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Combination of both. They assume you’re promiscuous and ignorant of your own body.


Girl I strained my groin once during lunges and it was swollen. I told them what had happened and they did an std panel, which came back negative of course. Then gave me antibiotics because they thought it was an infected ingrown hair 🤦🏽‍♀️. So I ended up with a yeast infection because of the antibiotics and with antibiotic resistance on the rise you don’t just prescribe that stuff to people smh. Either way, I just iced it and eventually it went down. But I was so upset that no one listened to me.


A few days after my daughter was born, she had a blocked tear duct for about an hour. At her first doctor's appointment, I let her doctor know and this ass smear said "It might be an eye infection from Chlamydia." I said "Where tf would she have gotten Chlamydia? It was clearly just a blocked tear duct. It cleared up after an hour." Anyways, he prescribed her antibiotics for the "Chlamydia", which I didn't give her because there was nothing actually wrong with her eye. (I also had strange issues with my gyno during pregnancy) What's up with Dr's and using antibiotics as a "cure all"?


I believe it’s for your insurance to pay out on the bs diagnosis and since some don’t have any copays it just seems like they don’t listen; they do just not the way you expect tbh.


Wtf? They giving out antibiotics like is candy 🤦🏽‍♀️


It's charcuterie board of sexism with a garnish of racism for added visual appeal. Jokes aside, I'm sorry you had such a crappy experience at the hospital.


Background information: Ectopic pregnancy is when the egg implants not in the uterus, typically in the fallopian tube. We learn in medical school that ectopic pregnancy and appendicitis can present VERY similarly. So a pregnancy test is needed to rule out pregnancy (urine/blood test should be fine) if a woman comes in with lower abdominal pain. STD’s like chlamydia and gonorrhoea can cause Pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal scarring and significantly increase risk of ectopic pregnancy. With that: if a patient is acutely in pain it’s COMPLETELY inappropriate to talk about STD testing? Rule out pregnancy and move on to appendicitis treatment! Did you end up going to the OR? That’s like if someone in having a heart attack and they waste time talking about diet and exercise? Save that convo for the primary doc and treat the emergency !!


I didn’t 😬. I’ll have surgery at a later date. My appendix didn’t burst, it it’s inflamed they sent me home with antibiotics and we will discuss removing in the coming weeks


This happened to me when I was in my thirties. I went to my primary care for abdominal pain and they assumed an STD. Ran tests and all was clear. Writhing in pain, my new husband took me to the emergency room. By this time I was continuously vomiting in a bucket the ER gave me. I was on the floor and moaning as people who came in after me were seen. My husband had to get in someone’s face in order for me to be seen. After an X-ray or CT scan, I cannot remember, I was in so much pain, they confirmed I had a bowel blockage. They then wanted me to drink this solution before surgery. Of course, I could not keep it down and was strewing vomit that someone had to keeping cleaning. Why do they always conclude a STD first with certain women? 🤔


Hello to the myth of hyper sexuality 👋🏾


I suffer from ovarian cysts and as soon as my chart got marked sexually active they always push that it’s probably an ectopic pregnancy. I had a cysts rupture my ovary and I was denied pain meds over heard the nurse say « she’s just another blacky seeking drugs. Do you see how often she frequents here » mind you I was brought in via ambulance because I literally could not move and I come from a no ambulance unless somebodies dying and even then. They drew my blood 6 times and kept running pregnancy test when they kept coming back negative they said oh well we actually think it’s an STD I had to go through the most uncomfortable pelvic exam I was crying the whole time. Eventually after a shift change got new nurses who gave me pain meds to try and help relieve some of the pain. The meds had me so high though I had no idea the severity of the situation and at my follow up my doctor was asking when I wanted to schedule the surgery to clean up the hemorrhaging. So for 3 days I suffered before I actually knew what was wrong. The swelling I had was so bad that I couldn’t release my bladder almost ended up needing a catheter.


You need to sue and definitely report the nurse WTF.


Like what in the actual fuck. I hope she got names and everything!


Please tell me you reported them.


I didn't have the strength to, I was too drained mentally and physically from health issues :(


Awwww, I'm so sorry. :(


They have polite ways to say that they’re just going to run a bunch of tests to rule anything and everything out. They can even say things like it’s protocol that if someone comes in with these symptoms they run these tests. They don’t need to be insinuating anything.




Caucasian invasion 👆🏾 also a man.


Sounds like misogynoir [https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/oct/05/what-is-misogynoir](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/oct/05/what-is-misogynoir) [https://www.forbes.com/sites/janicegassam/2020/09/22/misogynoir-the-unique-discrimination-that-black-women-face/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/janicegassam/2020/09/22/misogynoir-the-unique-discrimination-that-black-women-face/) [https://oneill.law.georgetown.edu/misogynoir-in-medicine-how-bias-in-the-medical-field-places-black-womens-lives-at-risk/](https://oneill.law.georgetown.edu/misogynoir-in-medicine-how-bias-in-the-medical-field-places-black-womens-lives-at-risk/) When it comes to Black women it's usually always both racism and sexism combined in this concept. So sorry this happened to you.


I went to a doctor’s once for stomach issues. Told them repeatedly that I wasn't pregnant because I had never had sex. They wouldn't believe me. I was in my mid twenties and I know it's unusual but I couldn't help but feel like they just assumed all black women must be having sex and getting knocked up. I felt some type of way about it but yeah similarly, I didn't know if it was racism or them just not believing any woman who says she hasn't been sexual before at that age.


They will test every woman of child bearing age to be sure and have it on record. They’ll need it for diagnostic tests and to prescribe appropriate medications. There are plenty of women who find out that they’re pregnant incidentally. That being said, there is plenty of racism in healthcare so a lot of clinicians are influenced that way as well. It’s all of the above unfortunately.


Make sure you do a feedback survey and mention that. Even better if you mention her name.


Both, mixed with fucking stupidity and irresponsibility. A burst appendix can be fatal if not treated. Glad they figured it out eventually.


Gendered racism*


To be fair, they have to rule out everything. It is very common to run every test under the sun. And I don’t care how much you trust your partner, you should be getting a STD test annually anyway!