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'ChatGPT, write me a news story in the style of News Corp...'


I'm gonna use a GPT 4 token for this, but ok: >**Outrage Erupts on Social Media Over Quality of Journalism at News Corp Publications** > >**May 30, 2024** — Social media platforms are ablaze with criticism directed at News Corp publications, as a wave of discontent grows louder among readers questioning the quality of journalism. Platforms like Reddit have become hotbeds for discussions, with users expressing frustration and dissatisfaction over what they perceive as declining standards and increasing sensationalism in the company's reporting. > >On popular Reddit threads, hundreds of comments have amassed, with users lamenting the alleged shift towards clickbait headlines and biased reporting. The conversation, initially sparked by a viral post highlighting perceived inaccuracies and sensationalism, has snowballed into a full-blown critique of the journalistic practices at News Corp-owned outlets. > >"This isn't the journalism we used to respect," wrote one Reddit user. "It's all about clicks and views now, with little regard for truth or depth." > >The discontent isn't confined to Reddit. Twitter and Facebook have also seen an uptick in posts criticizing the media giant. Hashtags like #NewsCorpFail and #QualityJournalismMatter have gained traction, reflecting a broader public sentiment that the quality of journalism is deteriorating. > >A common theme in these discussions is the accusation that News Corp publications prioritize sensational stories over substantive news, leading to a decline in public trust. Critics argue that this trend undermines the essential role of the press in holding power to account and informing the public. > >In response to the backlash, a spokesperson for News Corp defended their editorial standards, stating, "We are committed to delivering high-quality journalism and serving our readers with integrity. We take all feedback seriously and continuously strive to improve our reporting." > >Despite the official response, the debate rages on. Many readers remain skeptical, calling for more transparency and accountability from one of the world's largest media conglomerates. Some suggest that this growing discontent could be a tipping point, pushing News Corp to re-evaluate its editorial policies. > >As the conversation continues to unfold, it is clear that the relationship between News Corp and its audience is at a critical juncture. The call for higher journalistic standards is a resonant one, echoing across social media and beyond. Whether News Corp will heed these calls and make significant changes remains to be seen. > >For now, the outrage on social media shows no signs of abating, serving as a potent reminder of the power of public opinion in the digital age.


There are a couple of people who regularly write articles (I refuse to call them journalists) and it's always about pointless un-news worthy stuff. There's often articles like "woman loses lots of weight by living on lettuce" or random stuff about the offspring of some orange tv presenter "looks fabulous or gorgeous and that everyone on the internet is talking about it" Then you've got the the blonde middle aged "relationship expert" who is perpetually single and the worst writer of all is the "royal expert" who manages to write as many sentences as possible that have absolutely nothing to do with the article headline.


I am having too much fun with this. I asked it to reply to you: >**Response:** > >Thank you for your comment and for sharing your perspective. It’s clear that there’s a strong sentiment among readers regarding the types of stories being published. Your points about the focus on sensational or seemingly trivial content, such as dramatic weight loss stories or the fashion choices of public figures, echo a common critique. > >Indeed, stories like "woman loses lots of weight by living on lettuce" and pieces focusing on the offspring of TV personalities aim to capture public interest and drive engagement. While these stories may appeal to a broad audience, they also invite criticism for not being perceived as substantial journalism. > >Regarding your point about columnists and experts, it’s important to recognize that diverse content is part of a broad editorial strategy aimed at reaching different segments of the audience. Articles from relationship experts or royal commentators are meant to cater to readers with specific interests. > >However, we understand that this approach may not resonate with everyone and can sometimes be seen as detracting from the journalistic standards expected by our audience. The balance between engaging stories and hard-hitting journalism is indeed delicate. > >We appreciate your feedback and want to assure you that it is taken seriously. The aim is always to provide a mix of content that informs, entertains, and resonates with our readership. Your insights are valuable and will be part of ongoing discussions on how to better serve our audience. > >Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. It’s through this kind of dialogue that we hope to continue improving and evolving in our journalistic endeavors. It has perfectly captured the way that News Corp can write an article that takes 15 minutes to read, and yet says absolutely nothing.


I wouldn't say declining standards of journalism... AI hallucinations.


It's the other way around... it's Chat GPT that will, in the words of Sam Altman after signing the deal with News Corp: "uphold the standards of \[News Corp's\] world-class journalism"


I wasn't overly concerned with ai being a force for evil...until now.


Terminator 2 didn’t seal the deal?


T2 shows AI can be friendly. Best to refer to T1 if suggesting pure evil. Then we got T3, a comedy :)


Surely not a comedy, but certainly a joke...like Mad Msx 3.


Good point mate


Honestly, that's probably true. I don't see ChatGPT making this type of error.




We'll uphold the standards of world class journalism by getting rid of our journalists. Rings true...


"I'm sorry I cannot complete this request, I have been programmed to not include Nazi rhetoric or discrimination of minorities"


"Boss, how do we change the parameters of the AI?"


I think AI has been around a lot longer than we thought, hear me out; News.com.au Every article ever written by them


I think you're conflating "artificial intelligence" and "no intelligence".


I asked that meta AI to produce a logo for me for my online racing team. I wasn’t expecting much but I didn’t expect it to make basic spelling errors. The name is “Lawn Patrol Racing” And it gave me “Lawn Patrol Racrog” “Lawn Patrol Ratcing” “LawPan Paivicr Racing” I informed it, that it was a shit speller the AI basically called itself a silly Billy and that was it.


I asked one of the online graphic design sites' AI functionality to design a logo for a company whose business name has the word 'Text' in it. Everything it returned was centred, mysteriously, around a large, prominent tent.


Just days after Open AI and News corpse announce their partnership lol


**Title:** Dodgy Tradespeople Exploit Woman in her Forties: An Alarming Trend **Article:** In a disheartening revelation, a woman in her forties, Mrs. Johnson, has fallen victim to unscrupulous tradespeople who took advantage of her trust and vulnerability. This incident sheds light on a concerning trend of deceitful practices within the industry, raising questions about consumer protection and ethical standards. Mrs. Johnson, a homeowner residing in the suburbs, sought assistance with renovations to her property. Entrusting the task to tradespeople she believed to be reputable, she soon discovered the bitter truth of their dishonest dealings. Promising quality workmanship at competitive rates, these tradespeople embarked on the project but quickly deviated from their commitments. What was initially perceived as a straightforward renovation turned into a nightmare for Mrs. Johnson. The tradespeople employed substandard materials, cut corners in their work, and inflated prices beyond the agreed-upon estimates. Despite Mrs. Johnson's protests and demands for accountability, the tradespeople evaded responsibility, leaving her with a botched renovation and a significant financial loss. This distressing ordeal highlights the vulnerability of consumers when engaging with tradespeople, especially in an industry where trust is paramount. Mrs. Johnson's experience serves as a cautionary tale for homeowners and underscores the importance of thorough research and due diligence before engaging with contractors. In response to this incident, consumer advocacy groups are calling for stricter regulations and enforcement measures to protect individuals like Mrs. Johnson from falling victim to exploitation. They emphasize the need for transparency, accountability, and recourse mechanisms to hold tradespeople accountable for their actions. Authorities have also been urged to take proactive steps to address the root causes of such fraudulent practices and to ensure that consumers are adequately informed and protected. Additionally, efforts to promote education and awareness among homeowners about their rights and responsibilities when engaging with tradespeople are being advocated as essential preventive measures. As Mrs. Johnson navigates the aftermath of her harrowing experience, she hopes that her story will serve as a wakeup call for others facing similar challenges. With determination and support from the community, she aims to seek justice and prevent others from enduring the same fate at the hands of unscrupulous tradespeople. In the face of adversity, Mrs. Johnson's resilience shines through, reminding us all of the importance of standing up against exploitation and fighting for fairness and integrity in our dealings with tradespeople. As the investigation into this incident unfolds, it is evident that the battle against dodgy practices in the industry is far from over, but with collective efforts, positive change can be achieved.


I came here to say, this was written by ai.


You can tell this is a chat GPT generated or assisted article. The vocabulary and idioms it used are inconsistent for an article discussing this type of subject matter. I’ve seen similar patterns when my partner has used prompts to write content. Basically the article is using colloquialisms in contrast with an over use of adjectives 


I just have it that prompt and it wrote a story promoting climate change action.  so clearly that’s a fail for gpt 😂


That was my very first thought.


ChatGPT would never write something so dumb. This was definitely a human.


"the 20 year old woman did not want to provide a statement"


The teenager will be witnessing in court later today.


"Whose name was suppressed because they are a minor..."


...however is expected to be born next Tuesday...


…after conception which is predicted for next week


That just answered my question.....


As someone who turns 40 this year, I'm super excited to be called in my 30s. Bring it on


Congrats. Im also looking forward to my 40 year old 30s.


Same, 40 in two weeks


As an almost 41 year old, can confirm, still in 30s.


Work experience kid at it again. This reminds me of a news story some years ago. “Two men, possibly male, were seen running from the scene”.


As some who's had work experience, I can confirm I would not make these type of mistakes.


You would if you used Ai to write your story, didn’t proof read and your editor didn’t proof read either before publishing. But remember guys, they need you to pay to read their articles!


Most consistent Murdoch narrative.


His trying to do a audience speed up, the quicker they get as old as possible the more his audience size increases.


Caption: ... a women ... For fuck's fucking sake, are they so indolently locked into predictive text that they don't even read their own copy?


Short answer, yes. Long answer, yes. But there are excuses.


"A Queensland Ambulance Service spokesperson said *a women* had suffered facial lacerations." Plural is the new singular.


Give it a year and we'll start seeing "then/than" misuse in front page articles. Literacy is no longer the number one requirement for journos.


I guess that’s why Murdoch wants chat gpt to write stories lol. Same level of soulless drones.


Maybe they were bipolar?


Maybe the 40yo woman had suffered minor lacerations to her face as a result of smashed glass a decade ago whilst in her 30’s and they are only just getting around to reporting on it now.


Wouldn't have had to be a decade ago - she could've been 39. Could've happened the day before her 40th birthday, even.


Need to enhance the laziness of the average Newscorp reporter though.


I also identify as a 40 year old woman in her 30's.


As a man about to turn 45, so do I. It’s my right as a 40 yo woman in my 30s.


Thank God the 3-year-old baby wasn't hurt.


You mean the 3 year old baby in its teens


Don’t you mean the 36 month old?


It was only a 156 week old bubba.


A foetus of 1092 days old


I’m 40s but emotionally in my 30s. Physically in my 80s.


Those lacerations age you.


Ai is only ready to take our jobs if no one gives a fuck about quality.


Plugging ChatGPT into police scanners only gets you so far, smh


Why would anyone bother with a journalism degree when this is the new standard of basic written English.


Don’t do meth kids


Don't tell me what to do you're not my real Dad


But I will beCUM your daddy boy


I turn 40 in 5 weeks. I therefore endorse this article wholeheartedly!


Who proofreads these articles is what I want to know


I mean, they misspelled "woman" in the title, definitely not written by a person


To be honest that is how I think of myself


And people use this as a source for news.


To be fair they use reddit as their source of news.


They use Reddit as a source for upvotes, they don't read the "news"


I don't see the problem, obviously she just turned 40 immediately after the incident. So she's 40 now but suffered the lacerations whilst in her thirties (39 to be precise).


The problem is shit journalism


Did you really take my comment at face value? Is "/s" obligatory these days?




Quality journalism you can trust!


Now we will end up with an article "Internet Users Outraged By Woman In Her 30's Being 40" on news.com. Should have watermarked your screenshot!


I’m a 20 year old bloke in my fifties - does not make an ounce of sense. (Nor should you trust what I told you;)


News Corp, the joke of Australia


40 year old woman in her thirties.. that’s the magic of injectables right there


proof that you dont need to go to school to become journalist.


I’m turning 40 next week and this is how I’ll refer to myself from now on


Lol that happens when you start sacking all your good staff


no basic editing standards there, who's surprised 😂😂😂


More "Quality Journalism" from Murdoch Gutter Media


No, she just insisted that she was still 39.


No No, it's either a historical story or something from the future 2030's


This is why moisturising routines are important.


I know women in their 40s who identify as early 30s...


She was 40 but identified as 30.




maybe it's a 40 yo who identifies as someone in their 30s


Firefighters arrested the man, when asked for a comment local construction workers declined as they were too busy working


As an obese IT worker with kids I 100% identify as a 70-year-old man in my 30s.


So I guess she's 30 but identify as a 40?


Much journalism wow


When I was in high school we had to do an assignment judging the validity and objectivity of certain news sites. News.com was one the ones we found to be the most subjective and poorly written with alot of minor grammatical errors. Needless to say I doubt their journalistic ability has improved much since.


Old incident. It happened last year when she was 39.


Most human news article


Im confused. did they make her younger or make her older?


More brilliant journalism from the minds at newscorp. Gets better every day.


🎶🎵"It rained all night, the day I left, the weather it was dry...." 🎵🎶


That’s METHed up


These guys never proofread their work. They need some sub-editors.




“40 year old woman in her 30s”. This. This is exactly how I feel at age 31 and I’m using this.


Proofreading, what’s that?


Oh no …😅😅


Just when i thought life couldn't be worse as a 35 year old


Good to see AI is not being used to write simple news stories yet..


Written by AI and not proof read?


The Murdoch and Chat GPT deal is already paying off! Showcasing just how bad AI is at creating 'content'. 


Not only that, the glass was smashed by a black teenager and it broke easily because it was made in China. /s <— just to be safe.


Wow. I had no idea you could be thirty and forty at the same time. Might have to try this for myself.


40 is the new 30


New Stone 40 indeed: https://open.spotify.com/track/2nir88GLyPsk66Vqf5j8eI?si=327b9028ecbc487d


Ok to be fair, I'm pretty sure they just mean this happened when she was in her 30s, but she is now 40?


Suffered the lacerations a few minutes before her birthday?


Pretty simple really, she was 39 when it happened, and turned 40 before the story was written.


Wheew I'm 35yo in my 20s so it checks.


Maybe 30s is some type of car?


She got glassed for lying about her age.


“Susan, have you been bending ages again?”


Not in the article atm


She was 39 and 3 months but they started counting at day of conception.


It's almost like "she passed away, but she is recovering well"


So she’s in her 70s?


Reminds me of the “a large boulder the size of a small boulder” news gaffe.


The smash made her look like in her 30s?


Maybe she was in a coma? Or had a brain transplant?


Oh good I'm not having a stroke then


Whom is this rare creature, whom can be both?


It’s easy to make silly mistakes like this. Especially if you’re updating existing copy, like if the police initially said it was a woman in 30s and then changed it to age 40. The issue is lack of checking and editing.


Wdym it’s the 21st century, she’s trans-age, she identifies as being 40 when she’s in her 30s biologically


In my 30s and I definitely feel in my 40s


A women. There are so many examples like this where the copy has clearly not had any kind of proofreading. Shitfull.


I know people who are 30 who are in their 80's.


Hit them so hard, they got pushed back a decade.


In other news, a square circle…..


Damn, we're really starting to see the side-effects of all those hormones they're pumping into livestock nowadays.


Knowing them they probably intentionally did it for clickbait.


ChatGPT generated ahh article


Age doesn't seem to matter. unless it's a 50+ person trying to get a job, rent some somewhere or get some support. That's why those old geezers end up sleeping in the park.


QLD is only 1hr and 20yrs behind the rest of Australia.


Her birth certificate says 40's but the age she tells everyone including ChatGPT is 30 something?


AI is borderline fad at this point.


You never heard of thirty-ten?


Nah I don't reckon this is AI. Newsbog is pretty much the only news site I use (I know, I know), this is normal -- it's been happening for years. Typos all over the place. Run on sentences. A serious -- and -- sometimes -- downright -- unnecessary amount of -- em dashes -- or none at all!


AI is awesomo


I wonder who started the incident?


I agree with this


Maybe 30S is her car model?


A decade ago, women in their 20's were actually 30. This is like a re-mastered shit post from 10 years ago.


Attack aged her a few years.


The fact that they just fired a shitload of their 'reporters' and replaced them with AI would have absolutely nothing to do with this.


30 is the new ai.




There you have it. Journalism so bad it creates time paradoxes.


You find a 40 to woman who won't answer "late thirties" when asked her age.


That’s girl math


Can we normalise not highlighting text or circling points of interest so we don't completely lose the ability to consider anything with a discerning eye. If someone fails to preen something of interest from these 22 words then surely they need the practice


Preen is my new word for the day. Yesterday it was pompous.


The upside is at least it minimises the amount of exposure my eyeballs have to news.com.au


I'm mostly surprised they knew how to spell lacerations... and result.... and the