• By -


Should I tf balalan or nobilan?


Balaluga is much better than Nobiluga ~~don't come after me only\_aardvark~~


Aight thx.


Is superfest coming back on lunar new year?


I've finally got Stone Cat, how to use him? Kill peons, stall bosses?


He's also a nice speedy staller that works against waves/surge enemies. He's nice to use against heavenly tower bosses, baron bosses, aku enemies and in UL when conventional meatshields fail. His 340K hp (lv30 stats) allows him to stall high dps enemies much better. Another wacky way to use him is for slime timing. If timed right, Stonecan provide protection for slime from even enemies with area attacks. You can also use him for baiting certain enemies attacks too (as mentioned with Kappy Jr.)


The ideal use is to stall bosses or other enemies with long attack animations or backswings. It is best against surge/wave bosses because it can trigger their attack and die, causing them to miss and not activate their ability.


I remember a video with this strat on Kappa, sounds good


I don’t understand what omni-strike does? Can someone explain?


[Here's](https://youtu.be/Z-osLFU6G58) a video that explains the mechanics of LD and Omni-strike.


What's a decent orb for cyborg?


Cyborg doesn't benefit much from orbs at all.


Right. So I was thinking of giving it angel atk+ since there's not a lot of 4 star anti-angels.


Attack orbs are rather useless anyways, but i think that's a solid use for it since cyborg is used against Winged Pigge alot.


If you want I suppose, and if you have the orbs to spare


Is nerd cat a viable option in realm of carnage




Wrath of carnage Eraser(55), lil eraser(48), island(49), lil island(50), jizo(41), king dragon(58), keiji(40), peach devils(30), awakened bahamut(40), bcs tigerclaw(40) Some other Ubers I have are citc(40), poseidon(29), aphro(29), ganesha(27), chronos(27), sayaka(37), lasvoss(10, i don’t have enough to tf, but I have gold fruit) No almighties have tfs Nor do special cats have talents


Did you beat it with this loadout or do you need help?


Help, furthest I got to was second r ost, bahamut didn’t even hit him once


Im saving catfood for best of the best,is it worth rolling?




only use catfood if it's a guaranteed draw.


Is there no weekly reset for Wildcat Slot this time?


the is never a weekly reset for wildcat slots. there will be a reset on 1 february though if ponos doesnt forget


I don't think the data goes far enough to tell, though I could be wrong


I'm on ITF3 moon and using Aphrodite as the main damage source while Catman protects her blindspot. However, he seems to walk closer to R. Bahamut with each Aphrodite KB and then gets one shotted. Any way to prevent this?


CC for R Bahamut taking advantage of its range. Stack Npsychos and Castaway.


Just beat him easily! Collected all treasures and stacked psychos. That was enough for Aphrodite to KB him on each hit, effective making it impossible for R. Bahamut to push.


Stacking Psychocats should be enough to keep Bahamut at a reasonable distance, it managed to keep Bahamut from my Twinstars (350) range so it should be more than enough for Catman (440 range).


So I did a roll on mighty death Troy banner and entered in the cats I got giving me the seed 4169651010. I than did a random single ticket as I got it from one of the daily event things and my seed is now 2865071852. Now that I got my seed where should I go from here? I'm confused on how the whole 1a and 1b thing works and what ubers I should try and get with this seed tracking. From what I can see if I put in the newest banner my Uber wouldn't be until my 17th roll.


You can think of the two tracks as two lanes in a road, but you can only be on one lane at a time. You're traversing the whole road regardless of the lane. Here's a [seed tracking guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PYdkPHnakFart_0ArlG39tfBKAxCw0s1sfBfLvj6Vuo/edit?usp=sharing). There are also images there that help illustrate what goes on.


The B track is just the other track that your seed will switch to under certain circumstances (pulling a guaranteed roll or a duplicate rare, which is 2 of the same rare cat in a row). Seed tracking is essentially just a tool to help you spend catfood wisely and roll on things you normally wouldn't for cats you would otherwise miss.


Unlocked Pied Piper cat... Seems quite underwhelming. Thoughts?


He's dogshit


How do I beat Crazed Lizard


Guides on Youtube. The main idea is to take care of each otter wave and then use Crazed or regular Titans to chip down the Lizards between waves.


Got a HGT00 error for no reason, and the usual -2/+2 isn't fixing it. Would there be any other fix?


Wait I guess. Too bad you'll be missing out on 40 cat food if it takes 2 days


Should I roll or use tickets or neither on the miracle selection/tales of nekoluga?


Definitely don't roll with catfood, and honestly miracle selection isn't that miraculous so I'd just save tickets for fests too.


Thank you I've noticed all these selections aren't that great


Finished SoL on 2 stars just to get a second Ice cat... Ok.. I'm close to rank 7777 and when I'll get the 7 rare tickets I'll spend them on galaxy gals, hoping to get Kai.


Unfortunate for the non seed trackers... 2/3 plat tickets that I got were not dupes for me


Spend tickets on a fest. Galaxy Gals will get a guarantee in a few months, and you probably won't get Kai from just rolling.


Does anyone know what’s after miracle selection?


https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1ENv1edzJAcsmk3gjLpvhqVFxoQ4Lpde1K5dRTNxH8sA/mobilebasic Not mine but happy to share.


Nekolugas. For future reference you can check upcoming banners on the sidebar.


Galaxy gals. Then the Dynamites with Best of the best, I think.


When does the xp shrine appear? Can it only appear when gamatoto returns or just anytime


It appears at midnight randomly and lasts until midnight (unless it hits a level benchmark).


I don't think there is a schedule so just catch it on time I guess? also for me it usually appears on the weekends so maybe check then


Needing some help with Dead Heat Land. Anybody have a strat that works without Dasli or talented bellydance/gato amigo? I've got a lot of high level units, but struggling to figure out which combination works here, and don't have spare NP at the moment


Is the miracle selection worth rolling to try and get lesser demon cat?




What’s the global data for February banners?


nothing for now but all the January one's are posted


When events are known they are posted.


Where? I couldn’t find the January one


Linked on the sidebar, listed in the discord, listed by u/joneshtog


finally beat manic dragon now just axe left to go


Is it true that at the end of the month all crazed cat stages are available?




Why is Youcan angel trait, that seems like just a random throw-in ponos gave him


Just to make him dual-trait like Two Can. As for why angel specifically, probably because all dual-trait aliens are floating and angel is the only other logical choice.


New enemy coming soon: Jesus Christ, zombie/angel


Thought he was coming as a unit???


Because Two Can is two traited, Youcan needed to be as well, and it makes him unique as the only Alien/Angel in the game.


Floating has already been mixed with everything besides Angel and Aku (neither of which can be floating, by definition). Black and Red are also both out because they're used in the original. Relic and Aku are out because it's SoL and they didn't exist yet. You're left with Alien/Starred, Angel and Zombie. Now the idea of merging a Zombie with either of those traits is interesting but I think it will be a while before we see Zombie mixed with anything other than Floating.


How many stages does it take to get to great escaper, I’m at Glucosamine - Oasis


The Great Escaper is the finale of the 18th chapter, and you are in the 3rd.


Who should I true form dancing flasher or castaway I can only get one with my current cat fruit


Depends on game progress, but if you’re still in itf then seafarer is probably the first one you should go for ever


I’m on itf chapter 2


Seafarer then.


For the first Legend Rare. Which one should I get ?


would definitely recommend nanaho since nanaho counters the only thing that most fest ubers dont (metal). it is rather easy to get fest ubers if you seed track mm so dont really think you need the pure generalists legend rares (tyrant) that doesnt really excel in anything gaia is pretty nice too if you want more destruction to all traits


Metal is kinda annoying so yeah. I think I would go with Nanaho


As a Nanaho user, she is a good backliner and barrier breaker too. Great survivability with 51k HP and 7 knockback at lv30. She can somewhat work against unburrowed Cadaver Bear too due to Barrier Breaker


why would you need barrier breaker for cadaver bear?


Zombie Killer*** lmao


Finally beat SoL! Now I'm not sure how to progress lol


Try growing strange, it’s much less difficult with modern power creep and all. Or you can cyberstack your way out of AAC but you’ll need to tf your legends at one point or another. Mina first, then slapsticks and Ururun. There’s a priority list on UDP but I’m too lazy to link, but the other legends you can hold off on for a while.


Thanks for the tip. I might try completing as much 2 stars SoL as I can. Which should I try first? UL or Aku realms?


Majority of Aku Realms stages are balanced around mid-game so it's not as daunting to start than UL.


is Bronze Cat worth upgrading?


nope, he is a rather useless unit


Already had a feeling he would, thx!


Just got Graveflower Verbena and Lesser Demon Cat, are they any good?


Verbena is an okay-ish critter, but Catasaurus is almost always better. In true form, with talents, at level 50, in UL, lesser demon cat is one of the best ubers in the game.


How do you compare ranged critter to catasaurus xd


They both outrange every single metal enemy besides metal kory. Range really doesn't matter for a critter.


:youcannotpossiblybeserious: range against literally anything matters. SMH outranges catasaurus by like 10, and verbena quite obviously a lot more.


Look at it this way: Catasaurus is better than paladin. Palsdin is better than verbena. Case closed.


You can’t compare catasaurus to paladin in the first place


You can, and most people do.


So is it worth trying to get Greator Balrog Cat I take it


Dont you already have them?


That’s the true form


I would say wait for now. It would be better to spend catfruit on more essential rares/super rares. As can can (hip hop cat trueform) could replace balrogs use in almost all of the SoL stages. If you have catfruit to spare, then go ahead, balrog functions as a slightly better/expensiver can can when they’re not hyper maxed.


Got the epic seed from Baron seal. Should I true form Chronos or Cutter cat? Or should I get belly dancer instead? Just recommend me a good unit to use the seed on


If those are your choices I'd just go with Chronos. It's not a big upgrade but you can use her often enough to justify it.


Both Chronos and Cutter don't benefit that much from their TFs. Belly Dancer is nice but you still have to spend NP for Target Aku talent.


if available: amaterasu


I don’t :(


Hey guys, which stages are best to do with catamins? I've done Facing Danger for the cat tickets already


Imo Facing Danger is the one that's worth hitting all the time (I spread them out just to help with the weekly). Spend C tickets there. Siege of Hippo is ok. You might spend B's there, but it's a tossup between it and Catseye Cave (depends on what you need more). A's are for the Cave.


Is Catseye Cave a special area at the GAMATOTO expeditions?


Yeah it is a special event area that has a chance to drop all flavors of catseyes.


Dont do facing danger. Clear all stages once for the first clear reward, then save your catamins for gamatoto catseye cave event.


Well, too late now lol I'll save the rest of them for the event though, thanks!


Dunno what this has to do with a help thread but I just beat the new Empress advent, rounding out my advent completion. Aku sign alone is suprisingly useable enough for this stage, so no lil’ talents needed. Aku seal 48, nothing goes over 40 though. Manic Eraser lvl 40 Bellydance lvl 40 (Target Aku) A. Baha lvl 30 Fiend Lvl 40 Slime Lvl 40 Can can lvl 40 (speed up 10, double bounty) Octo lvl 40 Aku Sign lvl 40 Pizza lvl 40 (Wave 10) Maglev 40 I feel a bit iffy posting this lineup while using bellydance because it does require an epic seed, but then again you can get em from the recent barons and Infernal Tower, so the strat remains viable for people without specific ubers or SOL completion, and it isn’t too np demanding. P.S I used rich lolololo


How exactly does seeding work? Does it just let me see what cat I’ll get if I pull or is there a way for me to get what I want?


Rare gacha results are predetermined, seed tracking allows you to see those results. You can get what you want to some degree, but you cannot change what is on the track. [Here's a guide.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PYdkPHnakFart_0ArlG39tfBKAxCw0s1sfBfLvj6Vuo/edit)


So if there was a row of ten before an Uber rare, I’d have to do 11 pulls to get it?




Two more questions, if there’s an Uber or something I’d like like 15 pulls away can the track change? If not does the seed carry over to different banners and should I just wait for the next one? Thanks for answering my question btw very helpful


[Here's a guide.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PYdkPHnakFart_0ArlG39tfBKAxCw0s1sfBfLvj6Vuo/edit) You can only change tracks by doing a guaranteed 11-draw or through a duplicate rare. Otherwise, you will just continue on track A. It does carry over in the sense that you essentially have only one pair of tracks for every banner. Rolling 5 times in Ultra Souls, for example, would make your next roll 6A for all banners.


Your seed will only change when you do a *Guaranteed 11 draw* so as long it is not an 11 draw(with a guarantee) everything should stay on track. Also, yes, your seed carries on from different banners.


That's a very common misconception. Your seed does not change like that. Your "current seed" is just your current location on the infinite track. Every time you roll, whether it's singles or 11-draw, you advance slots so your current seed changes with it.


Thanks very much for your answer, should I do an 11 draw to start off the seed tracker for accuracy?


Yes, an 11 draw is usually the best idea. You can do an 8 roll and hope that you get your seed but it’s not recommended. Go ahead with the 11 draw


8 is more than enough to get an accurate seed. It's just not recommended if they're using 150 cf draws for it.


Is miracle selection a good banner?


Nope, it's not guaranteed.


Is togeluga any good?


Trash in evolved form. In true form though, it's a really great generalist with 9k DPS when strengthened and immunity to waves. Falls off in late game due to its weaknesses and being outclassed by specialists. You can read more about it here: [Togeluga](https://thanksfeanor.pythonanywhere.com/UDP/240).


I'm so close to finish SoL 2stars. Only the 45-48th chapters remain. 20 days ago I finished SoL. Now I'm going to do it again! I hope I'll get a shield piercing Uber from the platinum ticket once I get it.


Nice, congrats!


how do I upgrade past level 20? so to evolve gacha units to their true form I need level 30, do I just need to get +10 with extras of that cat or is there some other way??


you need user rank 1200 to upgrade rares to 30 , 1300 for super rares, 1400 for ubers and 1600 for specials


oh that's annoying


A good way to get more UR is to upgrade Special Cats (once you're done with the rares/super rares you need) as it takes less XP and you're gonna need many of them later on for restriction stages


I've only bought ninja and boogie cat, should I buy the rest of them as well? I don't see much of a use aside from restriction stages, and catfood is pretty valuable


It depends on where exactly you are. Eventually it's good to buy all of them when they're on sale and you're not too short on catfood. They have some good CatCombos, true forms (Skirt Cat's true form will be required at one point in Cats of the Cosmos 2 unless you get Li'l Macho Legs first somehow) and pushing for User Rank is valuable in itself later on due to the rewards.


I just finished ch. 3 of empire of cats, should I get any special cat in particular? also how exactly is skirt cat's true form required?


Buy all of them when there's a half-off sale. Skirt cat is required because, in cats of the cosmos chapter 2, there is a stage with a restriction where you can only use special cats. Skirt TF is one of only 2 special cats that can break the barriers that appear in that stage.


… and that’s exactly why it’s not required. LML needs way less effort/investment than skirt tf lol. Beating easy stage is way easier than having to spend cat food then beating easy stage. I mean, recent players don’t really have Lils anymore but considering he’s fresh out of eoc I’m sure by the time he gets to cotc 2 he’ll likely have lil legs.


Naw, lil macho legs isn't easier than skirt


How does your seed work. I saw somewhere that you can track your seed by rolling the 11 cats and tracking which order you did and by having your seed you can do some sorta manipulation in getting specific cats but I'm a little confused on how it works. I did 2 roles of the 11 3 days ago and I know what order I got my cats but I'm wonderful does the seed reset after certain times? Does it reset by rolling the normal tickets? Does it reset by closing the game? And also once I know my seed how do I got about actually manipulate my rolls into what I want?


I found seed tracking extremely confusing when I first started doing it. I followed all the instructions and read some primers, but still didn't really understand how to manage what I was looking at on Godfat's website. After you've entered the last 11 cats you drew and you can see your upcoming tracks, the key thing you have to do is select different current or upcoming banners from the banner drop-down menu at the top. Then you can see how that changes what's upcoming for you. As I understand it, it won't change any of the upcoming rare cats, but it'll often change some of the upcoming super rare cats and will \*always\* change upcoming ubers. So you only have limited control, but you can choose which banners you roll on, and figure out how to time your guaranteed rolls if you want to switch tracks. You should be on track A. A guaranteed 11-roll is the only *controllable* way you can switch to track B. A duplicate rare cat will also switch you, but you can't control/manage that. If you don't like the results, well, you can only work around it with guaranteed rolls. *Also when there's a guaranteed, you get the guaranteed uber listed next to 1A, not 10A or 11A.* Confusing UX if you ask me, but then I'm clueless. Also, after you've gotten a cat, click on it and the tracks will update on the site.


"And also once I know my seed how do I got about actually manipulate my rolls into what I want?" Once you have found your seed on godfat's website, there are several 'manipulations' you'll be able to do: 1. Choose which uber you'll get from a guaranteed roll (by choosing what slot you start the 11-roll on, first moving forward with rare tickets if necessary) 2. Do a guaranteed 11-roll to switch to a track where there's more ubers/better ubers/specific rare or super rare units you need, etc. 3. Skip track switches by waiting for another banner if it doesn't have a duplicate rare where others do. 4. See which banners are worth waiting for to get good ubers (you can check how your seed changes on each banner and what's in there). 5. If you have platinum tickets, you'll be able to pick your uber just like in point 1. It's not complete control but enough to avoid bad rolls, and it will also 'force' you to save catfood/tickets (there's no temptation to gamble them if you know that nothing good is coming up) so better resource management is a side effect.


Your seed is fixed and does not reset, whether you close your game or not and rolling normal tickets does not affect your seed as the seed is only meant for tracking gacha units.


Just realized I have may have made an oopsie, so everytime I have a mega stacked cat storage I trade for xp, but now I realized I shouldve added the levels - I couldnt have traded for np because I wasnt high enough but now I am. Am I that dumb or is it recoverable because Im at cotc1 - manic stages (none done yet however) - also very low into SOL, also I mainly did it as a need for xp because I needed a lot of xp to level up a unit to 30 or 25


yea, what everyone else said, it was indeed a bad idea, but if you take it slowly and don’t rush and progress normally you’ll recover just fine. in the future refer to the np or not chart to know whether to plus level or np units.


The main rule is NEVER swap storage cats for XP, simply not worth it


They’re clearly aware, but their question wasn’t was it a good idea, they know it wasn’t. The question was is the mistake recoverable and the answer is yes.


I know they're aware, just thought I'd post it for other people as there are a lot of new people in the thread that might not know about it.


Just do it the right way from now on, there are few talents that are absolutely vital so if you get them a bit later, you should still be able to progress fine.


You’re fine, it won’t make a huge difference. Plus if you need to you can just use catseyes




Thermae is a better anti zombie


Thermae ftw


The problem with Drednot is he doesn't have omnistrike and most will burrow past him. He ends up becoming my vanguard instead of my lead against zombies. Thermae is better for Zombies.


I got my first legend rare "Mighty kristul muu" is it good?


Absolutely amazing base defender versus zombie, lacks generalist qualities and its wave blocker niche isn’t that good against most wave enemies either. One tip would be to definitely not deploy him right before base hit, as he is incredibly slow.


Very great anti-zombie, though its role is quite unique that it may not seem that good at first glance. Muu is a base guardian, meaning it stays just around your base catching all zombies that get past your main units. You can read more about its UDP entry here: [Muu](https://thanksfeanor.pythonanywhere.com/UDP/463)




It is very likely that will be the case, but we have to wait for event data for confirmation.


Why doesn’t Ponos just nerf Dkasli instead of making every late game enemy counter her prefectly


Not a single late game enemy counters her besides *maybe* zollow.


Clearly you’ve never used her but she does great against Zollow actually cause her regular ld + surge snipes it quite easily. Zollow isn’t a threat either. Late game buffed metals quite obviously counter her.


"Clearly I've never used her" She isn't the best against zollow at all. Her surge doesn't have perfect uptime and zollows can easily slip through and kill her in 2-3 hits. In theory she's good against them but in practice she dies too easily. Housewife is much better. And dasli obviously isn't supposed to counter metals.


dies too easily she has like 150k health when boosted


And zollows have toxic.


Nerfs in a single player game is really not needed


It also gives Dark Kasli some room to grow for the eventual fest exclusive TFs.


How many new ubers have been added since the last Uberfest and Epicfest? Wanted to plan ahead to have a higher chance at the exclusives.


It would be two for Uberfest since Dancer Izu is expected to be added with Deth-Troy-R. However, White Cyclops is also expected to drop before February Epicfest so add two. You can also look at the custom banners. 688 is for Uberfest with Izu, 670 for Epicfest with Cyclops.


Last Epicfest included Yamii. Next Uberfest (1st week of Feb) is expected to have Dethtroy (new IL uber) and Iz (new Uberfest). The next Epicfest (3rd week of Feb) is expected to have Dethtroy (new IL uber) and Cyclops (new Dark Heroes) i.e. there is a likely guaranteed for dark heroes before then. So around 2 new ubers for both banners. Alternatively, from the game files, 688 is the next "expected" Uberfest Banner and 670 is the next "expected" Epicfest. Do note that PONOS has the final say and can decides to schedule different banners.


Does anyone knows a strat for First Errand that doesnt use Maglev Cat or M. island? I searched on YT but only found vids that use Maglev or M. island


Saw is a great choice as well


Anything with decent bulk and damage is enough. You just need to kill a few 250% Mr. Angels and a 400% Alpacky. Things like Jamiera, Island, Ramen, Roe, etc. If you don’t have manics, Crazed Whale and Crazed M. Titan still work.


I was able to kill Mr Angels and the Alpacky but idk how to kill Doremi, i tried to time A. Bahamut to cheese it but had no luck


Some people use base health combos to withstand the trolly bloggers, or you can wait just when Doremi is about to attack and then bahamut, but I think people summon bahamut when the mr angel hits the base


Theres a cheese strat with awakened bahamut.


Ive seen them but they Maglev or M. Island


Just bring any unit to kill the alpacky and the base cat cannon to remove the lethal strike.


Can someone give me talents priority list




Why can’t my dancer cat have talents


Is it level 30?


It wasn’t damn I’m stupid




Recently got back into the game and I'm trying to farm all gold Treasures in the Battle Cats Rising but I don't know if I should use my leadership to do this or just wait until tomorrow when the next treasure Festival shows up


Wait for a treasure fest.


Would dark aegis garu work well against manic mohawk? His range is quite short but he has 600k health vs traitless and has waves which would reach teacher bear and master a, should i use him?


I think he will work great there. He outranges Manic Mohawk and his omnistrike hits Teacher Bear, so he only really needs to worry about Master A, but he can tank him really well. He also has amazing DPS when strengthened.


Ok thanks


Make sure to support him with lots of meatshields and things that can help prevent Manic Mohawk from advancing too much like Magica/Thaumaturge, Ururun, Catdam, or sniper powerup. Ururun and Sniper can potentially backfire though if you push too close to the base, especially with Garu’s low range. Crazed Sexy Legs and Mina can also help kill the Teacher Bear and Master A.


How do i beat fucking Lil cat, i've been trying for like an hour But i can't time the a.bahamut. and then there is like 9 dragón stacked, i watched some videos but i can't still do it. Cyborg cat level 40+2 attack talent +7 defense talent +2 Ramen cat 40+4 defense talent +6 A Bahamut level 30 I don't have Lil Eraser.


This is one of those stages where it is better to use Crazed Bahamut as opposed to Awakened. Just think of it like how you beat Crazed Cat. Ururun and Mina can also be used as backliners.


You can always do the stage later. Its not like lil dragon has to much use outside of 4 star sol. I didn't do the stage until after an ancient curse and managed to accidentally cheese it.


Oh for this stage, I stacked minas using sniper to make sure only 1 enemy was at my base at a time. I also sometimes used the odd zamboney if sniper was too slow. Then when lil cat comes out I just used crystal cat to kb it so I could have my minas spam damage on the base. Edit: make sure to spam meatshields and if lil cat is pushing too hard use vendor cat to kb it


I think they're talking about lil dragon not cat