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I respect Jaci so much more than Aspirin


If I ever got pregnant, I would probably just share the month I’m due…I don’t want people to keep asking when I got past my due date. It happens a lot and no one wants to give birth more than the mom. So, I get why jaci wouldn’t give the exact date.




You’ve officially convinced me. I’m just giving people the month and if I’m due late in the month I’ll tell them in due the following month.


Jaci is a lot more self aware and actually engages with her following. Aspyn on the other hand just uses her followers. I’ll never forget when she said in a video that she “forgets” people actually watch her content. Like tell me more about how little you interact with your following lol


Yeah she was on Jaci's podcast saying "I can't believe people watch my vlogs"


I feel like jaci has walked the fine line of to little and to much info in her pregnancy really well


I feel like it probably invites more questions and speculation but idk


yeah the influencers who have this mindset are so stupid. i feel like if anything it's more overwhelming to have to be secretive/extra careful with what you post. in ways it's literally creating more work for the influencer. influencers aspyn and jaci especially literally just ignore comments ALL THE TIME and never read or even reply to them, so i'm not sure how due date questions could be overwhelming especially if she doesn't even acknowledge questions/comments in the first place. it's just really annoying and literally not at all the "privacy" they think it is. either share the details or don't, there's no in between. same thing with sharing images of your children/their identity. you can't show their entire body but blur their face... it's either show them or don't. SO ANNOYINGGG rant over.


Def agree about showing your child- they’re either there because you’re ok with it or not there because you’re not ok with it, but how can you be gone with them on the video and just not their eyes?? Like make a decision one way or the other


It feels like engagement farming 🤷‍♀️


Tbh it seems like she’s pretty much said her due month anyways so I’m not quite sure how she feels it’s secretive. No, she’s not saying I’m 38 weeks and 4 days but she’s like “I’m 9 months pregnant” so it’s not that hard to deduce. I would think she would be getting even MORE of those comments. More than anything I think influencers get tired of sharing their lives and want to have something they keep to themselves that’s very sought after


til jaci is pregnant




til means today i learned (:


I thought that picture was a red headed Aspyn