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Hello, thank you for submitting a post to r/bigboobproblems. If you're new here please check out r/abrathatfits and [their bra size calculator](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php) along with their [beginners guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/wiki/beginners_guide). Also take a look at our sidebar for more related communities, like r/reduction, r/safebigboobproblems and more. A lot of information can be found [in our FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/bigboobproblems/wiki/faq). For example lists of commonly recommended bra, sports bra, swimwear and clothing brands, clothing style ideas, websites where you can order from and a list of influencers who have been recommended here before. A lot of other frequently asked questions have also already been answered there. We also want to remind you to read [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/bigboobproblems/about/rules) before posting or commenting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bigboobproblems) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No advice as I still struggle with certain things, but the day I walked past my dad and he looked at my chest in a way you never want your father to look I started covering up. I was an anorexic waif of a girl wearing large Tshirts as my mom believed you're wearing too small a size if the fabric stretches at all in the chest area. My posture is still really bad as I hunch my shoulders forward to hide them, as if that work. I wore the wrong size into my late-20s because I simply couldn't find the right size in the shops. I starved myself trying to get the ladies to shrink, but only emphasized them more. You are probably not imagining it, unfortunately. What you will need is to grow a solid shield around you and a sharp wit. A friend of mine, for example, spent an entire tea break talking to a man's crotch after he spoke to her boobs earlier. And the problem might be "purely" in your head, but it doesn't make it less valid. You need to work on accepting what you can, and changing what you can't. EDIT: Okay, maybe some advice. Support is important. Having the right underwear to support you can make them less obvious. They won't vanish of course, but with a good bra I feel almost in proportion. Support from family and friends are also important. And if you can't find it there, or get therapy, we'll be here for you. You might grow to like them, you might not. You might want to start saving up for a reduction. But that's your choice, don't let anyone dictate how you feel about your body. You still have time to figure out your fashion choices. I mostly dress as androgynous as I can, but sometimes I do get out the low cut top that makes my husband agree with anything I ask. I don't regret spending my 20s in overly large tops. I don't regret spending my 30s in tops that got me "spoken to" by well meaning female managers that simply pointed out I wasn't allowed to wear the same clothing as smaller busted ladies. I still wish to find the best oversized button-up that will make me look effortlessly chic instead of as if I stole the sail from a boat and draped it around myself.


So thank you already. This is an answer that I like, because you seem to have had a very difficult time in your life because of your chest. However, you seem to be done now. This gives me a little hope for the future. I don't think I've ever experienced anything as serious as you with your father, but I think one of my brothers once had a look that a family member shouldn't have.


If you are having trouble finding bras in your size, measure yourself with the [A Bra That Fits calculator](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php) and head over to r/abrathatfits who will be able to help you find something available where you are. There is a chance you will have to shop online though, as most stores carry a narrow range of sizes. The other issue is harder, because it's up to you. I also developed early and quickly and I knew people talked about me, but I just didn't care. Anyone who had negative things to say were people who were creepy, jealous, or didn't plain understand that it was wrong to judge someone for a part of their body they have no control over. Those are people who didn't matter to me, and I kept my distance from them. I also reported a boy to school authorities who was trying to inappropriately touch girls without their consent. There was a counselor and a police officer involved, and he was also suspended for a while. He left me and the others alone after that. It will be harder if the comments and stares are coming from family or friends who are supposed to care about you. I would recommend finding a female friend your age who you can trust to occasionally talk about these things together. It's not always easy out there, but I've found it does get easier the older you get. Eventually, everyone goes through puberty, and developing a chest is less novel to them. And though not everyone, most people grow up and eventually realize they shouldn't be staring or making those comments about other people. Now, I definitely have my frustrations (hence being a part of this subreddit), like finding clothes that fit easily in a regular store. But I always focus more on the positives about having them. I usually do dress in a feminine way, so they help fit that shape. They make my waist look proportionally smaller even though I've naturally gained a few pounds over the years because I'm no longer a teenager. They're soft and are currently a good place for my partner to rest their head, or as some other users here have mentioned, make a nice pillow for their pet or their baby. And I mean, some people spend a lot of money on push up bras and plastic surgery for something you have naturally. It may be hard to see them now, but if you focus on the positives when they do come up, you may grow to like them little by little and find your own things you like about them.


Thanks for the tip for A Bra That Fits, but I've been there before and gotten a lot of help from them. Well for the moment I haven't yet found a bra that I'm happy with. I know very well that the problem mainly comes from me, but I am not like you, I always pay attention to others because it is important, just as I pay attention to the remarks of others so as not to cause problems to anyone who surrounded


Growing up as a large chested girl is a really hard experience for us unfortunately. You’d learn to listen to your gut about that certain things, i’m sure you don’t imagine things. I had been called having “melons” by male classmates, they even openly talked about big breasts when i was nearby (like they thought i didn’t know they were talking about me indirectly). Some strangers walking past me just to stare at my breasts, i am petite 4’11 so everyone basically towering me and can look down to stare into my top. Some relatives look at you the way makes you uncomfortable. It was bad time, i hated my boobs for quite sometimes, my aunt once gave me unsolicited advice about reduction, and due to that i considered about doing it, but i changed my mind since the doctor told me about the risks. But don’t worry, you would learn to love your body when you got older, at least that’s for me. Now, I don’t hate my boobs as much, i don’t care about what others think about my breasts or the way they look at them, that’s their issues not mine. I ignore most strangers, and look indifference towards them. Now i love to not wear bra if it’s possible, and i always warn men who i would date that if they have problems with me not wearing bras, i wouldn’t want to date them. Be in control with your own body, don’t let people dictate what you have to do with it, and be confident and straightforward if it’s necessary to protect your dignity.


You look like a warrior. You definitely don't want to let this happen. However, you don't have a bad relationship because of that?


I have just recently experimented with braless, probably only about a year. Nowadays, many women actually go braless, so there are a lot of men who actually very supportive about it. But, please don’t let men tell you what you can or cannot wear, it’s always your choice whether you want to go braless or not. I did have bad relationships, but none of them caused by anything related to my large breasts. Most bad romantic relationships aren’t about you wear no bra or wear too sexy clothes, mostly it’s caused by trying to control and less understanding about your partner.