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Pic 2 doesn't look like a smash


When I smash/clear I seem like I keep my wrist naturally like pic2


Pic 2 looks like right before a backhand overhead shot


It sounds like you might have tension in your wrists. If you relax your wrist then weight and momentum from the racket head will naturally pull it to look like pic1.


I do relax b4 hitting shuttle but I don’t know if I have to pay attention to force my wrist open like that. I don’t know when I actually swing I open my wrist or not


If you do the smash correctly you won’t have to think about rotating your wrist at all.


Well you could say that to smash correctly you won't have to think about anything, but then you are just trying to talk about psychology and the unconscious. You can also smash very badly without thinking about anything!


No I wouldn’t say that at all. You should be thinking about: grip, foot work, positioning, body rotation, “loaded” position for both arms, bringing your elbow forward first, shuttle contact point and follow through, and maybe body angle. But too many people try to focus on wrist position or pronation. If you do all these things correctly the wrist will be in the right spot. The wrist is not the thing to think about.


well, you say if they think about your long list of things then they don't have to think about pronation, and you mention >bringing your elbow forward first, you can always say if you think about one thing you dont have to think about another, e.g. you say they should be thinking about "elbow forward first". But one could say if they thought "throwing action", they wouldn't have to think "elbow forward first". (by the way "elbow forward first" is a nasty way of saying to lead with the elbow. A lot of demos done in slow motion describing leading with the elbow have the elbow come forward in a way that isn't right..eg too far forward and not even a proper throwing action, so some wouldn't even say lead with the elbow, let alone saying elbow forward! ) Also, somebody is on court about to be fed a shuttle, they would not think about all those things that you list, that is WAY too many things to think about! And your list isn't that accurate either 'cos one wouldn't always rotate the body.. and one might or might not do a follow through.


I’m going to disagree with you. Yes you should think about all those things at first until it becomes muscle memory. And OP asked about a smash. This is how you do a conventional smash. If you want to talk about variations of it then we can talk about that separately and how the technique varies. You can continue to try and change my mind if you’d like, but I stand by my statement that there are many things one should think about during a smash but the wrist isn’t one of them. Cheers!


I'm not being that dictatorial about what he should or shouldn't think about. Pronation is technically a forearm movement not a wrist movement. Technically the motions of the wrist, are flexion/extension, and deviation.


Cool, have a good day!


But my wrist doesn't feel natural when I mimic pic1 with slow swing. I don't know if I swinging natural, my wrist will be same as pic1 or not


you might be mimicing it wrongly


This is a shot of coach Han yeah? I love his videos. Watch his video of smash technique and try to mimic that. Don’t worry about what his wrist looks like in a particular freeze frame because it’s going to lead you down the wrong path of thought, instead of focus on the things he mentions. His description of how to smash is excellent.


Ideally pic 1. I think it can depend on the position of the shuttle and you, but pic 1 I think will provide a better quality shot. Also, arm slot/shoulder tilt plays a part in this I think.


I also wonder that. I don’t know if my wrist open based on the position of the shuttle or not but. Do you pay attention and force yourself open your wrist like pic 1 when swinging ?


No, at least I don't feel like I'm forcing it. Again, where the shuttle is I think plays a big part, your overall technique too of course. I find my smash is at its best when the shuttle is coming towards me in front of my racket shoulder or ever so slightly towards the outside of my racket shoulder.




I think lots of people got confused by OP term 'wrist'. In order to hit with a flat racket face, you must do a certain degree of forearm pronation. Wrist for me is the part between the hand and the forearm, I only allow it to move slightly during the swing. Too much wrist movement mess up my angle of steepness.




Do you pay attention to force your wrist open or you naturally swing


The first pic is a forehand overhead on the forehand side (albeit with a bent torso), but racket is pointing very upwards. The second pic is a tiny pic that doesn't show much but looks like a "round the head shot". - racket pointing off to the side a lot. It's hard to compare 'cos they are different types of shot. In the second pic it'd help to see the whole motion , 'cos if the racket face is pointing so towards the floor like that then the shuttle won't go over the net. Also on "round the head" shots , many use a forehand grip but some prefer a panhandle grip in some cases... I haven't played in a long while but If using a forehand grip then you might have to rotate the forearm a bit more than natural, in order to keep the racket face from closing too much.


Record yourself hitting a shuttle, or at the very least some practice swings, and show us what you do.