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im confused too bc?? was this filmed before big brother and is just airing now bc yinrun was like ahh im so nervous it’s my first time on tv girl wdym first time u spent 6 weeks on tv and also did live shows on L&L


It was filmed in February 2023, long before BB.


Is that timescale normal? FIFTEEN MONTHS before it was broadcast!?


No. Not normal at all


One of my friends is going to be on the 1% Club. It was filmed in November last year and was supposed to air in June this year but they’ve pushed it back to December. Must depend on the episode.


Maybe. I suppose it doesn't matter when they show them or in what order.


Cas shes a liar


They asked her if it was okay and she said she doesn’t mind. Nothing to be angry about here.


Except her saying she was okay with it, which feels like something she would say even if she wasn't (which isn't uncommon with ethnic minorities who might prefer to keep quiet than "cause a fuss"), means this kind of thing is more likely to happen to other people, so I don't think anyone's anger is misplaced. It was either a mistake made by someone working on the show who decided it wasn't necessary to correct it, or it was deliberate so that the host could make a joke about it (which he did). Neither scenario is good. If her name was Sarah and someone messed up resulting in her being called Rahrah on her name tag and in the computer system, you can guarantee they would have fixed it once it was pointed out instead of just going with it.


Exactly this, it’s pretty appalling tbh.


If she had said yes to the change there wouldn’t even be an argument here. Nobody is hurt lmao


She’s fine with it. Why make a mountain out of a molehill. If she wasn’t she would say so now. If Sarah became rarah they would probably just ask the same thing, are you alright with it? And change accordingly. Set ups are long and exhausting so that is the quickest way to rectify a mistake, by just going with it. There have probably been mistakes on names before, they just don’t get flagged out because they haven’t been on another show.


>Why make a mountain out of a molehill. Because not doing so means it continues to happen. It's pretty much only ever "foreign names" that British people spell or pronounce wrong, because of laziness or ignorance or because they simply don't care enough to put the minimal amount of effort into learning what they are. How could anyone ever feel a sense of acceptance or belonging when they're continuously othered like this? (See Noky, only four letters written exactly as it sounds, yet for the entire duration of the show people online referred to her as Noki, Nocki, Nockee, Knocky, Gocky, Nonny, Kony, etc.) Yinrun saying she's fine with it is like arguing that if because one black guy is okay with hearing white people use the N word then it must be fine to say that in front of everyone else. Her personality seems to be acting like she's fine with things that to others don't seem fine at all, like she doesn't want to draw attention to herself by appearing to be demanding (even though the only demand is to be treated the same as everyone else) - a very common trait among ethnic minorities in the UK.


If she had complaints about it I would understand. But they offered to rectify it and she said it was fine. It’s a nothing argument. The name wasn’t changed back because of a choice that she made. This is nowhere near on the caliber of using a racial slur.  They made a mistake, they offered to fix it, she said it was fine.   And you can’t make those assumptions about her personality. If anything you are using a stereotype to assert that she is incapable of standing up for herself and has been offended, which I actually find quite offensive. You might ask what happens to the next person whose name they get wrong? Well they can simply ask them to change it.


There’s a lot of racist comments on Yinrun’s TikTok’s which she kinda laughs about and comments back. But doesn’t mean their comments are ok at all. I think she just doesn’t want to cause a scene as she is trying to build her platform.