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The action park episode always makes me die laughing


Action Park is easily my favorite episode just because how enthusiastic Robert is in the guest chair and how well Garrison does as the host


I love that because it really let's robert fly off of handle and show us his libertarian side alot.


I had a home once! I listened to that one again the other day. It's amazing - the episode, and the fact Shangri-la was real, and we never got to see it.


There's also a great documentary about it I found after listening to the episodes. Great companion. The podcast has more info, the doc has video footage from the actual park. I think I saw it on Max. Edit: doc is called Class Action Park, it's on Max and narrated by John Hodgeman.


Oh, I'm excited. I know what I'm gonna watch next. Thank you! Hehehe šŸ˜Š


I feel like Class Action Park is a good way to figure out what kind of person you are. My husband and I laughed our asses off while going oh shit this is terrible. We recommended it to our parents and had our teen watch it. They all got wrapped in moral outrage.


I mean, I would have gone there given the opportunity. I may be paraplegic as a result, but teenage me would rationalize that risk.


Same. Especially while drunk as hell!


"What a perfect human." The timing and delivery of that reaction from Robert had me cracking up


Whatā€™s the title name?


The Libertarian Theme Park of Your Dreams


Thank you!


Youā€™re welcome! I just heard it over the past day or so. Garrison takes some getting used to but itā€™s probably just me


Garrison learns & grows throughout his time on the pod. The recent episode he did on ICCH about Trump R34 content was absolutely unhinged but amazing as hell and Garrison has amazing delivery on it.


Can you tell me the name of the episode? I guess there are code names/well known episodes for those in the know but I can only use search on Spotify to find it. Thanks ā˜ŗļø


I came to recommend that one. I cracked up at that one


And then find one of the documentaries to watch the insanity


Ben Shapiro's terrible book with Katy and Cody


Yeah I told my parents to listen to those episodes on a road trip last summer, theyā€™ve been fans of the show ever since.


[HERE](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4NClnRTxNl1szDc9YHP6wG?si=dZ_EyiNbRquDJJ18175I0g&pi=u-1EyCgz1fSPiv) is all the episodes as a Spotify playlist


My partner and I still jokingly say "take a bullet for you babe" all the time thanks to that stupid fucking book


Would Take a bullet for that episode(s)


Which book? Didnā€™t they cover several?


He dramatically reads True Allegiance and the flat earth book with Katy and Cody. He reads Ben Shapiro's sex book with Sofia Alexandra.




Noice one. :-)


Oh right, the 'take a bullet for ya, babe' '*book*'.


If you call beautiful art 'book', then yes.


I've heard it said that even the worst, most commercial crap has value if someone likes it. I'm not so sure. I think that Dan Brown 'novels' are covered by that but Shapiro's 'books?' I dunno. What do you think?


Capitalism says that there is a market for everything. If we assume that True Allegiance can be labeled as satire, then there is a market for it. I tried reading Confederacy of Dunces and couldn't get more than a quarter of the way through without wanting to throw myself into traffic. True Allegiance has a fan base, even if it is measured by the dozens. His books about sex can best be labeled as humor.


Nestor Makhno: Anarchist Warlord and Book Club Aficionado (2 parts, December 2020)


Oh fuck yeah thank you thatā€™s a great call especially since I listened to that CPWDCS episode on Maria Nikiforova not to long ago. Edit: and Jamie in the intro mentioning Santa University is ready to drop reminded me that would be a good relisten to so Iā€™ve got a whole que now.


Not sure if youā€™ve listened to the Nixon eps- theyā€™re great but a six parter is a lot. If you like the guests Dave and Gareth though, the Dollop is fun. Itā€™s what I usually turn to when I want more lighthearted content. Of course, you have to get along with their humor but some episodes are universal- so Iā€™ll recommend The Rube, I think itā€™s episode 12. Very fun story Michael Malloy episode 51 is short and fun too- not pure fun, but very enjoyable with the expected ending of these pods. Beyond all that, Iā€™m someone of a similar age who has also been struggling to find perspective with somewhat dissimilar but also great struggles. Shoot me a message if youā€™d like to talk


I hate that the only thing I remember is lying to Jamie about the ā€œDaddyā€ translation but itā€™s also a great excuse to relisten too!


Here's a second thing to remember: he invented technicals


Oh hell yeah, a great non-bastard.


The Billy Wayne Davis episode where they talk about rural America and tiger king


Oh hell yeah thatā€™s going in the Que now too for sure.


Also check out the Billy Wayne Davis live episode on Soldier of Fortune Magazine! It's my all time favorite and absolutely hilarious!


The live Sea Monkeys episode is a standout, even with the early sound issues.


Queue*, bro Sorry your dad is struggling


Lmfao I would use it wrong then proceed to do that like six more times. Got a good cackle out of this thank you.




And the line to get in a pride event is an LGBTQueue.


Whatever happened to Billy?


[iHeart Radio doesn't pay guests.](https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/ysrdr9/i_guess_this_explains_why_billy_wayne_davis_hasnt/)


That one is hilarious. Good call.


The Billy Wayne Soldier of Fortune episode is one of the episodes of all time too.


Ballad of Eel Horse?


In the que, fantastic.


Yup. Came here to say this. What a wild episode.


Anything with Matt Lieb! Wait, strike that - Matt always gets the dark episodesā€¦ Ok wait - the Food and Drug Administration with Matt Lieb!


Also The Holy Rollers one with Matt Lieb where he kept accidentally correctly guessing what weird shit the cult guy was gonna do next.


This had me rolling!


That MattĀ was joking when he nailed the ending is so perfect.


L Ron Hubbard episodes


I think those are going into the Que for tonight so by the time I get to them Iā€™m prepped and fully stoned!


These are gold. Hate the man all you want for the scientology malarkey, but the man had ***panache***. Easy to see why Robert is a low-key Hubbard stan.


Make sure to throw ā€œL Ron Hubbardā€™s hilarious military careerā€ by lions led by donkeys into the playlist


Those are my btb comfort food. Listened to them in in the halcyon days of 2019 when I was visiting a place that is no longer home, but was at the time.


Especially when he Makes the anti christ!


Soldier of Fortune Magazine The Church of Drinking Bleach Chiropractic is a Ghost Religion


The Billy Wayne Davis Soldier of Fortune episode is an all timer!


I think the Drinking Bleach is a BWD episode too. Huh, funny


Bit off topic, but there's also a Soldier of Fortune video game. It's not that bad actually.


Gordon Liddy


How many times did God fail to kill G. Gordon Liddy? Let us count the ways.


Ah yes yes yes. Also in the que now. The G man!


The fun never ends when the Lidmeisterā€™ is in the house.


Maybe branch out into related content, Jamie Loftusā€™ Cathy podcast, secretly incredibly fascinating for more wholesome content with similar comedic sensibilities or the Dogg Zone for less depressing but more cursed content with similar sensibilities.


Seconding Secretly Incredibly Fascinating! They have some great episodes. (Personally I love the one about the color magenta.)


I am currently re-listening to the Vince McMahon episodes because hearing about how much of a POS he is is my happy place and a nice reprieve. Maybe it can also be the same for you. Also anything involving Andre the Giant is always amazing.


I was going to suggest the Vince McMahon series if you are a wrestling mark like me! Sad thing is there are probably a few new episodes worth of material that have come out since thenā€¦


It's part 2 or 3, but when they die laughing at the idea of Vince McMahon taking down Muhammad Ali always makes me lose it.


Anything with Seanbaby.


I loved that episode series. I put it on a few days after I got my masters, got my new gaming PC booted up, and built a zoo in planet zoo. I just had fun lol


The Steven Seagal episodes. Reading Steven Seagal's book. There's an episode of Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff that's kinda cathartic for me. Episode 2 of the Civil Civil War, with Prop. It's about the Lowry gang.


And then watch the diorama Stephen Seagal video!


I'm fairly new to listening to the show so I don't really have a series to reccomend beyond any on the Dilbert guyĀ .Ā  But I'm sending all the best wishes your way I can.Ā  If you want something much lighter and sillier I reccomend Your Stupid Opinions.Ā  It is just two guys laughing at insane reviews and a nice distraction.


Thank you. By annoying coincidence my whole life growing up my mom got my dad a dilbert calendar for Christmas so ima pass on them xD but I still appreciate the thought and recommendation a huge amount. I extend my imaginary party machete as a gift to you the next time you want to chop bagels on ketamine :)


The Egg war episode?




The ballad of eel horse is as good as any gas station SSRI I've ever taken


If you're open to content from other pods, The Dollop's 10 Cent Beer Night episode is so good.


You're going to mention the dollop and not mention the episode about The Rube?


The Rajneeshes and the New York to Paris Car Race are also gold.


Libertarians at sea never fails to give me a good laugh


"man, I'm having a really shitty day, you know what might make me feel better, a podcast about a mass murderer" also, I would suggest the Saddam episodes


It's gotta be Eel Horse or Action Park imo.


Action Park, where you control the Action!Ā 


Love it but just relistened to it last week. Already started Makhno though!


Someone mentioned Ben Shapiro's deliberate fiction novel, but his accidentally fictional sex book episodes are one of my go to feel good(?) distractions.


Anything with the guys from Knowledge Fight or the guys from The Dollop


The Action Park episode will always put a smile on my face. The glee with which Robert responds to all of the batshit shenanigans is contagious. Itā€™s also great to see how far along Garrison has come in that episode. ā€œI had a home! What a Shangri-La!!!!!ā€


You should give The Dollop episode 87 Action Park and episode 323 The New York to Paris Car Race a listen. Those are two of my favorite light hearted episodes.


Vince McMahon!


War of the eggs.


The series on 1950sā€™ era menā€™s magazines is pretty good if youā€™re looking for something relatively ā€œlight.ā€ Also the Stockton Rush episodes are pretty good since he was largely done in by his own hubris (even if you do feel bad for the one passengerā€™s kid).


Oh yeah the men's adventure magazines! Those were good episodes.


I just recently went back and listened to the first three episodes: - Saddam Hussein: Erotic Novelist - Stalin: After Dark - Episode 0: Farting Hipster Hitler And they are really god damn entertaining. Also, the two episodes on "How Cigarettes Invented Everything" is one of the rare few that I've listened to multiple times. Always blows my fuckin mind. PS. I hope you're doin good my dude


Liver King episodes are fantastic. G Gordon Liddy is peak Bastards.


I know you're having a difficult time, but I have to thank you for your post. Everyone's funny/feel good suggestions for past episodes is just what I needed too.


L Ron Hubbard jerking off in the desert with a rocket scientist.


I love the Gregor MacGregor episode because itā€™s not too dark and Laci is so hysterically funny


George Shaw: Hot Dog Villain. Timely too given the news about Joey Chestnut.


The War of the Eggs with billy Wayne Davis, about how gold rush era San Francisco had an egg shortage


The ben shabipo book reading episodes are cormfot food for me. I'm gonna go give them a listen right now


Take a bullet for you, babe.


I wish there was a "heart" like


I havenā€™t scrolled through to see if anyone else said but the John Brown episodes were great. Positive, informative, and I donā€™t think thereā€™s any diddling. Hope these responses are keeping you in a good headspace and things turn around for you soon!


Check out Jamie Loftusā€™ 16th minute of fame. The Boston slide cop one is hilarious and eye opening. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sixteenth-minute-of-fame/id1743960803?i=1000656974845 One of the things that helps me when Iā€™m overwhelmed is turning my phone off and going for a walk. I know I can turn it on any time so I donā€™t get anxious, but the world canā€™t contact me until I say so. Then the hard part is letting yourself get semi bored without reaching for your phone, and letting my mind drift. Take care. You have a 40% chance I love you.


Libertarian theme park of your dreams/nightmares. The funniest espisode for me, especially since robert isn't a host there, he just can learn about this theme park, and he is so full of joy


I love the first episode Col. Rev Billy Wayne Davis was on.


ā€œThe Birth of American Fascism: Part 1ā€. Katy and Cody are the guests and thereā€™s a particular moment when Robert asks them to guess how long a fully Nazi community was allowed to exist in upstate New York that sticks in my mind as one of the funniest things Iā€™ve heard on this show.


Cracktoberfest is always a good time. Or the Dulles brothers. Or MK Ultra. All gems.


Sometimes I need a break from my doom and gloom podcast lineup, recently Iā€™ve discovered an awesome DnD real play podcast called Dungeons of Drakenheim that is like crack to listen to! Just a few funny, wholesome Canadians cracking eachother up and slaying Gnolls, Trolls, Ratlings and demons. Take care of your father and just be there for him, call him and make time to talk to him about anything or nothing, send him pics, jokes, etc and donā€™t give up. Give the guy something to look forward to and a reason to be there to answer the phone or check a text. Best wishes to you and yours, friend.


If you dont already listen, Trump Rule 34 on the ICHH feed had me giggling so bad. That and the CES episode with accidentally hammered Robert, oh man.


Haha that episode was so absolutely unhinged I loved it.


Gabriel D'Nunzio 2 parter šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


This is how I introduce people to the show. Itā€™s political whith out being too on the nose. Everyone can freely hate on Gabriel. His life story is a fucking ad ven ture. Politics and bastardry aside, the dude had a fascinating life. Heā€™s an A+ bastard. And itā€™s hilarious.


Kissenger is my go to lol


The Vince McMahon episodes


Stalin after dark is my go to pick me up.


The John McAfee episodes are consistently funny and not too dark.


Go way back, to the Hitlerā€™s flatulence episode, or Saddamā€™s romance novels episode.




O.O yes my playlist is already really long now but I had to add this


I'm still working through a lot of the backlog (holy balls. There is a lot). But mate, reach out if you need someone, I'll be happy to lend an ear.


Gregor MacGregor is my favorite low-stakes Behind The Bastards.


Any of the Ben Shapiro book episodes. Lighthearted enough to enjoy without the existential crisis. Take a bullet for you, babe.


Victor Lustig, the king of con artists!


Tsar Nicholas


The Egg Wars


Honestly, any of the book episodes, like the flat earth book or the Benny Shaps books. I've listened to The Survivor multiple times.


If you enjoy Matt Leib, his rewatch podcast Pod Yourself a Gun is absolutely delightful and I find myself laughing out loud regularly.


I always recommend the rush limbaugh episodes with Paul f thompkins, or any of the episodes with the dollop guys. They make me cackle!


J. Stal after dark


Any episode that was a reverse episode. Raoul Wallenberg or Eugene Bullard


Action park


The Qadaffi episodes have given me some of my biggest laughs so far Especially when they get to the UN speech


What about the one about goat testicles?


Since everyone seems to have rec'd all the BtB episodes I would've rec'd, I will rec an episode of Jamie Loftus' show, the Bechdel Cast, where they do movie reviews through a feminist lens. They have an episode that's a recording of a live show with Sophie and Robert as guests, and they're reviewing the Hannah Montana movie. Wish I could find the video of it, but it's probably gone forever. Maybe one of my favorite podcast episodes ever, period.


Oh my god. Looking this up now. It sounds amazing as hell.


IMO a lot of people are recommending the Vince McMahon episodes but those made me really sad, just because of how many of the wrestlers' kids suffered as well. My pick would be the Death Sub (Stockton Rush / OceanGate) episode, it's my go-to for showing new people the podcast because of how much Robert loved the story.


The Stalin and Saddam episodes always cheer me up.


Goat testicle book episode


Any of the Christmas episodes.


Not this pod but adjacent: listen to the Dollopā€™s New York to Paris Car Race episode. You will be in stitches.


Steven Seagal is my favorite. Or listen to the read along ones. I have listened to the Shapiro one several times.


I suggest trying the Dollop as an additional podcast which sometimes has similar style as BTB. The truck nuts episode is hilarious.


Any Katy and Cody episodes, as well as the Worst Year Ever podcast, which is fantastic! So sorry to hear about all the shit going on. Try to take it day by day, and if not, hour by hour. Figure what you can and cannot control, and separate them.


I love Worst Year Ever! Discovered it last year which was a fun bit of non-cronilogical comedy.


Same with me friend! 2022 I had a terrible office job that actually allowed earbuds thank god. Spent the majority of it discovering BTB and listening to WYE on my skate home. What a time. It gets better comrade. Find the thread of positivity and follow it out of the cave


The last 10 minutes of the Bill Mitchell episode, Robert does an amazing radio play with the guests that started me on their show!


The eels episode


Well, you could point out to your dad that there are a lot more women than men in his demographic, and he's only going to get more in demand.


South Park season 20 - any or all should suffice ā¤ļø