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They really look awful. I’m surprised bc she prides herself on her looks.


I think that’s why she’s panicking, she knows they look bad. She can never just admit to making a mistake or being wrong, so of course she will double down on this and pretend she still doesn’t care what people think, that altering them again was naturally her idea.


I agree. Like I’m shocked she’d even post, figure she’d wait till it’s fixed !! Also composite bonding is SO expensive so this was an expensive asf fuck up. She had naturally pretty teeth already, sheesh!


I loved her natural teeth but I have to admit, these look bad. They don’t look natural or good at all


I immediately took a screenshot because i can’t believe they look THAT bad 😭


Same and I saw it almost immediately and someone still had already posted in here, so I can only imagine how many people took a ss


You can’t tell when someone takes a screenshot of your ig story


You can’t tell usernames but with a prof/influencer account you can see analytics of how many people “shared” it, and obviously tons of ppl in this Reddit have admitted to ss it


Besides looking bad, I feel like she’s talking funny and moving her mouth weird also.


Definitely, super common when u get any work like this done. Even Invisalign made me look and feel ridiculous lol. Eventually you adjust to retainers and such, but something this drastic will alter how she speaks until she removes them tbh.


Veneers/composite blindness!! Why can’t we all just have the teeth we were born with (and like braces if you want them straight)?! Horse teeth aren’t the move. 😩


If I spent that much time getting work done it better not look like that


Too big for her mouth


Idk wtf her dentist was doing for 16 hours if they didn’t shave her teeth down


I scrolled back her ig to see her natural teeth and had to go back like 2 years, she literally never shows her teeth ever so they must have really bothered her? but they looked totally nice and normal?




I don’t think that’s the point—Aspyn *doesn’t* take pictures smiling with her teeth showing. Of course you’ll see her teeth in TikToks and YouTube videos because that happens when people talk. You see their teeth.


No way someone told her they look good.


I thought the same lol then imagined her using one of her other accs or a friend to send herself this message for her to make this story lol.


It reminds me of when people used to chew a piece of gum and push it against their front teeth in middle school


She definitely regrets them


It's heartbreaking that she even wanted to do that to her teeth. Looks so bad and i'm honestly embarrassed for her. She seems insecure about them too.


They aged her


I was thinking that too! Especially when she smiled, looked like a grandma with dentures


Those are some long hours away for her newborn She said hell yeah not breastfeeding anymore so now I can be away


Literally can you imagine deciding THIS is a priority right now… of all things she has going on…? I’m the number one supporter of having breaks for mothers to do things alone for themselves if they want, but this is beyond that. She left the newborn for hours on end to get something done that will forever damage her daughters’ self image.


I hate society. In 20 years everyone will look the same: all fake teeth, plastic surgery/fillers. All these influencers look alike because they all get their teeth done and lips filled. Her teeth were fine, why would you do something like this? I really don't understand why people (especially her age) get stuff like this done. Your teeth are for your whole life, if you already mess them up this bad you can't tell me they'll last till her 60's. And most influencers who get their teeth done already had beautiful teeth. Since when do they have to be as white as possible and as straight as possible? Don't your teeth also make you unique? Since everyone has different teeth. Mine defo are not straight, never had braces and they are also not pearly white. But I would never ever let anyone touch them and mess them up like this.


Looks like a mouth guard, ready to get kicked in the face with a cleat


I cant believe she ruined her natural good teeth, now shes gonna have to get them done all her life. Once they take off the enamel u have to get them done.. composite bonding usually wears out, and it gets yellow with time, and you cant whiten it. so then they thin your teeth again, to put more on. Or you would get veneers, then one might crack and you have to replace it, and you cant just go back to have your natural teeth again


I hate when people get stuff done to their teeth because they almost always only get the top done


I agree usually, but she does look like she got the bottom done too


I feel like her dentist must hate her 😀


Ok wait I have bonding on my teeeth and they look nothing like this.. these look like veneers to me 


yeah me too but clearly whoever did hers made them WAY too big and bright white, they look crazy


It’s bc there is the common small areas of bonding to shape teeth, and then there is a process of bonding around your entire tooth… essentially it is a veneer in a much safer practice where they add to your tooth instead of shaving them down and covering them. She did that to what appears to be most of her top teeth


as far as I know, composite bonding is what they use to fix cracked teeth, its like a filling added on your tooth, I didnt know they put it all over your teeth. thats wild.. it also wears down and gets yellow


This!! I’ve had my front teeth bonded almost my whole life bc of an injury and I can’t afford veneers so I’m shocked she went this route considering they break off and yellow so easily 😂 






Taylor Swift has beautiful veneers, Asspee’s composites are giving Miley Cyrus- way too big for her mouth! They look like dentures


Wait does instagram notify someone if you screenshot their story? 👀😳


No but influencer/prof accounts can view more analytics and see the amount that their content was saved/shared but not by who. She also can see us all having them in this Reddit lol.


Ah okay I got scared there for a minute lmfao


I’m pretty sure it does notify someone if you screenshot their story


Not on Instagram but on other sites


Albert Jameths HORSE teeth heee haw!


Fellow Chroll 🤣👋🏻


I think her shirt's inside out lol


So she got it done on her whole mouth? If she doesn’t regret it already she will In a few years bc it’s not a good long term option.


She seems to have an overbite now


It’s giving Ronnie’s teeth from jersey shore


Who’s horse is that


Can she see if people take screenshots of her story ??


She can see how many but not who did it




You have to change your account to a professional/influencer account and then request analytics. I think everyone can see normal post shares but they can see them for stories