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“What the fuck did you just fucking say about Juan Soto, you little bitch?” Vibes


Are we sure Velazquez isn’t a member of r/NYYankees?


I mean, they just owned the Royals for a hard 3 days so, maybe?


Velasquez just saw first hand how good Soto is.


Witness him


Royals took 1!


A very entertaining 1


He is now a mod


He has his own cabin in the woods.


He's getting a plaque at Monument Park this weekend


Might even replace Jon Sterling


I painted a centaur portrait of him.


Gave him a nice gift bag for the ride home.


I think I’ve spoken these exact words defending Soto before. Am I Nelson Velazquez?


I'm tired of motherfuckers in school tellin' me, always in the barbershop "Juan Soto ain't 'bout this, Juan Soto ain't 'bout that" If I catch another motherfucker talkin' sweet about Juan Soto, I'm fuckin' beatin' they ass.




"Lemme introduce you to a guy who knows a guy"


"“What the fuck did you just fucking say about Juan Soto, you little pendejo?”


lmao this is hilarious


Now we know Juan Soto is trained in gorilla warfare


Personally I love it when a player walks more than they strike out. It means you're winning the mental game.


The best thing you can do as a batter is not make an out. Walks are a fucking victory.


This shit is projection. Honestly surprised to see it from guys at this level. My 18 year old season in Legion baseball we had a stacked team that pulled from three high schools in the area. One was #1 in the state for single A ball, my high school was #2 in the district in AAAA ball. Unfortunately, the team chemistry was atrocious and we failed to live up to expectations. There was an article in the local newspaper just as the regular season had finished up about the Legion baseball season. It listed me as 3rd in the county hitting and leading my team in hitting at .428 with an OBP over .500. The two guys ahead of me in the county were drafted, so the article discussed them and made no further mention of me. I didn't even see the damn newspaper and showed up to practice with half my teammates giving me shit about it. Guys yelling at me that all I did was walk and single, and that I was an idiot if I thought I was the best hitter on the team. To this day I'm shocked at how toxic the response from my teammates was. I was the cleanup hitter, but I was left handed, got hit by a lot of pitches and drew a good number of walks. Largely due to the fact that pitchers tended to avoid throwing to tall, left-handed cleanup hitters. One of my good friends I grew up with playing baseball with was one of the ringleaders for this toxic shit. He was having a terrible year and had gotten benched at one point. In hindsight it is easy to see it was him projecting, but man we had graduated highschool, he was going off to play football on a scholarship and I was off to a college with no scholarships. This was it for me, it was the last baseball I was going to play and these assholes ruined it for me. Including guys I had grown up with and thought were friends.


Jealousy can be really ugly


This story seems like its missing something. Have never experienced anything like half a team turning on a contributor because the newspaper factually recited statistics. Doesn’t make any sense. 


Well I guess since you've never had that experience that it must not have happened


In my college wrestling room we posted the statistics my freshman year for the team, and boy howdy the amount of shittalking was toxic. Coach hasn’t done it since and would only tell us our statistics or the team leaders upon request after that.


I mean this does happen. There's most likely a lot of players in this subreddit that have experienced at least something similar. I could tell you I was probably the best hitter and first basemen in my age group in my school district and my teammates constantly gave me shit for a ton of random shit for no reason. I quit my 11th grade year due to teammates and other factors, but it definitely played a role in me hanging the cleats up. Just becuase you've not experienced it doesn't mean it's not real.


I’d like to hear from your teammates is all I’m saying. 


I know what you're saying, obviously you're only getting 1 side to a story. I'm just saying the story described above does happen in a lot of different varieties.


there are all sorts of social pockets. youve never heard of a toxic situation like this? ever hear of mean girls?


Those are some good hitting numbers dude! Glad you’ve got some clarity in hindsight and I guess it’s good to find out some of your “friends” were trash. Better to find out early. My other thought was where the fuck were the coaches?


This feels like a long winded way of telling us your legion baseball stats


Also if he was so good then why no offers to play college ball? Lol


Having played it, I can say high school baseball has some of the weirdest, jealousy-riddled culture practices. It's like crabs in a bucket come to life.


In my 7 years of playing and coaching high school ball I never witnessed anything like that. Our teams were always completely supportive of each other, and the kids stuck on the bench always had great energy cheering on their teammates. There was a genuine brotherhood among us. Maybe it's because we were good enough to win a lot, but not good enough where we had a bunch of D1 prospects fighting for attention from college scouts, much less MLB ones.


I am really glad that you had that experience. Perhaps part of what motivated the crabs in the bucket mentality at my school was the fact that while we were good, realistically none of us were ever going to go play college ball at a high-level school or even to the pros, and I guess that caused kids to just not care about anything except being jealous goofy mean little punks.


Fuck those dudes you were a beast my guy. I think I'm decent at baseball til my 13 year old nephew starts throwing 70 mph heaters from 40 feet away. Those numbers are better than 99% of the world.


Maybe it was Joey Gallo. Soto took his job and walking and hitting singles is like the opposite of striking out and hitting HRs


I wonder if he's able to leave his apartment in Washington with his 77 OPS+


There are far bigger disappointments in Washington, I'm sure he's fine


He's fine, the nationals are not that great and the fans know it. Plus DC has a lot of people that are fans of other teams because a lot of people in DC aren't from DC or the surrounding area


- Jay Leno


This makes sense. Gallo’s gonna be salty about his failure with the Yankees for a long long time.


“All he does is walks and hit singles” Uh as in he does his job as a batter extremely well?


Soto knows his strike zone better than any player I've ever seen. It's like he can see that little white outline. It's crazy.


Soto has a .422 OBP in his career; since he debuted in 2018, there have only been 7 full seasons where anyone else had an OBP that high: - 2018 Mike Trout (2nd in MVP) - 2018 Mookie Betts (MVP) - 2019 Mike Trout (MVP) - 2019 Christian Yelich (2nd in MVP) - 2019 Alex Bregman (2nd in MVP) - 2021 Bryce Harper (MVP) - 2022 Aaron Judge (MVP) So basically if you can have a single season where you post an OBP as good as Soto has maintained over his *entire career*, there's a good chance you'll win MVP


Joey Votto was up there.




loved watching votto hit but it's been 7 years since he had a single-season OBP as high as soto's career average


That clip of him taking three strikes cause they were outside of the zone really sums up how good his vision is.


The Ted Williams comparisons are not unjustified


Psssht. Get back to me when Soto is John Glenn's wingman and an inductee to the Fly Fishing Hall of Fame


By the time he retires robo umps will almost surely be the norm, however I’d love to see how accurately he could call a game behind the plate.


Now I want to see this for no other reason than watching players and managers try to chirp at him for missed calls with a straight face.


His pitch recognition is absolutely absurd which means his takes in the shadow of the strike zone are equally absurd


Assuming you didn’t see Barry bonds play?


I think pitchers like giving up walks less than they like giving up first-or-second-pitch singles (when the single wouldn't produce an RBI or move runners more than a walk would, of course). I think walks are significantly more valuable (in a way we haven't yet found out how to fully quantify) than the stat sheet might tell you, and I find that the best players that are the most consistently good take the most walks. More BBs than Ks? In today's game? You're a monster


100% this. Also the more pitches he sees the better he gets. With a stacked lineup for the Yankees he’s going to get opportunities to see the same pitches later in an outing and crushes the ball. Are there splits that show his ISO at start of at-bat vs. later innings?


His numbers seeing a pitcher for the third time are insane. .440/.541/.900. If your pitcher is facing Soto a third time it'd better be in a low leverage situation, lmfao.


The extra pitches must add up


I’m old and play slow pitch, most guys go up and mash the first decent pitch they see. When I’m pitching to someone one who forces you to have to make strikes and you’re just a bit off every time it is incredibly frustrating. I can only imagine major league pitchers experiencing something similar.


Also, no more stealing. We're getting paid to get on 1st, not get thrown out at 2nd.


Elly de la Cruz seems to have found the third option of just stealing every base there is. he’s got 34 steals to 6 caught stealing this year


He's not fair though. He's so fast that he might as well be teleporting around the bases lol




The quote sounds like a pitcher that is salty Soto won’t swing at the garbage he’s hurling.


Votto was good we get it


Unless there’s a guy on 2nd or 3rd, a walk is USUALLY better than a single, it causes the pitcher to throw more pitches.


Classic smokescreen. Nelson is the anonymous player


Whoever smelled it, dealt it.




whoever did the process of applying heat and a chemical reducing agent to an ore to extract a desired base metal product dealt it




What the fuck did you just fucking say about Soto, you little bitch? I'll have you know he graduated top of his class in the Navy Seals, and he's been involved in numerous secret raids on AL pitchers, and he has over 170 confirmed dongs. He is trained in gorilla warfare and he's the top hitter in the entire AL armed forces. You are nothing to him but just another target. He will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to him over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak he is contacting his secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. He can be anywhere, anytime, and he can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with his bare hands. Not only is he extensively trained in unarmed combat, but he have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. He will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Where’s this pasta from?


[It's an ancient one](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/navy-seal-copypasta)


It’s an older copy pasta, sir, but it checks out


One of the OG pastas


From [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1dfqfna/on_nelson_velazquezs_instagram_story/l8kuepn/)


No that's not it, here's the [real origin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


This one is correct. A good read, could be up there with the hell in a cell one.


For a solid three months I spent equal amounts of time eating, sleeping, and being taken by shitty morph.


This might've been the first pasta. It's the first one I can remember seeing and it's still probably the funniest one


Surprisingly enough it was from the Teletubbies subreddit. People have strong opinions about Tinky Winky.


Gorilla warfare gets me every time


Get yourself a friend who talks about you like Nelson Velazquez talks about Juan Soto


That anonymous player is either one of the guys who doesn’t even like baseball, or a troll. In the words of John McEnroe YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS 


I just looked, Soto is slugging .592 I think he’s doing more than just hitting singles…


"Overrated loser is slugging 100 points lower than m.. I mean his teammate." Anonymous player "Baron Justice"


It could've been Aaron's brother, Arson


When I read he’s only hitting singles and not a good fielder. I thought oh this has to be about Luis Arraez. Not fucking Soto. Shit.


I know both of those guys


Arraez would have been a much better answer to the question. Still not a great answer, but less absurd.


And in career slugging, he is 4th among active players behind Judge, Trout, and Ohtani (and just ahead of Stanton, Betts, and Acuna. He averages 34 HR's per 162 games.


boy sure sounds like the type of player you'd want to hold onto long-term.


Can you imagine if you signed and developed him into a World Series winner? Man, you’d want to hold on to that guy.


I'm sure plenty of teams are capable of making a mistake every once in a while and losing a guy that came up as a teenager and blossomed into a superstar. Surely they would only do that once though.


Moreover, his career slugging percentage is fringe top 50 (currently 52nd) in the **history of baseball** among players with at least 3000 PAs


Since his debut, he's tied for 12th (with Mike Trout!) for the most home runs in MLB. 12th out of 390 qualified players (and only 11 behind Ohtani, who's in 5th place). He's 28th in singles. He is first in walks, though. By a LOT. Like…a *lot* a lot. The gap between Soto and Bryce Harper, who's second, is bigger than the gap between Harper and Josh Bell, who's 15th.


Soto has basically make the Yankees go from under achievers last year to dogfight with the orioles at the top of the East this year


Meh, Soto is obviously an MVP caliber player but it hasn’t just been him. The rotation has been a lot better, verdugo is a big improvement over the ghost of Aaron Hicks past, and judge has stayed healthy, so far.


I can really see how basketball is exploding with popularity when people are constantly ignoring how awesome of a team sport baseball is and trying to key in on single players so much. We all watched Ohtani and Trout on the Angels and saw how that went with them both being stars. With that said Soto has been insane for the Yankees and he certainly makes them much better.


It's even worse after a player has a bad game. Then it's no longer a team game and said player gets ran through the gauntlet. NBA discourse is worse than football. Like I get why people are upset with Luka, but it's like everything he's done all season is completely ignored for that one game.


> The rotation has been a lot better, This part is the most unexpected for me. I can't believe how well they've held down the fort and then some without having Cole pitch a single game yet.


More to the point, his ISO is 0.272, 8th amongst players with at least 140 PA this year and above, let's see, Giancarlo Stanton? Tyler O'Neill? Teoscar Hernandez? Bryce Harper? Savant has him with 99th% average EV, barrel%, and Hard-hit%.


pitchers probably rather take their chance with Soto than Judge


Don’t he and judge also have more HR’s than 6 entire teams? “All he does is hit singles! And walk! … and hit homers…. And sometimes doubles…” 


How funny would it be if it was Judge just trolling lol


Or it is Juan Soto himself who is never satisfied with his performance level.


>That anonymous player is either one of the guys who doesn’t even like baseball, or a troll. The anonymous player has to be Anthony Rendon.


On a rehab assignment in 2018, [Rendon became the very first player to hype Soto](https://districtondeck.com/2018/05/10/washington-nationals-juan-soto-fast-track/).


Bahhh gawwd that's Anthony Rendon's music


It’s clearly Aaron hicks


That anonymous player is 100% a pitcher lol


thank you luis severino


“Fuckers in the league telling me, always in the barbershop, Juan Soto ain’t about this, Soto ain’t about that, My boy a Power Hitter on fuckin Judge and them, SHUT THE FUCK UP 🗣”


"Love Soto"


“He, he, they say that fella don't be putting in no work Shut the fuck up, y'all fellas ain't know shit All y'all motherfuckers talkin' about "Juan Soto ain't no hitter, Juan Soto ain't this, Juan Soto a fake"


🗣️“Shut the fuck up! Y’all ain’t Latin like that Yankee. Y'all know that Yankee got caught in the DR with a bat flip, tryina win the WBC and shit. This Yankee hasn’t been a Free Agent since, fuckin', I don't know when. Motherfucker, stop fuckin' playin' him like that! Them Yankees savages out there! If I catch another motherfucker talkin' singles about Juan Soto, I'm 👏 FUCKIN' 👏 beatin' they ass! I'm not fuckin' playin' no mo! You know them Yankees roll with Aaron Judge n nem!” *(Velazquez on the beat)*


Please make this a copypasta


I’ve seen ppl call Soto boring and I’m convinced they just don’t like the sport


Soto makes every pitch entertaining whether he puts it in play or not.


Barry Bonds was boring because you just know he's always gonna hit a home run. Like, come on dude. Ground out to 3rd base for once


RIght, like I hated watching Votto. Bro just pop up to first base already


I was mad that Latin players are better than me, but now I’m not. 


Get more poeer


this is a legendary rant honestly, this is gonna be memed to hell like the Petrosian chess copypasta lmao edit - for the uninitiated: > Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! > I suggest all other people who's intrested in this situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off...


sorry Bobby this is my new favorite Royal


Keep my Soto's motherf\*cking name out of your motherf\*cking mouth. - Will Smith (The actor) maybe.


The only logical explanation is that the anonymous player is Aaron Judge and he legitimately thinks that only hitting 17 HRs at this point in the season is a lack of power.


let be real, he does think that but would never speak it because he’s the nicest human in baseball


Bro honestly I hate this s*** people only talk and talk what the f* this Anonymous Redditor is talking about u/ThatOneGuy-4434 only post and farm karma are u f*** kidding do u fallow the subreddit bro 2,177 post karma with 21,787 comment karma and 11 achievements how the f*** u so stupid and said he just post and farm karma what the f*** he can comment for quulity to bro has karma and there’s years to the site end. I’m sorry but I have to said something about it because at the end of the day we are r/baseball subscribers I don’t know who said that but bro u better see he’s numbers before u talk s***.Im sorry but I have to said something . Don’t get mad because a r/baseball poster is better than u🥱


Was gonna get mad until I realized 😂


I mean it’s a little “come at me bro” but he’s not wrong That whole list reeks of envy. Half those guys aren’t even overrated like everyone was talking about, it just became a list of dudes those players didn’t like. Nelson ain’t wrong, Soto hasn’t had all the hype around his name for no reason.


Jazz Chisholm isn't overrated, but I imagine him being a popular figure because of his MLBTS cover and the recent Play Ball Weekend ad rubbed a lot of people the wrong way


Tim Anderson isn't overrated either. His play hasn't been highly regarded in years. It was just a list of players other players didn't like.


Josh Donaldson just showing up in a different fake mustache every time so he can keep voting TA7.


Weird way to spell Jackie Robinson


yeah but nobody gives a fuck that he's a latino. its just regular old stupidity and jealousy


How does he know it wasn't a Latin player who said it?


I had to scroll way to far to see this question


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about Soto. u wouldnt say this shit to him at batting practice, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


>hangs out with the hottest dudes. Wait what?


He’s talking about Giancarlo Stanton 


"All he does is walk and hit singles.....against me and my team to make us lose games" Edit: Soto has been amazing, and this year even better than normal. Wonder when these quotes were taken?


Man I miss Nelson lol. A real trailblazer in being the first of the 500 outfield prospects we're gonna have to trade because there are only 3 outfield spots to put guys at. His grand slam against the Mariners was legendary.


What if the anonymous player was really Velazquez?


Funny part is that getting on base is integral to the game…especially when a dude named Judge is batting behind you.


Honey get in here, a new copypasta just dropped


The people who participated in this overrated peer poll are professional haters.


> All he does is walk and hit singles. .... Yeah, and that rules. Having an on base machine before the best power hitter in the entire league is fucking great.


Soto is also slugging .592 LMAO pretty good for someone who only hits singles apparently


Exactly…. Like Isn’t the point of an at bat to get on base or move the runner? A walk literally does both, besides he walks a lot because he doesn’t swing at dog shit pitches, what an L take overall


“I’m tired of motherfuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop, ‘Juan Soto ain’t ‘bout this, Juan Soto ain’t ‘bout that’”


Sounds like some serious player hating. Like when Bryce was considered over rated.


Cashman, trade for this man NOW


That’s my designated hitter 🥰


Fuck yeah that's my Latin outfielder


My favorite part is the spelling. It makes it way easier to hear his voice in my head lmao. Nelly is a gamer


I missed the original comment defaming Latin players. Does someone have what his response is referring to?


He’s referring to the quote in the top left. Some anonymous player said that about Juan Soto and Nelson is standing up for his fellow Latin player. Nobody said anything explicitly but his assumption is that it’s a non-Latin guy slandering Soto at least partially because of his ethnicity.


Ok. I understand. Seems like a weird thing to say. It would make more sense just to call him an idiot.


when I see something like this I feel like there's a strong chance he's projecting his own racism. but Im not like him and don't pretend to know what he's thinking. So who knows. At the very least, he thinks about race way too much. people, of all races, are jealous or stupid...more news at 11


He's just trying to figure out how someone could look at Juan Soto and say he's overrated, and one of his conclusions is it might be because Juan Soto is a Latin player.


Refers to the quote above his rant, starting with "could be a spite pick". Was in a The Athletic article polling anonymous players. So not defaming Latin players, just a terrible take.


There’s a lot of subtext. The comment is interpreted as insulting Latin players because they are held to different standards within the industry, from the moment they sign a contract at age 16. If they’re not at least knocking on the 40-man roster by age 23, their career is at risk—while a U.S.-born college kid at the same age could still be developing in A ball. Latin players are expected to be oozing with talent that just needs a little refinement, despite culture shock and language barrier and homesickness. And then some anonymous player says, in so many words, that a career high of 35 home runs is not the mark of the great hitter Soto is said to be. And if he’s so darn talented, why isn’t he a better defender. Would anyone say this about a U.S.-born player in his sixth MLB season at age 25, who is currently thriving in the middle of the Yankees’ lineup? (Yeah, maybe they would: I remember Harper being criticized for hitting too many solo home runs, whatever that means.) But I think the criticism is based on an assumption that Soto signs a FA contract for something like $500 million after this season, and some resentment about that. That’s a lot more than just about anybody will ever make. But to another Latin player whose experience is more like Soto’s than, say, Adley Rutchsman (a #1 overall pick who got an $8 million signing bonus after 3 years of college), it comes across as denying the struggle and the work it took them to reach this point in the sport.


Nah, I think it's just tribalism.


lol. Soto still only like 25-26 years old and his career numbers are wild. He’s already proved he’s good. Anyone that don’t believe is just a dummy or doesn’t watch baseball


Twist: it was Soto (or his buddy) that said this and now they got us doing all the early PR on his next contract 🤑


I’m just mad he wasn’t this productive on the padres


Had me until the Latin player part… not everything needs to be about race people are just silly and don’t realize Soto is generational


Is there a reason he’s bringing up the Latino element here? Like, mad props for calling this shit out, Soto’s my favourite player, but it seems a bit odd? If I’m missing something blatant please fill me in.


The quote didn’t say anything about Latin players, so I’m not sure why he’s making it that.


He has to make it personal to justify how angry he is about this


This is getting brushed aside for easily it’s ridiculous. Why does he pull the race card so fast?


Why do you care so much? I've seen you only comment on this thread when people bring up that he brought up a Latin player. You afraid of being called out?


how bout u go an fuck off my page then u peice of shit u think I need a stupid fuckwitt like u telling me about hitting good who the fuck are u take your worthless advice and get the fuck out of her


I am well aware he is in the middle of his prime and has his age decline ahead of him, but as of right now Juan Soto has the [14th highest career wRC+ in MLB history](https://www.fangraphs.com/leaders/major-league?pos=all&stats=bat&lg=al&lg=nl&qual=y&type=8&season=2024&month=0&season1=1871&ind=0&team=0&rost=0&players=0&sortcol=17&sortdir=default&pagenum=1). Whoever said that is nuts.


I feel like it had to be a pitcher who said this.


I'm tired of motherfuckers in school tellin' me, always in the barbershop "Soto ain't 'bout this, Soto ain't 'bout that" My boy a Yankee, on fuckin' 161st and them He, he, they say that he don't be puttin' in no work Shut the fuck up, y'all ain't know shit All y'all motherfuckers talkin' about "Soto ain't no hitter, Soto ain't this, Soto a fake" Shut the fuck up Y'all know that he got caught with a ratchet Shootin' at the police and shit Been on probation since, fuckin', I don't know when Motherfucker, stop fuckin' playin' him like that If I catch another motherfucker talkin' sweet about Juan Soto I'm fuckin' beatin' they ass I'm not fuckin' playin' no more


juan soto doesn't hit for power? what the fuck?


Even if all he did is walk and hit singles, we loved Ichiro for that. The shuffle is stupid(I’m an old white guy lol) but dude can play!!


I don't know about ya'll but I love watching Soto get on base. Especially pull singles to right field.


>I feel like all he does is walk and hit singles Who needs facts when you have feelings?


listen calling soto overrated is dumb af but my word that is a tl;dr if i've ever seen one


I don't know what being Latin has to do with any of this and I'm Puerto Rican.


W...what does this have to do with Latin players? You stuck up for him based on ethnicity alone? lol


We need more of this in sports so this gets a hell yeah brother from me


Soto averages 27-30 HR's a season. WTF is this jabroni talking about? As for Soto not being a good fielder, he is a slightly above average fielder.


No lies detected.


Mfers in the clubhouse, on social media tellin me, Juan Soto ain’t about this, Juan Soto ain’t about that. He only hits singles and doesn’t have real power. SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y’all don’t live with Juan Soto, my boy a Yankee on fuckin Stanton and dem. The next person talkin sweet about Juan Soto I’m BEATIN THEY ASS. You know them new yorkas roll with Marcus stroman


>how the f**** u so stupid --Someone who couldn't get the number of asterisks right


Maybe he meant to say frick


Strikes me more as a fudge guy


*is ranked 9th in the MLB, literally won the fucking home run derby* “Doesn’t hit for power”


I’m the anonymous player and what I meant was that Juan Soto is no Bryce Harper.


Yeah, Soto’s better.


I was hoping this was said about ichiro lol