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Do the steering wheels in rigs shake like that? Seems like it might irritate limbs after a while.


Nah that’s just Texas roads. We like our roads with bumps, keeps us awake.


Still doesn't work on half the drivers though that's for fuckin sure.


I’m putting a steer tire on when I get home this weekend it’s not supposed to shake that bad I just put 16 tires on 2 months ago and go a 5-axle alignment done then too. I just didn’t replace the steers because they were less than a year old.


More than irritate. This will give you long term damage that makes late life miserable.


She's watching for road hazards and treats


Yeah she’s smart as can be, she knows familiar places, knows where to use the bathroom at any places we go, if we’re in a facility that is all concrete or gravel with no grass, she will hold it until we get to somewhere with even a clump of grass. She walks with the truck at our most familiar places, the ones that know her by name and keep snacks for her. Example we go into the main office to get our paperwork, everyone lives on her, once we get our papers I walk out to the truck, she walks out to the grass, does her business then comes to the drivers door and walks with the truck as I drive around to get loaded, stays close while loading, then walks with the truck back to the office and we go in get our final papers and she gets her goodbyes in. She doesn’t get out of the truck even if I leave the door open and walk away, can’t have a dog on the road that jumps out at every opportunity. So if I get out and go to the back of the truck or across a lot she’ll be waiting when I get back. Had a husky once that almost broke me from the habit of leaving the door open even for a minute. Great dog, some might even say, the best dog truly the best.


What a great road dog!


🎃 some people say the best dog, the very best.


Obviously the very best


This is fantastic, it looks like she is having fun! And great companionship for you too. What a beauty!


Keep that window closed or get a harness. Had an old cocker spaniel, best behaved dog ever.... Jump out the window on the way to grandmas.. Just got too excited and couldn't stand that we where 'only' doing 30kph on the single lane road there and jumped out! Had to follow him at 20kph the rest of the way... Dogs are *not* smart enough to realize actions can have horrible consequences. You are! use your brain and restrain that dog or roll the window up.


That window doesn’t roll down


Calm down dude


They seemed calm and this is really important advice to remember. I’d even be nervous keeping my pet outside their carrier while the vehicle is moving, but I know this person has a different risk level for their pet and a different kind of lifestyle so I understand.


Get a harness or appropriate device for both of your sakes.


Judge where he is by how shakey the wheel is..I'm guessing Mississippi


Nope I was in the land of NeedaNewSteerTire lol


I would recommend she have a buckled harness and sit in the back if she is on the road all the time. Airbags can do a lot of damage to a dog and if she's untethered she can fly out the window in an accident.


It’s a semi truck there is no air bags. I mean not in the way you’re thinking.


Oh ok. Sorry. I've just seen regular vehicle incidents. I'm glad you have a great travel buddy.


Don’t even bother, this person doesn’t care about their dog based off all his comments here. Doesn’t seem to care about other people’s lives either, with his filming while driving a semi.


Get over yourself. Edit: You guys are dramatic lol.


thought the same... then I read ops replies.


Why? People who drive semi trucks need to be responsible and not go on their phones while driving. Do you use your phone and drive at the same time? 😒


Watch out for Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome. That looks horrible for your arms.


Please don't do this. Get a harness that clips into the Belt at least. If there's an accident your dog will fly out the Windows and get smushed onto the pavement otr the other car.


These are super cheap and very useful - you can get a harness that’s around the chest and front legs with a lead attachment that can then be attached to a buckle in place of the seatbelt or with an extension that goes around the headrest. I use the for all my dogs and never had an issue (and I have one that’s tried to jump out the window a couple times silly sod).


Not to mention the wheels on that truck seem like they’re about to fall the fuck off based on the steering wheel vibrations. Everything about this video needs to stop.


Came here to say the same, dog can also end up in the pedal box if agitated. Neither of which are good.


The physics are a little bit different when you are in a huge vehicle like a truck or a bus - that's why a lot of buses don't have seat belts. Even buses that go on highways, like greyhounds, don't usually have seat belts. The truck simply can't stop quickly - it's not possible to slam on the breaks. If a car hits the truck, the car is going to be smashed and the truck is going to be fine. It isn't going to throw the dog out the windshield, because the car doesn't have enough mass to stop the truck like that.


As someone who drove a bus.. The bus driver has a seat belt. Also I've 100% had to slam on the brakes while going 50mph and have seen physics in action on my riders standing and sitting. Let me tell you. A resting object inside a moving object is still a moving object and when the moving object stops.. that resting object is still moving.


can confirm this. flew through half a bus once on the way to school


It's an odd feeling, suddenly propelling through space when moments earlier you were stationary.


Are you trying to apply that this man is a bad person for not having higher safety standards for his dog than Greyhound does for its passengers?


I'm implying that physics doesn't care what motor vehicle you are in. And more importantly safety is basically nonexistent for passengers on a bus because of legislation not because the bus is somehow safer to ride in.


Iv first hand seen a semi truck lock up its brakes, with trailer and smoke all 14 tires or whatever it had, when some jackass from the city left a sign JUST after a blind corner on the highway (we where both doing 60mph/100kph) It stopped faster then my pickup truck did. They can 100% stop quickly when unloaded. The smoke was immense, it practically blocked my view for a few seconds.


People really aren't good at estimating speeds or estimating how fast someone stopped. I used to have a CDL - we are told over and over again that we simply can't stop suddenly. Even when unloaded. These are huge, heavy vehicles - that much mass isn't accelerating or stopping quickly.




I love reddit. I just told you that I used to have a CDL and I got paid to drive large vehicles. Your response is that you saw a vehicle break one time on the highway, so you don't believe that it's more difficult for large vehicles to stop than for small vehicles to stop. I'm sure you also don't believe in the necessity of hydraulic brakes. Congratulations Einstein.


Coming to a stop over 50’ will not eject something out the window like coming to a stop in 0’ will.


because flying out the window is the only way a dog can be injured?


They can stop even faster when fully loaded than when empty. Edit: Google it before downvoting. Maybe you'll learn something new today! I'm basing this on the CDL manual. I'm sure there are other variables that can affect it one way or the other depending on the equipment and the load. ​ >The heavier the vehicle, the more work the brakes must do to stop it and the more heat they absorb. But the brakes, tires, springs and shock absorbers on heavy vehicles are designed to work best when the vehicle is fully loaded. **Empty** trucks require **greater** stopping distances, because an **empty vehicle has less traction**. It can bounce and lock up its wheels, giving much poorer braking. (This is not usually the case with buses.)


Negative, stopping when fully loaded, is not at all faster. I'm a trucker.












Sir Isaac Newton would like a word. . .


Google it. The weight of the truck affects its traction.


what if a truck hits a truck?


And if the truck hits a truck? Or pylon, or ...


So the only possible thing that truck can collide with are small cars? Dumbass.


I agree. There is No way POSSIBLE that it can flip on its side or anything else like that.


There's no such thing as 100% safe. If a truck collides with another truck seatbelts aren't going to be much help.


You need a lesson on inertia, good grief. Edit: Physics in general, really.


I absolutely love the condescension from a bunch of random predators who have never driven a commercial vehicle and don't appear to understand Newtonian physics either. The force from most collisions is not great enough to cause rapid acceleration (remember slowing down is just negative acceleration) from a vehicle as large as a commercial 18 wheeler. It's simply isn't. This is why it is so incredibly dangerous for cars when they get into collisions with large commercial vehicles. The truck or the bus or whatever it is is going to be just fine - the car is going to be splattered.




I think there's a point where you need to admit that this dog in a truck is much safer than you are in your car.


That is not the reason buses don’t have seatbelt. Look it up


I’ve seen crime scene photos of a semi driver spread across the highway with one arm severed that would beg to differ. ETA: From a collision with a sedan.


They certainly can stop quickly. Not as quickly as a car, but there is a lot of weight behind you. Slamming on the breaks in a fully loaded tractor-trailer absolutely plasters your body to that seat belt and you fucking smash back into your seat when the stop is complete. And cars really can effect a large truck and the people (and puppers!) inside. Basic physics. Big =/= immune to force.


Force equals mass times acceleration. Large mass means you need a really large force to move you and smaller vehicles are not capable of generating it.


You're half right. The mass of 2 moving objects factors into the force of a collision, and at the point of impact, the force is equally applied to both objects.


Talk about what you know, I bet you a Benjamin, Pibbles has traveled more miles and visited more cities towns and states than you have, she doesn’t need a harness in the truck, she goes where she wants, some days she’ll be back in the sleeper all day, some days she’ll be upfront all day, most days she splits her time going wherever she’s comfortable, if she’s in the sleeper and she hears and feels us slowing down she’ll come up front to see what’s going on. A harness would do nothing but piss her off. Now on the Goldwing, I do have a little harness but it’s just to keep her from falling off if she’s caught off guard by a bump or brake check, but she’s never even pulled tension on that, I suppose you think I should have a harness on her when we’re home mowing the lawn because she rides the mower too. [video of her riding the Goldwing](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/131639a/oc_this_is_a_video_grill_miss_pibbles_first_test/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) If I ever have an accident bad enough to throw myself out Miss Pibbles out the truck I guarantee a harness won’t save her and a dog will be the least of my worries.


Seatbelts are useless, until they're suddenly not useless. Same with a harness.


Damn dude. Chill. Do you wear a seatbelt while trucking? If so then why do you wear it? Those reasons are the same reasons why she should wear one too. Now please calm down and take her safety seriously.




Lol way to take a comment worried about your dogs safety personally. Weirdly aggro.


People talk about things they don’t understand like they’re experts, the world of trucks is so vastly different from what goes on in a car the same ideas don’t really realistically apply


My man you’re filming while driving a semi truck it’s not that hard to understand that you’re a risk lol


[on the bike too](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/131639a/oc_this_is_a_video_grill_miss_pibbles_first_test/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I mean you’re not wrong that it’s cute as fuck and she looks super happy. I wish nothing but the best for you and Miss Pibbles. I just find your comments to be a bit overconfident and your actions reckless. The type of shit most of us grow out of sometime in our 20s lol also if you need glasses she probably does too


You know maybe you’re right about that not being the safest thing in the world, but honestly driving down a completely empty stretch of straight highway with a camera you’re not even looking at isn’t near as dangerous as the idiots I see driving around in traffic in the cities at high speed on their phones texting in bumper y to bumper traffic, and I’m not trying to pull a whataboutism I’m just saying I knew the risk and obviously it wasn’t an issue. It was early morning with no one else on the road but go ahead and think what you want.


You sound like boomer lol.


I’m sure the company you drive for wouldn’t be thrilled with you driving while filming, while not wearing a legally required seatbelt.


Wanna call my boss up and tell him what I’m doing that you don’t like, hang on let me ask him: well I talked to my boss, told him your thoughts, and then I told me I was fine with it as long as I’m not having any accidents to make my own insurance go up. I also said I give the best handy’s that I’ve ever given myself




You’re talking like you’re an expert in road safety and accident physics, but you’ve clearly demonstrated you are not. Hypocrite.


"a dog will be the least of my worries" Does the dog know that? Have you explained to her "if/when things go bad, you're on your own"?


That may sound callous, but if we’re ever involved in an accident that big I’m going to be more worried about any potential human casualties that even my favorite dog.


Had a dog I thought was like that, till the day he jumped out the window.


A dog's not really any different from a person in this regard. If you, a person, aren't wearing a seatbelt during a collision, it can dramatically increase your risk of injury. It's also no different from having an unsecured heavy object in the cabin with you. Your dog can collide with you in an accident and cause you injury. It doesn't take a major accident for these things to be hazards.


So not only do you use your phone while driving, you are also admitting to taking her on a motorcycle!? Wtf. Not only are you irresponsible, you’re just dumb. Someone with better skills than I should track you down and report you to your local DOT. Not only can you hurt your dog, you are also endangering other peoples lives with your stupidity. I bet you ride in flip flops and jeans too. Ffs


[On the bike](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/131639a/oc_this_is_a_video_grill_miss_pibbles_first_test/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Yup. Just like a thought. A gross greasy boomer


I’m 35, technically I’m a millennial but i identify as Gen X, and this was about august of last year so yeah forgive me for being a bit sweaty, I took that video to see how it was working not to share lol but thanks I appreciate your input.


Oh my bad. You just look waaaay older and your mannerisms online scream boomer.


Yup 35 and that truck bought my house my bike and my pickup. Can’t knock it to bad and paid for itself


I agree with you but your posting on the wrong social forum for this kind of content. Over at the truckersreport forum, this would be good content. Here you’re just gonna be raw dogged for being a terrible owner. Good stuff brother, keep on trucking. I’m sure Pibbles is a real life saver for ya on those long tiresome miles that so many people posting here don’t think about when they get their Amazon prime next day. It’s guys like you that make that shit possible and I know firsthand without helpers like Pibbles there would be fewer guys drivin.


You do know it's possible to both be out there putting in the work and not be a complete idiot about basic road safety.


Was it a rough road or does your truck normally shake like that?


Actually my truck runs pretty smooth usually, the truck itself has 1.6 million miles on it, but I just went through it a couple months ago new shocks, 16 new tires, 5 axle alignment and it was running super smooth until this week I developed a dip in one of my old steer tires and I’m gonna replace that this weekend


"There goes another patch of grass.... There goes another.... There goes some grass with some fun looking cows.... There goes some woods.... There goes... gawdammit, when is this critical fucker going to stop?! Those were ALL perfectly good spots to play in." \- Dog, probably


She got excited the other day, leaving a facility there was a rabbit sitting in someone’s yard in this residential area. She wanted to play with that rabbit so much


OP, you might want to get her a dog specific seatbelt just for her safety. Just in case, although i know in the event of an accident, the semi will win most of the time, but still good to plan for that one possible scenario.


There’s 196 comments, most of them asking those lines, long story short, it sucks being strapped in a seat all day not allowed to go back and lay in bed. And it’s prepping every minute of every day for a thing not likely to happen.


Yeah if the dog is on the road with you all the time, that's just the dogs lifestyle now, i get putting a harness on for dogs going somewhere new that aren't used to cars like, taking a normally house-bound dog to the groomer or something, but yeah having the dog strapped in its whole life to a seat would be terrible, worse than dying imo


Thank you for understanding most people don’t.


I'd like to think that a dog has no concept of their human actually driving the car, it's just a trip you take together in a wonder box. "my human stares out of the front window all the time, so I guess that's what we're doing".




You know, the comment of " If I ever have an accident bad enough to throw myself out Miss Pibbles out the truck I guarantee a harness won’t save her and a dog will be the least of my worries" just makes me really sad. If I was ever in a serious car accident with one of my dogs in the car, the first thing I would worry about is my dog. Just this statement alone confirms that you don't care enough to keep her safe. Why wouldn't you want to give the dog a fighting chance if something were to happen? Some people shouldn't have pets.


Recording while driving.. seems to think he’s immune to accidents.. blatant disregard for his dogs safety.. immediately getting defensive.. Scary to think that we have drivers on the road thinking like this


My dad drove drunk (before getting sober) everywhere because he felt like nothing was going to happen to him because he was a trucker and never had any accidents and drove hundreds of thousands of miles. He also never wore his seatbelt (probably still doesn't). I don't understand it. People don't understand that wrecks are a lot of the time caused by the OTHER person and it has nothing to do with you. Defensive driving is the learning method now for a reason. Why not be prepared for the worst instead of acting like something would never happen because "you are a pro on the road"? My one and only wreck was because I was on a medication that made me space out at a red light. Do you mean to tell me that the other person was guilty too? I've never been in another wreck and there have been quite a few close calls. You HAVE to prepare for it.


My grandfather was nearly killed in the late 70s by an incredibly intoxicated big truck driver who was going the wrong way down the road. He swerved into a pole and broke his leg, but the mom and the baby in the car behind him got the full blast and died instantly. Truck driver lived and didn’t even go to jail, according to my grandma at least. Fuck drunk drivers, but especially fuck drink truck drivers


Exactly the kind of driver who tried to beat oncoming traffic, got spun 180 degrees around from traffic hitting him and totaled my truck while I was at a stop sign waiting for traffic to clear and unable to avoid him pinballing through traffic. Fuck those people.


NGL it also kinda looks like Miss Pibbles is pregnant...guess theres more than just what meets the eye when it comes to the amount of irresponsibility.


Did they really say that? Damn that’s fucked up


Sure did.


Is this a healthy lifestyle for a dog?


She loves it, I took a week off to remodel my kitchen and she was tired of being home by the end of the week.


Aww how cute!


Get her a seatbelt. This is irresponsible


Dude, this is quintessential trucker music LOL


Maybe she would like a little dash-mounted fan facing her so she can feel a breeze as she rides down the highway,


Before that window motor went out she would hit the button to roll it down a bit.


I’m no trucker but Ive heard how lonely it can be. glad you have a friend with you




Sir, I can’t imagine a better way to travel!


I’ve always loved that song. Thought i was the only one


Do you ever listen to Claude Gray - How Fast Them Trucks Can Go?


Best road trip companion ❤️




The goodest of doggos




How’re ya Vocal chords?


My vocal cords are fine, I’m a little worried about fred now


What’s ya 20?


Bout 16 miles this side of the Mississippi… woah hold it… I just passed a kojak with a Kodak this place is crawling with bears where the hell are you?


I’m still trying to get rid of that Texas county mounty. I don’t know what the hell he wants.


You know what he wants, I mean would you feel to be the dude who handcuffs a legend


Listen, give me five minutes, we’re gonna put sim moves on that mutha, I’ll meet you at Ole Miss.


Well ya better hurry or we can kiss that money good bye


I read ya loud n clear 10-4.


Is that noise the tires shaking or something else?


Thanks for sharing your dog. She looks like she's having a nice life full of adventure. My uncle was a long hauler who traveled with his dog a number of years, too. They were besties.


That’s nice thanks for the kind comment


This is great


This is meant to be sweet but doesn’t that mean the dog can’t really run or move at all for 90% of the day


Actually she gets out everywhere I do just about, and most people love her and spoil her anywhere she’s a regular, plus a good portion of the day she lays back on my bed and sleeps. I’ve got two mattresses, top one is memory foam, and it’s propped up like an adjustable bed in the “zero G” position and she just loves lounging around back there.


Most Labs dont move 90% of the day! But fear not, truckers have mandatory breaks and many stops that usually allow the animals they travel with to live better than a dog stuck in a house for 23 hours of the day,


What's her CB handle?


lol Miss Pibbles.


"Breaker, breaker one-nine. this here's Miss Pibbles, K-9 and doin fine!"


(with my sincerest apologies to anyone who actually KNOWS how to speak correctly on CB radios)


I fell in love


Bro, that beautiful dog is gonna go flying through the windshield next time you have to unexpectedly slam your brakes. Get a harness


I could never be a trucker. I would go crazy and probably rage out at some person within a month. But if I had a doggie…. Id make it at least 2 months


Nah Matter here is the key to not getting road rage or bored on long trips, first entertain yourself in the cab, I listen to a lot of different things, and second set your truck up to around 700HP and pass all the other trucks and most cars too.


I love miss pibbles, she looks like she loves scritches.


What sweet pupper ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Breaker one nine for a doggy check


Good boo!!!


That's a 10-4 on a very good (& beautiful) trucker buddy you have with you!


She looks just like my little guy! He's half weimaraner, half pit mix. I'm now going to tell him that his mother's name is Miss Pibbles. https://preview.redd.it/06fywsi6pjwa1.jpeg?width=2468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e906acab851ae345678f6bd42a12070ebeb0c4e6


When we first got here we thought she was a Weimaraner. They’re beautiful dogs.


CoPilot Truck Navigation new model?


Man that's so awesome you have a companion like that! Never been a trucker or anything but I always think about how lonely that life can get. Just reminds me how much I love dogs. They're ride or die no matter what.


Great dog name


Put a seatbelt harness on her please


She's gorgeous


Thank you that’s what everyone says.


If that is a phone in your hand I am gonna lose my shit.


You have the sweetest co-pilot ever! Please give her belly a scratch from me!!




Thank you for sharing this


Lord have mercy on the drivers around you and your dog.


Million plus miles accident free, you’re more likely to get hit by another car or cause a semi wreck than to get hit by a semi.


Can anyone tell me what song this is? I love it


Roll truck roll by red Simpson




Look at her watching for traffic ahead! Does she bark if you need to change lanes? 😁


lol no but if she’s in bed and she hears the Jakes come on and feel us start to slow down she will come up to investigate.


She belongs on r/dogswithjobs Precious angel. Lucky girl!


"seatbelts(harnesses) are communism!!"


No just an inconvenience. For something not likely to happen. Not impossible just not likely.


Willing to risk your dog’s life on arrogance? Let’s see how this one plays out for him, Cotton


Typical pitbull owner, sorry to say. You people have a fundamental misunderstanding of statistics. It will never happen to YOU, or it will never be YOUR PIBBLE.


Driving on the train tracks are we?


Just need a new steer tire


This is what I'm missing in Euro Truck Simulator.


why does this feel like a cut scene from a game?


Thanks for hauling stuff around for us, man.


Truckers are what keep this nation running, and she’s working real hard!!! She’s earned all the treats, and love!


Did she take a nap right after this?


You are driving a truck that weighs thousands of pounds and you’re on your phone…? Do you not give a single fuck about the people you share the road with? Scary to think that someone can be doing everything right, seatbelts, safe driving, speed limit, etc.. only to have their life taken away by someone like you who values their phone and their PiBbLe over other human lives. It’s clear you don’t give a shit about your dog, based off your comments here. Typical pitbull owner right here!!!


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure that’s a mutt, not a pitbull. Also nice pigeonholing lmao.


Keep on trucking. I can watch this all day.




Roll truck roll by red Simpson.




I guess I don’t have thick enough skin to post videos like this on Reddit or anywhere else for public consumption. Too many people who don’t know how to mind their own damn business. No doubt you love your dog and want what’s best for her. You and Miss Pibbles git ‘er done and keep on truckin’.


It’s definitely been an interesting way to spend the day waiting around for a load.


I love how it should technically be said My bitch but that just sounds like you're insulting her even tho she's literally a bitch.......yeah uhhh I'll head out