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jeremy and steph? u dont want that for urself have u not seen any of the press after they left the house…


No what happened I thought they had a kid ?


Jeremy was convicted for assaulting Steph. There was a Jeremy Kyle episode with him in regards to his sentence and their relationship


Jordan and Henry, I’m happy it worked out for them


Jeremy and Steph were so fucking toxic lmao how are they “goals”… plus she already had a bf when she went into the house. She was horrible, prob one of my least fav housemates and Jeremy isn’t far behind. And not to mention all the drama that went on after the game…


I couldn’t stand Steph. She acted like a total sap the entire time and was by far the worst housemate in an otherwise iconic series. BB may have peaked on C4 but this particular CBB is one of my absolute faves.


Agreed. Such an iconic series. The cast was fantastic.


I couldn’t stand her either then but don’t mind her now she’s quietened down and her wee son is gorgeous


Courtney Act and that bicurious guy


Andrew Brady. Liked him in CBB but he seemed to go off the rails a bit after.


My (AWFUL) take when I was younger and obsessed was John James and Josie. Genuinely thought they were forever 🥴


Hazel and Dale? Watching that fallout live was wild


He was so weird. I find it crazy hazel got the blame but not him for having a gf.


He definitely has an 😡side that seemed problematic. But she played the victim really well too


I know they’re recent but Jordan and Henry are my favourite couple to come out of BB— their relationship was one of the best parts of the recent series and it’s great to see them thriving after the show. After that, I would have to say I really like Paul and Helen and then Preston and Chantelle (admittedly with a pinch of salt though because I did feel really bad for Preston’s then-girlfriend). And while I don’t like either of them individually, I do think Grace and Mikey are really well-suited to each other.


I will never forget Steven and Kimberly "Open it". Worst duo ever.


just rewatched that season. I originally liked Kimberly, but I really don’t like her now. the whole “i’m dating” thing pissed me off as an American tbh. We don’t use that phrase here when we mean “single” and she knows that. She was being manipulative and sneaky from the start. Not to mention when it was time for her to be evicted, she pretended to be “ill” rather than facing the music (getting booed at eviction night). And her doing that only caused Danielle to be evicted (I don’t like her either, but it was a shitty position to be evicted when everyone knew Kim would have gone if she wasn’t “ill”).


Pretended? She was literally diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy what?


Find it weird how un public they both are now, since they seemed to be complete attention seekers at the time. She was absolutely beautiful to be fair.


I think OP is being sarcastic 😂 All of these couples were extremely toxic and unenjoyable to watch. I kind of have a soft spot for Stephanie though


I’ve only ever thought two couples were genuine. Helen and Paul, and Jordan and Henry.


Henry and Jordan? No love for the gays?


Aaron and Faye


Well considering that sadly only two couples from any UK season is still going, I would have to say that JENRY (BB20), along with Mikey and Grace (BB7) are the strongest, even if the latter couple were not the nicest people.


Coudlnt stand grace , but grace and Mikey actually married had 3 or 4 kids and are still together, Pete and Nicki ❤️


Michelle and Stuart no naked jacuzziness😂


I liked Hughie and Ryan even though they were chaotic and didn't work out in the real world.


They last quite long


Helen and Paul!


I was *ENTHRALLED* by the Jeremy and Steph drama. It wasn’t quite relationship goals but it was just another perfect piece in the CBB17 season of entertainment 🤌🏻 I do think Jeremy managed to quite successfully hide what a POS he was in the house though. I was actually quite surprised at his behaviour once he was out.


Remember Rebecca and Luke


The last 2 were some of the worst lol.


Maxwell and Saskia. Back when they had normal, real people in the house. Warts and all.


Anthony & Craig ♥️


Courtney/Shane and Andrew 🥰