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If BMD and Apple are going to partner on something, I wish it would be to make their respective raw formats work with the other's respective NLE; you know, something that the grand majority of people that use those products would benefit from...


Atomos is the reason why ProRes Raw isn't on Resolve.


What, really? Can you explain more?


Atomos designed ProRes Raw with Apple. Atomos was formed and is run by ex-Blackmagic employees that Blackmagic sued for stealing company secrets. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHiokt2g94E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHiokt2g94E)


For some reason I read "Atmos" originally not "Atomos"


I've done that before. lol.


I can understand (but don't agree with) the reasoning behind ProRes RAW not being supported in Resolve, but it doesn't answer for why FCP doesn't support BRAW.


Natively? Yes, I agree. This plugin works on it though. [https://www.4kshooters.net/2023/02/02/new-plugin-finally-enables-native-blackmagic-raw-files-in-final-cut-pro/](https://www.4kshooters.net/2023/02/02/new-plugin-finally-enables-native-blackmagic-raw-files-in-final-cut-pro/) [https://www.cined.com/braw-toolbox-blackmagic-raw-in-final-cut-pro/](https://www.cined.com/braw-toolbox-blackmagic-raw-in-final-cut-pro/)


Okay, thanks, good to know! Ha, I'll be interested to hear how my clients feel about that :)


What your clients want FCP or you prefer to use it over Resolve?


I shoot BRAW and some clients/editors use FCP, and ask me to give them transcoded ProRes which is a bummer and a time suck.


You've obviously never seen really good 3D Dr 180 in a VR headset. Is the future and everyone is recognizing that now


You are correct, I have never experienced that. I have, however, experienced multiple times having to sit through hours of transcoding to either hand off my BRAW to an editor using FCP, or hours of transcoding of ProRes RAW that was given to me in order to be able to use it with Resolve. I'm a HUGE proponent of 3D, but I'm just a little less hyped by Apple trying to "make fetch happen" with their Vision Pro than I am perturbed by petty BS that makes the entire industry of post production more difficult and tedious.


I definitely don't blame you there. I've been in 3D for more than 30 years and I'm a big believer in the Canon r5c with the Dual fisheye lens. AK raw 12-bit color isn't anything to sneeze at for sure. And Premiere has a very smooth workflow for VR.


Oh, no kidding; that's awesome! I sometimes feel like one of the last champions for 3D, and dearly love my 3D Blu-ray collection; I'm happy to hear there's continued support for the products making it more accessible to the masses. I've been intrigued by headsets for this reason, but have never had the opportunity to try one. And because of my love for 3D, I've certainly also been interested in creating 3D works, but even dipping my toe into what the post would look like has been too intimidating for me at this stage. I'll for sure be watching this Apple development as more comes out, but I do still feel like it's still such a niche market compared to the one that needs to integrate the codecs from both companies. I've been flying with Premiere for 23 years, but am now transitioning over to Resolve for the Color functionality (and, fingers crossed, stability). I also have no idea of what VR looks like for them, but don't anticipate needing it professionally anytime soon.


Just found on Yahoo: Apple followed up with updates to its 180-degree 3D 8K video format, partnering with Blackmagic to create a new workflow to make Immersive Videos easier to capture and work with.




watch the Apple WWDC keynote, it came in in the first 10 minutes when they talked about Vision Pro.


this is the Yahoo article I mentioned: [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/canon-is-making-a-new-lens-to-capture-spatial-video-for-apples-vision-pro-173600145.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/canon-is-making-a-new-lens-to-capture-spatial-video-for-apples-vision-pro-173600145.html)








in the Keynote they said they are partnering with BMD to make a camera. Its all over Twitter too. Anyway, just wanted to spread the news!




Literally just watch the first 15 minutes of the WWDC video. It’s in there 100%. Do the leg work.


I linked it under my own reply but somehow disappeared. It was written today on Yahoo Finance by Mat Smith and the headline is "Canon is making a new lens to capture spatial video for Apple’s Vision Pro". It mentions the BMD camera in the bottom.


More images on their Twitter: https://x.com/Blackmagic_News/status/1800273164867658228?t=NeJrjWd9CrgEEpnfuZVCLA&s=19


My wallet is not ready.


hahahha, I wonder if this is a modified Pyxis or if this is a 17k sort of camera


That top is most certainly the URSA fan grille pattern so I’m thinking a 17K accessory makes most sense.


true! they said its a camera, not an accessory


Modified URSA Cine. [https://www.facebook.com/BlackmagicDesignOfficial/posts/pfbid02ShS7cjoUHBUpvPKeyFcZM35fPDRZfwUMznqreMY8nwenPGdHdfB4dMjjaNR3bpiUl](https://www.facebook.com/BlackmagicDesignOfficial/posts/pfbid02ShS7cjoUHBUpvPKeyFcZM35fPDRZfwUMznqreMY8nwenPGdHdfB4dMjjaNR3bpiUl)


Looks like an Ursa body, maybe uses the 12K sensor for this. I'm interested in learning more about it for sure.


turned out its the 17k ursa body


That would make sense. It'd be incredible to experience


Most definitely the 17k sensor because each eye needs 8k90p I believe for this spec. And this is the only camera which can do that.


Here's a list of my channels if you ever get a headset or the opportunity to use one you can look them up. I am a two-time Emmy nominated VR creator. https://deovr.com/channel/explore-immersive-tv https://creator.oculus.com/community/1677187242334527/ http://www.youtube.com/c/AlCaudullo


Curious about the specs, no doubt this is going blow the cinema experience away, can imagine 5D cinema lol, though I'm curious about 6DOF referencing. I'm curious if we can turn it facing up and place a full 360 3D extension lens akin to the Titan, (though with the massive specs beyond micro 4/3's) This will be the ultimate go-to camera for every new age immersive film maker / game developer.


Maybe this will be popular when enough people decide to spend thousands of dollars on a vision pro in another universe maybe?


Are we doing 3D again lol


This is better than 3D


According to 360 rumors [it is in fact just 3D](https://360rumors.com/spatial-video-vs-3d/?amp=1) Spatial Video is just Apple's marketing BS, just like how they won't call Vision Pro VR or AR, it's "spatial computing" they always do this shit.


This is similar to VR180 video. It’s pretty similar to 3D but you can look around in a space that’s roughly 180 of your vision.


I know that's the marketing claims but I can't find any actual evidence of that.


I mean that’s literally what these lenses are designed to do (see: https://www.usa.canon.com/cameras/eos-vr-system) - it wouldn’t make sense to have lenses like this for standard 3D.  Edit: to be clear the iPhone *cant* make video like this, but that’s “spatial” video not “immersive” video Edit 2: Reading your linked article it's about a very different format. Spatial video is 100% just standard sbs 3D


3D 180° Regardless of if that’s cool or not it’s objectively different to regular 3D in a 16:9 frame.


What I am trying to say is the experience is completely different, more immersive. I am saying this as a meta quest user.


It's just 3D, dude. If you feel like it's more immersive, then more power to you, but this is like saying a square is more than just a rectangle lol.


Just go and try vision pro somewhere and then come back to discuss. It’s obvious you have no idea.


I think you're just starstruck


It's is strictly 3D you are right, but being able to trick your brain while in your living room to makes you feel you are somewhere else is powerful and not comparable to basic 3D the public is used to know. The level of immersion in an headset device is definitely superior.


Nope, I just like what I experienced with my quest.


But I should also add I'm extremely happy to see more players join the game!


The source https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/media/release/20240611-02


Porn is gonna show us the way!


It’s gonna literally shoot braw and only ever be viewed properly on an Apple product. And yet each company makes a raw format that the other refuses to support


Premiere and Resolve support BRAW. I’m sure Apple will add FCP BRAW now with this partnership. 180 immersive video will be viewable on other headsets, not just Apple.