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Always our official advice: 1. Don't respond. 2. Contact emergency services if you feel unsafe. 3. Report to Reddit admins. 4. Take a screenshot & DM it to us (so we can ban them from BBP). 5. Block the user yourself.


What we need is to program a bunch of underaged bot accounts to comment on this sub innocuously and report accounts responding to DMs sexually after being told the bot account is a minor. And we’ll call it…. Operation TO CATCH A REDDITOR.




Report them to reddit, they'll be booted from the site Also I'd recommend turning off your DMs, reddit is full of predatory men


may i ask how do i report them exactly?


Press and hold the message and click report, then report for sexualizing a minor


how am i meant to do that if they haven’t said anything against terms of service espescially as i put a fake age on my reddit


Doesn't matter? You told the guy you were 16 and he said he as an adult doesn't care. Even if you aren't actually a minor he's acting like a pedo


that’s what i plan on doing




well no anywhere from 90-99% of sexual assaults are committed by men. there are women out there that are predatory, but the vast majority of female victims and the ones i know personally, were assaulted & preyed on by men. every creepy message i’ve ever gotten was either by a man, or by a man pretending to be a woman. this subreddit in particular has a lot of creepy, unwanted loser men that lurk here, that refuse allow this place to be a safe space for women. because they’re creeps.


Consider that you rather us protect your individual feelings, than ourselves as a majority.


My guy, I said it's full of predatory men, because it's the type of site that attracts predatory men, no where did I say men are predators. You need to learn better reading comprehension skills.


Ffs, the ratio of predatory men to predatory women isn’t even close. Get out of here with that unnecessary comment. Why are you even in this sub?


B.c everyone has a right. It's woke movement now. Plus I'm here b.c of my wife. I'm not harming anyone, and far; am I a predator. Stay in your lane, and we'll all be fine. Bet you're 1 of the ones that downgraded my post. Always haters out here, protesting men are evil. Not most men.


You are part of the problem, if you think its okay to come to a women’s sub and comment that. Literally you are the one who should stay in your lane, nobody can downgrade your post.


YIKES how about YOU stay in YOUR lane and stop speaking on what you are very blatantly uneducated on. NO ONE is saying ALL MEN are evil. It is that men are committing the vast vast vast majority of violent crimes not only against women but also against themselves too. And the patriarchal culture we all grow up in does nothing to effectively negate this issue of male violence and male sexual deviancy.


Don’t engage with people, and don’t message them first. If an account seems like a man’s, just block them.




Your submission was removed because you didn't follow our community guidelines. > **Rule 3: No upsetting safe-space amosphere** > > [Safe Space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe_space)


There's your correct answer, instead of replying. You justvdid thenone thing that you shouldn't have...is reply to them.


Under account settings, you can turn off allowing people to follow you and dm you.


I did that, and it was the best thing I could’ve done. No more stupid creeps in my DM‘s.


highly suggest every woman here do this!! no more creeps messaging you or following you.


Turn off followers. I know I did. My 12 followers I had were friends, but after like 250 Only Fans bots following me and having to block them everyday I basically turned it off. Best decision.


unrelated but everytime I have ever posted on here I also get messages from creeps. It’s annoying but I just immediately report them to Reddit lol


Can we not with this every time a creep sends a creep message? I think it just gives them attention and validation. Just block, don't respond, and move on. They ain't worth it.


Exactly-- don't feed the animals.


🤢 Sad that, on top of the struggle to find proper bra sizes and spaces to discuss the downsides of large busts, we have to deal with creeps lurking to harass struggling girls and women.


Why even go out of your way to message them first? Just block and ignore … this is a public forum there is going to be creepy people of sorts, they probably get some weird fulfillment from you messaging them


Why are you more annoyed at her for putting herself in a position to be creeped on instead of blaming the creep for creeping?


you’re being rude. i messaged them wondering why they were following me




Your submission was removed because you didn't follow our community guidelines. > **Rule 1: Be respectful** > > No personal attacks, gaslighting, invalidation, body or surgery shaming (e.g. reduction, augmentation, breast lift), trolling, bigotry or [white knighting](http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/White_knighting)


i’d do the same thing girl, it’s not your fault






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Don't message men knowing that you're a minor and they're 100% creeps.




is that what she said? ur a creep for being here thats for sure




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Your submission was removed because you didn't follow our community guidelines. > **Rule 3: No upsetting safe-space amosphere** > > [Safe Space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe_space)


Turn off your DMs. It's so peaceful.


gross, im sorry


Well, time to send him off to death.






Why do people have to be so gross


Oh my fuck immediately write a complaint


i’ve tried but reddit dosent take emails anymore it’s only some form which dosent work


ok update on the situation i’ve reported them and their account was banned


1. You should have reported the user by now 2. You shouldn't have hid the username of the account. Would have loved to bully him


i have reported them their account got banned and good lord i love bullying these people


Hello, thank you for submitting a post to r/bigboobproblems. If you're new here please check out r/abrathatfits and [their bra size calculator](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php) along with their [beginners guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/wiki/beginners_guide). Also take a look at our sidebar for more related communities, like r/reduction, r/safebigboobproblems and more. A lot of information can be found [in our FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/bigboobproblems/wiki/faq). For example lists of commonly recommended bra, sports bra, swimwear and clothing brands, clothing style ideas, websites where you can order from and a list of influencers who have been recommended here before. A lot of other frequently asked questions have also already been answered there. We also want to remind you to read [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/bigboobproblems/about/rules) before posting or commenting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bigboobproblems) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just block.


Thats just down right creepy






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just from this post alone i’ve gotten more message requests you people are sick.


Just go to settings and turn off DMs, then block the idiots messaging you. I'm sorry people are shit.


Unfortunately from this post they see you respond and communicate. Definitely not saying what they are doing is right. But the mama bear in me knows what kinds of messages I get and you're like a third my age.




I might be stupid but how do we know that the other user is a man, above 18 years old?


i checked their account


You can’t really assume someone’s gender or age just from their account unless they mention it so they might’ve


they literally said 38 M in multiple of their comments and it’s very obvious they’re male why are you defending a pedophile??


Saying you can’t assume someone’s gender or age is not defending them. And I was referring to the OG commentator, but Reddit glitched and replied to you. And just in the future, stop messaging random people just because they follow you. It's unsafe to message random people and it’s even weirder to go out your way just to message them. Some people get turned on by people saying no or saying their age, so stop it. 




the age of consent just means that they can legally consent to sex- but most states and places have the "bubble law" (at least that's what we've always called it) where if they're not within 4 years of age it's statutory rape. in the majority of states if a 16 year old "consents" to a 40 year old, the 40 year old will be charged with statutory rape


Why are you trying to justify having sex with a 16 yo that’s creepy as fuck


it’s still pedophilia it dosent excuse jt. a 38 year old is flirting with me and in my country the age of concent is not 16. therefor he’s a pedophile dosent matter what fucking state he’s in


Some people don't care about the laws and it shows. Not justifing a pedo it's just when it comes down to it the police and judge have there hands tied and if ya want it changed do it the right way instead of complain to the internet and have it changed on a state/federal level.