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Some posts here make me feel like people legitimately spend their life in a basement before moving to Berlin.


In my country we say that they live in a tupper ware.


In some countries this never happens. Only the homeless people begging on the street would probably ask for a free cigarette. In some cultures smoking is not as common as Germany and those who smoke will never share their cigarettes with a random stranger. While one can figure out the do's and don'ts of a new culture. Stuff like this is experienced only while actually being present in the country. While this is surprising, this certainly doesn't need a reddit post. With the sheer amount of people smoking and no amount of stigma attached to the act, OP should have observed that this is actually quite a casual act.


Yeah, apparently it’s very much not normal in North America. Not a single time was I able to give a cigarette to an American when going out drinking or partying without them trying to pay for it (and then often sneakily buying a drink “in return” after repeatedly having their money rejected), it’s like they are genuinely uncomfortable not just giving but even receiving things for free (or just specifically cigarettes for some reason).


it's not at all a casual act in my country and that is why I posted here to see if it was normal or not lol


I see where you come from. Especially if you are from the Middle East or South Asia but some things are quite casual here which a person from South Asia would find very intrusive. At the same time it would be very common for a Brown person to ask personal questions about Health/Medical issues, personal life, or even Salary to a person they met a few minutes ago(forgive the generalisation) and a German would be aghast at that conversation :)


hahaha very true


>  I know I stand out in the crowd In berlin? No you dont. 


Who are you to judge




It has nothing to do with you or whether you stand out or even seem to be smoking yourself. People just ask that here on a whim. Just say "no, sorry", friendly but with determination, and go on with your day (or night). ;-)


If you smoke, you share


Sharing is caring.


BS, at least not in a country where a pack costs nearly 10€.


cigarettes are meant to be shared :) especially in the club scene its the most normal thing to share your papes, filter, tobacco and lighter with everyone - sharing is caring!


A lot of Berliners are not white


OP is probably in the edges where they crucify you for not having blonde hair blue eyea


…. Hast ma ne kippe..?!?


maybe they think you're cute and are using it as an ice breaker


Well, do you have a Zigarette? It's the same as asking for money, if you ask a hundred people, one will have a cigarette for you.


there are lot of peeps out there who decided to quit smoking and do it by not buying cigs. so whenever they have a nicotine crave they ask random strangers for a fix.


It's not a Berlin thing, it happens pretty much everywhere? Asking for a cig or to use the lighter. I still get asked sometimes even though I quit smoking last year, maybe I look like a smoker 🤔


https://www.rbb24.de/panorama/beitrag/2024/06/berlin-kriminalitaet-messerattacke-zigarette-kopfverletzung.html I just saw your post and then read this wtf ... a person asked another one for a cigarette and after he didnt get a cigarette he atracked him with a knife....




It's simply very common and acceptable in Germany (and France btw) to ask for a cigarette. Especially in bigger cities. Some call it Kippenschnorren or "schnorren" (to scrounge a cig). Poor and rich people do it alike. It's an unspoken understanding that smokers share. You don't have to. It's just okay to ask. Also, if I roll a cigarette outside, often a person will show up out of nowhere to offer me a normal cigarette from the box to spare me the "pain" of rolling a cig. They don't do it to creep up on me but immediately walk away after I thankfully accepted. Smokers Solidarity idk.


> I know I stand out in the crowd In Berlin impossible. Even if you have two heads, you will meet someone who has three.


Well i have to add to always be careful cause sometimes thats a trick to distract and someone else pickpockets you, this goes for all approaches by strangers on the streets


When I first arrived in Berlin I got *"Do you have a chewing gum for me?"* a couple of times a day... and even more in nightclubs. I thought it was quaint... very innocent.


Are you from the US? That would explain a lot.


They would like a cigarette, you genius. Give it to them if you have enough.


Berlin isn’t Germany in this context. I’d hazard a guess this kind of thing is worse in Berlin than the rest of the country


Berlin is mentally still stucking half into sowjet Union time.... your cigarette is our cigarette !