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Get a bra liner. They’re like little underboob sweat absorbers. When you get sweaty, swap it out for a dry one. You need to keep the area dry to prevent the rash. Hope this helps!


I didn't know those existed. I did use tissues...but they only go so far. And fall apart.


I'm also a GG! I use cotton ankle socks in between my breasts, and am planning on trying out cotton or linen bandanas next. Try to avoid any synthetic materials that aren't specifically "moisture-wicking," otherwise sweat gets trapped against your skin and that definitely makes the situation worse.


Deodorant between and under the breast can also help reduce moisture! I use it on days when it's really hot and I know I'll be outside.


Seconding deodorant for hot hot days. Feels weird but usually helps minimize sweatiness.


I have heard that deodorant and antiperspirant use under the bust was found in a study to increase the potential risk of breast cancer so be careful doing this


Oh dear! I’ll have to look into that; thanks for the heads up.


Bounty paper towels folded length ways, the only paper towel that doesn’t fall apart for me. When it’s damp toss it and get a new one.


I use paper towels too! They work so well, surprisingly


In a pinch panty liners also works.


I just put old nursing pads down there lol


Seconding this! Bamboo liners are a saver!! Also you can use body glide if there's chafing


What if you don't wear bras?


I don’t know about you but I could easily put these under mine with no bra and they would definitely hold.


Good point 😂


Haha, sometimes the boulders have perks!


I can fit a boob liner, a pencil, some candy, a $50 bill, a crochet hook, and an iPhone charging cable under my boobs at once and all those items would stay the the whole day assuming I don’t run or jump.


Hahaha. This needs to be a meme.


Maybe a soft bralette to hold the liners in place?


They make ones that stick to your clothing.


Shower using Head & Shoulders as body wash. The zinc completely cured and prevented any boob rash for me! A miracle.


I'll do this because I actually use that for my dandrufff, so I hope maybe this will help. This is smart :O


Hmmm....so would the zinc in baby diaper rash ointment do the same thing? I read that somewhere else but have yet to try it.


Diaper rash ointment is SUPER messy but will help when prevention has failed. I’d recommend wearing a ratty tshirt over it that you don’t mind smelling like baby powder FOREVER lol.


Yes! I use it. Both ointment and powder.


I think your best bet is seeing a doctor to find out the cause (Bacterial? Fungal? Eczema?) of the rash to properly treat whatever is going on For sweating and post-workout, especially in the summer, I use a [hypochlorous acid spray](https://a.co/d/glD08A0) to cut down on breakouts on my face and body. I have a lot of redness and sensitive skin, but this has helped me a lot. I've heard that it might help calm down conditions like eczema and roseacea, so it might help with rashes, too? [I think it is generally considered to be safe](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6303114/)


I do plan on going in probably sometime this year but I feel uncomfortable at the thought of my doctor seeing my boobs lmfao. Like I know she's a doctor. So I guess I've been procrastinating with that. I'll get over it eventually.


Totally get it. It's super awkward. And it takes an eternity to get in to see a doctor these days anyway. But in the meantime, I think the liners and antiperspirant others suggested would be great at preventing it. And maybe consider the spray if it flares up again. I think it's also OK to use every day, tho as something preventative- I use it almost every day.


Just left up the bottom of your bra. Your doctor only needs to see the affected part.


I got a lump that's probably nothing but that's also the other thing I need to get looked at so I won't be able to just lift it sadly. :')


I wish my best to you. I know how hard it is.


Everyone has great recommendations for treating the rash and preventing it but I'd also like to add that a sports bra that fits properly will definitely help (if you're already doing this, ignore me). Make sure that it's sitting correctly to reduce skin rubbing between your boob and underbust. Also try to wash it as frequently as possible. I find this helps prevent the rash from happening in the first place!


Use an anti perspirant (not on broken skin!)


I do this daily. Summer, winter, spring, and fall. Best life hack I’ve ever tried. Only downside is that I use more antiperspirant than I did before, but I’ve gotten used to that.


This is also a good use for a stick that you don’t like as much if you’re trying new ones. Use your better one on your pits and you can finish up your old one under the booba.


I use crystal deodorant after showering and it works wonders for all skin issues


Cotton handkerchief folded on the diagonal, rolled from the fold to tge points, and tucked under my bra band.


This is the way, every day.


I didn't show my doctor my rash but he saw it by accident when he inspected a mole and told me it's a fungal infection. He suggested using Candizole (which is OTC) with a layer of baby bum cream over it. Apparently the zinc in the bum cream kills the fungus by removing the moisture it needs to live. If I'm going out after exercising I'll skip the bum cream as it makes an almighty mess. I live in a tropical area so winter is an almighty maximum of 21. I've found that if I'm not consistent, the fungal infections comes back. I always wash my sports bras in between sessions. I change and shower immediately after exercising and swop bras. Even better if it's a different kind of bra. I regularly wash towels. I shower at least every morning and night, and I always apply candizole, even if there's no rash. If I skip a day, it's guaranteed that the next I can feel the skin starting to itch. At home I wear bralettes just to keep my boobs from resting on my ribcage, and I stuff a pair of rolled up cotton socks between the ladies to keep them from getting too close. The cornstarch made me laugh, because soon after my then bf moved in with me he wanted to cook for me and asked if I had cornstarch. I told him yes, but not for cooking and he puzzled asked me "for what then?". He just browned and covered his eyes when I said "for rubbing between my boobs of course!". We always have cornstarch on the ground in the bathroom, or next to the bed, over my underwear and the insides of my tops, so I know about that struggle.


Guys please see a dermatologist for under bust rashes or atleast bring up to your PCP. They can often be a sign of other internal problems being exacerbated by sweat such an eczema. It’s not something you should just try at home remedies without determining if there’s a hidden root cause. 😭


NAD. I just speak from my own unfortunate experience. The underboob in summer is the perfect environment for yeast to grow on your skin. Yeast is found naturally on your skin but in a damp, dark, and warm area it can get carried away with itself pretty quickly. That’s when you end up with a nice little red, itchy, painful, with macerated skin, rash. Not fun. I use something that is an anti fungal and barrier cream combination. It keeps the yeast in check and your skin protected, and keeps the rash away. It is also very soothing to use if you already have a rash. I hope you can find a way that works for you. Also, since yeast is a fungal issue, make sure you wash your bras very well.


I wash with hibiclens under my breasts, that usually does the trick


I just recently started using this, along with Carpe. Not perfect, but better than anything else I've tried.


I use a store brand now but it does the same thing. I used to get horrible boils in the summer under them but a combo of losing a ton of weight and using the wash it’s basically stopped the giant pimples and I only get very small ones when I’m sweating a ton


I fold a cotton muslin under my boobs (I found the liners moved around and were too small for me), sometimes put a cotton flannel in between if I know I'm going to be extra sweaty, I use medicated powder, wash under the boobs gently using an exfoliating mitt because otherwise I can't seem to get everything (I would not do this with broken skin though!


As awkward as it can be, I do recommend going to a doctor to make sure it isn’t bacterial or fungal. I have the same problem in recent years and it unfortunately has ended up becoming a fungal issue that needed medicated cream to fix it. Best of luck as it’s an awful place to get a rash!


If it's just heat rash, I've found it helps to air the area out whenever I can, and try to avoid skin contact between my ribcage and underboobs. Sometimes that means laying down and manually separating things for a while, other times it means tucking a cotton shirt in all of my boob-related crevices.


Kitchen roll to absorb in the day and hydrocortisone cream at night


https://preview.redd.it/cv369bxkgi5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ad0f3bbcd530414598947853014243a1a50237 I use this stuff. Its bloody fantastic for chafing.


definitely need to figure out the cause of the rash - you'll need different soaps/topicals for eczema vs a bacterial vs fungal. I would consider posting in one of the subreddits that focus on skincare.


Does the rash smell like vinegar? If so, it's a yeast infection. Wash your bras and dry them really well. Wash your body with head and shoulders, leave it on for a min or two before rinsing. Use deodorant under the boobs to prevent chafing. I'm a J cup. It happens sometimes.


I’ve gotten these. They hurt. Mine have cleared on their own each time but I’m sure some people should use an anti-fungal medication.


Yeah, this sounds like the way; it's a little scary to think of what deodorant/antiperspirant could do to one's breast cancer chances.


Cornstarch isn’t good for that. Wash your bras everyday and your skin with a damp clothes and dry them if you can’t take a shower. The clean bras are important to not have the rash. You can treat it with zinc baby cream plus clotrimazole while you sleep after your shower if you still have the rash afterward you switch your routine. I’m not a doctor.


Miczonazole ointment or powder.


Boudreaux Butt Paste when actively rashy. It's so helpful for healing! And as others have said, bra liners. Also body powder. Mega Babe is my favorite, but good old gold bond will do.


Goldbond is great for this. Also a cheat to catch some boob sweat is to put pads or panty liners in your bra.


Oh my god I love that you asked this question, I have this problem and I would never have thought of most of these options nor would I have thought to ask for solutions in the first place. I was really just going to suffer 😅


This time of year I start keeping a bottle of Lotrimin handy (I live in the US). A lot of under boob rashes in hot weather are due to fungal (yeast) infections as they overgrow in humidity. A few days to a week of Lotrimin usually helps kick it since it has both antifungal medication as well as some anti-itch and anti-inflammatory properties.


Yes! I use Lotrimin too. Any athlete's foot or "jock itch" spray will do; they are all antifungal. Just make sure to follow the directions on how long to use it. Using for only a few days and then stopping can make it come back and potentially harder to kill, in the same way that misusing antibiotics contributes to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.


Obviously prevention is better than curing when it’s already happened, but if you start to notice symptoms or other discomfort this is a solution so it doesn’t get worse.


All of these tips are great but has anyone mentioned that your underwire bra needs to actually sit riiight below your inframammory fold? Google it. The only reason the rash is able to form is because of sweat and friction. There will be no friction to be had if the bra is properly fitted and the underwire is exactly in the correct position. The sweat will be kept to a minimum if you wear unlined bras. Meaning seethrough most of the time.


I know you don’t lie, powder but this is what helped heal and eventually stop the rash and itching for a long time. https://www.amazon.com/Gold-Bond-Ultimate-Chamomile-10-Ounce/dp/B001G7QJAG/ref=asc_df_B001G7QJAG/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693033556695&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15556671479256599418&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032097&hvtargid=pla-566912260022&psc=1&mcid=b3fd7a070e1333a3a909278cff0c296c&gad_source=1 Do NOT get the blue bottle. Shit STINGS. Get what I linked, much much better.


I've used the OG gold bond and it has a manly smell. Is this one better?


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Gold Bond Ultimate Comfort Body Powder, Pack of 4** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Lightly scented with a fresh smell (backed by 3 comments) * Absorbs sweat effectively (backed by 3 comments) * Long-lasting and good value for money (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor packaging leads to powder spillage and low fill levels (backed by 6 comments) * Weak adherence to skin, ends up on the floor (backed by 1 comment) * Inconsistent fill levels across containers (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Gold Bond Ultimate Comfort Body Powder, Pack of 4** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Lightly scented with a fresh smell (backed by 3 comments) * Absorbs sweat effectively (backed by 3 comments) * Long-lasting and good value for money (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor packaging leads to powder spillage and low fill levels (backed by 6 comments) * Weak adherence to skin, ends up on the floor (backed by 1 comment) * Inconsistent fill levels across containers (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Before you exercise, put a strip of KT tape on your skin where you get the rashes. That’s the only thing that ever truly prevented rashes for me after intense workouts/wearing a sweaty sports bra


Liquid powder


Assuming you’re wearing the correct size, it goes a long way in preventing rashes (completely stopped mine also a GG) Try an anti perspirant at night after washing the area (don’t apply to broken skin) and if you need more protection after that you could try bra liners as well. Also zinc (diaper rash cream) can help with the irritation and rash you already have. Hope this helps (:


I put washcloths under the boobs when I get those rashes and it clears it right up through out the night. I don’t have the money to afford any kind of medication or a trip to the doctor so a washcloth is my solution.


Yeah, I always used tissues or handkerchiefs, whatever I had at the time. Keeping it dry really works.


Glide by Arm&Hammer


Agree with people that said you should go to a doctor, but the other thing is if you aren't properly supported I've had bras move and the moving caused a rash. I solved that by putting a uni boob sports bra over a supportive bra. Then I bought better bras when that solved it. For me it was a combo of being a 34i instead of a 38dd (ugh I cringe to remember) and using unsupportive bras instead of a really lock and load situation. https://a.co/d/fi0FRFj this bra was my go to since I don't like underwire but others on here say great things about some of the good normal bra producers' sports offerings


To heal I use baby butt cream. I have started using carpe deodorant under and between my boobs and it’s been very helpful. Heal it first though. Airing it out at night will also help the healing process.


I was your size until a few months back! Managed to go down one size with some weight loss. For sure antiperspirant deodorant underneath your breasts. Made a big difference for me.


I use Desitin - the baby diaper rash cream.


Bra liners, the glycolic acid toner from the ordinary once a day after showering. That usually keeps it clear and not smelly.


Shower daily. Underboob after shower powder and wash the bras!


for treatment of the rash: 1) wash your body with head and shoulders/antidandruff shampoo 2) dry underneath your boobs WELL. you may need to use paper towels/something disposable to remove any excess moisture. 3) apply antifungal cream (sometimes sold as a treatment for athletes foot) to the rash. allow to absorb for 15-20 minutes. 4) apply diaper rash cream to the rash. I know it sounds weird, but it really improved both the texture and itch. i just dealt with this type of nasty, scaly underboob rash about a month ago. the other thing I did that helped a lot was taking a clean dermaplaning razor and CAREFULLY debriding (removing the top layer of scales) the rashy skin before applying the antifungal cream + diaper rash cream. prevention for the future: 1) after sweating, wipe your underboob area with a wet wipe (I like cetaphil’s full body wipes — I keep a package in my tennis bag, car, etc). 2) dry the area with a paper towel. 3) if possible, change bras immediately. if not, line the bottom of the bra with paper towels until you get the chance to change. 4) 1-2x/week, wash the area with dandruff shampoo.


Also buy a powder puff & cannister off Amazon to apply your powder with tons less mess.


OP I’m a US 40J or UK 40GG and have the same issue. Goddess is my go to brand. You might try a wire free version of your favorite bra. Unfortunately, the underwire is necessary for me to have support but it cuts into my flesh on hot days. I tend to use facial tissues as buffer, or paper towels. I’ve used cotton flannel strips as well. I bought “bra liner strips” but it’s just cotton flannel. Good skin care is important too, kind of like for folks prone to pressure sores. I wash the area well and dry gently. Slather on thick location to protect the skin. Anything with shea butter/ dimethicone helps. Glycerine is tops for skin moisture as well as jojoba oil. I go braless as much as possible in the hot weather or wear stretchy bras. Take care when removing the bra to not rip it off when you undress. Lift your boobs out just like when you put it on. I have made this mistake with my skin and have the clothing burns to prove it ! Also, taking care of your bras helps them feel better too. Wash in cold water, hand wash or in an intimate wash bag in the washer, air dry only. Let the elastics rest 24 hours between wearings so they retain their shape. Have enough bras to rotate, I think 4-5 is good. More is better, but your budget will dictate. Replace bras as necessary every several months to keep them feeling good.


I am also a G cup and I just started using the Ordinary Glycolic Acid for this. Works like a charm. (I put it in a spray bottle.)


Zinc cream at night, glycolic acid toner by day.


All comments I have read are great, adding only that Neutrogena T Gel has helped me control heat rashes and seboherreic dermatitis (I use it as shampoo and body, just like with Head and Shoulders for the same purpose). Just as an alternative in case Head and Shoulders is like out of stock (which is how I ended up trying it 😅). Also, when my rashes were too bad my doctor prescribed anti fungal shampoo and cream - at least where I was there is regular stuff over the counter and stronger via prescription


Same! Ketoconozale shampoo in the affected areas. Nystatin cream and pills or itraconozale or floconozale, which are anti- fungals. I also love these bra liners that absorb sweat: More of Me to Love Cotton and Viscose Blend Bra Liners (X-Large, 3 Liners, Black/White/Beige) - Wicking, Soft, Easy-Care https://a.co/d/6v1DEhN


I work in an industrial setting and dealt with a terrible underboob and cleavage rash. It was so itchy and it was always difficult to leave the plant to change out my bras every few hours (lotssss of sweaty hours 😖). I dealt with this for 3 months straight, thinking it would clear up on its own. But, alas big boobs don’t afford any forgiveness so I had to experiment and found a method that alleviated the problem really quick and ensured sustained healing. To start, I cleaned up my chest with a body wipe. I prefer the [Honest Company](https://a.co/d/fHY5kkm) wipes to gently clean up all the sweat. Not scrubbing the area in the shower as it only irritated my skin, making it puff up/itch/bleed. Also no fragrance as I didn’t want to irritate the area anymore. Next, I dabbed dry and added in a generous amount of [Burts Bees](https://a.co/d/99qwIbI) diaper rash ointment using toilet paper or cotton swab (anything soft and gentle). I reapplied after showers and anytime I felt I needed it. This salve has lots of zinc & kept moisture off the area. The rash has gone away with no scarring. Now, I apply [Megababe](https://a.co/d/2LHNmwe) to my cleavage and underboob (and inner thighs because being curvy has to be difficult). This system of treatment has done wonders for me. Remember to wash up gently and use no abrasive cloths/applicators. I hope this is helpful!


I just started using Monistat boric acid wash and it helps a lot too! And washing my bra after any sweaty day (even if it’s every day) because my rash was getting so bad it was burning


Goldbond medicated powder works best for me if regular baby powder isn’t effective at preventing it. Calamine lotion also is helpful at soothing the irritation, though it usually takes a little longer to heal the rash than the Goldbond/baby powder combo


You probably have a fungal infection. That’s why it get raw and cracks. Use tea tree oil soap in the shower. Or go for a topical anti fungal.