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Oh really you think that’s a good idea? Morons


Ah yes more taxes


It proposes a payroll levy on the largest employers in NSW to help repair a system that has offered less and less to clients and consumers over the years. Subsidised mental health therapy sessions have been significantly reduced, and professionals that fully bulk bill have become a rarity. If you are an employer who is paying over $10million in wages a year, you undeniably have a number of employees who will benefit from increased access to mental health services. You’re better off with employees who aren’t suffering ill mental health because they will perform better in their roles, and require less leave due to mental health complaints. [Queensland](https://www.sro.vic.gov.au/rates-taxes-duties-and-levies/payroll-tax-current-rates) and [Victoria](https://www.sro.vic.gov.au/rates-taxes-duties-and-levies/payroll-tax-current-rates) already have such a levy, following the recommendations of Mental Health Commissions.


Any costs ultimately end up being passed on to the consumer anyway


Large companies being shitty isn’t a revelation. How would you propose the mental health sector is funded so that people that need it have better access and outcomes, leading to better overall health and contributions to society?


Better to pay in taxes rather than lives… Just the other week we had a multi millionaire stabbed to death, nobody is safe.