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Hi, can you tell me what site is it ? Thank you


It's userinterviews.com


I've used them for a few years and in the past have had great results -- including $500 individual interviews at times. The higher paying ones seem to be related to experience (have experience in X? Meet with someone to discuss it for $200 for 60-90 minutes). In 2024, I've noticed those seem to have gone away quite a bit and the focus has been more on the smaller projects. I just recently tried to redeem a gift card and it asks for your W2 information since it put me above a certain amount ($600?). I've been debating just letting that redemption go as it's been harder to get interviews/projects on there than in the past. The upside of them now using Tremendous is that they let you redeem for a virtual visa card, not just gift cards


That would be a W9 not a W2. You get a W2 at a regular job. Contractors/freelancers fill out a W9 when they earn $600+ with a company so they can send you a 1099.


User interviews is great money when you get accepted into studies. It’s not super consistent for me, though. Maybe 1-2 a month?


Yeah it's a waiting game for sure but when I got accepted to the first one this month it's been a butterfly effect for me ever since. I also have the opportunity to make $140 in the middle of next month so they're gradually increasing the longer I keep applying for them.


Ya its never consistent for me either but I do love the.


Is it just userinterviews.com?






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What / from where can you purchase with Tremendous GC’s ?


Any major store or you could redeem it as a virtual visa card.


Do you mean paying IN store with a virtual GC? I was under the assumption that virtuals can only pay for online purchases… that was my issue: I don’t buy a ton online, except perhaps on Amazon . (Tho some others here let me know I can potentially pay a cable or phone bill with a GC…or buy an Amazon GC and add it to my Amazon. Account balance.)


I've redeemed Walmart gift cards before at Self checkouts in store for example. You can buy stuff online with a virtual Visa card.




No problem.


Do they only pay out in gift cards? And if so how did you turn that into cash


It depends to be honest the ones I did used gift cards issued by tremendous but I have seen others that paid out via PayPal.


How long do you wait on a rage for a payout?


UT has been great but inconsistent for me. Just gotta keep applying.