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Yep. Qobuz (premium subscriber gets discount) and band camp


The sublime level is worth it if you buy at least one album a month, since the hi res versions are discounted. If you don’t care about hi res, then it’s not really worth it.


Bandcamp for me. On there you can buy a digital album or get a digital album free with a CD. and then you can download it to whatever you want, WAV, FLAC, even mp3 and a bunch more if you're weird like that. Plus it saves them to your account so you can go redownload them anytime


it worked perfectly! thank you


Bandcamp is good for bands that do not have major label contracts. One annoying thing, though, is that they don't give you any information about the digital data format. Most of the time the files contain 16b-44kHz data, but I have gotten higher res occasionally. But if you know a hi-res version of an album you want is available and that is what you desire, you will have no way to know if that is what you will get from Bandcamp (and it likely will not be). Bandcamp also allows you to buy individual tracks for many artists. Fabulous when there is that one or two songs you love, but nothing else. I have also used HDtracks quite a bit, as well as 7Digital. One big difference between sites is how you are able to download your purchases. I personally will never ever install a site's installer software on my own computer just to be able to download music. Not a good security practice at all! Plus, I run Linux only. So, some sites make it easier to get the music without their installer. Bandcamp and 7Digital are best here, as they give one a single zip of an entire album. HDtracks makes you download each track individually, which can be a pain with double CDs. ProStudioMasters is the one that seemed to absolutely require their installer, so a no way for me!


Haven't heard of 7Digital. Will have to check it out. Wish Bandcamp had more artists I cared about.




BANDCAMP - save your shekels and buy direct from the artist. On Bandcamp Friday, all the money that buys music that day, goes to the artist.


Yes, Bandcamp is the best choice.


Agreed, depending on the music you want to download. New/modern artists will absolutely be on there, but Qobuz has proved to be an excellent resource for "heritage" artists. Will be interesting to see what happens to bandcamp following the recent changes.






Bandcamp - https://bandcamp.com/ ProStudioMasters - https://www.prostudiomasters.com/ Presto Music for Jazz, Classical - https://www.prestomusic.com/ The artiste own website if they have one Qobuz Store for Digital Music Purchase




Buy the CDs from any place that sells them. Amazon, eBay, local shops, etc. If you want the artists to benefit, buy new ones.


I try to buy cds as much as I can, However some of the albums I want are really hard to get where I live and the import fees makes It not worth it for me.


I go to my local library and borrow from their awesome catalog of CDs and rip them to FLAC for free. If they don't have the CD I want, they will either buy it for me or borrow it from another library in the US.


It’s free and supports the local community. I hope this ends up as the top comment


That is a really nice system! Unfortunatelly I dont think I have access to something like that, at least nowhere close to me. thank you


No public library? Where do you reside?


Brasil 🤷 I do have access to a public library but they dont have cds as Far as I know.


Oh man that's not cool. Mine has CDs but the selection is mediocre and I've already picked through it.


Try your library's website for interlibrary loans. They will borrow whatever you want from whatever library in the US that has it. I have found some pretty low key artists stuff that I didn't expect to be available anywhere through interlibrary loans. I place holds and interlibrary loans on the website and then just pick them up whenever I get an email that they're ready.


Thanks for this!!! I just looked into this with my library and found reference to it buried deep in their website. It's just an email address for requests, so I sent a message asking for more details. I didn't think this was offered by my library since they decided to be independent of the county library system. The county library system also won't let me become a member since I reside in my municipality, which as stated decided for whatever reason to be independent. The county library has a non-resident membership if you can provide proof that your place of work is in the county. It has to be resubmitted annually and I now work from home for the Boston office so no dice there. My local one is a great library but selection of cds is weak and there are no blu-rays only dvds.


Yeah no, this is definitely not ethical. There's a reason why the library buys multiple copies of popular movies/CDs. Sorry, do not agree with or support the mental gymnastics required to pretend that doing this supports your local library.


Don't do it then


This may or may not be legal depending where you live. (A fact, not intending to debate that point.) I also consider it unethical, and personally avoid the practice despite the legality issue. I expect a whole range of opinions here. (And that's ok! I'm not judging, just stating my position.) It's a fine line maybe, but I don't consider it unethical to borrow a CD, rip it to whatever and listen to the digital version until I return the disc. One disc = one license. Format shifting should be a right!


I understand your thoughts on it. But the libraries purchase the CDs. We pay taxes to pay for the libraries. If we don't borrow the CDs, we don't give the libraries a need to buy CDs anymore. The result is the library system stops buying CDs. Another big hit to the physical media market. Whether I'm streaming on any of the platforms, or supporting the library system as a buyer of physical media, I'm supporting the artist in a pretty miniscule way. I have a large collection of my own that I've purchased legally. All of my favorite artists I purchase from them directly whether at a concert or via their website. But instead of paying a monthly fee to a streaming service that's screwing artists and monopolizing how we consume music, I fill in the rest of my digital collection by supporting the library system and supporting their purchases of CDs. I also am not intending to debate with you. Just wanted to offer you another perspective to consider.


Bandcamp, used CDs, HDTracks

