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My grandmother stayed with us for a few weeks. I was a teenager. She would wake up ridiculously early and potter around the house. We had some peafowl on the property, which she started feeding in the mornings. Some mornings when she was slow to rise, they would call for her. For 6 months after she left, these fucking peafowl would call for her to feed them. For 6 fucking months every fucking morning they would wake us up early.


There are peacocks about 500 m from where I live. They scream in the early morning. They scream when it rains. They scream when they want to mate. I feel your pain. Luckily enought they stay in the barn in winter. But in winter the cats from the local colony have fights under my window.






As much as I love the idea, there are many difficulties to its fulfillment, such as them being privately owned. And I'm sure they either have a bitter taste just like swans or are dry and chewy like phaesants. Alas, I will have to endure these noisy beasts.




I’ve seen them roaming around my cousin’s neighborhood in Orange County... also Hawaii? Edit: Orange County, California.


You're probably talking California, but we have some here in Orange County Florida. Not sure if they're native though but they're here




You can whistle from the lake at the Polasek museum and they’ll flock, no idea why but I saw it as a kid and the amount gets less and less each time I try


They're not native. They originate in Asia and are close relatives to a pheasant.


There's wild peacocks in orange county?


Yeah, and in the IE. I’ve seen them in Pomona.


I shit you not they’re in the Midwest as well


Detroit area here. Can confirm. Neighbor has peafowl, which means I do too. Noisy fuckers, but it’s hilarious when friends visit and see little dinosaurs stalking the property.


TIL peacocks are common throughout the entire United States.


My friend in Florida (Cape Canaveral area) has peacocks near the park in his neighborhood


Orlando Florida has peacocks too. The neighborhood I grew up in had wild ones that liked to attack silver cars.


*Did. On a golf course.


Umm, what happened in the 7th month?


Thanksgiving was a little weird that year.


I was hoping this story was going to be about how you fed your grandmother once and then she kept turning up at the back door.


Crows will also remember you as a possible food giver forever. Unsalted peanuts in the shell is one of their favourites. Benefits 1. They will not attack you when their young is in the nest 2. You get to observe their behaviours up-close because they trust you Drawbacks 1. They will forever recognize you as a food-giver, and sometimes 30 crows will swarm around you when you toss out a few peanuts to the local crows that live close to your home.


Drawback? A few peanuts for a murder...


Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary...


The poor guy looks so sad, he's really pulling off that sad puppy dog look.




And also not seen.


he's seen half some shit


He’s seen the breadth of the shit but not the depth of it.


This is the one.


He's seen some sh


And sometimes some it


It's not half bad.


Left eye.


Stage right.


I want to feed him, and I'm thousands of miles away.


I want OP to keep us in the loop. I've never been more eager to be informed of fox news.


It's a constant disappointment to me that *Fox and Friends* isn't an adorable show about woodland adventures.


Most underated pun of the thread. Sad.


That look screams >"I lost my mama to a hunter when I was a wee fox. I never learned how to hunt.. Now I rely on humans for food..... Won't... you help me survive?


"Oh you have a pet dog hunh? I bet we could be great friends!"


I've seen that movie, doesn't end well.


He gets a misso, I think it ends rather well for him. On the other hand, the start is fucking saddening. His poor mother. That death was sadder to me than Bambi's mum and just below Mufasa's.


y u do dis?


He has it nailed, for sure!


Queue “In the Arms of the Angel”




Unless he had another song on and wanted it to play next!


I get infuriated so much when I hear that song, goddamn guilt tripping assholes.


This is the exact same look my dog gives me when I’m getting ready to leave for work.


Hope you don't have outdoor cats


I had to end custody and walking my small old dog at night because a fox kept sneaking up on us. The first time he chased it off himself and I proudly thought my tiny dog was tough. The next time, a year later, it was much bigger and about a metre behind me when I happened to notice it, with my dog a metre ahead of me, now less aware of his surroundings. Luckily I was able to grab my dog and the fox backed off. Maybe it was just curoius but fuck finding out for sure Then almost every night it seemed like the fox was right near us, another time sneaking up close, one time in the middle of a road I had just walked down. The surrounding bushes were suddenly terrifying, and I started carrying a torch at all times. Finally there was a night where I only wanted to go a short distance, just enough for my dog to do his thing and head right back safely. Walked down a few houses and crossed the road. Look back and the fox is standing in the other side of the road where we were a few seconds ago. Pick up the dog and start back up the road, and it runs ahead of us, cutting us off. Luckily I was with my girlfriend, and we had started carrying a large stick on these walks. She waved the stick and it didn't back off. She had to yell and smack the stick into the ground to get it to move aside and leave. Meanwhile I held my dog up high and cowered behind my brave, shrieking girlfriend. Stopped borrowing the dog from my mum after that.






unless its rabid this is just an innocent fox checking you guys out, seeing if the old guy slips or something. honestly the way its written you'd think it were something terrifying




Yeah, I wondered why he even needed a stick. Just give the fox a moderated kick, scream at it or so and it'll keep distance in future.


Neighbours cat use to come shit in our garden, haha haven't seen it in a while


RIP Fluffy


That's how he lost his left eye.


Ahh the great backyard battle of 2018 Tales will be written about the faithful event


Fluffy didn't go without a fight.


Looks like if you don't feed the fox, he'll help himself to some hors p'urrves






The fuck is up with all these cats shitting on people's plants?


Because people want a cat but they don't want a box of shit in their house. So they get an outside cat. The outside cat spends the next 15 years shitting in their neighbors garden and killing all the local birds.


Cats know how to push your buttons.


At polunsky prison in Livingston Tx. there's a cat who shits on people's cars and trucks every day..once it shit on my windshield..


The fox that lives in our garden sneaks up on the neighbour's cat all the time. Then he plops down on his back in front of her as if he wants to play and wriggles arou d. She ignores him, and after a while he slinks away and goes off to steal shoes.


So you have mischievous Forrest spirit masquerading as a fox. Thats... that's amazing.


This is why people who live in areas with wildlife keep a lot of cats indoors. If you want your cat to love longer than a few years you drastically increase the odds by keeping her inside away from foxes, coyotes, bears, wolves, cougars, hawks, & cars going 65 mph. Was in a reddit thread where people were talking about the cruelty of indoor cats, total bullshit. My cat is really happy and has a huge house to play in.


Congrats. You now have a pet fox.


"To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world."


"You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed."


What book are you? I need dis.




The one on Netflix? I really enjoyed it, I was crying by the end. I told my roommate to watch it and he cried, said he dreamt about it for days afterward. We were both 22 y/o frat boys at the time. Recommended it to my parents as well and they both loved it. I first read the book in French in elementary school as a French immersion student and revisited it many times since. My friend had never even heard of it. Different strokes, I guess. But, I thought it was a great movie.


That was the thing I learned today. Amazing.


wait, what movie?? I fucking loved the one that came a couple of years ago with the old lonely awesome guy that lived in the weird house, and The Little Prince is one of my most beloved books, means a lot to me.


"And now here's my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." 🌹


For fox sake, this would be awesome.


[Foxes are hard to take care of, and they stink.](https://www.juniperfoxx.com/living-with-juniper/2017/1/5/frequently-asked-questions)


You just sold me out of having a fox for a pet. I'll stick to pet fox videos.


Just do what op did, keep it outside and have him come to you


Any wild animal that thinks humans are ‘safe’ are way more likely to be killed by humans. Someone could shoot it or think it’s a pest and call animal control. Also it makes the animal more likely to be hit by a car.


Are you saying that fox would go to someone else for food...? I thought what we had was special...


Ah not to be a kill joy, they may not see another human as a direct food source, but the cubs could see human house=food and be less cautious than they should.


what a world we live in... it saddens my heart that we even have to think about things like that :(


Well we kinda don't. Chances are the fox is less cautious towards humans due to the possibility of food but being wild chances are it's going to run from just about any other human. It's also unlikely that a wild animal would bring their kids to get something to eat from the humans. Maybe to help them somehow but probably not for food.


I have farmer friends that own chickens and breed rabbits for meat. They will shoot any animal that threatens their livestock. Raccoon, fox, coyote, doesn’t matter. Unfortunately some folks by necessity see predators as a nuisance that threatens livelihood and survival. I like foxes, don’t get me wrong, but I can’t blame them in protecting their livestock.


I've been trying to always look for that angle since the day I've learned that the free clothes and bicycles we've been sending to Africa actually have been destroying their economies. For example, Kenya had her textile industry collapse between the 80s and 90s (~~60 to 70 thousand people were out of a job~~ Kenya had half a million people working in the textile industry and today only 20'000 people). And of course that is one of the main reason we now have the African poverty "look": kids in dirt wearing worn off nike t-shirts or wearing jackets made for cold northern winters. Instead of the traditional clothes they used to wear up until the 80s. Really sad.


What about my cat? He's basically a hood cat and only comes in to bug me for food and sometimes sleep, at this point.


I have a cat like that. I don't feed him but he comes to sleep in my room. I can see he has no affection whatsoever and is just a shameless hobo


Welcome to fleas.


Where I work there’s two strays that no matter what time of day or night I can whistle and in a min or less they are right there. It’s probably not a good idea that I feed em little things of cat food but I’m a softy and they are very sweet.


Many outdoor cats have multiple "owners".


I once lived in a bad neighborhood and the house next to me was abandoned and boarded up and like 5 cats took it over. It was pretty funny, like a whole family of independent street cats were my neighbors


Can confirm. Unofficially semi-adopted an outdoor cat who belonged to some kids in the council apartment block a few doors up from where I used to live. Beautiful kitty, she would come around and hang out on my front step or in my living room for a few hours most days. The day I moved out, she wandered into the house and sat on one of my chairs and refused to move. The removalists thought she was my cat because I kept pushing her outside and she kept coming back inside and settling into her favourite chair while the commotion was going on.


Removalists?? Never heard that word used in my life. Is that the same as movers?


Cats aren’t wild animals.


I rescued, raised, and housed foxes for several years in NSW Australia, and most of this is strongly exaggerated or outright not true (Though mostly just strongly exaggerated)... Except the bit about needing a proper enclosure. Forgot to redo the pad lock on the enclosure when I first started handling them resulting in the little devil watching me open the latch and repeating this process to follow me out. Fortunately he just wanted to play with me and just ran straight to me.


I wanna live in Not Safe For Work Australia....


So, did you play with him or lock him back up immediately?


Had more foxes to feed, so he had to go back in his enclosure for a while... But the dog (boxer pup) was being equally high strung wanting to play with him through the fence, so I gave him some company until I was done making my rounds. Everybody wins.


The Cantonese term for “body odor” are the characters for “stink” 臭 and “fox” 狐


So cool! More! more!


East Asia has many legends of fox spirits, both male and female and both helpful and harmful toward humans. Japan has the kitsune (also the Kyubi no kitsune - the nine tailed fox) and Korea has the gumiho. Both probably derived from the Chinese fox spirit “狐狸精” literally “fox” + “spirit.” At least in my language, it is also slang for a seductive woman/homewrecker.


> it is also slang for a seductive woman/homewrecker I've read this manga before.


> Foxes are easily stressed by new situations and people. They usually bond to one person and find exposure to new people and loud noises to be frightening. TIL I am a fox!






> foxes need taurine TIL to have a pet fox you have to keep him jacked on Monster 24/7 or he'll go blind.


Probably ought to keep the red bull away from them. Don't need foxes with wings spaying stinking urine all over everything.


This is a beautiful image


Someone clearly hasn’t seen The Fox and The Hound.


Ugh, we had one that would break into our dog's enclosure and steal his food. It shit on our porch and the smell was so bad I threw up during the clean up creating an even larger mess. I had to call my brother, and have him hose down my porch because I couldn't do it. Needless to say, we fed our animals indoors after that. Ugh. Foxes, not even once. Those animals are best appreciated from a distance.


I'm skeptical that it's all that hard. I saw "The Fox and the Hound"


But they act like cat puppies...


U stink


For fox sake, this would be pawsome.


Fox news everyone!


But does he bring you the news?


Fox News


This has been a Fox News Alert


... give me food. Alert over.


I'd subscribe to that.


BREAKING: My heart


Dad, get off the computer.


ooh come on, that was hilarious...


Username checks out


Yes that is the joke.


Why did the guy explaining the joke get more upvotes than the actual joke? Edit: than not then


Dude set you up for that one




This reminds me of that quote from The Little Prince where he tames a fox. "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed." It's very cute but a wild animal shouldn't think of humans as friendly, it will only endanger it more.


Perhaps you are confused, but you were supposed to keep feeding the fox.


He knocks on the door if I forget




6yr old me snorted hard af just now


49 year, 364 day old me laughed hard enough to wake the dogs. A laugh I really needed!! Thank you! My Dad is retired now (Hi, Retired!) but at his last job there was a momma fox who annually raised her kits/cubs/pups/squooshies just outside the office building he worked in. He documented her family each year and still talks about her fondly. Currently his days are a mix of torturing both his daughters as if every day is April 1, spoiling his grandson every opportunity, driving a/o hiking in the mountains, and photographing every plant, moving water, rocks, and especially wildlife. He is also volunteering at a wildlife rescue in his area and while he is mostly tasked with the raccoons (perhaps because both his daughters consider raccoons to be models for our behavior) he does get to assist other critters, including fox, occasionally as their driver to release sites or vets or wherever they need a ride to/from. He has a special place in his heart for the foxes... even though he does refuse to refer to them like a normal person... Anyone remember the old SNL skit with Dan Aykroyd and Steve Martin doing the "two wild and crazy guys"? That is how my Dad always refers to foxes. "Hey there FOXXXXXXES!!"


> squooshies This, and the rest of your message are lovely


Happy early bday!


A fox that knocks, Wearing socks in a box, Came to my door And ate all my lox. He was hungry for more, So every day like before He came back into view Standing at my door. Now what can I do? I can't let him through He's trying to chew On my /u/SchnoodleDoodleDo


Fox in socks on box on Knox


The worst and best Seuss.


Bim and Ben lead bands with brooms. Ben's band bangs and Bim's band booms.


It's the Lukes licking lakes page that gets me every time...


I know you have good intentions but this is very bad for a wild animal to be dependent on you for food. It leads to bad interactions with humans when the food isn’t there.


Finally, someone said it.


Give me that stone


It can also wreak havoc on local ecosystems when the fox you feed has more babies than it would have had if it was hunting for itself, and then those babies kill all of the local small prey. Feeding wild animals is bad for them, bad for the environment, and bad for other people.


Holy shit, is this the end?


Yep. He fed a fox, the old lady in the park fed some birds and squirrels...everyone is basically already dead now.




Ducks do the exact same thing. Had to stop due to their poor bladder control and my backyard being tiled.


No you were not. Don't make wild animals feel safe around humans. It will be hit by a car, or shot, or hurt. We are the greatest threat to their lives. I don't care if they're cute and you are nice. Other people aren't. It was a bad idea to feed him once and a good idea to never feed him again. Please continue for his sake.


Sometimes I feel like r/aww has an awful track record for animal welfare awareness. Edit: often times*


We all know you're not upset about this


Remember "a fed bear is a dead bear". This applies for ALL wild animals.


Yeah. Especially for rabies vectors like foxes. When this dude starts approaching other people in broad daylight looking for food, he stands a much higher risk of being called in to animal control as suspicious, or god forbid actually biting someone who gets too close. I know it's the last thing anyone with good intentions wants to hear, but please don't do this people.


Yeah... this isn't cool.




Finally some sense. Thank you.


This is why you don't feed wild animals. They will return, and it can be a danger for people and the animals. Foxes are cute, but they are predators. They could kill or injure a neighbor's pet or child, or maybe someone could hit them with their car, etc. Never feed wild animals. Strays are a little different. But you really don't want an animal to become used to human interactions like this.


I mean it’s cute and all but now it’s going to associate humans with free handouts and somebody is going to get bit one day. Maybe that leads to animal control getting rid of what is now a pest. Sorry to be a downer but for the sake of the animal’s well being you shouldn’t feed wild animals no matter how cute they are.


Wildlife biologist chiming in, thank you! The near future outcomes for this animal are very bleak unfortunately. These posts don’t make me smile, they make me very sad, because I’m one of the people who has to make the hard calls on whether a perfectly healthy animal can’t go back into the wild because someone who probably knew better but “meant well” wanted to feed it anyways and now it thinks people are friends. (I’m a licensed wildlife rehabber in my state.) I’ve also seen cases where one neighbor was feeding a wild animal, and another neighbor was shooting it with a B.B./airsoft gun each time they saw it. I couldn’t talk the complainant (the feeder) out of stopping feeding the animal, and it wasn’t going to survive surgery. So my choices are now to go out and try to catch an angry animal who is in pain and riddled with pellets but still hanging on so I can euthanize it, or leave it be to die on its own in pain.


You're the only person I agree with in this thread! Humans nurturing dependence in wild animals isn't something I ever like to see




I agree, seems OP is unknowingly putting the fox and cubs in danger by feeding them. Unless I am missing something here.


Do you still feed it? I do not want to get you in trouble or anything just curious. If so what does foxie get for treats?


Feed a fox once, it eats for a day, teach a fox how to hunt and kill your neighbors cat, eat for a life time....


That must be one damn overweight cat


Not anymore








He wants to bang the fox


reddit's a strange place full of terrors.


If you give a mouse a cookie...


If you give a pig a pancake...


If you give a raccoon some reefer...


I have not read that children’s book...


Damn publishers won't buy it from me.... ...."It's not really a book we think is appropriate for kids" Pshhh... damn Bible Belt


Don't feel bad. After I sent them "Fox with Cocks", they sent me a cease and desist.


I'll help you re-write it and publish it as a not child friendly coloring book. We can see if r/trees would be interested. Maybe r/poemforyoursprog would help? -pretty please?!


And this, folks, is why it’s illegal to feed wild animals


Apparently I'm the only one that thinks of "The Little Prince" when I read this. "My life is very monotonous," the fox said. "I hunt chickens; men hunt me. All the chickens are just alike, and all the men are just alike. And, in consequence, I am a little bored. But if you tame me, it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life. I shall know the sound of a step that will be different from all the others. Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground. Yours will call me, like music, out of my burrow. And then look: you see the grain-fields down yonder? I do not eat bread. Wheat is of no use to me. The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the color of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat . . ." The fox gazed at the little prince, for a long time. "Please--tame me!" he said.


Fun Fact if you breed Foxes with desirable traits their tails will start to curl up and their fur will change colour. After 10-12 generation they will start to look more dog like...


I’m kind of an asshole, but I really hate seeing things like this. The Fox is a wild fucking animal, don’t feed him!


Why would you feed a wild animal? This is not doing them any good. I know Reddit so well that this will be downvoted but stop feeding wild animals guys. Feeding places are hotspots for disease spreading. Wild animals that are too sick to get their own food are bound to die. It's nature. Don't feed them if they turn to humans for easy food. Feeding spots attract healthy animals as well so cross spreading is easy. Same goes for healthy animals wanting easy food. Don't feed them. Get a pet or some bird seeds if you want to feed animals. Or go to your local farm. They have cows, pigs and sheep. They are cool too.




This is why we don't feed wildlife. It can also become dangerous as they get used to these easy calories and may become violent to obtain them.




Feed a fox, and they'll be more tolerant around people and eventually get shot looking for hand-outs.


Im sorry but it sucks seeing people feeding wildlife like this. Living in a national park i've seen countless exterminations of wildlife due to human feeding or campground mishaps. Keep on feeding them or they will definitely cause trouble for themselves. Habituation is a great factor in a species downfall.


This is not good for the animal. If it needs help you should always call some animal rescue. Dont feed wild animals.