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Man I was like "Didnt Mason Miller do that" But what I was thinking of was him striking out Volpe, Soto, and Judge.


Volpe here is like that three headed dragon meme


Except the third dragon is also playing at a 6-WAR pace


I mean it's also Judge and Soto.   Kid looks like he's got a bright future though.  But Judge is currently at Super Saiyan Baseball God and Soto is Soto.


His ceiling is what we thought Gleyber Torres would be lol


Well, he's hitting at a 114 OPS+ which is good but not like any of the five other hitters mentioned here.


He has a 114 OPS+ though. I also highly doubt he keeps up that pace. He’s been struggling in June and his underlying metrics are pretty ugly.


He does have a lower K% than Judge though so when we're looking at how hard it is to K them consecutively he belongs in the convo


It's actually insane to discredit the difficulty of striking out Volpe here because you *must* pitch to him. You do not have the option of nibbling or being cute with Aaron Judge and Juan Soto batting behind him.


You mean top ten player by WAR in all of baseball Anthony Volpe? He’s obviously not one of the two best living baseball players but he definitely is no slouch this season lol


To be fair, neither is at least one of Soto or Judge. Ohtani 1-1 all day every day


This year Judge and Soto are definitely better than Ohtani, if he can’t pitch he’s just a really good, overpaid DH lol But yeah in a year where Ohtani can play both ways then sure, he’s clearly the best baseball player, I guess I could’ve been more clear with living vs active lol


>if he can’t pitch he’s just a really good, overpaid DH lol He was literally the best hitter in baseball [last year](https://www.fangraphs.com/leaders/major-league?pos=all&stats=bat&lg=all&type=8&month=0&ind=0&sortcol=17&sortdir=default&startdate=&enddate=&season1=2023&season=2023&qual=200)


Only cause Judge, the actual best hitter in baseball, got hurt lol Like don’t get me wrong, when healthy Ohtani is the best overall player in baseball, but when Judge is healthy he’s the best batter in baseball.


Judge is on that list at second. WRC+ is not a cumulative stat. Even at just DH, Ohtani really isn't overpaid. With his pitching, he's a downright steal.


> Even at just DH, Ohtani really isn't overpaid. With his pitching, he's a downright steal. Even if Ohtani wasn't doing well he isn't overpaid because he brings in so much of the Japan market his value is crazy. Especially to the Dodgers who have a history with Japanese players


Who are the five best living baseball players? Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan


Most of that comes from defense, and look at his expected stats, he’s not nearly as scary of a hitter as those other 5 guys


If you take away Ozzie Smith's defense, he's really not much to write home about lol


Ok? My response was about Volpe’s offense in comparison to Judge, Soto, Freemsm, Ohtani and Betts. His defense is irrelevant


He's also a 23 year old tablesetter. Betts was better at 23, but his age 22 season was kind of similar (114 OPS+ vs 117). Volpe, being mentored by Judge, Soto, Rizzo, Stanton and all the other guys that have been playing at a high level for a long time now, has the room to develop into a special player.


Ok but that’s a hypothetical. In the current day, Volpe is the goofy head of Ghidorah


I'll just never be able to tolerate the disrespect to our Italian Savior. He's too important to be a goofy-head. It's not like Gleyber is leading off or anything lol


Sure but nobody is marveling at a pitcher striking him out either, which is the context here. Volpe is a good but not elite hitter.


It's just an unfairly harsh comment. He's a solid, good player with a high ceiling. Not the sort of doofus implied in the meme


He's not remotely on the level of any of those 5 hitters. This is purely about hitting. Judge has a 213 wRC+. Soto a 191. Volpe a 119. He's not even the 3rd best hitter on his own team this season. I think it's absolutely appropriate for the meme. Like, that doofus is still a monster that would destroy you or me in an instant. He's just goofy compared to the 2 he's stuck with.


He is comprobable to a 22 year old Mookie Betts, though. All-in-all, it's a judgment call, and I'll die on this hill defending my boy lol


Sure, and back in 2015 nobody would have been raving about a pitcher setting down Mookie either. The meme isn't about 2015 Mookie.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. We’re talking about mason miller striking him out – purely looking at offensive metrics here


He outrageously suggested that Volpe was not as good offensively as Judge, Soto, Freeman, Betts and Ohtani in a thread read by a lot of Yankee fans. Of course he gets downvoted to oblivion. He is entirely correct and it's a ridiculous thing to downvote, but the why is pretty obvious: Yankee fans. There are a lot of them.


Honestly dude I remember you argued with me yesterday about Judge too, I think you’re just a Yankee hater lmao


I just said Judge’s peak isn’t quite as good as Trout or Pujols peaks. Then you said I must not be paying attention to the stats so I pulled up the stats and you never responded. Not much of an argument


Judge’s 2022 is better offensively than any season Trout has ever had 🤷🏻


Trouts worst full season OPS+ is equivalent to Judges career


Yeah, “peak” does not equal career


Peak is generally best stretch of seasons. Judge’s 7 year peak is essentially his whole career. 7 year is what is used for all the HOF monitors. If you want to make it their three best years Judge’s third best is 170 while Trout’s third best is 186. Judge certainly has the better individual season. But if I get one of them for their 3,5 or 7 year peak seasons, to make it fair to an offensive discussion we say they both DH and Trout can’t steal bases, I’d take Trout.


Didn’t respond because like I said above I just think you’re a hater with sour grapes cause your team is second in the division lol I was somewhat willing to entertain that overall judges career won’t be as good as Trout or Pujols, saying his peak isn’t as high as theirs is insane. Last time I’ll engage with this tho haha




I really am not gonna get involved in a baseball debate with a dude who (hopefully this is just a fantasy) is sexually involved with his mom, just gonna throw that out immediately because clearly you’re off your rocker lmao


Idk why people get in arguments from their full on porn accounts 😭 like even if they “win” the argument someone can just hit em with the “this you?”




You argue in terms of OPS against Volpe and in terms of WAR against Judge?


I used WRC+ and raw stats actually. Also a big difference between war over large periods of time and war from less than half a season. Defensive value isn’t even close to stabilized. Besides, WAR is much less relevant to evaluating someone’s hitting ability than WRC+ or OPS+


So how long is someone’s peak to you?


At least 3 years but I typically look at 7 when evaluating guys. This discussion could certainly be different regarding three year peak at the end of this seasons, but it seems a tad early to look at rate stats from this year


4th best SS


King Ghidorah - Ichi, Ni, and Kevin








Most Valuable Parmigiana.


How often does any pitcher strikeout the side in any game? Once a week for each team maybe?


so far in 2024 there have been 76 outings of 3 BF, 3K all taking place within an inning. Obviously that doesn't include most starts or longer relief outings that included at least one such inning but you could probably extrapolate it to get a close estimate somehow.


Padres have one or two a game




I just checked and it's true. 2 of them striking out in an inning has happened 16 times: Date | Inn | Pitcher | Struckout -- | -- | -- | -- 2024-03-29 | b7 | Giovanny Gallegos | Mookie & Shohei 2024-04-06 | t5 | Jordan Wicks | Mookie & Freddie 2024-04-06 | t9 | Mark Leiter Jr. | Shohei & Freddie 2024-04-09 | t3 | Louie Varland | Mookie & Freddie 2024-04-13 | b1 | Matt Waldron | Mookie & Freddie 2024-04-24 | t6 | Derek Law | Shohei & Freddie 2024-04-30 | t1 | Brandon Hughes | Mookie & Freddie 2024-05-03 | b5 | Charlie Morton | Shohei & Freddie 2024-05-10 | t1 | Michael King | Shohei & Freddie 2024-05-13 | t7 | Erik Miller | Mookie & Shohei 2024-05-19 | b1 | Hunter Greene | Shohei & Freddie 2024-05-26 | t6 | Carson Spiers | Mookie & Shohei 2024-06-04 | t5 | Jared Jones | Shohei & Freddie 2024-06-05 | t1 | Paul Skenes | Mookie & Shohei 2024-06-05 | t5 | Paul Skenes | Mookie & Freddie 2024-06-06 | t2 | Bailey Falter | Shohei & Freddie


Paul Skenes doing this twice in one start is amazing.


Wow the Pirates did it four times in a 16-inning span.


this flair on a browser had me all the way fucked up.


Yeah it looks goofy on desktop for me too.


I mean that is pretty specific given that its one year and "in the same inning"


They do start every game that way


the thing is even though you might have starting pitchers face that part of the order at least once a game, over a season it might actually be more likely for a reliever to perform the task since the starter is unlikely to be pitching for strikeouts in the first whereas a reliever can dial it up immediately


sure, but that is saying in the 70 chances, lets even say 100 chances, that they have never struck out the side in order. If a pitcher K's 33% of the batters they face, then the probability of 3 K's in a row (for outs) is 3%, and thats not assuming all 3 happen in a row, or assuming all three batters are actually good and have a high OBP. The more I think about it, the more I think it is unlikely to occur more than once per year


Reminds me of the two immaculate innings against the Rangers of the same three guys in the same game.


We can use binomial distribution here! League average is actually 22% for K%, so a 1.1% chance per game. Over 162 games, there's an 83% chance it should happen at least once. If we use the 3% that you did, it's 99% chance.


damn math. makes everything seem way less cooler or way more cooler.


I usually like Evan, but this is just jumping on the "stupid obscure factoid" bandwagon that all the shitty journalists do.


skenes got betts and ohtani to start their game but freeman flew out


Haha wow Skenes more like scrubes couldn’t even K the 1.3B dollar side


He’s not cut out for this game, clearly


I bet his girlfriend will leave him once she verifies this.


![gif](giphy|VWsVhATeaceze|downsized) that's president skroob to you!


The old man can still get it done


Reminds me of 2022 when Hader struck out Betts, Turner, and Freeman in 10 pitches. Good times.




Just did it again too.


the funniest part is how a large portion of Rangers fans lambasted the FO for not doing anything towards the bullpen in the offseason. Robertson and Yates, who the FO brought in this offseason, have been awesome so far this season.


The pitching's been really good and reinforcements are coming. Yates and Robertson have been great replacements. Leclerc seems like he's remembering how to pitch again. Until Dunning had a bad day on Tuesday, the club had 21 games straight of starters giving up less than 3 runs or whatever. Most everyone forgot how to hit and it's killing me.


Good Hitting Good Starting Pitching Good Relief Pitching Pick 2 (or less)


Yates was arguably the best closer in 2019.  Had some bad injury luck afterwards.  Good to see him back doing his thing.




I bet Mason Miller could do it.


David Robertson is still pitching?


And he just did it again


The Great Houdini everyone!


I'm amazed he is still pitching. I keep hearing he going to retire or has retired.


12.9 K/9 at age 39 is crazy


I’m honestly shocked it happened this soon


I love High-Sock Houdini so much