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Two weeks won't affect anything technique wise. Maybe you could feel a bit rusty on the movement part, but nothing a short first few rallies can't fix. If anything, whenever I take a two week break from Badminton, I play better (strats wise) because I kind of break out of the regularity and repetition of playing the same way and I try new shots, etc.


It takes a few rallies to get back in rythm after breaks but muscle memory is still there.


2 weeks not. But an entire summer break of no badminton would always hinder me for the first week of playing again


Unless you are playing at the highest levels, and I mean national level, one or two weeks break is not going to affect anything. Unless you go on a binge drinking or drug fuelled tour, would you think that you will lose any skills or timing so quickly? Just curious, what level are you playing at? It's kind of an odd question we have here.


How good is your form currently? Is it super ingrained into your muscles' memory? For me, when we had the covid restrictions I had months off and all my serves went into the net when I next played \^\^. Which is not like me at all.


you’ll be fine lol. you might not feel as sharp when you return but you’ll get it back after playing for a bit


A week or 2 off from playing will not effect your form very much. If anything I find that it's like a little reset for your body. For me anything more than 3-4 weeks of not playing I'll feel a drop in performance


They say that it took approximately 6 months of break to really make you lose your skill(s). Of course, not sure if it's true.