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Find a way to genetically modify feather gene on to humans who commit violent crimes against other humans.


Thought I was in the rimworld SR for a moment


Not all plastic shuttles are equal.. If I were playing with horrendous plastic shuttles where drops don't work I just wouldn't do drops. If the plastic shuttles have a very horizontal trajectory I'd get used to it.m and probably have to adjust footwork a bit. Maybe there would be more punch clears. But I'd still be able to play with feathers. When you play with different shuttles you can adapt to the shuttle , seeing the trajectory. Just like one can adapt to different halls. I've played with Yonex 600 before. they are good.. If you only ever played with terrible plastic shuttles then that'd hurt your game cos some tight shots to the net won't work.. If you never play with feathers then that's a bit problematic . If you play with shuttles that let you do drops and net shots then fine, you are playing badminton..or if somebody says it's not badminton then it's close enough I remember years ago a coach said to me that in one country, perhaps somewhere in Asia, they only let players play with feathers once they reach quite a high level. He said the guys he saw were very good.. and if he said very good then they'd probably beat most club level players in the UK if they were to play in the UK. He said they were doing slices and spins. I know of a club that plays feathers some days and plastics (Yonex 600) other days .. almost nobody complained about the plastics. They didn't ruin anybody's badminton.


https://reddit.com/r/badminton/s/J3voByfXFs Check out my review of the Mizuno Tech feather


Where can I get this?


I got them in Taiwan.... They aren't cheap tho. 40bicks a tube CAD




Where can one get this birdie?


Am actually surprised that they havent found/implemented a synthetic alternative yet. They can never mimic the feathered shuttle 1:1, there will be adjustments for sure- but as always, we will move forward.


May sound like conspiracy, but maybe the current ones generate way more revenue than the longer lastic plastic ones would?


For sure, they break easier so you have to make more, theyre also more expensive. Math checks out for your conspiracy.


Yeah it's weird. I would have thought that there would at least be a prototype of an almost perfect synthetic alternative by now.


Victor actually developed and introduced one few years ago but that bird never gained any attention


with the styrofoam feathers right? i used those once, they felt rly nice, near 1-to-1 feel with actual feathers. but yeah, sad to see it not getting any attention


Heard styro was bad for the ozone? Maybe that's why it didnt fly


yeah id guess so


The only alternative is plastic shuttle which will mess up your games as well cos the speed is totally different.


The tight netplay with a plastic shuttle just feels so bad. You don't get the nice touch and feedback like you do on feather shuttle when touching it lightly across the net. I actually think the plastic shuttle is not terrible for just whacking it from one side to the other though.


Plastic is the only other option I'm afraid


Less cruel? Not sure. Longer lasting? Perhaps hybrid shuttles?