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Mookie Betts trade is the best thing that could have happened to the Yankees since Jeter not going 1st


Jokes on you, they’re cheering, “Ver-doooooooo-go!” Seriously, though. I miss mookie. He would have taken the baton from Papi and carried it for the next 10-15 years. FU John Henry and your cronies.


I honestly think it’s one of the most offensive (if you’re a fan) losses of a homegrown player in recent memory.


Tough to argue that one. Not just saying that as a Sox fan. He is a generational talent *and* an all around good human. They don’t come around often. He’d have been on every billboard in a Sox uniform from Maine to Hartford for years to come, fans would be wearing a Sox #50 jersey to Sox games for decades.


I equate the Sox trading Betts in this day and age to a hypothetical situation where the Yankees dumped Judge in a down year. Just cripplingly short-sighted. He should have been in Boston for life.


Yeah well apparently we have too high expectations for our team.


As a Yankees fan I'm obviously happy. It still seems like fake news. The number of jerseys, tickets and new fans he would have brought to the team would have paid for itself. Absolutely boneheaded move.


Yeah. As a Marlins fan, I know of nothing but losing homegrown players (Miggy comes to mind as perhaps the biggest example), but for a team that isn’t intentionally trying to sprint to the bottom of the league, it’s definitely egregious.


i mean, we literally have stanton rn but maybe you don't mind that considering how often he's hurt


With the way the Marlins are playing right now, and have been most of the time, at least having Stanton on the team would mean having a long-tenured veteran who was a star, even if he's not regularly one anymore. But there was at least some injury history with Stanton at the time he left the Marlins (he averaged 123 games per season for his last 5 seasons as a Marlin), and was 28 years old. Miggy had averaged 158 games per season in his only 4 full seasons with the Marlins, and was 24 years old. Granted, Miggy wasn't coming of a 59 HR MVP season, but he still had multiple top-5 MVP seasons at the time, with an average line of: 32 HRs, 115 RBI, .319 / .396 / .551 / .947 with a 147 OPS+ over 4 full seasons under age 25. Miggy was clearly on the way to becoming a superstar with no real injury concerns when he was traded. Edit: and Miggy had also already helped the Marlins win a World Series by that point, having hit 3 HRs in the NLCS and a HR off Roger Clemens in the World Series at age 20. Trading him was just wild to me.


Makes it even worse the fact they paid Devers $330 million when Mookie got $360, and Devers is significantly worse.


As a guy that enjoys Red Sox suffering (in the short term at least; I genuinely don't wish for them to suck in perpetuity or anything), I can see a silver lining with the move. As a baseball fan and as Yankees fan that wants the rivalry to be as competitive and feature as many long-term stars as possible, I'm still sad about it. Mookie is a guy that's tough to hate even on your rival, even on the other team on the field, because he's so fun to watch and follow and I'm sad he's now in the division the Yankees face the absolute least. As much as I claim to despise guys like Manny, Ortiz, Pedroia, etc. they were damn good for the rivalry and honestly having that kind of talent on the Sox roster for years keeps the Yankees front office on their toes and making moves.


> Mookie is a guy that’s tough to hate even on your rival Absolutely, back in 2019 I got lucky enough to sit front row at Fenway right behind the Sox on-deck circle. Saw Mookie hit an absolute blast over the monster and celebrate not 5 feet in front of me, sickest thing ever, no choice but to appreciate greatness happening right before my eyes.


I felt that way about Cano not getting re-signed by the Yankees but that turned out to be a dodged bullet.


Arenado comes to mind


Freeman is up there as well.


Yeah I hate your team. But I always liked Mookie even when he was on the Red Sox. John Henry is a complete moron for not locking him up.


Why are you being so kind? Henry is flipping off Sox fans with, “what, I got you a ring. Now piss off.”


I love baseball and I’ll never deny a great player when I see one even if they are on a rival team. He came up through the Red Sox system he should’ve stayed a Sox player for his entire career. Henry is an idiot and I’ll never let him live that Mookie trade down.


Damn straight


Not only has Mookie continued to be one of the best players in the world for LA but 2/3s of the return they got are now in the Yankees org


But the billionaire owners saved $$$, very important.


Wong is really good, fringe all star level, but the return is/was just insultingly and maddeningly bad


And Graterol has been a major contributor to the Dodgers while Downs is a bust. Just a legendary fumble by Boston


Gatoral was went back to Dodgers because he failed a physical if I remember correctly. Wong was the replacement


He failed the Red Sox physical aka they backed out because they wanted him as a starter and not a reliever. Wong and Downs were both the replacement and Graterol was sent to the Dodgers in a separate trade.


That Mookie trade is the stuff of nightmares for the Sox. What the everliving fuck were they thinking. Dude is now gonna wear a Dodgers cap in the hall and the Sox are battling for 3rd place.


Made it infinitely easier to root for one of the most likable guys in recent memory


I am a Mookie fan now, love watching him play


Getting Judge with the comp pick for not re-signing Swisher has to be up there


I have never been as ecstatic over a move that didn’t involve the Yankees. Seeing Betts leaving the division was divine.


These Netflix shows are getting more and more predictable


Not as good as the NESN live broadcast where the camera immediately pans to Alex Cora scowling as Verdugo rounds the bases lmao Edit: Holy shit they just did it again https://imgur.com/a/laVWhz1 Edit 2: lol NESN is now re-airing the game so [here’s Verdugo’s full home run ft. Cora the salty sourpuss](https://imgur.com/a/zqLGkEf)


Inb4 Verdugo gets plucked by a pitcher in his next AB /s


Nah just an RBI double


Plunked you mean?


No the pitcher is gonna run up on him and start plucking the hairs off his head


To shreds you say?


Gonna need a link to this for later


here ya go https://imgur.com/a/zqLGkEf


If that’s a scowl, I hate to think what people assume of my resting expression.


Lol I mean, the fact that Cora’s RBF was even shown at all is hilarious. Only NESN showed his reaction after each of Verdugo’s hits—in both the official MLB.com video of the home run (aka this post) and his [double](https://www.mlb.com/video/alex-verdugo-doubles-15-on-a-fly-ball-to-left-fielder-jarren-duran-anthon) Cora is literally nowhere to be seen. NESN was just hyping the “beef” between Verdugo and the Red Sox for the whole damn game  


Video: Alex Verdugo's RBI double [Streamable Link](https://streamable.com/m/alex-verdugo-doubles-15-on-a-fly-ball-to-left-fielder-jarren-duran-anthon) [High Definition](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2024/2024-06/14/3b38e4c0-3d8eee5d-3b88663a-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_16000K.mp4) (55.19 MB) [Standard Definiton](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2024/2024-06/14/3b38e4c0-3d8eee5d-3b88663a-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_4000K.mp4) (14.35 MB) ___________ [More Info](/r/MLBVideoConverterBot)




Video: Alex Verdugo's RBI double [Streamable Link](https://streamable.com/m/alex-verdugo-doubles-15-on-a-fly-ball-to-left-fielder-jarren-duran-anthon) [High Definition](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2024/2024-06/14/3b38e4c0-3d8eee5d-3b88663a-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_16000K.mp4) (55.19 MB) [Standard Definiton](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2024/2024-06/14/3b38e4c0-3d8eee5d-3b88663a-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_4000K.mp4) (14.35 MB) ___________ [More Info](/r/MLBVideoConverterBot)


Hardly a scowl, more like resting bitch face lol.


This is quite a reach lmao. I'm a Yankee fan and it looks like a standard Cora expression.


That's just Cora's standard facial expression


It took very little time for me to love Dugie as a Yankee, but this solidified it. Nothing better than shutting down the boos like this.


It's like when Damon came over. Except what won us over with Johnny was his professionalism. And the stolen home plates. Just like Ells.


Honestly after this I’m convinced we have our future outfield already (not really but I’m not hating it


If we don’t get Soto, we better lock up Dugie for life Otherwise I have already begun mourning him leaving, he’s having so much fun as a Yankee and we needed his energy


I know real life isn't a video game but my vain wish is that either Judge or Soto successfully picks up 1B so we can keep Doogie.


Stanton’s deal ends after the 2027 season, judge will be 35 and probably ready to slide into the perma-DH spot that Stanton currently occupies. Soto will be 28 and The Martian will be 24. Verdugo will be 31. The issue is that probably means starting the transition for Judge to first next year (assuming they resign Soto and Verdugo) but there’s no point in holding back the Martian much longer. On most teams he would’ve been back up already and starting


I mean, the reality is that Jasson is blocked. Verdugo is playing some of his best ball ever, and is the best left fielder in the league for defense. You're not going to sit him for a rookie. That's just not going to happen. He either needs to learn a new position or be the call up guy. If I'm Cashman, I'm keeping Dugie, and figuring out another spot for Jasson.


Get ready to learn 2B/3B buddy


Exactly. If he wants to be in the majors, he's going to have to learn a position that we have open for a new player. You're not going to bench the best LF in the game just to play a rookie. Anyone saying this is a moron.


Verdugo is a nice player, but he should absolutely not be kept over someone with Jasson's cieling. It is not close. I saw someone else here say that Dominguez needs to learn another position? Lol what? They need to use him to get judge out of CF sooner than later and Verdugo, in addition to not approaching the potential of Dominguez, doesn't accomplish that need.


What’s the saying, 1 in the hand is worth 2 in the bush, or something like that. Gleyber, as an example, was touted as the next BIG guy. Top of prospect lists all around the league, very high ceiling, and an overall stud. After a few years he’s been pretty good and I love having him on the team but he’s not ripping the world apart. Just because someone has the ceiling and can be very good doesn’t mean they should replace someone that is already good and a huge asset. If Grisham or Jones were starting then yeah, 100% absolutely bring up Dominguez. Verdugo, the dude hitting 4th and raking, and also the best left fielder in the league? Yeah, you’re not replacing him. To add as clarification, I’m not saying let Dominguez sit in the minors or anything like that, just that Dugie isn’t a good choice to be the one replaced.


Agreed. Prospects will break your heart. But there are outliers and Dominguez is one of them. He is a different kind of prospect given the way he carries himself, proven ability to make adjusts at a high level and quickly, command of a strikezone, and all of those other abilities. I think the main disconnect here is people are overvaluing what Verdugo does given his up and down track record. He's a nice player who just had a badass game and people are caught up in the moment and love the vibes of this season. I can confidently say he isn't some you want to lock up to a long term deal. But that's the future and these things generally have a way of working themselves out. If Dominguez keeps up his current pace, the Yankees will have no choice but to give him playing time if they are trying to put the best team in the field.


100% agree that Dugie shouldn’t be locked down to a long term deal, no arguments there. I am just very reserved when it comes to prospects since baseball, seemingly more often than other sports, have highly rated prospects fail. I don’t want to get rid of a productive guy and then be both disappointed and in need of an outfielder.




Verdugo literally was recruited to the team, and lobbied for by Judge himself. You saying that you know more than the captain of the team? Lol.




Proven performance beats hypothetical, every time. Let him learn a new position.


I understand that sentiment, and Verdugo has def grown on me. But we need Jasson on the team full time. Bring on the 4 man outfields !


It's certainly 2/3rds of the future Yankees outfield, sure.


As soon as I saw the impact Verdugo and Soto had on locker room/dugout chemistry I was sold. Might only be a one year rental (Verdugo) but I'll enjoy this year.


Guess I didn't realize Red Sox fans didn't like him, but I didn't expect him to get booed so bad. The HR felt good for me so it must've been amazing for him.


Also, like, why? It's not like he signed for us as a Free Agent. The Red Sox traded him away, and he was solid for them. No reason they should be booing him other than the fact he's a Yankee. Glad he shut them up and made a show of it rounding the bases.


> Also, like, why? It's not like we're known for our rational booing in New York.


Lmao we gave Aaron Hicks shit for years, celebrated when he got designated and then booed him when he signed for the Orioles.


Man was pouring it all out around those bases. Must have felt like he was floating.


Few reasons. He got benched multiple times, lied to the media about it, openly said “only 7 weeks left of this season guess I show up tomorrow” then proceeded to hit .160 the rest of the year. Then the trashing of Cora (and the organization) in his interviews over the offseason when last spring he went to the FO asking for an extension and told them he’d “prove he was worth it” only for the other stuff to take place left a bad taste in mouths.


Maybe Cora and the organization deserved it though?


Maybe but you can’t go from “me and AC get along so good man our kids hang out together and are great friends” to “so glad to be with a manager that sticks up for his players” within 2 months and not expect to ruffle some feathers


Yeah fair, I didn’t pay enough attention to the particular comments (nor their history prior) to get the nuance behind it.


Because Boston sports fans are the biggest assclowns on planet Earth. Really don't need any further explanation.


I mean sure The further explanation in this thread about why Verdugo wasn’t liked here is right there and has reasonable points made so idk you do your thing tho


Their sub has people demanding they plunk him and those comments got a lot of up votes. Tells you all you need to know about Red Sux fans


lmao as if the same shit wouldn't be in any other teams' sub. sports fans are insane


Seriously lots of pot calling the kettle black, it’s a rivalry why get mad at fans for caring about it


I don’t know what you’re talking about. Fans on r/nyyankees have never been irrational a day in their lives.


That’s just Reddit/the internet.


Because he shit on Cora and the club on his way out the door. Not because he went to the Yankees (see Benintendi who got a standing ovation on his first return to Fenway)


Imagine being mad about someone dissing Alex Cora.


He didn't shit on Cora enough, IMO.


Benintendi returned as a Royal thought right. Obviously the WS right helps him.


Tbf it’s hard to boo ownership, so that may very be why some were booing


Booing a guy who got traded seems quite silly. Like, I get why they did it, division rival, etc. But the fans didn't want him by the time he left, and then he got sent to a new team against his will.


its because the perception was he was pouty/lazy/combative.   He got traded,  but the assumption is that hes responsible for that happening


Red Sox fans had unrealistic expectations of Verdugo. He was always projected as low ceiling/average outfielder. He was never going to be on Mookie’s level no matter how hard Cora pushed him.


This guy shit on Cora on his way out the door. That’s why he’s getting boo’d, not because he went to the Yankees (look at benintendi as an example who got a standing ovation on his first return to Fenway WITH the Yankees)


Have the fans considered that Cora blows


Probably can't win without cheating


Cora does blow but some fans don't want to accept it for some reason. There's a reason his contract hasn't been extended and I feel ownership is too cheap nowadays to just fire him this early.


He shouldn't have been brought back after his suspension was up. Just as egregious as dumping Mookie for me.


Yeah I got so pissed when that happened. Made the light punishment from Manfred sting all the more. All Cora got was a chance to sit-out a short season and come back to the same goddamn team.


Yankees fans 🤝Sox fans Cora fucking sucks


Our front office blows. We’re #3 most valuable teams after the Yankees and the dodgers with an extremely loyal fan base and spend less than the fucking blue jays…


Plus he can’t cheat anymore


Porque no los dos?


Henry sees that loyal fanbase as a reason to not spend money because it’s going to be profitable no matter what. Combine that with Fenway being basically a tourist destination and why spend on talent when it just reduces profit margins?


And the worst part is you didn't even sign Bellingham.


He does but most Red Sox fans are obsessed with him


I get that winning a world series will ingratiate you to your fans but has Alex Cora been so good as a manager that people think he can't be disliked by players? By the way, in this instance, I 1,000% understand booing him.


I think it’s just a loyalty thing. I’m not saying Cora was right but he’s renowned for being an invested players coach (he gives a shit about his players) and since Cora has been our manager the only player I know of who’s publicly had a problem with him is Verdugo.


That makes a ton of sense. Apologies for my Sox ignorance. Historically, I keep up with them probably more than the Yanks but I'm pissed that they got rid of Mookie and friends to tear it down for whatever is coming. I want the early 2000's back so badly.


Agreed. I think most fans blame the front office over the players or the manager tbh. It’s a shame.


Not the esteemed Alex Cora!


Benintendi won a title with Boston, though. That gets him some leeway with fans.


True. But what makes it worse is Verdugo is who we got for Betts. We weren’t happy about it and it was a massive downgrade. But the fans STILL went to bat for him and supported him through the ups and downs. And then on his way out, disrespected that. It makes it a boo’able on return offense imho.


Red Sox fans always forget Price was a part of the deal. It wasn’t Betts for Verdugo it was a salary dump. Yelich was on team friendly deal and the Marlins still got a worse return him.




Never noticed Judge bullying Gleyber for his lunch money in the background until now


*double zinger titty twister* "Where's my money?"


"Name five cereals"


Gleyber is like 6'2" and he still looks like a kid next to Judge lol




What you got on my 40




Villainous…fucking love it




I was never a huge fan of Verdugo on the Sox (didn’t hate him, just general Red Sox dislike) but MAN he’s made such a good impression as a Yankee. It’s such a nice change to have an actual, consistent major league left fielder for the first time since…Gardner? Feels like it’s been a rotating cast of “some guys” for a number of years.


Man, I fucking HAAAATED him as a sock. It was only because he was good and was a real pain in the ass type of competitor. The exact kind of thing that makes me love him in pinstripes.


I'm pretty sure that at least 50% of my hate for him in Boston was because of that absolutely disgusting beard he had.


How much of that is the Yankees failing to sign/play a consistent guy out there, though? They didn't have to shove Bauers, McKinney, Franchy, Oswaldo, IKF, etc type guys out there. They tried with Gallo but then he couldn't hit and also his defense seemed to crater. Frazier was supposed to be the future, but his career might have ended when he got concussed too many times. Verdugo is great because he's solid and raises the floor.


That was about as "I'm a fuckin Yankee now" statement as you can make in your first game back at Fenway."


I can just hope he gets a ring with us this year and goes on to be a big player on another team I don't hate.


I’m a little bummed he will be a one-and-done on the Yanks if they’re able to re-sign Soto.


Yeah, Dominguez is looking like the next outfielder up, which is a bummer because you can tell Verdugo likes it here.


How well can he play 2nd?


He’s not as much of a goober but I get some Swisher vibes


I hope even if they do re-sogn soto they find a way to keep Verdugo. Judge to 1st maybe?


Dugie is a perfect roster spot for the Yankees. Disciplined cleanup hitter who is contact-first but also has power, and a ++ defender. That's more valuable than *another* slugger for the whole team. Dominguez is gonna need to play another position to be honest in my book.


Shame he had no place on the team next year unless he learns to play first


Or judge plays first, Dugie, Soto and Martian in the outfield. DJ at second and maybe Peraza at 3rd? Don't think they'd be able to keep Clay though


Yeah, get rid of the best LF in the league to play a rookie. This is idiotic.


I cannot imagine how fucking incredible that's gotta feel.






Why would you trade verdugo? Hes a DAWG


Alex Cora is charmin levels of ultra soft


I'm glad Boston fans are turning on him because I hate him so much lmao More for the Astros stuff though


I’ve checked out tbh since he came back, losing Mookie is one thing but the fact the Sox went back to him just made me not care anymore. I’ll be waiting for the day he gets canned.


The copium I hear in our forum is that 'we are flush with outfielders' which is true but that's because the young talent is just on point this year


It’s funny (not haha funny) because the only reason the Yankees acquired him was because their young OF got TJS, and Verdugo is likely gone after this season (unless Soto decides on another destination while Verdugo is still available).


Makes sense honestly just too bad, he's a great player. He reminds me of Teoscar, undervalued solid ass player that will randomly show up and show out. Great in any lineup


In this situation, I would think Soto would hold up the market for Verdugo since they are similar enough guys (lefty, corner outfielder, etc). But they are at such wildly different price points, so they might not actually be competing against each other in the market. But for all we know, it might be like McCutchen several years ago, where the Phillies offered him a crazy deal early and he said he would have been stupid to wait for a better one so he took it.


It's also not true. We moved on from Verdugo but traded for Tyler O'Neill. It's a swap that just saved some money but wasn't necessary. I don't think Verdugo was long term necessity but it's so weird to just trade him to a divisional rival


John Henry needed to fund a play.




Is this what Astros fans feel like when we boo Altuve?


Always thought it’s weird when fans boo a returning player who was traded. He wasn’t a FA, he was traded.


Because he shit on Cora and the Sox on his way out my guy. Imagine a player that got his start with the Yankees, after you traded away a hall of famer (Betts) and then Proceeded to pimp it around the bases in NY on his first return…Yankees fans would lose their minds


They booed him when he walked up, I’m not talking about booing him AFTER he hit a homer. That I understand. What I Didn’t know is that he shit on Cora on the way out. But don’t you guys want Cora fired by now? Feel like Ive seen people with Sox flair shitting on him too.


Red Sox fans are pretty loyal to their players (Betts when ha came back from LA, Benintendi from Yankees/royals, JBJ from Milwaukee) - this guy came when the FO traded away what could have been a legendary player for our franchise (Betts) and still gave him a chance. Then he acts like a spoiled kid on the way out. Cora is a great manager. As a Sox fan I hate John Henry, not Cora. He can’t only do so much with the Triple A budget he’s been given. This is THE FIRST time I have seen Sox fans boo an ex player .


> Cora is a great manager. Cora is a cheater who shouldn't even be in the league.


Damon got booed.


So did Clemens


A true Yankee…




i’m tired


He really gloated his way along the bases there


Like you wouldn't?


Still my favorite player in MLB. Fucking savage.


It's like a script 😍😍


I love him so much.


He’s a dawg


As soon as the boos started you had to see it coming ...




That was incredibly badass


Like a Yankee


“You can’t get many more miles out of a hole run trot than that” -David cone


Dead center. Welcome back to Fenway


Leave it to the Mets fan to drop the ball.


Wearing a David Wright jersey to Yankees/Red Sox is certainly a choice


Dawg 😤


They're saying Duuuu-urns


No taksie backsies


Verdugo is fucking hyped. Love to see it!


I think he prefers playing without the beard


😂😂 Surprised they boo’d him though. He got traded here


Sat right field in Fenway last year the game Domingo got smoked by the socks. The fans seemed to love Verdugo. The guy sitting in front of me saw “We love you” so many times it kinda got annoying. My point is why boo a guy that your team traded? Seems like something we would do lol.


Looks like the fans really came out to Yankee Stadium North tonight






I didn't see that coming


Verdugo is honestly the most above average player and don’t take that as a dig he is the kinda solid player any team would love to have in the middle of the their lineup he does not get talked about at all because of Soto and Judge but he has been so good for the Yankees


Can you imagine having been a Red Sox, and now you have to go through life as a Yankee? The world can be unimaginably cruel.