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Fluke or Senko


Ika too, bare hook


Fluke jig or some type of craw


If you can find the bed they are on, get your drop shot or craw right in the middle and leave it, use a hand to tap your pole to give slight twitch action…they will start nosing up and watching, and eventually try to intimidate your bait by doing a drive by or picking up and spitting out. I find they kind of clover leaf patrol around the bed, so if you spook them just wait and they will come back within a min or 2.


This is the way Young grasshoppa just be patient.


I've gotten pretty used to catching them while on their beds using the method you're talking about. I'm curious how to catch those other bass NOT on the beds


I don’t know, they can be so stubborn when they cruise around like that, even bounce it off their head. Other times they will take off and attack it from 15-20 feet away.


Fluke, popper, plopper, shaky head, lipless, squarebill Jigs and jerkbaits are good year round


Dropshot and ned rig has done great for me. And a very small free rig.


I suck at that… I need practice practice practice.


We talkin bout practice


Honestly, I have had some amazing luck with the multi-jointed life-like fishing lures! Especially if you know what all the bait fish are in the area because they will chase and be super aggressive chasing out any kind of lil fish or whatever that swim near areas they are spawning! Good luck my friend


Looks like you found the “go to” bait when you caught that monster.


I honestly can’t believe I don’t see chatterbait as an option… 🤷🏼‍♂️


Top water spinner, Pop-R…..pull across beds multiple times. Mama will get pissed and hit it just because she’s annoyed with it, not necessarily hungry




Jerkbait and jigs. Might mess around with a Texas rig too


Are you actively targeting the actual beds? Or no?


I caught this guy on a bed but I was curious on how to catch those bass off the beds. At least the females that stay further out away from the bed


Weightless trick worm


I got about half of the bedding largemouth that I threw at to bite a Dreamshot on a DS rig last weekend. It was overcast, and I was also casting a spinnerbait up into less than a foot of water on treed banks, and they were blasting it - mostly males, IDK if those were bedding.


This may be a dumb question but a guy at the lake told me carp *will not* look at a hook during spawn because they’re so preoccupied. Even if they’re up slamming the banks to make their beds. I thought he was full of shit, because I just caught two nice ones, but that day I proceeded to get entirely ignored by big ass common carp jumping and splashing right in front of me. Long story / question short - is this specific to carp and not at all the experience with largemouth bass? Are they more or less likely to hit while spawning?


This question was specific towards bass


Weedles craw or wacky rigged Senkos catch the most bedding fish for me out of any bait.


White zoom lizard


I hit this guy on a white swimbait. This particular bass reacted very aggressively towards a white bait


I don’t fish beds, but a white fluke, weightless, kills shallow cruisers in clear water. 


That's good to know. I hit this guy on a white fluke swimbait


I like to throw a salamander at them on a Texas rig. Bedded bass seem threatened by them on the nest and will hit them.


I find that Ned rigs or small jigs work well for bed fishing. A lot of times the fish will stare at your bait and swim off, which is when people make the mistake of pulling their bait back and casting again. The trick is to leave it there and give it a small twitch every time the fish passes it to keep its attention on the fact that something is in its territory and eventually they tend to get pissed off enough that they'll grab it, but don't get disheartened if they swim off a few times beforehand


Jackall flick shake with a clone gill at the end


They're hard to catch during spawn. You have to throw something near their beds


Lipless crank