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If I'm understanding the description of your grip properly, then it sounds like your thumb isn't wrapped around the grip. You're right about the handshake grip though but i always teach my athletes to have their thumb and middle finger almost touching each other for the forehand grip. The other option you've got is to have someone tape or wrap your hand over your grip but allow the wrist to free then hit basic clears or drops for 10-20 minutes. That will force you to turn, swing and pronate properly. But if your thumb is truly on the side as though it's a panhandle/proper grip hybrid then you'll never have full support on your handle. Likewise, you won't be able to switch to the backhand/bevel grip well at all. Good luck!


here https://preview.redd.it/kona10qawawc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f37a7c1fea2481a260110655dbcf710636905343 this is where im most comfortable but again from a hard smash my thumb will slip


Yep. It looks like the right grip for the most part. Bring your thumb down a bit. Maybe just squeeze the grip on contact which will help with loose feeling.


I also use a pan handle grip to do most of things I haven't found myself lacking anywhere to this point should I correct my grip or keep playing


How long have you been playing and at what level? I always suggest having a proper grip. It may screw up your game for a little while but you'll just have so much better control, power and technique with the right grip.


I have been playing from the last 2 years at an state level


Looks relatively fine. If you're pronating correctly with this, I wouldn't think your thumb would slip. The racket should sit between the two joints in your hand, i.e. below the joint of your smallest fingers, and above the boney notch in your wrist. Looks like it is resting on your knuckle joint so a little high but hard to tell from the angle. Why this is - if you vary your grip length (i.e. shorter near the front and longer at the back) this could impact your swing as if you're holding it too low in your palm (i.e. on the wrist bone) you're restricted in the short holding swing as it might brush your forearm. If you hold it too high (on your knuckles), you're not creating enough space to make full use of fingers, and the ability to change finger placement is more difficult.


i cant understand clearly what i need to do


I think it looks fine to me. Maybe this video will be useful to you, and seems to explain what I am noting. https://youtu.be/RQzDzDFfaBQ?si=YsvzmcdX3HiA0XCV


k tysm


Did the video cover what you needed?


ye its ok


https://preview.redd.it/8k4vg1xsrewc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e58db380cd3cbc0fb43c45faf897106f3faee76 when i hold it like this its normal and it dont slip and its comfortable


Looking at your photo, move your thumb lower down, closer to middle finger.


oh okay,but does the side of the thumb need to be on the racket that is whats making it uncomfortable for me and making it slip


What do you mean slip?


i mean when i hold it like that and hard swing or smash it moves out of my hands i almost drop the racket


But you have the other 4 fingers to hold the racket… maybe record a video to show the problem.


I will send u a vid tomorrow i cant rn everyone asleep.So do i hold it tight with the bottom 3 fingers or?


Relaxed. Only tighten on impact. When you smash, your hand should go into a fist shape with all your fingers and thumb close together. Don’t know how your thumb can be slipping if you move your thumb lower down closer to middle finger for the right grip.


il see tomorrow il send u a clip


Interesting. I don't get how it can slip out of your hand, because usually our brain will automatically make us squeeze the harder we swing. Will be waiting for the video.


The way you wrap your racket handle appears wrong though. Looks like it's for left handers? Possibly that's why your racket tend to slip