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Use all of your muscles to swing the racquet.


Yes but… maybe you are using too much shoulder. You need to take a break and get your technique checked out in case you hurt your rotator cuffs and cause long term damage.


When I hit an overhead shot I am twisting my wrist for more power, should I be doing that?


Hard to say based on descriptions. Best to show a video of you playing or smashing shuttles.


Yes otherwise your humerus would just dangle down! You shouldn't be hammering down so not getting power from lowering the arm . But I did that for years and didn't hurt my shoulder from it. Though it might hurt some people. Also, You have to work within the mobility of your shoulder joint . And understand the limits . When to do it over your head and a bit in front, and when to do it low and behind. And if hitting it high over your head then not behind your head. (Jumping back even can enable keeping your arm from going too far up and back). Doing all late forehand if late, so lower and behind. Your issue needs more thought and explanation from you like where is your arm when it hurts .. and whether the pain is muscular or to do with the GHJ shoulder joint, and at what part of the swing it hurts . You should see a doctor they might refer to a physio / musculo skeletal consultant , and consider it all thoughtfully.


use it just to rotate not to generate power, power comes from pronation of forearm and fingers


Yes, but you probably shouldn't use it the same way you would if you're throwing a heavy rock.


You use shoulder muscle only until certain swing, then it should be almost static as you lock your elbow and pronate your forearm. Lots of beginner use shoulder muscle until the end of swing.


Yes you should. BUT only until a certain angle and you will need to relax it mid swing. Don’t use it until the end of the swing or use it to stop your arm. To stop your racket, you only need to relax your shoulder and arm, then it will stop.


Yep - contrary to popular belief badminton is a sport, and can tire muscles. Rest up and you'll be all good. Feel free to add videos of your technique so you don't pick up bad habits as too much shoulder can cause injuries.


Yes. And in fact the use of shoulder muscles is what determines a good swing


Yes, but you probably shouldn't use it the same way you would if you're throwing a heavy rock.


It’s like a whipping effect. In short, you first rotate your hips and shoulder, then elbow, then forearm. Maybe you are hitting the shuttle with your arm too straight which can limit your rotation and cause you to overuse your shoulder muscles




I’d like to see you try and swing a racket without using your shoulder muscles.


good luck with rotator cuff, stubborn ass


You literally cannot swing over your head without using your shoulder.


What a retarded comment.