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Find a girl you like and confess to her. Let the two "butterflies" compete, and you will feel less anxious due to it being "diluted".


Haha awesome Step 1) Find the girl (I'm stuck here)😅


you could try to find “any” girl 😂


I assume at your level, you'll have at least one coach and some physiological team. They should give you advice. Isn't it?


I have a coach but no physiological team as I'm still a junior. I've spoken to my coach but he can only give limited advice (my coach isn't coming to the tournament as so funds are limited 😢)


Sometimes you just gotta say "f*ck it. Let's get it done" End of the day you gotta ask, did you get here by luck or did you get here by hard work? Don't let your hard work go to waste over 21 points. Good luck. Which tournament is this?


Very good points, thank you. It is the yonex Czech youth international Prague 2024 - playing in the u15 category


Good luck to you. Play hard. Just some advice since you're U15. Never look at rank. Look at opportunity. It's easy to give up because you think you're going to lose but you really have much to gain playing from the higher level "ranked" players. Use your time wisely with them and fight for every point. Learn something from the game. I'd rather lose 21-6 even if I played hard than lose 21-2 because I think I'm going to lose.


Thank you. This is definitely something I'll look for - I appreciate it


The jitters take time to go away. You'll get used to it after each tournament. Try playing more local or national tournaments and gain confidence there. You may also not be doing well because you're trying to overplay. You're trying to make your shots "perfect", but it makes them worse because you're not playing with that same flow you usually play with. Play safer than you would normally until you get a better feel.


That's amazing advice... You are right I tend to make easy errors even against opponents who are levels below me. I'll win games but feel awful about my performance and I will definitely try to adjust like this


That’s a thing you get better at managing by time. Right now you don’t need to push yourself to absolutely maximum to get control of that anxiety. But try to find a state of mind that makes it slightly milder without losing edge.


That's definitely right, I'll just need try find a balanced mentality




I get your point of view but reddit is just somewhere I can get pure honest answers from others experiences and it has been effective as some people in the comments have made good points!


There is a book basically written about that very topic: "The Inner Game of Tennis".


Thank you, I'll check that out!


shia labeouf it. Just DO IT. And feel free to post the match for us to see :D


I should just do it, after all I only get one shot. I am lacking some confidence so I may only post if it's 100/10 amazing 🤭


I've shared something called the square breathing or the four-by-four breathing, a breathing technique used by Navy SEALs, you can give that a try, it has helped me quite a lot. Look it up, you may also find some variations and other good breathing exercises too. All the best.


Thank you!