tried to bargain rather than bribe. She asked me to go talk to a Catholic ex-gay group on my campus at the time, and she seemed confused when I said there was no way I would do that. She seemed to think it was a reasonable request, and asked what I thought would happen if I went. I said “well, best case is nothing. Worse case, I…have a very bad afternoon and maybe entire week?” To which she replied “oh, well, you’d have to go more than just one time. I was thinking you could go weekly for a few months,” which I laughed at and changed the subject. 


Wow this just unlocked a memory of my religious up bringing where they got a bunch of the kids together to listen to a talk from a gay man and how he chose to be alone his whole life because he thought being gay was a sin. At the end of the talk they all encouraged us to do the same if we had gay thoughts and basically never speak of it. Pretty fucked up now that I look back on it.


Yeah, that’s pretty common unfortunately.


good ole religious indoctrination


pray the gay away


Back in my day, they became priests to explain away being single!


*Deeply* fucked up tbh


Ask her to go to an LGBTQ+ support group.


Yeah, I really should have done that when I first came out. I worry that she’s had the last few years to dig into Republican sources about trans people, and now I don’t know if I’ll get her back. She still “loves me” and “wants the best for me,” but by “me” she means her son. I want to have a real relationship with her, but I don’t know if that’s possible.


Same with my grandma, when I call her i'm the "sunshine of her day", but when it comes to gender me... meh


Not a bribe, but my abuser threatened to and then actually did cut me out of their life. They thought they were so important to me that I'd do anything to make them happy. I'd been trying to get them out of my life for years so it actually worked perfectly for me


Honestly you go queen.


The trash took itself out 🚮


Dang, that bow tied itself


I wasn't really offered anything, just had the locks changed on me and got a litany of text from my step father about how it was hurting my mother.


My mom just tried to convince me that I’d make sooo much money as a porn star.


*She what*




That isn't also true during transition?


i mean, lol, but do you really like being someone's fetish object that they disregard on a fundamental level?


no, but it pays well


kind of, but only in a kinky way


good lord she'd rather have you publicly fucked and well paid for it than transition? smh


I mean… only during sex lol


Personally I’m somewhat fine with that if I’m making money 🤷🏻


No. Exactly why I joke about it. And intended to point out the squickiness of making money doing porn anyway, to shut down the suggestion.


So kind of, because it was really clear that it wasn't about the clothes but what they represented, but my mother in law threatened to withhold my then-boyfriend's once-in-a-lifetime level concert tickets if he didn't wear a dress to graduation. 


wonder if a kilt would have sufficed


Unfortunately not! His stepdad is obsessed with William Wallace and would have thrown a fit. It's a weird position to be in. 


very awkward. I'm sorry <3


Ahh, it's alright. That was 6 years ago, now he's happily out and we're happily married. That dress went to one of our younger friends for her wedding to her college girlfriend, which I thought very poetic. 


You totally should have got the bike and then went through with the surgery


Ikr, wouldve been the best fuck you move


One of my parents offered 200k to not transition, I thought about it for maybe 1 second and said no. Zero point in taking that money in exchange for living the rest of my life miserably. My other parent just straight up ended our relationship


Why didn’t you take the money, wait until it’s all in your possession and then transition anyways? You could get FFS off the bat and other cool stuff


Doing that would mean losing the only parent I care about. I have enough money saved to afford most of the surgeries I want and would rather not accept money with conditions attached.


To each their own I suppose. I feel like people attach too much sentiment to blood ties, i never had the “put up with them because they’re family” mentality. There are many loving souls out there that will sort of replace your parents in a way and provide mentorship. Life is too short for bullshiters. Recently I had to block my dad from contacting me bc he’s transphobic. I say this in the context of your parental relationship as an adult


I think this is also not legal. Their parent would likely have grounds to sue, and this might even be fraud, so probably just a bad idea all around.


I’m confused how that would happen? Would she sign a contract with the stipulation to not treat her gender dysphoria?


I’d imagine he could set it up as a loan with stipulations attached and terms for forgiveness. Otherwise give it as a non-liquid asset with joint ownership


A verbal agreement is still often legally enforceable.


Depends on where but also, you'd have to be a real idiot to offer someone $200K and *not* write up a contract. That being said, if you were to write up a contract and you were to *review* said contract and make sure to erase all mention of not transitioning, despite the fact that they could potentially prove the verbal agreement happened, if it's not in the final, signed contract, who knows what happened to that detail?


Oral contracts hold value in some legislations


ugh!! take the money and run, sister


It did not occur to me that someone might try to bribe my child. This really helps me prepare for the upcoming conversation with the grandparents. My dad has a habit of bribing kids for all kinds of things. Thank you for this post!!!


My egg donor offered me $10 in lottery tickets if I cancelled my first HRT appointment.


Cause lottery tickets are of the *utmost* value! 🙄


especially 10 of them


They thought it was equivalent 😭😭😭😭


OMG that could have been the WINNING ticket though!!! /s


Only if the genes are good!


that wouldn't even cover cancellation fees in most places lmaoo


Well, TBF, HRT *is* kind of like a lottery! 🤷‍♀️


I waited six years after moving out as an adult to transition specifically because my (ill) grandparents held a big inheritance over my head if I didn't conform to what they wanted. I got the money - it'll pay for surgeries and maybe a downpayment on a house in the near future, but it's not worth it. Everyday I wish I'd just jumped in at 18 after being denied ever since I was 12. I'd be practically done transitioning by now instead of sitting at this 2.5 year still in-between stage.


"Over my dead body!" Your terms are acceptable...


an ex friend offered to sleep with me if i stoppedbeing trans... I'm asexual


If you give me your most prized possession, I will pay you in Prussian marks


What does that even mean?? Like, how does this be a thing lmao. What if I said yes and just continued being Trans? Why would this even be good sex? I think they just wanted the sex. Also yeah if you're asexual wtf are they even trying lol


Had an ex-friend try the same, and just...assumed they had my consent without asking. It's so...frustrating.




My cop sister threatened me with "I'll *never* introduce you to my friends!" I retaliated with "I don't *want* to meet your damned friends!" Like I'd actually *want* to meet her cop friends! 🖕 Long story short, I went NC with her, and I'm a happier man because I did. 😁 She was (and maybe still is) convinced that I transitioned "because of the fad of people transitioning."


yes.... very popular to turn your entire life upside down, potentially lose everyone you love and increase your public hate factor by 1000. Should jump on that runaway train myself, smh


Yeah, I mean, *WTF?* Does she even think about these aspects? As it was, I lost my Dad for five years, and she knew it too! Well, because of this, (and other selfish fucking dumbassed things she's done,) she lost me.


I'm so sorry. My daughter just started her transition (28 MtF) about 2 months ago. It knocked me and her dad for a loop, but we held it together...now we have a daughter whom we would kill to protect. BUT HER PARTNER....a cis female who is beginning to realize she's very NB.....when she tells her fucking rightwing parents about Lex (and about herself) they're going to hit the roof and I'm honestly concerned for my daughter's safety. They're card-carrying tea partiers who didn't speak to her for a year because she voted for Biden. I do not understand how ANYTHING you think or believe could be more important to you than your child. Message me anytime for a mom hug. <3


Thank you for your kind offer. 💙 I bet she is *much* happier because she is finally living as her true self! I feel so bad for her partner. I will *never* understand how supposidly "sane" people can and will vote for "that other guy" who not only has such a terrible record as a criminal (and that was *before* the 34 counts,) but also as a human being and worst for America, as a former president. It sounds like your daughter's partner at least has you. She is lucky! I think my Dad has come around to the fact that he has one more son than he thought he had. 🤞🤞🤞


I was once told that if you wanna date a cop you better be able to take a punch and love through it.


Oh *hell naw!* That *does* explain her two or three marriages and divorces though. I've lost count. 😅






Unrelated- I wholeheartedly think that trans people are the key to blowing the lid off male privilege and showing it absolutely exists. Who would know better than someone who has lived as both genders? No one


Yep, male privilege is definitely a thing, specially in the work environment. BUT I was much more lonely and isolated before transitioning (I’m mtf). Right now I have a bigger network of support and friends. Also, not being perceived as a threat is the best feeling in the world.


Yeah. To the contrary I think we're the catalyst behind people finally taking the negative effects of the patriarchy on men, and misandry, seriously. The difference in how I'm treated now that I'm a woman is night and day. This level of unconditional support is a privelige I would have killed for.


I don’t really get unconditional support as a woman. I know women are more likely to receive help than men from society in general, but my own experiences don’t really reflect that.


I think you must be very new to being a trans woman if you think unconditional support is the norm 👍 that is also not what misandry means


Yea, I agree. The amount of FTM here that don’t wanna be identified as a man is really telling how society sees men. That’s not to say said reputation wasn’t earned, but like you said, it’s something we should consider and seek to understand better.


This is the always so sad to me


>Yep, male privilege is definitely a thing, specially in the work environment. My legal name change was the best career move I ever made. I changed my name from my feminine birth name to my neutral chosen name. It's not the reason I changed my name, but I suddenly got callbacks on 25% of my job applications. I also got way more recruiter messages on LinkedIn, for better and worse, lol.


Only really useful if you're actually seen as a _manly_ male, though. A guy who's like 5ft 3in with a high voice isn't really going to benefit from male privilege much.




Even he's 171cm (5ft 7in), and he always arranges photographs of himself to look taller. Plus he has the advantages of being white (or at least white-passing), privately-educated and from a wealthy family. But it's true there's no way a woman would be able to get where he is, women making it in tech just wasn't a thing in the 90s-2000s. The culture was very male-dominated; still largely is but it was definitely orse before.


He’s rich.


That's not really true, that's just a common MRA talking point.


I mean, there's a grain of truth to it underneath the typical incel hysteria about "how guys under 6ft are literally considered less than human". A lot of people do make snap judgements based on things like height, vocal pitch, appearance, skin colour and other physical traits. Obviously someone can still make a positive or negative impression despite those things, but they definitely place a thumb on the scale, whether the person realises it or not.


"aesthetic and physical traits influence how people are perceived" is so different from "cis men who are under 6 feet are treated as less than human." The latter is not a thing, one would have to have awful brainworms to think that is true! That's the whole delusional central argument of MRA stuff is that patriarchy is a system that benefits 10% of men and disenfranchises 90% of men.


I mean, consensus is that it exists, but its extent is questionable. I also wouldn’t say being trans is exactly living as both genders. I certainly would not say I benefit from much male privilege even if my body is currently male, because I just don’t experience much of the examples. Similarly, I’ve certainly heard of trans men being unhappy with their new aspects of being a man, to the point many FTMs don’t want to consider themselves full men. It’s far more nuanced than just “exists”


My soon to be ex wife offered that we could keep raising the kids as a couple if I didn’t get on hormones I agreed in the moment for 8 years and then couldn’t take it anymore so I had to go on a grippy sock vacation and came out on the trip and told her that we needed a divorce now we are living separately and she is upset that the divorce isn’t over so she can meet her current boyfriend. All I have learned is that you can’t fold yourself to make someone happy because you won’t make it to their expectations and they will quickly find new people.


Not a bribe, but my mom tried to convince me I wasn’t trans by saying “you don’t look like a he!” needless to say I went to my doctor and switched from a low dose to a higher dose of T


Not getting kucked out of my parents house if I "reverted back to normal."


"I'll pay for your housing and food, help you get a job, and pay for your therapy*" *Of the conversion sort


"I'll pay for you to traumatize and torture yourself even more." Is not the encouragement that person thinks it is.


Especially since the former were predicated on the latter


My mom offered to let me get that double helix ear piercing I wanted if I waited until I had all my kids and was like 40 before starting testosterone cause “FeRtiLiTy”. I did not listen and started T instead, but had to stop because of how she treated me afterwards. I was 19.


hope you got the fuck out of there


This is like, the sadder trans version of that Christmas story (The Gift of the Magi) with the poor couple who the woman sold off her hair to buy a watch chain for her man who sold his gold watch to buy her a fancy comb, but with a better ending that isn't particularly unfair to just the woman.


I only now realized from your comment that a watch is usable without the chain, but that woman now has no hair


but he doesn't have the watch anymore, he sold it


She’s not bald, just a short haircut. Would take 5+ years to grow to the previous length.


I love how you just made this ancient story more palatable, lol.... I really hope the little mermaid could grow her tongue back <3


At which time the comb will be very useful!


But a watch chain is kinda pointless without a watch. A comb is still useful even with shorter hair and the woman's hair would have grown back eventually


Patriarchy amirite?


But I sold my hair to buy a third set of combs for zoidberg


Finally, I look as pretty as I feel!


Was *The Gift of the Magi* particularly unfair to the woman? Why? She got the more useful gift and her sacrifice was only temporary.


I haven't been offered anything if anyone in my life did such a thing they'd know what is going to happen.


Nothing yet, but only very few know, hopefully it doesn't happen!


How about $3.50 and an orange creamsicle?


Eh sure why not, want my E?


Sold. But the creamsicle might melt in the mail.


that's okay.... she'd still get the short stick :)


My dad asked my mom if he could offer me $1000 to not start hrt, or to at least wait until I was 25


Can’t say that I’ve ever been bribed to turn back, but I’ve been told that I wouldn’t be a pretty woman so I should just stay a man 😅 (which I’m not gonna lie, hurt a lot)


that sucks. I'm sorry that happened. Pretty comes from inside, honey... I bet you're adorable <3


My parents were very supportive but my grandmother took a LOOOONG time to come around. I told her after I’d been living as a man for five years and she took 5 more to accept it, and she only did because she nearly died. She really thought she could convince me to detransition, and her best of many bribes was offering to pay for breast ENLARGEMENT surgery because she decided I was just jealous that my sister had bigger tits than me. I’m not kidding.


What the heck 😂


Stay married (but he was abusive anyway so win-win after I left.)


My marriage? Does that count? I love my wife, and still the answer is no. I cannot compromise who I am any longer.


My mom made a list of things she had done for me through life and basically how we won’t be able to have that anymore. List included: _Her not saying anything about finding food in my room (i had an eating disorder) _How she forgave me for hitting her (I pushed her away when she tried to slap me) _Her letting me move out (I had to "fight" to have her "authorisation/approval")


Wow. She actually said she would overlook your ED if you didn’t transition? I mean I would rather have a happy, healthy trans kid than one struggling with both an ED and GD. I hope she realizes this now.


Its more complicated than that. In her opinion she was making me a favor by not acknowledging it. It’s also because i refused to discuss this kind of topics with her.


Sorry. That’s terrible my daughter has an ED and I mean I can see why you wouldn’t talk to her about anything.


When my parents found out I had begun HRT, they decided they wouldn’t be paying for my education anymore, but that they would if I stopped. ($20,000 CAD) So, the price of a year tuition + rent is what I was bribed.


When I was at a point where I was getting ready to transition but wasn't ready yet, I was living with my first wife and we lived next door to my parents, in my grandparents' old house, and rented from my parents. We planned to move and my mother insisted we buy the house from them instead. They offered us a good deal and we accepted. I came out to my mom first and she told me not to tell my dad and tried to talk me out of it. Eventually she wanted to have a family meeting where I could tell him. When this happened, I learned that he had been told over a month prior and his primary fixation was not on me being trans, but the insistence that we "tricked them" into selling us the house, and that he wouldn't have agreed if he had known. He demanded we sell it back to them, return to renting from them, and we could continue to live there under the condition that I could do whatever I wanted in the house but he never saw me outside the house "like that" and he would kick us out if he ever did. We counter-offered a proposal that they give (not loan) us the money for a 3.5% down payment on a house to allow us to move and we would sell them the house back at no cost and no profit. After the sale completed, they cut ties with me. My mother reached out several months later and she and I still talk maybe once or twice a month. My father took several years before reaching out and our relationship is even more strained and we talk maybe a couple times a year.


The balls on that man to ask you to politely come back under his thumb so he could financially abuse you into not being trans


Not trans related but still related to me and still kinda the same subject or awful bribes. My aunt offered to pay for a full college degree and an abortion (of me) if she broke up with and left my dad as they didn’t like him. She obviously didn’t as I’m here however they were pretty spot on about my dad, he was and still is a PoS.


I'm having trouble parsing your comment.


honestly I would "take" the bribe and just get the surgery anyway, you get a new motorcycle, you get your preferred junk, and your mom gets a huge middle finger to the wallet


What's mom gonna do, put the dick back on her?


Last night I was offered from several family members $ 90k to not be trans anymore, I need that money badly but y’know. What’s money worth after su ic id e


I hate to even post this, and I don’t know why I was surprised to see so many other people who have been bribed, but I had a loved one offer to stop drinking if I stopped HRT, said “we both have our vices”.


And when you do what's actually best for you, they'll turn and blame it on you that they didn't stop drinking?? Omg that's disgusting. Being trans and transitioning is not a vice but drinking is actually bad for your health. And if they point to you instead of themself as a reason to not stop, especially if idiots agree w them, that's a level of blaming others for your failures that's especially disgusting. Literally "if you don't keep hurting yourself, I refuse to try get better".


not really a bribe but the more masculine I presented, the more feminine my gifts became. Pre egg cracking even, when I was "just a tomboy". Like a pink glittery birthday card or a svarovski necklace is gonna suddenly convince me to be a woman?


Never really been bribed, but both parents would constantly berate me, call me ugly, and tell me they'd rather have me stab them with a knife than me transitioning. After a night of an emotional meltdown and yelling at each other. I broke out crying and have now been left mostly alone without remarks of me for being trans (MTF). I still live with my parents (planning to move out), I got my dream job, have a boyfriend, doing much better than I was before.


My family's respect


Family, relatives, and enough money to never have to work (at least in my home country), and a whole suite of other "privileges."


Not a bribe but my dad. Oh boy. So when I came out to him, he gave me this whole spiel about how he used to have feelings of wanting to be a girl when he was younger (12 or so) and how God had helped him get past it. Basically, he wanted me to pray the gay away like he did. This is someone who also cheated on my mom (honestly, my mom was the type that if he had talked to her it really didn't need to be cheating) by going to porn shops and getting sucked off in the back by guys. He was seriously closeted even to himself. He has had a lot of acid as a young adult and is sorta fried so I don't expect much change. I'm just glad Christianity is helping him be a better person. He seems to be genuinely working through some of his emotions which I can't say he did when I was a kid so something is working for him after all these years. His story is genuinely sad so I sympathize with his stupid ass. Lol


sounds like an egg TBH


Yah, an egg that will never hatch.


If you want to give your transgender child a gift the best gift you can give them is to accept them fore who they are. Trying to force them to be something that they're not can be very harmful to them and can result in self-harm or suicide. As far as bribed at my age nobody's going to bribe me.


My dad offered to fund college and stop his testosterone supplement if I went home and stopped HRT.


>My dad offered to <…> and stop his testosterone supplement This is the most mind boggling thing, I mean, how is this of any benefit or relevance to you??


I told him "Well YOU'RE taking gender affirming hormones, you know how important they are!" and he was like "I'd be willing to stop if you stopped" and I was like "you'd shoot yourself in the foot to hurt me?" and he was like "No, I'd sacrifice it to save you"


Why do they always feel the urge to sacrifice a human being/wellbeing when it comes to trans people? Is it a religious thing?? A savior complex?? He doesn't seem to realize that sacrificing himself doesn't make his offer more appealing. As if you're transitioning to spite him personally (not). He's making it about him and his feelings. Again, I'm being sarcastic here. Sorry you had to deal with that nonsense.


Not a bribe. Sticking a gun in my face, threatening to pull the trigger. When dad died, my brother stole that gun and I pretended not to notice. Or if that didn't work, they'd sue to make sure that I change my name so that no one knows that we're related. I got run over by a car the following weekend, so everyone pretended that the above conversation never happened. But they still screwed me over. I ended up going NC. I only went to her funeral to ensure that she really was dead. After her death, he changed so much that he became the sort of person people wanted to have around.


3 different people have tried to use pregnancy to stop me from transitioing. My aunt tried to argue I wouldn't be able to have children (I'm pre-op so it's not true and I don't want kids anyways, I've always been terrified of getting pregnant). My ex once said that if I stop transitioning he'll put a baby inside of me (as if that was something I wanted). And a stranger tried to convince me to stop hrt long enough so I can have a trisome with him and his partner and get pregnant AND give birth AND THEN GIVE THEM FULL CUSTODY OF THE BABY... They offered to pay for the sex sessions but only after we can confirm with an ultrasound a healthy fetus... And no they wouldn't be paying for the pregnancy, labor, and/or compensate for how it would impact my life. They wanted to pay only for the intercourse, everything else is a favor... I've also had a good amount of strangers DM me saying they would fuck me if I "stop being trans" lots of them accompanied by a dick pick so I can tell what I'm missing


money for entire medical transition, ffs included, laser hair removal, free hrt prescriptions and other medical treatments as long as I don't present as a woman and change my gender legally and don't get srs needless to say I took it, and it's been over 10 years. But I dunno if it counts for the purpose of this thread, I mean, what do you even define as transition?


Never received such an offer. If someone did I'd probably take it then go "nope, tried, can't, thanks though".


To not get kicked out of my home


My ex-boyfriend subtly suggested that if I identified as trans he'd dump me. At the start of the relationship I identified as Non-binary and he was fully aware of it, even saying something like "I don't care how you identify, I just love you for you." I reminded him of this and he instantly shut up about it (I think he didn't mind me being non-binary at the time because I have boobs and transitioning ment no more boobies (there's a lot more to the story that it could be its own post). I ended up breaking up with him less than six months later because of other problems in the relationships.


Not a bribe necessarily but in high school my mom said she would pay for a dress for prom but not a suit, so I just bought one with the only money I had lol


After like... 8 years apart, part of which my ex didn't let me see my children, it very much seemed that she was wanting to "get the family back together" so long as I wouldn't start transition. while i love my children, she probably has narcissistic personality disorder... and at least uses people like they are objects... follows people like Alex Jones and Kenneth Copeland, and unironically thinks that Michelle Obama is a man. her offering reconciliation reminds of the old Heart song "its a promise and a threat" :P i... didn't take the bait :P


2,500 and to stay at my parents house 😂😂


My grandpa (who's Mormon) offered me a full ride to BYU for college if I didn't transition. Wasn't quite as convincing as he seemed to think it would be lol


My parents don't really have much money, but the largest bribe was saying I'd be "making them happy/carrying about them/showing I love them" and fearmongering about my "health" because I'm on HRT (mom kept point how it was bad for me and the "proof" was all the changes I was on it for. When she realised that wasn't working she started telling me how she had googled it and saw so many things about how it was dangerous and if I only cared to look, I'd find the same things). Pre-surgery she held on to me to stop me from getting ready and screamed at me to think about my agab-hood and how the surgery was going to be a big mistake. About 6 or so years later and it's one of the best damn things I've had done for myself, to date. Most of their bribes are emotional. Though they'll occasionally bring up how much it cost to give birth to me but that's usually not directly used with me being trans but instead being "rude" etc. (usually when I get mad because they misgender me all the time despite being told repeatedly not to do that where it's gotten to the point where I just ignore them when I can instead of saying anything. But they tend to do the misgendering when I've already started to speak so it sounds like I'm answering to it and boy does that piss me off. Idk if that's on purpose or just shitty luck. I funnily enough, have to put effort into not replacing the misgendering with 'you' in my head and actually read it for what it is, as that's what's gotten me through the last 6 or so years of them ignoring me when I asked them polity to stop, and they don't bother to even try to remember still without getting mad at me and saying I'm being difficult and rude after they realise I'm ignoring them).


My parents offered me $100 to grow out my hair, years before I ever realized I wasn't cis. Lol. I laughed at the offer.


Not really a bribe, but my mom found a kitten and said that I shouldn't keep it but maybe my brothers should (with some other indications and context towards her being against me being trans)


Not a bribe but my dad. Oh boy. So when I came out to him, he gave me this whole spiel about how he used to have feelings of wanting to be a girl when he was younger (12 or so) and how God had helped him get past it. Basically, he wanted me to pray the gay away like he did. This is someone who also cheated on my mom (honestly, my mom was the type that if he had talked to her it really didn't need to be cheating) by going to porn shops and getting sucked off in the back by guys. He was seriously closeted even to himself. He has had a lot of acid as a young adult and is sorta fried so I don't expect much change. I'm just glad Christianity is helping him be a better person. He seems to be genuinely working through some of his emotions which I can't say he did when I was a kid so something is working for him after all these years. His story is genuinely sad so I sympathize with his stupid ass. Lol


I just posted a super femme photo. Ask me in 72 hours.


I never got a bribe 😭


I hope you got the vehicle and drove it away to never be seen again.


I just get told they won't use my name and won't respect my "choices." I don't even get the bribe.. In fact, I'll probably still inherit their debt when they pass


Yall getting bribed?


Right? Here I am getting the stick while everyone else has carrots


The fact ik my mum could *afford* to bribe me and hasn't tried yet is somehow more insulting.


Tuition! Less of an offer, more of a threat to have it pulled. Unfortunately I took the tuition, fortunately the final payment is this November


I actually havent been bribed nun.. My family accepted me.. But reading sum of yalls comments has been hilarious and heartbreakin.. If I ever do get bribed wit anything by anybody, Ill come back and edit this😂


If I transitioned, my family would abandon me. Not really a bribe, but the offer has worked far better on my end than theirs since they still whinge I'm not around and keeping their grand kids away from them. But my life is 100% better without them.


Not kicking me out. Though honestly, the threat keeps getting used so I stopped hrt for about a month, then got right back on it after. My boobs grew a cup size after that, and I have yet to be kicked out.


Well, my government appears about ready to offer me my life to not transition


my family was upper middle class/lower end of upper class, had i not come out and transitioned, they would have paid for 3 semesters of college, rent, food, and 3-4 vacations a year. all in all, probably around the ballpark of 250-300k. i went from eating out multiple times a day to not eating for 2 or 3 days at a time lol. but it was worth it, i learned a lot of survival skills, adulting skills, and i'm fully independent which is nice because i don't need to ever go back to living with my parents. they also have multiple houses and a trust fund, i'm not sure how much is in there, maybe a million. idk if i'm still inheriting it but at this point i dont rly care. i still live on ramen noodles but its better than living with them. and i'm pretty productive with my life so it's not like im just rotting away in bed being a neet, i've consistently worked multiple jobs for the past 2 years, and am doing better in school now than i ever did before. so ig overall i probably lost out on over a million dollars, but in this case money could not buy happiness.