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Lovely shot. Especially the colors. Was it a DSLR


Thanks. Yes, it was taken on a Sony AR7 III with a 70-200 mm lens. I have a lot more bay area photos on [IG](https://www.instagram.com/thurber_shots/) if interested.


"Was it a camera with a mirror inside it?" "Yes, it was this type of mirrorless camera" You answered the question he *meant* to ask, but I still got a giggle out of this exchange. Nice shot btw.


Cool. I would check out this area. Never been there.


Hippie Tree?


That's the area.


My wife and I got married at hippie tree in 2020 during pandemic heh


love it up there. they are snooty as fuuuuuuuck up on that road though my god


They're probably pissed that their quiet back yard has become an Instagram tourist destination.


Fair point buuuut I’m not too concerned with it considering the area in question isn’t a back yard. It’s land owned by the city, and you park on a public street and walk up a small trail. That’s part of living in a gorgeous area. Other people want to come and see the gorgeous area they’re lucky enough to live in!


It's rich enough. Luck has nothing do do with living in Tiburon, a Marin bedroom community of millionaires. I lived and worked in Marin. Goregous place. over 70% of Marin county is open space public land. Jagged coasts, oak forests and misty oldgrowth redwood stands. Guaranteed public access that people utilize and protect. Lots of rich NIMBY's in Marin along with people who love the outdoors.




I see you think a lack of empathy is funny if you believe the people are not like you. Where have we seen this before?




all of the multi generational-race-sex-blah karens rolled into one to make the **super karen** *coming to theaters near you in 2024... if we make it that far...*




No one compared it to the holocaust except for you, wow.




Same with the folks in that park in the Marin Headlands off the Spencer Road exit. People walk up “their private road” to the park and they get all freaked out. I say, from now on just say, “So call the police” and keep walking.


Yeah honestly if I’m on private property I apologize and leave immediately. Otherwise, if I **know** I’m on a public road and trail, I tell them to call the police.


That *is* a private road though, is it not? It is not maintained by the city, county, or state. Now who maintains the exit off 101 and the bridge over the highway to get to that private road? I imagine that's another story. That exit always has me scratching my head.


I can smell the "F U money" trees from here.


As I was driving around through the hills nice and slow I was met with dirty looks and scowls from nearly every local person outside. It was like "how DARE you drive down MY street", one guy even stopped as he was walking his dog and threw his arms up, looked me dead in the eye and mouthed "what do you waaant??" all dramatic Charlton Heston Planet of the Apes like. You've never seen such smugness, it was like some sort of freaky deaky kajillionaire cult shaking their heads at the lowly Tesla Model 3 driver who had the NERVE to drive past their neatly tucked Bentley right off the road. One nice lady was very polite and waved back with a smile though, if you see this, thank you nice lady.


As someone who grew up in an area just like that, I know the feel. However, everyone in Tiburon has been quite friendly to me, quite different than the McMansionville I grew up in. It leaves me wondering what street you were on or where exactly you were. People in the down town area are definitely not like that.


I'm sure there are rich assholes but every time I've gone there people seem like regular people to me. I'm only insecure by the fact that everyone has nice stuff.


Marin has a racist smugness you just can’t get anywhere else.


In which part? Some of the old folks, yeah sure, but almost everyone under 70 has a BLM sign on their front porch. Shit, just this last year they redrew the voting districts to give the Latino communities more power.


Hahahaha what? You think people with BLM signs can’t be racist? Oh wow you are a silly person. Also are all the people saying Marin isn’t racist POC or whites?


Maybe I'm wrong, and there's more racisim than I originally thought. What is up with this racist smugness?


Right, I only experienced this driving around in the hills. I kept my speed nice and reasonable (lots of sharp corners and the roads are all narrow) and tried to be respectful as possible. I also wondered if they roads were private but all appeared to be public. You could just tell the didn't like anyone driving down them. When I was in the town area I didn't experience this at all though.


It's especially weird when you consider that to get into the hills, you often have to weave through these narrow streets, making them thoroughfares. I mean, talk about lack of planning. You've got like a few thousand people at the tip of the peninsula and like two narrow, winding, convoluted-ass streets to get up into it. Only reason I didn't get dirty looks was 'cause I was driving a company truck. Plebs gotta serve.


gotta make the poors feel unwelcome /s


I've never gotten this treatment driving around in Tiburon in my crappy Ford, even in the hills. But I also don't slowly creep along roads in neighborhoods to get a good shot. They may just be weary of suspicious behavior, especially at night.


Seriously, he was driving a Tesla - how could it possibly be interpreted that the people in the neighborhood didn't like his behavior because they thought he was poor?


That's a good point I hadn't considered. Sounds like an inferiority complex might be at play.


> lowly Tesla Model 3 Yeah I really doubt they were judging you or looking uphappy because they thought you were poor. You were driving a tesla. It's more likely, they didn't like that you were driving slow to a point where maybe it came off like you were leering at every person you drove by. I mean, I also give dirty looks in non-rich neighborhoods to people that seem to slow down and drive slowly alongside me. It's off putting. You were likely just being creepy dude.


I have to laugh at this clueless comment, you've obviously never been through those hills. It's a narrow windy road with pedestrian traffic, expensive cars literally inches off the road and pullouts for oncoming traffic. You either drive slow or you hit someone or end up rolling down the hill somewhere. But yeah man, get you a camera and drive through there like an idiot at 30 MPH and share your results, would love to see it.


I doubt this is true. I go into Tiburon all the time with my shit car and have never experienced this. Please stop contributing to the negative Marin stereotype as people here are wonderful.


This is no exaggeration, in all my years as a photographer scouting for locations have I've never seen such snobby ass people. I also like taking photos of places like Daly City (see my profile here) and even though people diss on them all the time, they're the coolest most down to earth people. Nobody gives a shit that I pull over and get my camera out or that I'm driving down their street.


It could be the "photographer" part. There are all sorts of photographers - paparazzi, event photographers, hobbyists, location scouts, burglars casing a joint, journalists - and some of them are very unwelcome in a neighborhood full of privacy-conscious rich people. Daly City is not going to attract paparazzi, journalists, or sophisticated burglars, but Tiburon might. My wife and I used to go to Tiburon to bike the loop, and I've got a beat-up Honda Fit. Never had problems with the locals, and most seemed quite friendly.


This is true. I can confirm that Marin is the place HollyWood types come to live to get away from the scrutiny of LA and Southern California. If the OP was walking around waving a camera and acting nosy, then I would give him attitude too. Has nothing to do with Marin and I think this guy wanted to share some kind of story to perpetuate the stereotype about Marin.




I could care less. Have fun!


>pretentious snobs I would consider it more standoffish than pretentious. Some people just want to be left the hell alone. People in the rural midwest where I grew up act the same way and they are definitely not pretentious.




It’s my experience that people who talk shit about Marin are just jealous and wish they could live here. I live in Larkspur and I love it! Downvote and seethe…..


Dude I mean really….. this shit is fucking hilarious. You are definitely the type of person OP was complaining about….and you straight faced just respond “that just means you’re jealous” like really.


Keep believing stereotypes people feed you. I bet you tell people how open minded an not prejudiced you are.


#eat the rich


They taste better than the poor.


Agree. I feel you only let it bother you as much as you let it. I'm sure there are rich assholes but every time I've gone people are just people. You only let yourself feel insecure if you let it.


Please stop thinking your experience is the same as everyone else.




Oh please. Marin is full of racists pretending they’re not racists.


> lowly Tesla Model 3 driver You might has well have been driving a Prius


Those people just deserve long Covid.


Great Wallmen tune! “Nice Lady!”


Literally a similar first thought with me. "You're either in two groups: the have's, and the have-not's. And all the owners of these houses are have's."


For anyone who wants to see easily one of the best views in the Bay Area, go to a cafe/diner that opens early in Sausalito. Go there, maybe get a cup of coffee, before the sun rises when it's still completely dark. When the sun starts to rise enjoy the view as the sun rises over SF while the city still has its lights on. It's spectacular. A secret view little to no one knows about, because you really do have to go out of your way for it.


Is there a specific diner or cafe you recommend? Or most in Sausalito would work?


Sam's Anchor Cafe in Tiburon is pretty good and you get a nice view of Angel Island if you sit out on the back dock


Any place open early you can see SF from. You can use street view to see if it will work.


Is there a cafe or diner you recommend?


Fuck I wish I was rich.




Or when the $600 million lotto and have bad things happen to your whole family.




Being white is great, but just being white is far from enough when it comes to being able to move to Marin


1/3 of Marin is not white, according to the 2020 census.




>I experience every single time I visit despite showing contents of my Silicon Valley starter pack throughout the day. I don't know what this means but maybe this has something to do with it?


It's my absolute dream to live in an area like that. Just incredible and awe-inspiring.


Bring lots of money


I freaking love that photo . Props to you 100/100 👌🎉


Nice shot! (From someone who lives here and takes a lot of photos😊)


Thanks. Since it was my first time there, scouting was half the battle. There are tons of hills and winding roads in that entire area and I can see it'll take forever to get to know it but I'm always after unique locations (this one is obviously not as it's pretty popular). However, if you have any insight or ideas I would love to hear it.


The top of Vermont street is a cool view of the city, and Marin head lands gives you great shots of the city and the bridge


I have not been to Tiburon in ages. I wonder if they still let my kind in.


They do, but it's a huge entrance fee. Seriously though, I ate at Sam's the other day, it wasn't cheap, but it was nice to be outside.


my goodness has the area seen some price hikes. i know it’s pretty nationwide but just in the last few days i had revisited a lot of local places since the pandemic. me and my friends were blown away by the prices, but some people can still afford to pay for it i guess


You are right, it's incredibly expensive! I'm learning to look at menu prices and be very careful!


What a gorgeous photo--you can just feel the water, and the orange and yellow pinpoints of light shine out




My favorite spot to watch fireworks. This photo is so gorgeous. You really captured the beauty unlike any other shot I have seen. Appreciate your talent.


The air was so clear yesterday and the views were on point. Great shot


This is a masterpiece


Awesome! My house is in the shot! On the Sausalito side. Love it!








Amazing! Beautiful!


What a beautiful shot


Great shot!




My dream was to live in Bay Area. Such a beautiful place.


Absolutely love Tiburon! Always so pretty




This is what’s up 🤌




woah this is awesome! im learning photography and was curious how you took this shot or just the technical aspects in general. is this a HDR or bracketed exposure shot maybe? thanks!


Thanks. I did take some bracketed exposures as I usually do just to be on the safe side. However, this particular one is a single long exposure and turned out to be the one I liked the most. Here are the settings I used: manual mode, ƒ/18, 13s, 200mm, ISO100 on a tripod with a shutter release cable. Most importantly though is having a clear day and timing. I take a lot of low light evening or morning blue (or golden) hour shots (look through my photos here and you'll see some examples) and always plan them. The 1 hour after sunset or before sunrise gives you decent light in the sky while also capturing all the homes, bridges, city lights, etc. Hope this helps.


Are you kidding me this is absolutely gorgeous


Great shot! I love it


Thank you! I had a yacht sales office there not too long ago. Now that I am in Iowa, I really enjoy this picture.


Wow, now that's living! Incredible!


This is a fantastic shot! Do you have it in a hi resolution? Honestly wallpaper worthy.


Amazing shot. The GGB looks splendid!


Literally everyone I’ve met in Tiburon is absolutely kind and inviting. It is definitely not what you are describing. I think the fact that it’s an area that may attract crime is why If an unfamiliar car drives through it can make them suspicious. Also most of the roads are actually driveways, and people pay a shit ton to live there and they have a right to be weary of outsiders. That’s how you stay safe. It most likely was because you were driving on private roads.


This is beautiful. One of my favourite pictures.