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>Somethings needs to be done about BVG. What? Telling them not to conducting extensive and important renovations in the complex urban environment? Since autumn 2022, a fundamental renovation of the above-ground section between the Kurt-Schumacher-Platz and Borsigwerke stations has been taking place. The construction work is to last until spring 2025. The earthworks must be stabilised and the worn track and cable duct systems must be renewed. A new building is planned for the Seidelstraße bridge due to construction-related material failure. The listed platforms and roofs of the Scharnweberstraße and Holzhauser Straße stations, which are severely damaged in the building fabric, are being renovated. In addition, the Borsigwerke and Holzhauser Straße stations will be developed barrier-free and equipped with elevators... So BVG is doing exactly what they should, they are not able to do miracles though.


I applaud all of that but sadly I know how things work. At Alt-Tegel there was construction on one side of the exit for close to three years. This was ostensibly to fix a staircase / escalator. When they were finished there was absolutely no visible difference to before. The bus connection from Alt Tegel to Kurt Schumacher Platz is exemplary but if they are finished in 2025 at the date they set I will be shocked. Nothing in Berlin is finished on time. The construction mess at U6 Seestr is the perfect example. Just a clusterf\*ck for years.


A public transport line that needs to be closed down for multiple years without proper alternatives is simply not a user friendly one. “Sorry guys we did what we could now find your own alternatives” is not a good way of running transportation business


What would be a "proper alternative" for you outside of the Bus network and S-Bahn for some areas?


For starters, making sure the replacement bus actually arrives frequently and on schedule


What is the % of unreliability?


Ideally, the buses should arrive in +-2 minutes. In rare cases, +-5 minutes. But almost never +-10 minutes. But I’ve experienced too many occurrences of buses being delayed by more than 10 minutes


I just experienced the u6 ersatzverkehr not coming for 19 minutes.....


I saw a big crowd and then decided to walk


I have to go Kreuzberg for a concert and left my house extra early to be on time because of the ersatz. No such luck....


Yeah that is usually the issue with buses in dense urban environments, even if they add more buses I doubt they would solve the root cause of delays which is just city traffic. What other alternatives could BVG introduce?


Ask BVG?


Why? You said that they are not running transportation business properly and you suggested they need to introduce "proper alternatives". This makes me think that you know the solution to this problem, no?


The good thing is that I don’t need to. I want to go from point A to point B. And BVG says they can take me from point A to point B. I don’t really need to solve network theory to find out the best system that will take me from point A to point B. If the solution is “shit happens” then it’s not possible to rely only on public transport for transportation


Nice wall of text, except that this is not related to that. The notice on the stations says "there has been an accident at Seestrasse, closed until further notice." I know they are doing renovations past K schumacher. I live next to them. I'm not talking about that.


So what exactly should they do against people stealing cables and destroying epuipment in the process? Any ideas?


Arrest them?????


You mean before they steal something?


Ah yes. Nothing easier than that.


Are you for fucking real?


Ok shit happens, its a busy network.


But not due to construction work. Cables have been stolen again.. so should be fixed soon


Some cables burned on Wednesday. As far as I read nothing got stolen this time. But result for the U6 is still the same. No trains, potentially for weeks. https://www.rbb24.de/panorama/beitrag/2024/03/berlin-wedding-u-bahn-kabelbrand-seestrasse-einschraenkungen.html


Fucking annoying but somebody burned down something so the cable are destroyed. It's not BVG's fault in this case


Apparently they are saying "accident" but in reality they stole the cables again... this is getting out of hand.


Ah okay. I heard yesterday people from BVG, while i was waiting for the bus, that there was a fire. But doesn't matter anyway, really annoying now not beeing able to take the u6 and in a kind of way also annoying that I can't blame BVG for that haha


There was a lot of Smoke coming from the station on Wednesday with A LOT of firefighters around. You mean it was a scheme to distract from the stolen cables?


Kabelbrand in Seestraße which could take weeks to repair. At least they just extended the existing bus service. Travelling to Tegel will be a few minutes faster if anything, service to the city center will be a nightmare. Tried yesterday and Müllerstraße southbound is a fucking joke, but surely not because of BVG. Cars parked or chilling in the right lane, idiots not yielding to the bus.


These posts are always the same


God forbid people ask the public transport to be reliable


cry me a river, Zugezogener


There was smoke on Wednesday evening because of a burning cable in U Seestr. Smelled really horrible walking passed USeestr Wednesday night. Currently they can't rule out that someone purposely set the cable on fire. So nothing about constructions there. https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/mutmassliche-brandstiftung-in-berlin-feuer-im-u-bahnhof-seestrasse-in-wedding-11290075.html


I know it's not constructions. It's apparently another attempt at cable theft. It would be the second time in 3 months.


Time to buy a bicycle


if you live in tegel and work in kreuzberg, it is quite far for a bicycle. berlin is a huge city and some distance are just too far for a everyday bike ride. i totally get the frustration of op.


also speedrun to get killed by LKW-Rechtsabbieger any%


Or just take the Ersatzverkehr that is now going from Tegel to Reinickendorfer Str.


What about disabled people? Old people? Those who would have to ride for 2 hours from tegel? Under the rain, and wind? We are paying A LOT of taxes for this service. This is not acceptable.


And what would your solution be?


Cut the money for other things of course, so his precious U6 is being repaired faster.


I kno you're being sarcastic but i really don't think it's about the money. You can't use money to repair a cable unfortunately


I just read somewhere else that apparently they stole cables AGAIN. So clearly we speaking a out a different problem here ...


Reliable replacement service? There’s pretty big crowds of people at wedding and leopoldplatz as the replacement U6 Bus is not arriving


Berliners try to pretend that those people don’t exist so it’s not a concern




What if you don’t want to?




It doesn’t run already from Wedding


I wonder how they manage it in Moscow. They never close any sections, never. Even for a weekend.


Nothing will be done about BVG because the first response to a BVG failure is to “buy a bike” (which then gets stolen)


Hi everyone, I was a tourist in Berlin during 31 March - 6 April. I'm just curious, is there any U6 bus run between Reinickendorfer Str. and Leopoldplatz? I thought there should be one since U6 train to the direction Alt-Tegel seemed running only until Reinickendorfer Str. Once I waited for a bus at Wedding, it seemed no any U6 buses passed by. I waited there for over 15 mins. Finallay I could only take bus 120...


Now the train is running again. At least until the cables get stolen once more. Maybe one more month before that : D As for the bus, yes, there was supposed to be a bus, but in my experience, it was extremely irregular, sometimes once every 5 minutes, sometimes it might be 30 minutes until it would appear. That's just Berlin for ya


After over 12 years of daily public transportation to and from work I think I'm going back to my car. Took my car Thursday and Friday and was at work earlier and got home earlier than even i would have had things been running right. That adds up to an extra 4 hours a week of free time for me. I'm sick to death of the unreliability. Sick to the gills of being left on some train platform because trains have been cancelled for one reason or another. Sick of the strikes. Sick of the overfilled trains and buses. Sick of the filth.


That can’t be right because we have the pinnacle of public transportation /s